15:00:59 <ad_rien_> #startmeeting fog-edge-massively-distributed-clouds 15:00:59 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 30 15:00:59 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ad_rien_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:01 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:03 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fog_edge_massively_distributed_clouds' 15:01:11 <ad_rien_> #chair ad_rien_ 15:01:12 <openstack> Current chairs: ad_rien_ 15:01:21 <ad_rien_> #topic roll call 15:01:25 <ad_rien_> Hi guys, 15:01:36 <dsantoro> hi 15:01:38 <parus> Hello 15:01:45 <ad_rien_> #chair parus 15:01:46 <openstack> Current chairs: ad_rien_ parus 15:01:57 <kgiusti> o/ 15:01:59 <ad_rien_> parus I just added you as chair 15:02:01 <dpertin> hi 15:02:01 <rcherrueau> o/ 15:02:03 <ad_rien_> hi kgiusti 15:02:23 <kgiusti> hi 15:02:25 <ad_rien_> let's wait one minute more 15:02:28 <jamemcc> Hi 15:03:12 <ad_rien_> #info agenda 15:03:14 <msimonin1> o/ 15:03:33 <ad_rien_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/massivfbely_distributed_ircmeetings_2017 (line 1059) 15:04:21 <msimonin> o/ (get my nick bacl ) 15:04:21 <georgk> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/massively_distributed_ircmeetings_2017 15:04:26 <ansmith> o/ 15:04:33 <georgk> there was a typo 15:05:37 <ad_rien_> ok so let's start 15:06:33 <ad_rien_> First of all, like probably a few of us, I was on vacations last time so I'm not sure whether there is an important point to discuu 15:06:35 <ad_rien_> discuss 15:07:02 <ad_rien_> please go through the agenda and feel free to add something (I may have forgotten something). 15:07:26 <ad_rien_> #topic announcements 15:07:34 <ad_rien_> From our side, 15:07:54 <parus> Welcome back! Good to have you here. 15:08:10 <ad_rien_> the EnOS presentation has been selected and I just saw that the parus' one too 15:08:12 <ad_rien_> Excellent ! 15:08:32 <ad_rien_> Moreover I receive an email regarding our needs for our F2F in Sydney 15:09:02 <ad_rien_> Could you please add your name to see who is planning to attend the summit in Australia 15:09:03 <ad_rien_> ? 15:09:17 <ad_rien_> (see line 1115) 15:09:38 <ad_rien_> from my side it is still not sure but dpertin will replace me in case of 15:10:20 <ad_rien_> the second point is related to Ericsson Sweden that contacted us 15:10:38 <ad_rien_> They will be present at SF and they want to take part to some activities. 15:10:51 <ad_rien_> they cannot attend this meeting but will be present next time 15:11:31 <ad_rien_> and that's all from my side. 15:11:37 <ad_rien_> so the floors is yours 15:11:38 <ad_rien_> ? 15:12:16 <ad_rien_> ok so let's go on 15:12:36 <ad_rien_> #topic previousaction items 15:12:50 <ad_rien_> so who starts ? 15:12:51 <ad_rien_> :D 15:13:09 <ad_rien_> Because I was absent I will be pleased to know a bit more about all those actions 15:13:20 <msimonin> AMQP ? 15:13:39 <kgiusti> yes - msimonin has done great work on the testplan 15:13:41 <ad_rien_> I just want to go through the pending action first ;) 15:13:48 <parus> I had action to dive into details of use case presentation. 15:13:51 <kgiusti> np 15:13:56 <msimonin> hey kgiusti thanks :) 15:14:16 <kgiusti> well deserved! 15:14:18 <parus> There was progress and slides have been updated. But action is not complete. 15:14:28 <ad_rien_> parus: will samP announce the next meeting? it would be nice if we can define the agenda in a more collaborative way and announce sometime from our side sometime from yours 15:14:30 <parus> we can talk about it when we get to use cases 15:14:50 <jamemcc> line 1082 - this came from talk that SamP gve about the LCOO Extreme Testing effort 15:15:10 <jamemcc> Sorry - it was in fact earlier today their weekly meeting 15:15:12 <ad_rien_> ok .. 15:15:16 <ad_rien_> my bad 15:15:23 <jamemcc> Next session is to be held in the PTG next week 15:15:27 <ad_rien_> I though he was the parus colleague 15:15:29 <ad_rien_> ok 15:15:33 <parus> no pb. 15:15:49 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: to work on Control Plane use-case ? 15:16:01 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: do you have something to share? 