16:01:58 <kozhukalov> #startmeeting Fuel 16:01:59 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 16 16:01:58 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kozhukalov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:00 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:02:02 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fuel' 16:02:04 <kozhukalov> #chair kozhukalov 16:02:04 <openstack> Current chairs: kozhukalov 16:02:13 <kozhukalov> agenda as usual 16:02:23 <kozhukalov> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fuel-weekly-meeting-agenda 16:02:33 <kozhukalov> who is here? 16:02:43 <christopheraedo> Hello! 16:02:44 <mattymo> hi all 16:03:26 <kozhukalov> ok, let's start our discussion 16:03:28 <aglarendil> hi 16:03:33 <kozhukalov> #topic Summary for usage stats collection (mihgen) 16:03:37 <xarses> o. 16:03:49 <mihgen> hey, I'm just from the webex discussion on this topic 16:04:01 <mihgen> basically we wonna get following stats: 16:04:12 <mihgen> a) static, like configuration of deployment 16:04:27 <mihgen> b) usage patterns of openstack, how users use it 16:04:55 <mihgen> c) support cases - know about failures users experience 16:05:15 <mihgen> for a) it's more or less designed, kozhukalov - please help to find blueprint 16:05:42 <mihgen> for b) it's large discussion actually. Ideally we would use ceilometer if we can configure it for very low amount of info 16:05:58 <mihgen> otherwise it can blow up quickly on even 50 nodes 16:06:18 <kozhukalov> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/anonymous-statistics-performance-testing 16:06:26 <kozhukalov> am I right? 16:06:26 <mihgen> we can't force user to install ceilometer, so we could do it on Fuel master node 16:06:31 <mihgen> kozhukalov: yep, thx 16:07:07 <mihgen> but looks like for first iteration we should just go ahead with something really trivial as we don't have resources to research other ways any deep 16:07:20 <kozhukalov> I was wrong 16:07:25 <kozhukalov> right link is 16:07:26 <mihgen> kozhukalov: yeah, another bp 16:07:30 <kozhukalov> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/send-anon-usage 16:07:45 <mihgen> so easiest thing would be to just do REST API call to openstack 16:07:47 <mihgen> it 16:08:15 <mihgen> it's not gonna show dynamic / trends of usage, though we can get periodic snapshots of what is going on the cluster 16:08:31 <mihgen> that's short summary. Any questions on this / comments? 16:09:37 <mihgen> kozhukalov: let's move on 16:09:43 <kozhukalov> ok, looks like no q 16:09:55 <kozhukalov> #topic Juno status (mattymo) 16:10:01 <mattymo> Hi kozhukalov! 16:10:10 <mattymo> Great improvement from last week's turbulent events. Everything is very stable and we're working through minor bugs now. 16:10:11 <kozhukalov> mattymo: hi 16:10:16 <mattymo> We fixed a bug in nova-network this week that was blocking instances from getting internet access, along with HA MongoDB. 16:10:19 <mattymo> All components are working, but we have a floating bug of failing to deploy instances on CentOS in HA that is hard to reproduce. 16:10:23 <mattymo> We've already passed all BVTs and now new features can be added on top of vanilla Juno, including our memcached improvements for keystone. 16:10:34 <mihgen> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel#Nightly_builds 16:10:34 <mattymo> Master ISO for 6.0 is now juno and works great, but please report any bugs you see, large or small. 16:10:50 <mihgen> anyone can get ISO from there. Choose 6.0 to get Juno 16:11:13 <mihgen> mattymo: thanks you for driving it through! 16:11:27 <mattymo> I learned a lot, so it was worth it 16:11:30 <mattymo> That's all I have for my update. 16:11:31 <mihgen> :) 16:11:36 <mihgen> thx 16:11:37 <kozhukalov> so, now we can add packages into 6.0 mirror, right? 16:11:46 <mattymo> kozhukalov, yes! Please do 16:11:47 <mihgen> kozhukalov: of course 16:11:47 <kozhukalov> rvyalov: can we? 16:11:58 <rvyalov> yes 16:12:26 <rvyalov> but if it is new packages, need add it 6.0-icehouse too 16:12:48 <kozhukalov> ok, there was PR about adding mdadm to ubuntu 16:13:03 <dpyzhov> Should we get rid of 6.0-icehouse? 16:13:03 <kozhukalov> has it merged? 