20:02:51 <greghaynes> #startmeeting diskimage-builder 20:02:51 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 29 20:02:51 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is greghaynes. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:52 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:02:54 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'diskimage_builder' 20:02:57 <greghaynes> tada 20:03:03 <cinerama> thanks for starting the meeting 20:03:27 <greghaynes> I dont really have much of anything, havent been able to work on dib much the past couple weeks 20:03:40 <greghaynes> mostly trying to figure out the state of the v2 branch 20:03:59 <greghaynes> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/diskimage-builder+branch:feature/v2 20:04:51 <greghaynes> looks like ianw has a couple large ones which are merge conflicted and andreas has a couple of the block device patches 20:05:11 <cinerama> yeah i noticed the merge conflicts as well 20:05:21 <pabelanger> o/ 20:05:26 <cinerama> looks like many other things are all set to go 20:05:32 <greghaynes> so yea, I think the big action item for next two weeks is get those merged 20:06:26 <greghaynes> #action try to prioritize reviewing patches to the v2 branch 20:06:47 <greghaynes> The other big thing I noticed when reviewing the block device patches is it would be really nice to add some functional testing for them 20:06:49 <cinerama> i can rebase some stuff if folks are busy 20:06:53 <greghaynes> so I think I am going to take that as part of my action item 20:06:56 <cinerama> i think that's a great idea 20:06:57 <greghaynes> cinerama: that'd be awesome 20:07:31 <greghaynes> #action greghaynes to add some functional testing for the new block device interface 20:07:47 <greghaynes> #action cinerama to rebase the merge conflicted v2 patches which need it 20:07:55 <greghaynes> coolio 20:08:25 <greghaynes> The only other thing I can think of is the bug tracker - I failed at finding some time to close more bugs, I know cinerama did a ton 20:08:30 <cinerama> rebase party! 20:08:42 <greghaynes> so hopefully folks can cull some more of the oudated launchpad bugs 20:08:43 <cinerama> yeah i did some around our last meeting, but i haven't revisited since then 20:08:50 <greghaynes> awesome 20:09:05 <greghaynes> in theory ill have time the next two weeks so I'll try and prioritize that 20:09:29 <greghaynes> #action Try to continue culling old/stale launchpad bugs until we get them all cleaned up 20:10:11 <greghaynes> so, any other topics / things from previous meetings you think we should hit on? 20:10:52 <greghaynes> We missed a couple meetings so I suspect we dont have much of a following here ATM :/ 20:11:05 <cinerama> looks like the v2 stuff is progressing, though i know ianw is on top of that more 20:11:16 <cinerama> we're biweekly right? 20:11:20 <greghaynes> Yes to both 20:11:24 <cinerama> i ran the previous meeting 20:11:37 <cinerama> what else 20:11:47 <cinerama> review activity has been a bit slow 20:12:15 <greghaynes> yea :( I had been pulled in to some internal stuff so my time was basically 0 for the past couple weeks, in theory thats over now though 20:12:55 <greghaynes> I think the big thing is just to make sure we keep momentum on v2 at this point - otherwise well end up with a pile of unmerged code that is forever diverging from master 20:13:00 <cinerama> right 20:13:06 <greghaynes> and the sooner we can merge it in the better 20:13:54 <cinerama> agreed 20:14:02 <greghaynes> ok, well, last call if anyone wants to beg for review / help with something :) 20:14:11 <pabelanger> yes 20:14:12 <greghaynes> otherwise 15min meeting (which is awesome) 20:14:20 <greghaynes> pabelanger: ohai 20:14:39 <pabelanger> So, could use some eyes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/378985/ and hopefully a 1.20.1 release. Found some issues with the new runtime-ssh-host-key elements 20:14:54 <greghaynes> aha 20:14:55 <pabelanger> basically, stop using ssh-keygen -A and adds a script to do each key 20:16:11 <greghaynes> pabelanger: ok, I'll have a look. Is that release needed ASAP to fix things or? 20:16:37 <pabelanger> 2nd, is more a design question for DIBs. I want to see how I can add the ability to have disk-image-create launch ansible-playbook before the chroot is converted to an image (ansible would use the connection=chroot). The reason for this, is we'd like to break stop using puppet inside of DIB and move to ansible external of DIB, so we don't need to create virtualenvs in the image 20:16:52 <pabelanger> greghaynes: doesn't have to be ASAP, but soonish would be nice 20:18:31 <greghaynes> pabelanger: hrm. I dont know a lot about connectoin=chroot - does that just need a path and sufficient binaries in the path and itll handle all the chrooting aspects? 20:18:50 <greghaynes> trying to figure out what kind of environment dib would need to set up for ansible to make use of 20:19:20 <pabelanger> greghaynes: Right, I haven't tested yet but it would be: https://coderwall.com/p/_lpf1g/run-a-playbook-chrooted-in-a-local-dir 20:19:38 <pabelanger> setup the path to chroot in your inventory file, and ansible_connection=chroot 20:19:43 <cinerama> yeah i haven't looked at the chroot stuff in ansible yet myself 20:19:49 <greghaynes> gotcha 20:19:58 <pabelanger> so, in this case, ansible is running outside of DIB, which is something we'd like for openstack-infra 20:20:08 <pabelanger> to help remove our configuration bits from test images 20:20:51 <greghaynes> So one idea is we should make an api infront of where we call our phases (right now we just have a bash function called run_d) that allows people to plug out the dib 'runner' 20:20:54 <pabelanger> I haven't started down the path of hacking yet, but wanted to bring up the topic since we talked about it recently at our infra mid-cycle 20:21:22 <greghaynes> I'm basically thinking theres a larger thing here of 'users want to be able to have a custom runner' 20:22:27 <greghaynes> yea, its a neat idea - I think itd also help out a lot with the puppet use case as well if we made the interface more clear 20:22:33 * greghaynes will think on it 20:22:38 <pabelanger> cool 20:22:43 <cinerama> nice 20:23:24 <greghaynes> ok, well I think thats it 20:23:27 <greghaynes> #endmeeting