15:16:04 <jamemcc> Is anyone else here going to be at PTG? 15:16:22 <ad_rien_> I'm not 15:16:23 <jamemcc> Sorry - I did not work on control plane user stories yet 15:16:41 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: no problem just to put it in the pedning actions 15:17:15 <ad_rien_> ok I think that's ok 15:17:23 <ad_rien_> other actions have been commented in the pad. thanks 15:17:31 <ad_rien_> so let's move to the next topic in the agenda 15:17:40 <ad_rien_> #topic on-going activities 15:17:48 <kgiusti> AMQP! 15:17:49 <jamemcc> SO the following meeting for Extreme Testing will be before this meeting in 2 weeks. I will get the UTC times and WebEx to join and add it to the agenda. And will work with SamP to announce it in the ML and tag to both LCOO and FEMDC 15:18:02 <ad_rien_> so msimonin kgiusti ansmith the floor is yours 15:18:08 <parus> jamecc: thank you! 15:18:14 <kgiusti> I'll take ombt and driver status 15:18:24 <ad_rien_> jamemcc: ACK thanks 15:18:30 <kgiusti> ombt - now that msimonin et al have started to define test metrics 15:18:42 <kgiusti> ombt will need a few tweaks (issues recorded in epad) 15:18:54 <kgiusti> to gather the proper metrics 15:19:11 <kgiusti> drivers (non-rabbit): still failing nova-related tests 15:19:30 <kgiusti> due to vhost support. Fix in progress (see epad 1104) 15:19:59 <kgiusti> and thats pretty much it on those topics. ansmith msimonin? 15:20:26 <msimonin> Currently we are iterating on a test plan 15:20:35 <msimonin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/491818 15:20:58 <msimonin> kgiusti: helps a lot to formalize it :) 15:21:10 <kgiusti> msimonin: +1 15:21:10 <msimonin> so we are now on the resilience part 15:21:17 <ad_rien_> Thanks guys …. this looks really good 15:21:36 <ad_rien_> I'm just seeing the proposal on gerrit 15:21:38 <msimonin> so there will be a new version soon 15:22:06 <msimonin> The idea after this is to instanciate this test plan using qpidd/rabbit … 15:22:29 <ad_rien_> ok great 15:22:48 <ad_rien_> Is the performance WG taking part to this work? 15:23:02 <ad_rien_> I see only people from FEMDC team? 15:23:15 <kgiusti> still marked work in progress 15:23:30 <msimonin> There might be reviewed by some people 15:23:36 <msimonin> once ready :) 15:23:41 <ad_rien_> ok 15:23:54 <parus> msimonin: I am a little confused with the review linke you shared. What is the link to the latest version of the test plan? I would like to read again. 15:23:58 <ad_rien_> will be nice to see other folks interested by these evaluations 15:24:50 <msimonin> parus: in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/491818 you can see the file modified, if you click on one of them you'll be able to see it 15:25:33 <ad_rien_> anything else regarding AMQP? 15:25:34 <parus> msimonin: Thanks. I will figure it out. 15:25:52 <ad_rien_> Maybe we can add that we found our engineer at Inria 15:26:04 <ad_rien_> that will work on that starting from October 15:26:12 <kgiusti> +1 15:26:27 <msimonin> +1 15:26:33 <ansmith> +1 15:26:43 <ad_rien_> ok so let's go 15:26:50 <ad_rien_> rcherrueau: news regarding coackroach ? 15:26:58 <rcherrueau> Yep, big news 15:27:02 <ad_rien_> s/…./cockroach 15:27:11 <ad_rien_> please 15:27:13 <rcherrueau> We have a POC of Keystone over CockroachDB 15:27:26 <rcherrueau> #link https://github.com/BeyondTheClouds/openstack-cockroachdb-dev 15:27:50 <ad_rien_> from the agenda I'm seeing in this devstack-based 15:27:57 <ad_rien_> any chance to test it with EnOS ? 15:28:04 <rcherrueau> The github project consist in a VAgrant file that spawns a VM with a CockroachDB and then installs keystone with Devstack 15:28:20 <ad_rien_> ok 15:28:22 <rcherrueau> ad_rien_: Yes, don't worry 15:29:04 <rcherrueau> We first go with devstack because devstack makes things easier when you have to update the code. 15:29:36 <rcherrueau> We have to tweak few things 15:29:49 <rcherrueau> One file in Oslo.db and another one in keystone 15:30:09 <rcherrueau> I don't know if we have the time for details? 15:30:40 <ad_rien_> so first of all thanks guys 15:31:03 <ad_rien_> I should take more vacations because you look to be more efficient when I'm out ;) 15:31:08 <msimonin> LOL 15:31:11 <rcherrueau> :) 15:31:14 <ad_rien_> the work is excellent 15:31:24 <ad_rien_> this is really awesome, in just two months 15:31:27 <ad_rien_> congrats 15:31:44 <ad_rien_> so then some technical questions: what will be the work to be able to test it with EnoS 15:31:56 <ad_rien_> (i.e. switching from devstack to openstack vanilla) 15:32:08 <rcherrueau> Actually, both OpenStack and CockroachDB are well engineered, so it wasn't so difficult 15:33:03 <rcherrueau> My intern already looked into that and it's easy 15:33:04 <msimonin> Maybe we should also gather use cases of using such a distributed backend 15:33:14 <ad_rien_> Is the process of switching from devstack to enos documented ? 