16:13:25 <mattymo> dpyzhov, we haven't finished cherry-picking non-merged upstream patches on top of juno yet 16:13:30 <mattymo> let's keep it until we're done on that end 16:13:33 <kozhukalov> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127163/ 16:13:33 <dpyzhov> ok 16:13:35 <kozhukalov> this one 16:13:38 <mihgen> dpyzhov: nope yet 16:13:42 <mihgen> there were issue 16:13:46 <mihgen> fixed by aglarendil today 16:13:47 <dpyzhov> Does juno passed nightly tests? 16:14:01 <mihgen> I want to get status first that we don't see random regressions first 16:14:17 <mihgen> once we are stable there and there, we should drop 6.0-icehouse 16:14:23 <mihgen> another question to devops 16:14:29 <mihgen> what do we use for Fuel CI now 16:14:36 <mihgen> for fuel-library checks 16:14:44 <mihgen> icehouse or we switched to juno packages? 16:14:50 <mihgen> bookwar: teran_ nurla ^^^ 16:14:54 <kozhukalov> any other q? 16:15:32 <xarses> mihgen: i'd like to know too 16:15:52 <bookwar> mihgen: we tested juno iso and it failed 16:16:14 <bookwar> mihgen: currently it continues to use very old icehouse iso image 16:16:30 <bookwar> qa team works on fixing the tests 16:16:35 <xarses> yuck 16:16:38 <mihgen> bookwar: failed what? 16:16:48 <mihgen> any bug? BVT passes, so what fails? 16:16:50 <bookwar> https://fuel-jenkins.mirantis.com/job/master_fuellib_review_systest_ubuntu/2826/console 16:17:16 <bookwar> the empty test on already merged fuel-library code ^^ 16:17:18 <mihgen> bookwar: nice, good test. 16:17:46 <mihgen> bookwar: any bug on that? who is working on fixing it? 16:18:01 <mihgen> it's important to quickly switch to juno packages in Fuel CI 16:18:23 <bookwar> it is supposed to be cuased by this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/128680/ ddmitriev will take a look, if it takes more than half an hour, i'll file a bug 16:18:31 <nurla> Dennis are working on fix 16:19:07 <mihgen> nurla: why don't we just revert it for now? 16:19:15 <mihgen> and then provide a better fix? 16:19:38 <mihgen> trying to fix of the fix of the wrong fix doesn't always work as expected :) 16:20:02 <bookwar> we are not sure about the reason yet, we need some time for debugging 16:20:08 <mihgen> ok 16:20:26 <nurla> we've have same passed tests against 6.0 iso, if dennis can't find problem in hour 16:20:26 <kozhukalov> moving on? 16:20:31 <mihgen> all right, ddmitriev wokring on it? 16:20:33 <nurla> i'll revert fix 16:20:40 <nurla> yep 16:20:43 <mihgen> ok, thanks 16:20:49 <mihgen> let's move on then 16:20:55 <kozhukalov> #topic Gerrit move status (rvyalov) 16:21:04 <rvyalov> we deploy new gerrit instance. we move all non openstack packages and openstack specs to gerrit instance . All the repositories in old gerrit will be read-only access to create request/merge and etc 16:21:17 <rvyalov> We planned to move to current 17/10 Friday 16:21:35 <mihgen> rvyalov: excellent 16:21:54 <mihgen> rvyalov: looking forward to see us being able to build ISO with pure vanilla openstack code 16:22:12 <kozhukalov> cool ) 16:22:15 <angdraug> me too. is that the next step? 16:22:30 <angdraug> or is there anything else we have to do first? 16:22:36 <mihgen> angdraug: yes. This is pre-requisite for many other things 16:22:47 <mihgen> as I undertand - rvyalov please correct if not 16:23:07 <rvyalov> yes, we can use public gerrit for get openstack specs and build openstack packages when building ISO 16:23:43 <rvyalov> we publish all openstack specs for deb and rpm 16:24:06 <mihgen> ok, let's cross fingers - I'm expecting to see gerrit working on the weekend :) 16:24:32 <kozhukalov> #topic Decreasing the size of upgrade tarball (kozhukalov) 16:24:43 <kozhukalov> the progress here is quite good 16:24:48 <kozhukalov> there are PRs 16:24:59 <kozhukalov> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/128323/ 16:25:12 <kozhukalov> about upgrade script 16:25:31 <kozhukalov> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124734/ 16:25:35 <kozhukalov> about make system 16:25:51 <kozhukalov> I still need to add some code to last one 16:26:01 <mihgen> kozhukalov: what's going to be the decrease in %? 