14:03:00 #startmeeting diversity-wg 14:03:00 Meeting started Tue Jul 9 14:03:00 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is spotz[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:00 The meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg' 14:03:17 #topic Roll Call 14:03:20 ahoy! 14:03:44 o/ 14:03:52 Hola! 14:04:26 Saw all the survey emails sent out thank you! 14:05:15 Sure thing! 14:06:12 yeah, i think as of a few minutes ago every openinfra project is now covered 14:07:04 Just looked no new results but hopefully we'll get some in 14:08:41 it may take time to build some momentum 14:08:44 fingers crossed 14:09:05 Yeah and a few reminders sent out to prod folks along:) 14:10:17 We’ll send another round of reminders around September 14:11:12 Summer on the northern hemisphere can be a hit or miss to draw attention to smth like the survey 14:11:44 Events wise we have 2 coming up South Korea and NA. I know Allison and Helena have talked to the South Korea organizers when they were onsite. And NA is definitely taking diversity in to our plans there 14:12:12 awesome! 14:13:00 I will miss this week's NA meeting most likely as I'm in Raleigh but we'll see:) 14:14:29 Is there anything outstanding we need to discuss? 14:14:44 i didn't have anything 14:16:05 Ildiko do you have anything for us? I don't mind us having short meeting today 14:17:31 I don’t have anything either 14:18:31 Ok let's call this a very short meeting then:) Thank you both for coming! 14:19:15 Next meeting I think I'll be at Flock but as we're a typing meeting I should be able to double duty it 14:19:43 #endmeeting