15:33:19 <ad_rien_> if not it would be great 15:33:31 <ad_rien_> it would be one more valuable thing you can do with enos 15:33:37 <msimonin> There are multi region deployment that can benefit from it (just a guess) 15:33:44 <ad_rien_> +1 msimonin 15:33:44 <rcherrueau> we just have to containerized our modified keystone and oslo.db and then everything should *almost* work with enos 15:33:57 <ad_rien_> ok let's complete the note in the agenda 15:34:34 <ad_rien_> #action identify possible use-cases for keystone/cockroach DB 15:34:39 <msimonin> (maybe qpid + cockroach will lead to get rid of the cells) not saying it too loud 15:35:03 <ad_rien_> msimonin: :-P 15:35:11 <kgiusti> msimonin: tell that to the nova folks ;) 15:35:37 <ad_rien_> actually people will continue to use cells to segregate the cluster instead of using the host aggregate capability ;) 15:35:42 <ad_rien_> ok so let's be serious 15:36:01 <ad_rien_> rcherrueau: anything else? 15:36:41 <rcherrueau> I would add that it's just a POC right now, so everything works (we pass rally tests) but I don't know about performances 15:37:28 <rcherrueau> especially, CockroachDB manage transactions without lock 15:37:34 <ad_rien_> #action evaluate performance impact of cockroach backend 15:38:09 <rcherrueau> this leads to lot of contention in case of concurrency 15:39:00 <ad_rien_> hmmm this point should be clarified 15:39:00 <rcherrueau> In case of conflict, the client has to replay the request 15:39:10 <ad_rien_> It looks to be important 15:39:23 <parus> do we have a plan to expand cockroach to other db (not just keystone)? 15:39:47 <ad_rien_> yes found budgets to hire people 15:39:55 <rcherrueau> So CockroachDB offers mechanism to handle that properly. But implementing these mechanisms in oslo.db would be more difficult 15:39:56 <ad_rien_> or find an organisation that is interested by doing that ;) 15:40:06 <ad_rien_> s/found/find 15:41:09 <ad_rien_> ok 15:41:10 <ad_rien_> thanks 15:41:16 <ad_rien_> let's move to the third point 15:41:21 <ad_rien_> use-cases 15:41:25 <ad_rien_> parus: ? 15:41:48 <parus> Thanks. As I mentionned before my deck was updated. 15:42:03 <parus> I am hoping for some other eyes to take a look and provide input. 15:42:28 <ad_rien_> I will before the opendev event. you can count on me 15:42:36 <parus> #link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sBczuC2Wu1d_misBmPahLPdvyhOI4QuVy129EHunuUM/edit#slide=id.p 15:42:50 <parus> About way forward. 15:42:54 <ad_rien_> #action ad_rien_ watch the parus updates on use-case slides 15:43:14 <msimonin> parus: have you looked at the P2P option ? 15:43:25 <parus> P2P? 15:43:31 <msimonin> slide 10 15:43:37 <jamemcc> Seems to me this should be presented at the OPENDEV with request to get more reviewers and collaborators 15:44:15 <jamemcc> I know emphasis on OPENDEV is past use cases and on to solutions but still is good to anchor in use cases. 15:44:49 <parus> msimonin: I looked at the presentation you mentionned. Do you have any contact with these folks that they could provide more details? 15:45:23 <parus> msimonin: at least we should set-up to meet them in Sydney 15:45:51 <msimonin> parus: this would be great :) 15:45:56 <ad_rien_> parus: these are the guys from Ericsson 15:46:13 <ad_rien_> see line 1082 15:46:25 <parus> ah! 15:46:32 <msimonin> ah! 15:46:36 <ad_rien_> :-) 15:46:41 <ad_rien_> funny meeting today 15:46:47 <ad_rien_> lot of fun 15:46:48 <parus> So we will hear from them next week. It would be great if they could comment before next week. 15:46:59 <parus> (or week after next) 15:47:34 <parus> jamecc: Do you have more details on what to expect at OpenDev? I would be happy to present some of this. 15:48:30 <parus> Who can hook me up? jamecc? ad_rien_? 15:48:57 <parus> The third thing I would like to discuss is how to test some of these use cases. 