16:26:16 <mihgen> from what would be if we don't do it? 16:26:22 <kozhukalov> I believe on Monday-Tuesday we'll be ready to show a demo 16:26:40 <kozhukalov> I still don't know exactly 16:26:49 <mihgen> kozhukalov: any testing was already done with repos? Just want to make sure we don't face some weirdness with repos / yum / apt-get 16:26:51 <kozhukalov> one of estimations was 50% 16:27:06 <angdraug> spec is still in review 16:27:12 <angdraug> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/121591/ 16:27:22 <kozhukalov> yes, Serge Kulanov has tested his patch 16:27:38 <kozhukalov> and he was able to create a diff repo 16:27:56 <mihgen> what do we need to complete the spec? 16:28:02 <kozhukalov> we decided to use md5 sums to figure out which packages we need to add into a diff repo 16:28:43 <kozhukalov> angdraug: yes, I just didn't have enough time to review them 16:29:26 <kozhukalov> mihgen: we need to add another patch to make system so as to be able to insert diff repos into tarball 16:29:46 <mihgen> kozhukalov: ok, thanks. Let's get reviewers.. 16:29:59 <kozhukalov> mihgen: ok 16:30:03 <kozhukalov> moving on 16:30:17 <kozhukalov> #topic Image based provisioning (kozhukalov) 16:30:41 <kozhukalov> today around 10 PRs were merged 16:31:41 <kozhukalov> last week we decided to implement choosing which provision scheme to use as a radio button on a setting tab 16:31:43 <mihgen> kozhukalov: hmm where do you get reviewers for them?) 16:31:50 <kozhukalov> it is already merged 16:32:04 <mihgen> kozhukalov: radio button is great. So it's just per env setting? 16:32:23 <kozhukalov> they were D Shulyak, A Kasatkin and A Gordeev 16:32:24 <mihgen> you can choose to provision one env with old anaconda, another - image-based? 16:32:43 <kozhukalov> mihgen: exactly 16:33:01 <mihgen> kozhukalov: what's the overall status? how much work is left still? any serios issues? 16:33:02 <kozhukalov> so we still need to add mdadm package to ubuntu mirror 16:33:14 <kozhukalov> and merge image building scripts 16:33:27 <kozhukalov> which were under work last days 16:34:10 <kozhukalov> i hope it just some bugs are still needed to be fixed and that is it 16:34:51 <kozhukalov> one of the members of QA team has already touched this feature 16:35:03 <kozhukalov> any other q? 16:35:49 <kozhukalov> ok moving on then 16:36:00 <kozhukalov> #topic Upstream neutron manifests (xenolog) 16:36:38 <xenolog> ISO with June and upstream Neutron is ready (custom ISO #65). 16:36:38 <xenolog> I tested it by hands. 16:36:38 <xenolog> System tests (#126, #127, #128) is going now. 16:36:38 <xenolog> My opinion -- changes ready to merge, iso -- for QA team. 16:36:39 <xenolog> Neutron team also tested lastest changes. 16:38:08 <kozhukalov> xenolog thanx 16:38:16 <kozhukalov> any q? 16:38:34 <mihgen> xenolog: thx 16:38:36 <angdraug> xarses: how's review status of ^ 16:38:36 <kozhukalov> we still have 20 minutes 16:38:43 <mihgen> what are we waiting for merging this? 16:38:53 <mihgen> aglarendil: angdraug - ^^ 16:39:11 <mihgen> when can we merge upstream puppet modules for neutron 16:39:19 <aglarendil> mihgen: we are waiting for custom tests to pass 16:39:29 <aglarendil> mihgen: custom bvts i mean 16:39:36 <aglarendil> mihgen: with latest master 16:39:48 <aglarendil> mihgen: and upstream neutron code 16:39:52 <angdraug> review by xarses from yesterday requested some coding style changes, are all these now addressed? 16:40:33 <aglarendil> angdraug: I am not aware of them 16:40:48 <aglarendil> angdraug: could you send particular links, please? 16:41:03 <angdraug> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103280/ 16:41:04 <xarses> angdraug: correct, mostly stile issues, I will check in the AM, there was a note on the card that there where rebase changes I'll probably poke around there 16:41:08 <angdraug> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103279/ 16:41:23 <angdraug> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103278/28 16:41:48 <xarses> s/stile/style 16:42:29 <angdraug> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126010/ 16:42:36 <angdraug> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126414/ 16:43:09 <aglarendil> angdraug: xarses actually, I do not see any -1's from Andrew there 16:43:35 <xarses> thanks angdraug 16:43:56 <angdraug> aglarendil: see patchset 52 in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103280/ 16:44:00 <xarses> xenolog: you fixed the issue you noted in the card with the iso being broken? 16:44:33 <xenolog> broken was previous ISO 16:44:38 <xarses> ok 16:46:00 <kozhukalov> ok, guys 16:46:29 <kozhukalov> looks like we have nothing to discuss any more 16:46:35 <mihgen> thanks fokls 16:46:42 <mihgen> folks* 16:46:47 <kozhukalov> ending? 16:46:54 <mihgen> have a good day! 16:47:05 <kozhukalov> thanx everyone 16:47:15 <kozhukalov> #endmeeting