17:00:32 <timsim> #startmeeting designate 17:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 14 17:00:32 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timsim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:37 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:00:43 <mugsie> o/ 17:00:46 <trungnv_> o/ 17:00:53 <timsim> #topic roll call 17:00:54 <timsim> hi 17:01:05 <daidv_> o/ 17:01:12 <mugsie> hey 17:02:09 <timsim> #topic action items from last week 17:02:20 <timsim> non 17:02:22 <timsim> noen 17:02:24 <timsim> NONE 17:02:35 <timsim> #topic Bug Triage 17:02:52 <timsim> wow, I don't see any new ones 17:03:02 <mugsie> yeah, I think we hit peak bug 17:03:05 <timsim> nice 17:03:33 <timsim> #topic Stable Backport Triage 17:03:42 <timsim> http://paste.openstack.org/show/612573/ 17:04:27 <timsim> I don't see anything there worth bp'ing? Anyone else? 17:04:30 <mugsie> 96a5691 Fix issue with 'priority' value in pool_ns_record ? 17:04:59 <timsim> That just changes tests, I just had the same thought https://github.com/openstack/designate/commit/2e474f39bc7ca90e4c019a6bf137c23b9c66dd9e 17:05:00 <mugsie> nah 17:05:06 <mugsie> yeah - just checked 17:05:09 <trungnv_> yep. 17:05:14 <timsim> Alrighty then 17:05:20 <timsim> #topic Open Discussion 17:05:29 <timsim> o/ trungnv_ daidv_ 17:05:30 <daidv_> Can I? 17:05:33 <timsim> sure 17:06:09 <daidv_> as u know, we have completed OVO migration for Designate 17:06:09 <daidv_> :D 17:06:14 <trungnv_> all PS about OVO: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/designate+branch:master+topic:OVO 17:06:50 <trungnv_> last time, I had discuss with mugsie about them. 17:06:57 <trungnv_> Did you test them? 17:07:02 <mugsie> yeah - I need to do manual testing 17:07:31 <mugsie> I have not had a chance this week 17:07:44 <mugsie> but they look promissing 17:07:47 <trungnv_> yep. Do you have comments at the moment for us? 17:07:55 <mugsie> not yet 17:08:58 <trungnv_> yeap. 17:09:04 <timsim> FWIW, the kind of manual testing we'll be doing is basically exercising every API call that we possibly can, errors, regular calls, things that the functional tests do, and verifying that nothing has changed. 17:09:08 <timsim> Basically trying to break it 17:09:13 <timsim> If you all would like to do that, it would be welcome 17:09:45 <timsim> The other question I had is about the actual migration stuff. Have you documented what a zero-downtime migration with this new stuff looks like? Or is it not ready for that yet? 17:11:38 <trungnv_> we are implementing for rolling-upgrade at the moment. 17:11:48 <daidv_> not yet. 17:12:33 <trungnv_> if can, we will perform zero-downtime migration in the next time. 17:14:01 <mugsie> yeah - that will be more complex 17:14:06 <mugsie> you will need to look at minidns 17:14:11 <mugsie> as it does not use object 17:14:12 <mugsie> s 17:14:30 <mugsie> it uses hand crafted SQL 17:14:40 <mugsie> so, any updates may cause major issues there 17:15:17 <trungnv_> sure. a lot of things need for zero-downtime solution in Designate project. 17:15:57 <trungnv_> Now we just want to focus rolling-upgrade and OVO are things very importance now. 17:16:25 <timsim> Alright fair enough. 17:16:29 <timsim> Anything else folks want to talk about? 17:16:38 <timsim> Besides mugsie and timsim to review things please :) 17:16:50 <trungnv_> yep. 17:17:18 <trungnv_> I want to discuss about my idea for genconfig and centralize config 17:17:46 <trungnv_> I also discuss with mugsie about them. please give me any responses? 17:17:57 <trungnv_> my BP: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/designate/+spec/centralize-config-designate 17:18:13 <trungnv_> and my PS about genconfig: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472770/ 17:19:10 <trungnv_> for genconfig, I think both option for user is good solution. 17:19:37 <trungnv_> keep current sample and create full sample in the local. 17:21:00 <timsim> Hm. So I guess the value-add is that people can generate a config that has every possible option? 17:21:49 <trungnv_> yep. 17:22:06 <mugsie> it is - but there is some issues - I have a 1/2 completed revierw 17:22:14 <mugsie> I will finish that today or tomorrow morngin 17:22:34 <trungnv_> mugsie, yeah. thanks 17:22:48 <trungnv_> about my BP, any comments for it? 17:23:18 <trungnv_> nova, magnum, babican and alot project used them. 17:23:46 <timsim> It's kinda weird that we have to conf.register everywhere 17:23:52 <timsim> that's a lot of code for that 17:23:52 <mugsie> just because nova does something doesn't make it right :) 17:24:00 <timsim> ^^^^^^ x 1000 17:24:09 <mugsie> I am not sure it is worth time 17:24:19 <trungnv_> yeah. above 1000 line of code. 17:24:54 <trungnv_> I and daidv (my co-worker) will spend effort for this BP if you want. 17:25:15 <mugsie> I personally think it is harder 17:25:33 <mugsie> as you have to go look solmewhere completely different for the defined config options 17:27:08 <trungnv_> yep. my PS about genconfig which a part of in centraliz config BP. 17:27:29 <trungnv_> I believe we can. 17:27:31 <timsim> I wonder if there's a way to do it more low-tech, where you just iterate all the modules and look for config options 17:27:39 <timsim> and it doesn't have to have all this overhead. 