16:01:46 <aglarendil> #startmeeting fuel 16:01:47 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 28 16:01:46 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is aglarendil. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:51 <mihgen> bswartz: np 16:01:51 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fuel' 16:01:57 <aglarendil> Hi everyone 16:02:06 <mihgen> hi fuelers 16:02:09 <aglarendil> We have the only topic in the agenda today 16:02:09 <dpyzhov> hi 16:02:12 <salmon_> hi hi 16:02:17 <aglarendil> #topic 5.1 & 5.0.2 bugs 16:02:35 <aglarendil> We are really close to calling code freeze 16:02:41 <aglarendil> we still have some bugs yet 16:02:42 <dpyzhov> aglarendil: we have a chance to fit into one hour =) 16:03:07 <aglarendil> 5.1 bugs are: 16:03:08 <mihgen> yep folks, let's see what is left 16:03:20 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1361541 16:03:22 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1361541 in fuel "Neutron db isn't migrated during HA cluster deployment" [Critical,In progress] 16:03:31 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1340657 16:03:34 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1340657 in fuel "[library] 'keystone' delays lead to unstable MOS operations" [High,In progress] 16:03:41 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1359773 16:03:42 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1359773 in fuel "zabbix deployment error when default password is changed" [High,In progress] 16:03:52 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1355079 16:04:13 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1356278 16:04:14 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1356278 in fuel "Ceph node does not back online after cold restart" [High,Confirmed] 16:04:19 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1355758 16:04:25 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1355758 in fuel "[neutron] ha neutron gre : puppet failed to restart neutron api" [High,Confirmed] 16:04:47 <aglarendil> almost all of them have fixes on review except Keystone Memcached bug 16:05:02 <aglarendil> evgeniyl: dpyzhov to you have anything to add ? 16:05:08 <mihgen> what's the latest satus on memcached bug? 16:05:17 <mihgen> I'll have something to add, no worries ) 16:05:22 <mihgen> dmitryme: ^^ ? 16:05:25 <nurla> dmitryme: ^^ 16:05:28 <nurla> oops 16:06:25 <mihgen> before we get response from dmitryme, let's take a look at this new bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1362641 16:06:28 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1362641 in fuel "Error "Unable to establish connection to http" using user/pass credentials with cli client from a remote machine" [Undecided,New] 16:06:49 <nurla> https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1362685 16:06:49 <mihgen> it was a bit discussed in #fuel-dev today 16:06:50 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1362685 in fuel "Fuel Master 5.1 upgrade fails due to unexpected docker issues" [Medium,In progress] 16:07:05 <dmitryme> mihgen: re memcache bug: we have hope that we’ve found a cure for both issues with memcache. We are going to test it tomorrow 16:07:13 <evgeniyl> aglarendil: I have nothing to add, today were merged several patches from mattymo to address last major problems with upgrades 16:07:18 <mihgen> aglarendil: do you have any info from evg on that keystone endpoints bug? 16:07:31 <mihgen> dmitryme: ok.. 16:07:36 <aglarendil> mihgen: was that really a bug? 16:07:39 <mihgen> dmitryme: this is critical, correct? 16:07:49 <mihgen> aglarendil: it seems like a bug. Let 16:07:55 <aglarendil> mihgen: may be I missed it, but it should not be high or citical 16:08:01 <aglarendil> mihgen: so I did not pay attention to it 16:08:03 <mihgen> Let's triage. If it is not - we need to provide info how user should fix it 16:08:12 <mihgen> and improve docs top 16:08:15 <mihgen> too* 16:08:20 <dmitryme> mihgen: yes, absolutely. Without fixing them HA is barely useable 16:08:54 <aglarendil> okay, that was all about 5.1 bugs, I guess 16:08:56 <mihgen> rvyalov: do you confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1362490 ? 16:08:57 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1362490 in fuel "oslo.db and oslo-utils packages for master branch" [Undecided,New] 16:09:23 <rvyalov> mihgen: yes 16:09:29 <rvyalov> it is master repository 16:09:37 <mihgen> rvyalov: ok 16:09:43 <aglarendil> mihgen: I think it is not related to 5.x 16:09:59 <mihgen> if it's all about 5.1 in fuel project, then let's move on 16:10:02 <rvyalov> it is only for 6.0 or buidling from openstack master 16:10:10 <aglarendil> okay, then regarding 5.0.2 bugs 16:10:22 <aglarendil> we have several reviews to be merged 16:10:22 <meow-nofer__> rvyalov, btw, did we upgrade sqlalchemy to 0.9.4 in 5.1? 