00:33:56 <loquacities> #startmeeting docteam 00:33:57 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 16 00:33:56 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is loquacities. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:33:58 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 00:34:01 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'docteam' 00:34:14 <loquacities> roll call! 00:35:01 <Sam-I-Am> yo 00:35:04 <darrenc> here! 00:35:06 <loquacities> heya 00:35:08 <bmoss> present 00:35:50 <loquacities> asettle: ? 00:36:02 <asettle> SORRY 00:36:02 <asettle> HERE 00:36:03 <asettle> Oh no 00:36:08 <loquacities> damn 00:36:09 <loquacities> netsplit 00:36:27 <loquacities> looks like we're all on this side of the split, though 00:36:27 <asettle> That wasn't *so* bad 00:36:28 <bmoss> way to scare everyone away asettle 00:36:32 <asettle> Haha aww :( 00:36:36 <loquacities> so we can probably carry on 00:36:46 <loquacities> katomo: you still with us? 00:37:05 <katomo> yes 00:37:09 <loquacities> yay! 00:37:20 <loquacities> alright, let's get started 00:37:33 <loquacities> #topic Action items from the last meeting 00:37:58 <loquacities> from the last US meeting: 00:38:01 <loquacities> HA Guide team needs to determine whether to start publish RST version 00:38:16 <loquacities> i've spoken to them about that, and i believe it's going up very soon 00:38:38 <loquacities> also from that meeting: 00:38:40 <loquacities> annegentle to remove PDF of Security Guide from lulu.com 00:38:45 <loquacities> that has been done 00:38:49 <Sam-I-Am> lulu? 00:38:56 <loquacities> yeah 00:39:10 <loquacities> i think all of our books have been taken down from there now 00:39:27 <loquacities> #topic Liberty specs in review 00:39:34 <loquacities> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/docs-specs,n,z 00:39:49 <loquacities> i've been going through a lot of the specs in the past week or so, getting ready for summit 00:39:55 <loquacities> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/191041/ (Third Party driver docs - please read, will be approved shortly) 00:40:13 <loquacities> that one is ready to be merged, andreas just wanted me to add it into my newsletter before we give it the final OK 00:40:31 <loquacities> so that will happen late this week (or early next week) 00:40:38 <loquacities> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219936/ (Fixing up an existing spec - needs a core to merge) 00:40:51 <loquacities> that's a simple fix, just need another +2 00:41:05 <loquacities> any questions on specs? 00:41:26 <loquacities> ok 00:41:30 <loquacities> #topic Speciality teams 00:41:37 <loquacities> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams 00:41:45 <loquacities> #info HA Guide - Reviewing content. Any help appreciated. 00:41:56 <loquacities> #info Install Guides - Need help testing against Liberty as packages are released. 00:42:22 <loquacities> Sam-I-Am: did you want to expand on that? 00:42:45 <Sam-I-Am> yeah... although most of the testing needs to wait until the architectural change patch goes in 00:42:57 <Sam-I-Am> from there its mainly per-service patches to adjust for liberty config options 00:42:59 <loquacities> yep 00:43:02 <Sam-I-Am> deprecations, new stuff, etc 00:43:03 <loquacities> is that patch close? 00:43:11 <loquacities> i think you had WIP on it last time i looked 00:43:12 <Sam-I-Am> it builds... 00:43:15 <loquacities> good start 00:43:22 <Sam-I-Am> theres a lot more since the last upload 00:43:31 <Sam-I-Am> namely the neutron config that i'm working on now 00:43:58 <loquacities> do you need help on that at this stage? 00:43:58 <Sam-I-Am> its sort of an interesting exercise seeing what i can make common between two options 00:44:10 <Sam-I-Am> not really, just need to try stuff and see what works best 00:44:15 <loquacities> ok, cool 00:44:17 <loquacities> let's move on 00:44:19 <Sam-I-Am> sometimes trying to make content common doesnt work 00:44:26 <loquacities> #info Networking Guide - Test & review for Liberty updates. 00:44:32 <loquacities> Sam-I-Am: you're up again 00:44:41 <loquacities> anything to add on networking guide? 00:45:28 <Sam-I-Am> not too much. kilo updates and general improvements to the scenarios are done. 00:45:33 <loquacities> cool 00:45:34 <Sam-I-Am> edgar is working on a qos patch 00:45:45 <Sam-I-Am> all of the scenarios will need love for liberty again 00:45:55 <Sam-I-Am> but probably after release, once the install guide is worked out 00:45:59 <loquacities> yep 00:46:01 <loquacities> ok 00:46:03 <Sam-I-Am> still looking for contributors. 