17:01:17 <timsim> #startmeeting designate 17:01:18 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 19 17:01:17 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timsim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:01:22 <timsim> #topic Roll Call 17:01:51 <timsim> mugsie: trungnv: hieulq: 17:01:53 <trungnv_> o/ 17:02:41 <timsim> Might be a small crowd 17:02:50 <timsim> #topic Open Discussion 17:03:34 <trungnv_> as my promise in last meeting about RPC issue when upgrade 17:03:41 <trungnv_> this is my video and log https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yP7mE-pouM&list=PLVMnqzl_peRHxBtRUK9Ynm2w0DjW9gZ5O 17:03:47 <mugsie> o/ 17:04:02 <daidv_> O/ 17:04:40 <trungnv_> perhaps this issue when I perform upgrade from mitaka to newton and ocata 17:05:14 <mugsie> trungnv: ok, I will look at that tomorrow 17:05:23 <trungnv_> mugsie, yep. 17:05:38 * mugsie is on a cell phone, so may be slower at typing 17:06:00 <timsim> Yeah I'll give it a look at some point 17:06:14 <trungnv_> I also work on OSM which a part of in my BP about rolling upgrade. 17:06:53 <daidv_> How about your OVO testing? mugsie 17:06:57 <trungnv_> I hope I can finish this solution as soon as possible. 17:07:05 <mugsie> It's going slowly 17:07:24 <mugsie> But I do not think we should merge this before we release ocata 17:07:36 <mugsie> Pike even 17:07:57 <timsim> Yeah, the pike feature freeze is next week I think. 17:08:01 <mugsie> Yeah 17:08:04 <trungnv_> perhaps is Queen. 17:08:08 <mugsie> And it is a huge change 17:08:12 <mugsie> Yeah, eary 17:08:15 <trungnv_> yep. 17:08:21 <mugsie> Early in the cycle* 17:08:27 <daidv_> Yes. We know that 17:09:04 <trungnv_> OVO and OSM both will works fine in designate in the next time. 17:09:04 <daidv_> But just want to see your commeny about plan for that 17:09:11 <daidv_> If it is possible 17:09:36 <daidv_> s/commeny/comment 17:10:08 <mugsie> Sure, I saw the DB h 17:10:12 <mugsie> Change* 17:10:23 <mugsie> I need to read the docs for how it is supposed to work 17:10:55 <mugsie> I didn't think we need 3 sets of migrations in different folders 17:11:14 <mugsie> Can you link to docs in the commit? 17:11:24 <trungnv_> yep. I will. 17:12:50 <trungnv_> mugsie, the link to how to migrate or anything like that? 17:13:12 <mugsie> Yeah, explain why we have the 3 folders, and what tools we are using 17:13:20 <mugsie> And how a migration will work 17:13:35 <trungnv_> yep. sure. I will do it. 17:15:08 <trungnv_> this PS still on WIP thus It will have a lot of change until complete. 17:15:25 <timsim> Cool. We'll be interested to see how it comes along. 17:15:35 <mugsie> Yeap, that's cool 17:17:15 <trungnv_> I just want to ask again about centralize config BP --- Could I doing them and ignore this BP? 17:17:41 <trungnv_> s/and/or 17:17:55 <mugsie> I don't think it is worth it 17:19:19 <trungnv_> yep. 17:20:50 <trungnv_> perhaps this BP should ignore at the moment and set low priority for it. 17:21:01 <mugsie> Yeah, that would be a good idea 17:22:37 <trungnv_> I will ask you about it again when we have suitable time. 17:23:00 <daidv_> No. Thnam 17:24:28 <daidv_> Sorry. 17:24:39 <trungnv_> mugsie, timsim Could I ask you about PTG event? 17:24:44 <timsim> Sure 17:28:50 <mugsie> trungnv: was there a specific question? 17:32:53 <trungnv_> sorry. my network have a problem. 17:33:07 <mugsie> Ah, I was wondering :) 17:33:36 <timsim> trungnv_: "Could I ask you about PTG event?" was the last thing we got 17:35:56 <mugsie> trungnv: what is your question? 17:38:27 <daidv_> mugsie may be, trungnv_ want to ask something about desgnate room in PTG? 17:38:47 <daidv_> And who will join in it? 17:38:50 <mugsie> There will not be a room 17:39:05 <mugsie> I do not know if I can get funding for the travel 17:39:32 <timsim> I'm not sure if I'll be there either 17:39:35 <daidv_> Humm. 17:40:10 <daidv_> Ok. Thanks. 17:41:24 <mugsie> Anything else? 17:41:58 <daidv_> Enough for me. See u two nextweek. 17:42:39 <mugsie> Bye / 17:42:48 <timsim> o/ 17:42:51 <timsim> #endmeeting