16:10:36 <aglarendil> #link https://review.openstack.org/117500 16:10:46 <mihgen> aglarendil: about neutron, missed it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1361710 16:10:47 <aglarendil> meow-nofer__: let's discuss it later 16:10:51 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1361710 in fuel "Hangs of Neutron l3 agent" [Medium,New] 16:11:11 <aglarendil> mihgen: let's discuss new bugs later 16:11:16 <aglarendil> we still have 5.x topic now 16:11:20 <rvyalov> meow-nofer__: no , only apply patch for current sqlalchemy. update movet to 6.0 16:11:39 <mihgen> ok. sorry folks I have to go 16:11:49 <aglarendil> rvyalov: meow-nofer__ let's discuss sqlalchemy a little bit later 16:11:52 <aglarendil> so, back to 5.0.2 16:12:00 <aglarendil> #link https://review.openstack.org/117500 16:12:13 <aglarendil> this review is related to merge of proper oslo.messaging bug fix 16:12:27 <tzn> where is rationale for that? no mention in the commit msg 16:12:47 <aglarendil> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/856764https://launchpad.net/bugs/856764 16:12:49 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 856764 in oslo.messaging "RabbitMQ connections lack heartbeat or TCP keepalives" [Critical,In progress] 16:13:18 <aglarendil> tzn: there was a temporary workaround that required a cron job to cleanup bare connections in rabbitmq 16:13:27 <aglarendil> tzn: with newer oslo.messaging fix this commit is not needed 16:13:38 <tzn> ok, got it 16:14:00 <angdraug> there's nothing in the bug 856764 comments that explains any of that 16:14:02 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 856764 in oslo.messaging "RabbitMQ connections lack heartbeat or TCP keepalives" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/856764 16:14:12 <aglarendil> angdraug: let me find MOS-related one 16:14:43 <angdraug> if there's a mos bug where current status is properly explained, 16:14:52 <angdraug> at the very list it should be referenced from this revert commit 16:15:05 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/mos/+bug/1341656 16:15:06 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1341656 in mos/6.0.x "RabbitMQ connections lack heartbeat or TCP keepalives" [Critical,Confirmed] 16:15:45 <angdraug> the most recent non-robot comment there is from a week ago 16:16:24 <angdraug> so yes, the revert commit is still in need in a better explanation 16:16:26 <angdraug> and so is the bug 16:16:32 <aglarendil> angdraug: I do not know why, this bug was assigned to MOS team 16:16:53 <aglarendil> angdraug: we now just need to revert the temporary workaround 16:17:20 <aglarendil> and it should fix broken oslo.messaging at last 16:17:29 <aglarendil> next, bugs related to patching 16:17:42 <abhishekk> hi 16:18:45 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1362675 16:18:46 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1362675 in fuel/5.1.x "Some services are not notified by their packages" [Critical,In progress] 16:18:54 <aglarendil> this bug is related to service notifications 16:19:09 <aglarendil> the review should ensure all the openstack services are started 16:19:52 <aglarendil> another bug related to patching: 16:19:54 <aglarendil> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/mos/+bug/1359705 16:19:56 <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 1359705 in mos/5.1.x "[update] non explicit packages are not updated" [Critical,Confirmed] 16:20:35 <aglarendil> we are going to get a list of updated packages for openstacj 16:20:42 <dmitryme> regarding that bug, I am working on the list of packages to be updated 16:20:53 <dmitryme> will be done in a matter of minutes 16:21:02 <aglarendil> from dmitryme and inject packages update into site.pp 16:23:17 <aglarendil> I think that's all for release blockers. Other bugs still need triaging 16:24:10 <aglarendil> anyone to add anything to 5.0.2 discussion? 16:24:14 <aglarendil> dmitryme: evgeniyl rvyalov ? 16:24:44 <evgeniyl> I don't have anything to add 16:24:44 <aglarendil> okay, let's move to open discussion 16:24:52 <aglarendil> #topic open discussion 16:25:18 <aglarendil> rvyalov: meow-nofer__ your discussion of sqlalchemy,pls 16:25:56 <rvyalov> we will update sqlalchemy in fuel 6.0 16:26:14 <rvyalov> for 5.1 only apply patch 16:26:33 <rvyalov> meow-nofer__: why need update sqlalchemy in 5.1 ? 16:28:15 <meow-nofer__> rvyalov, I didn't say we need to 16:28:20 <meow-nofer__> rvyalov, just asked 16:28:26 <rvyalov> ok 16:28:34 <meow-nofer__> rvyalov, I remember there were some issues about this 16:28:37 <dmitryme> aglarendil: sorry, I was out of my notebook. Nope, nothing to add 16:29:33 <rvyalov> yes, need update sqlalchemy for openstack master 16:30:12 <xarses> so for juno? 16:30:31 <rvyalov> yes 16:30:38 <meow-nofer__> and for plugin support 16:31:25 <aglarendil> okay, so we will update some packages for juno support in 6.0 16:31:30 <aglarendil> it seems pretty obvious to me 16:34:25 <aglarendil> any other questions? 16:34:27 <aglarendil> anyone? 16:34:38 <Tatyanka_Leontov> I do not have :) 16:35:16 <aglarendil> so it seems we can finish the meeting 16:35:24 <aglarendil> any objections? 16:35:29 <Tatyanka_Leontov> thank you :) bb everyone 16:35:33 <meow-nofer__> nope 16:36:10 <albs> thanks, bye 16:36:12 <meow-nofer__> thanks everyone 16:36:52 <angdraug> endmeeting? 16:37:23 <aglarendil> #endmeeting fuel