00:46:11 <loquacities> #info Security Guide - RST conversion complete, and live. 00:46:18 <loquacities> #info User Guides - Cloud Admin Guide reorganisation underway. 00:46:25 <JRobinson__> So user guide update 00:46:25 <loquacities> JRobinson__: anything to add on user guides? 00:46:41 <JRobinson__> Yes - I have a a patch up one part of a work item 00:46:51 <loquacities> cool 00:47:01 <JRobinson__> The reorganize user guides work item list needs attention 00:47:10 <JRobinson__> #info The reorganize user guides work item list needs attention 00:47:13 <JRobinson__> ^better 00:47:23 <loquacities> :) 00:47:55 <JRobinson__> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/ReorganizeUserGuides#The_List_of_Tasks 00:48:14 <loquacities> is this still targeted at liberty? 00:49:13 <JRobinson__> I am not certain all of the tasks will be complete for the liberty release 00:49:30 <darrenc> it's a fair bit of work to complete for liberty 00:49:31 <loquacities> ok, we might need to consider holding off on this and doing it for mitaka instead 00:49:44 <JRobinson__> Updated images and refreshed abstracts would be great if possible for the next four weeks. 00:49:46 <loquacities> when's the next user guide meeting? 00:50:05 <JRobinson__> User guide meeting is scheduled for tomorrow - I need to email out the reminder 00:50:18 <loquacities> ok, i'll try and attend and we can chat about this further there 00:50:29 <loquacities> let's move on 00:50:31 <loquacities> #info Ops/Arch Guides - Prepping for RST conversion in Mitaka. Please let Shilla or Darren know if you want to be involved in this team. 00:50:40 <loquacities> darrenc: anything to add on ops/arch guides? 00:51:01 <darrenc> yes, we're looking to see who can be actively involved on the Ops/Arch guide team 00:51:32 <loquacities> make sure you ask at summit. in vancouver plenty of people were interested in the ops guide 00:51:40 <loquacities> so they're out there 00:51:57 <darrenc> ok, cool 00:52:09 <loquacities> thanks darrenc 00:52:11 <loquacities> #info API docs - See status update #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/072557.html 00:52:12 <Sam-I-Am> interested, but not interested 00:52:14 <darrenc> I'll also ask on the ops mailing list 00:52:20 <loquacities> that's probably an old email now, but it's a good overview 00:52:29 <loquacities> #info Config Ref - Contact Guavain #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/ConfigRef 00:52:35 <loquacities> #info OpenStack Labs - Contact Pranav Salunke #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/openstack-labs 00:52:46 <loquacities> ok, that's all the speciality teams 00:52:51 <loquacities> anything further on that before we move on? 00:53:29 <loquacities> hi sicarie 00:54:07 <loquacities> #topic Countdown to Liberty 00:54:18 <loquacities> #info 29 Days! #link http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20151015T00&p0=1440&msg=OpenStack+Liberty+Launch+Date&font=hand 00:54:26 <loquacities> #info Release notes: #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/Liberty 00:54:29 <Sam-I-Am> somuchtodo 00:54:34 <loquacities> yup 00:54:40 <loquacities> and less than a month to go ... 00:54:50 <loquacities> #topic Mitaka Design Summit 00:54:56 <loquacities> #info Mitaka PTL elections next week #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTL_Elections_September_2015 00:55:03 <loquacities> #info We have session allocations for docs now. I'll be asking you for your suggestions in the next week or so. 00:55:13 <loquacities> any questions on the summit? 00:56:15 <loquacities> ok, last item ... 00:56:22 <loquacities> #topic Spotlight bugs: 00:56:28 <loquacities> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1284301 Document Neutron SSL-VPN for cloudadmin 00:56:29 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1284301 in openstack-manuals "Document Neutron SSL-VPN for cloudadmin" [Medium,Confirmed] 00:56:33 <loquacities> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1288044 Add user defined extra capabilities 00:56:33 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1288044 in openstack-manuals " Add user defined extra capabilities" [Low,Triaged] 00:56:39 <loquacities> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1292327 Make cors work better 00:56:40 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1292327 in openstack-manuals " Make cors work better." [Medium,Confirmed] 00:56:51 <loquacities> #topic Open discussion 00:56:57 <loquacities> over to you ... 00:57:18 <Sam-I-Am> not much else here 00:57:23 <loquacities> cool 00:57:40 <asettle> Swell. 00:57:48 <loquacities> ok, that's it 00:57:51 <loquacities> thanks everyone :) 00:58:07 <loquacities> #endmeeting