17:01:44 <spotz> #startmeeting diversity_wg 17:01:45 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 6 17:01:44 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg' 17:01:52 <spotz> #topic Roll Call 17:01:58 <fungi> hey howdy! 17:02:04 * SWDevAngel waves 17:02:39 <spotz> We also have the PTG planning meeting at this time but I didn't want to cancel as I did mention on the COmmunity call this meeting was taking place in the hopes of getting some of the other projects to join 17:03:03 <SWDevAngel> Cool. Has anyone else joined? 17:04:02 * fungi looks around 17:04:15 <spotz> I think just us 17:04:39 <fungi> 9 people in here, (and 4 bots) 17:04:56 <spotz> But at the same time this is a good place for folks to check in and just have social interaction:) 17:05:13 <fungi> at least two of the people reported by /nicks are currently very busy with the ptg planning meeting too 17:05:18 <spotz> megheisler is usually the only one else who attends 17:06:45 <spotz> So keeping in mind no live PTG, I am intending to keep us on the schedule for a short meeting if there is room 17:07:22 <SWDevAngel> So - I just looked at the etherpad agenda. ;) I don't have anything to add unless we wanna talk about a plan for the OpenDev conf... it went virtual right? Does that mean all the tracks are back to the drawing board, since now it is more open to those who weren't going to be able to travel? I missed the Mktg meeting last week so I didn't hear what the plan was. 17:07:31 <fungi> i get the impression there is ample room in the virtual ptg for anyone who wants to meet 17:07:54 <spotz> With everything going on I'm not sure if we should reach out to the Foundation reps for the projects or hold off until the world settles again? 17:08:13 <fungi> SWDevAngel: there is separate opendev virtual conference planning going on, it will no longer happen at the same time as the ptg 17:08:23 <spotz> fungi: That's why I'm hoping to still get an hour or two for hopefully some of the projects to pop in 17:08:41 <SWDevAngel> My hunch is to hold off. A large percentage of peeps are very distracted at the moment (me incl.) 17:08:46 <fungi> the original opendev track programming committees are being leaned on to help plan the virtual version 17:08:54 <SWDevAngel> Ahhh - got it @fungi. And okay, that makes a lot of sense. 17:09:08 <fungi> there's also an announcement i think i can find and link to, just a sec 17:09:09 <SWDevAngel> okay - cool. 17:09:20 <SWDevAngel> I've been reading the emails Mark C sends out 17:09:26 <spotz> Yeah so at least for the time being except for except for just being here for people I think this group is kinda on hold 17:10:56 <SWDevAngel> Got it. So, just so I'm clear, the PTG meeting will keep the same dates that Vancouver was but OpenDev will move to another time? 17:11:02 <spotz> weehhee extra except fors:( 17:11:14 <spotz> SWDevAngel: let me double check 17:11:17 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-March/013731.html Virtual OpenDev Update 17:11:28 * SWDevAngel reading hang on 17:11:36 <spotz> June 1-5 17:11:48 <spotz> that's PTG 17:13:14 <fungi> so a week earlier than originally would have happened in yvr 17:14:05 <SWDevAngel> Okay so on that link AND on the etherpad it refers to, it says, "OpenDev will happen after the Virtual PTG" .... so.... June 6-8? Or what? 17:14:12 <SWDevAngel> (It didn't list any dates) 17:14:39 <spotz> They may not have dates yet then 17:14:43 <fungi> dates not yet identified 17:14:51 <fungi> "sometime" after the ptg 17:14:59 <fungi> probably not "immediately" after the ptg 17:15:18 <spotz> Do we want to keep the log open? 17:15:34 <SWDevAngel> I LOVE the containers in production track. The past 3 summits that was my exact presentation (Kubernetes-based). If there's a CFP I could actually put together a decent presentation. Maybe I could even find some Kata in Prod out there. :) 17:16:03 <spotz> I think it's more moderated sessions but not necessarily CFP 17:16:30 <SWDevAngel> (I'm assuming that the OpenDev summit will be focused on OpenStack Foundation projects, or at least give priority to, for the talks?) 17:16:53 <spotz> Most likely but not sure 17:17:12 <fungi> it's not an opendev summit, just an opendev conference (similar to the prior ones which were held on "edge" and "ci/cd") 17:17:33 <SWDevAngel> Ahhhh interesting. Okay, I'll keep an eye on that etherpad and see where they are going with it and where I can help. 17:17:44 <fungi> #link http://2018.opendevconf.com/ prior opendev conference 17:18:03 <spotz> #endmeeting