17:28:33 <mugsie> we dont need to move everything for generation of sample config 17:28:43 <mugsie> it we just have to tell it where to get config 17:29:31 <timsim> hm. ok 17:29:48 <trungnv_> I know. but if we have central config then developer work on more easy. 17:30:11 <mugsie> I dont think so 17:30:28 <mugsie> it is more confusing 17:30:58 <mugsie> we have very little config compared to nova - so there is not a huge advantage 17:31:46 <daidv_> I wonder how did they make config reference docs? 17:33:07 <daidv_> May be, sample config is not contain every options but config reference documentation 17:33:36 <daidv_> contain most of them. 17:33:47 <mugsie> config ref is a good idea 17:33:56 <trungnv_> daidv_, we are discussing about centralize config 17:34:09 <mugsie> I would like to see that - and that can be included int he docs as well 17:34:18 <mugsie> I dont think centralised config is a good idea 17:35:16 <trungnv_> mugsie, perhaps I need discuss this idea in the next week? I will look at code-base again. 17:35:51 <trungnv_> with genconfig then I think it need for operators. 17:36:25 <trungnv_> for some users who need full config. then this is good solution. 17:36:52 <trungnv_> I remember, have some guys asked about auto-genconfig in IRC. 17:37:49 <mugsie> yeah - gen config is different to central config 17:37:56 <mugsie> I am OK wiht gen config 17:38:33 <trungnv_> yep. 17:38:57 <daidv_> mgagne, , I have one more things. 17:39:01 <daidv_> mugsie, 17:39:09 <mugsie> sure 17:39:10 <daidv_> about TsigKey name format? 17:39:25 <mugsie> yeah 17:39:29 <mugsie> thats a bad one 17:39:38 <mugsie> we cant chage it - it is a breaking API chnage 17:39:54 <mugsie> i has to go to just a string 17:41:35 <trungnv_> so we cannot validate them. 17:42:12 <trungnv_> same like tenant_id. 17:42:21 <mugsie> yes 17:42:54 <daidv_> mugsie, Hm, in near future, we can use string only. But are you comfortable with that? 17:43:10 <trungnv_> do you want to change this format in the future? 17:46:09 <mugsie> daidv_: I am not happy about it - but we made a mistake and we have to live with it now 17:46:23 <mugsie> we cannot change the format 17:46:26 <mugsie> ever 17:46:42 <mugsie> it is a breaking API change to do that, and we do not make breaking changes 17:48:08 <trungnv_> yeap. a lot of things need changed if this format convert to domainnam. 17:48:13 <trungnv_> yeap. a lot of things need changed if this format convert to domainname. 17:48:16 <daidv_> Ok, "ever" - worst news. 17:48:39 <mugsie> yeah - but we do not break things for users 17:48:51 <daidv_> yep. 17:49:05 <daidv_> mugsie, anyway, did you remember the timeout DEBUG log? 17:49:38 <trungnv_> timsim, mugsie some remain PS on Designate need you review. 17:49:50 <daidv_> I'm trying to fix it but still not find out the problem. 17:50:37 <daidv_> But I realize one thing that if we use oslo.messaging <= 5.17.1, everything is Ok. 17:51:02 <trungnv_> yeah. this is bug which hieulq raised in launchpad. 17:51:18 <mugsie> daidv_: oh, really? 17:51:20 <mugsie> humm 17:52:02 <daidv_> yep, from oslo.messaging >=5.18.0 , I got many DEBUG log about timeout. 17:53:04 <mugsie> OK - we need to look at release notes for oslo messgaing, and the code to see what changed 17:54:07 <timsim> weird 17:54:38 <daidv_> timsim, I also still have no idea on that. 17:55:02 <daidv_> As my debuging, we got the same things at 17:55:06 <timsim> hm. Well, release notes might have a clue, let's hope 17:55:07 <daidv_> https://github.com/openstack/designate/blob/master/designate/central/rpcapi.py#L154 17:55:42 <daidv_> for Ocata and master for each time PeriodicGenerateDelayedNotifyTask called 17:56:31 <daidv_> timsim, no more information from oslo.messagin releasenotes. 17:56:56 <timsim> Well, perhaps we can think of something else 17:57:27 <timsim> Are we done? We're almost at time 17:57:56 <trungnv_> yep. enough for me. 17:57:58 <daidv_> Yep. 17:58:03 <daidv_> thanks! 17:58:07 <timsim> Alright, thanks all, see you in #openstack-dns 17:58:08 <timsim> #endmeeting