15:49:07 <jamemcc> I do not. Where I was thinkinking this was going was that you or Adrien as Chairs would reach out to Foundation staff involved in the event and look for the cross collaboration 15:49:07 <ad_rien_> +1 15:49:55 <ad_rien_> parus: as mentioned Ericsson folks should take part to our meeting from mid of september 15:49:55 <ildikov> parus: OpenDev is a work event to understand the Edge Computing related use cases and what they demand better and to start to take the next steps towards solutions 15:50:37 <ad_rien_> from what I know they are currently writtng a white paper. I exchanged a couple of emails. 15:50:46 <ildikov> parus: also for connecting the different organizations and people who're looking into addressing these use cases and to encourage collaboration onwards 15:50:54 <ad_rien_> I can send one more and put you in CC parus if you want to 15:51:19 <parus> ad_rien: please do! 15:51:22 <ad_rien_> ok 15:51:28 <ad_rien_> so 10 minutes before the end of the meeting 15:51:40 <parus> I would like to propose try to text some of the control plane use cases (e.e.g Commissioning of an edge node) and try to make some sequence diagrams 15:51:46 <ad_rien_> parus: do you want to elaborate a bit more on the third point ? 15:51:55 <ad_rien_> +1 too 15:52:20 <parus> could we use osp_profiler, maybe on the use case from dsantoro and get a trace? 15:52:52 <ad_rien_> if we can run the use-case with enos you can do what you want ;) 15:53:02 <dsantoro> Ok so Let me quickly share status from our side 15:53:09 <ad_rien_> and AFAIK, the use-case is ok with enos 15:53:12 <msimonin> dsantoro: +1 :) 15:53:13 <dsantoro> As specified in the agenda we have updated our slides following ad_rien_ suggestion about i) k8s on top of OS motivation (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FLCjUx1xiQxRcgTG78vg255g6N2RRp8_W0B0Sz0bJH8/edit#slide=id.g2351d4feef_0_0) and ii) better emphasis on the network connection between edge and cloud 15:53:41 <dsantoro> Due to the Holidays period we did not progress too much on the use-case side but thanks to msimonin Daniele Pizzolli (in CC) completed successfully the EnOS installation on our testbed 15:53:51 <dsantoro> I am setting up another testbed 15:54:02 <dsantoro> based on Kubernetes and OpenStack connected with real cameras 15:54:20 <dsantoro> We count to have more information to share and discuss with you by the mid of September 15:54:42 <dsantoro> Currently EnOS is installed but we did not have much time to play with it 15:54:55 <ad_rien_> dsantoro: just to avoid possible missunderstandings. No one from FBK will attend the opendev event? 15:55:04 <dsantoro> and dancn who is carrying that activity is on holiday this week 15:55:17 <msimonin> dsantoro: let's keep in touch 15:55:19 <dsantoro> I confirm no one unfortunately 15:55:21 <ad_rien_> ok 15:55:30 <ad_rien_> dsantoro: if you want to visit us, you can ;) 15:55:32 <parus> dsantoro: thanks! this sounds great. 15:55:49 <ad_rien_> I already mentioned but it is good to remind ;) 15:55:51 <msimonin> dsantoro: would be nice to know more about your testbeds actually 15:56:25 <parus> I would be happy to participate, if we set-up some sort of a session like that. 15:56:38 <dsantoro> @ad_rien_: thanks we could discuss to plan a visit during next weeks 15:56:39 <ad_rien_> 4 min left 15:56:53 <parus> I yield 15:57:00 <ad_rien_> we should switch to the open discusisons. 15:57:06 <ad_rien_> parus: nothing important regarding the use-cases ? 15:57:19 <parus> all good for now. 15:57:22 <ad_rien_> can you please add some notes regarding what we discussed in the pad? 15:57:23 <ad_rien_> thanks 15:57:32 <ad_rien_> #topic open discussions 15:57:38 <ad_rien_> regarding the first point. 15:58:05 <ad_rien_> as mentioned I have been in touch with Ericsson folks. We can invite them to make a webconf to present their work. 15:58:21 <ad_rien_> People interested by that please add your name/email line 1130 15:59:03 <ad_rien_> regarding the pending actions, from my side I didn't make any progress 15:59:12 <ad_rien_> but I keep in mind I have too 15:59:22 <ad_rien_> ok 15:59:25 <ad_rien_> 1 min left ? 15:59:38 <ad_rien_> does anyone want to highlight something? 15:59:46 <ad_rien_> if not. Thanks guys for attending the meeting 15:59:50 <dsantoro> @msimonin: Sure let me talk with dancn and we can setup a call maybe next week or the next one to show what we did with our testbeds 16:00:00 <ad_rien_> ok time to end 16:00:02 <ad_rien_> #endmeeting