16:01:44 <kozhukalov> #startmeeting Fuel 16:01:45 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 26 16:01:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kozhukalov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fuel' 16:01:56 <kozhukalov> #chair kozhukalov 16:01:57 <openstack> Current chairs: kozhukalov 16:02:02 <agordeev> hi 16:02:04 <kozhukalov> who is here? 16:02:04 <seeg> \o 16:02:05 <irinapov> hi 16:02:08 <vkramskikh> hi 16:02:36 <kozhukalov> great, at least 5 persons ) 16:02:42 <irinapov> yup :) 16:02:55 <kozhukalov> ok, we have little to discuss today 16:02:59 <kozhukalov> let's start 16:03:09 <kozhukalov> #topic Fuel plugins SDK: wiki page and further steps (irinapov) 16:03:27 <irinapov> Please, be informed that I’ve created a wiki page for Fuel Plugins (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/Plugins). We’ll use it for providing user and dev-side materials. 16:03:42 <irinapov> I’d like you to review the contents and make changes if necessary. On Monday, I’ll send an announcement to openstack-dev ML about the wiki page. As to Fuel Plug-in Guide: since we’re moving to SDK for Fuel Plugins, placed at Mirantis webpage (https://software.mirantis.com/fuel-plugins/) all issues related to plugins should become independent. 16:04:23 <irinapov> I’d also like to note that we have #fuel-plugins channel in Slack - feel free to enter and ask questions - always glad to answer 16:04:26 <kozhukalov> cool, looks like there are lots of info on this page 16:04:51 <irinapov> yup, it'll also have links to the webpage with tutorials and SDK-related topics 16:05:08 <irinapov> so, my request is to review the wiki :) 16:05:11 <kozhukalov> irinapov: slack is private 16:05:35 <kozhukalov> irinapov: are we going to create irc channel as well& 16:05:38 <kozhukalov> irinapov: are we going to create irc channel as well? 16:05:57 <irinapov> I believe, we'll use current IRC channels 16:06:00 <seeg> the wiki says about #fuel-dev -- maybe it's sufficient? 16:07:03 <bookwar> +1, let's start with #fuel-dev 16:07:11 <kozhukalov> irinapov: who do you think is the best person to review? 16:07:38 <irinapov> I believe, Evgeny Li could do this and, sure, the other folks involved into plugin development process 16:08:05 <kozhukalov> he is not around unfortunately 16:08:15 <irinapov> yup, but I can ping him :) 16:08:24 <kozhukalov> irinapov: please ping him personally 16:08:30 <irinapov> np 16:08:42 <kozhukalov> ok, great job 16:08:48 <kozhukalov> thanks 16:08:53 <irinapov> anyway, I'm waiting feedback from any of you! thx 16:08:55 <kozhukalov> any q? 16:09:13 <kozhukalov> if no, let's move on 16:09:31 <kozhukalov> #topic IBP (agordeev) 16:09:45 <agordeev> hi 16:09:52 <agordeev> The implementation of http reconnection for fuel-agent was finished. Waiting on review queue. 16:09:55 <agordeev> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/ibp-reconnect 16:09:56 <agordeev> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157090/ 16:09:59 <agordeev> The implementation of bp/ibp-build-ubuntu-images was started few days ago. ETA is 2d more. 16:10:01 <agordeev> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/ibp-build-ubuntu-images 16:10:03 <agordeev> The remained bp/ibp-image-checksums hasn't been started yet. ETA of implementation is 2d 16:10:04 <agordeev> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/ibp-image-checksums 16:10:06 <agordeev> There's a chance that the delivery of BP-s might be delayed and not be in time of FF. 16:10:08 <agordeev> Bugs: few bugs are still around. But there are not critical. Few fixes are still sitting on review. 16:10:10 <agordeev> Backporting 'device busy' fix to classic provisining is paused and its ETA couldn't be property estimated. 16:11:40 <angdraug> what's wrong with the device busy bug? 16:11:45 <kozhukalov> and another point is that we've changed repo_metadata format and deployment the whole flow 16:12:23 <kozhukalov> and we have pre-deployment astute task which gonna pre-configure repos on a slave node 16:12:25 <agordeev> angdraug: it's too hard to bring the changes to preseed/kickstart stuff. It takes a lot of time. 16:13:09 <kozhukalov> so it looks like we need to throw away that stuff in fuel-agent which is about configuring repos (with cloud-init) 16:13:50 <kozhukalov> angdraug: going to deliver this fix at an early date 16:14:01 <agordeev> angdraug: it looks like it might be working fine and fixed, but it doesn't work when you apply it. Debugging capabilities are very limited, especially for preseed 16:14:06 <kozhukalov> angdraug: i mean 'device busy' 16:15:06 <angdraug> thanks, I see 16:15:40 <angdraug> no fundamental problem, just the usual preseed madness... 16:15:41 <kozhukalov> agordeev: and another point is that it looks like we are not able to re-implement image building script in python by FF 16:15:51 <kozhukalov> angdraug: exactly 16:16:14 <kozhukalov> ok, if there is no other q, let's move on 16:16:51 <kozhukalov> #topic Pecan migration (seeg) 16:17:08 <seeg> well, as part of continuing work of meow-nofer and overall acceptance via the mailinglist discussion last 2 days I worked on migrating our API to pecan 16:17:30 <seeg> the biggest issue raised against pecan i think was that the reverse function that we use in tests would be difficult to write 16:17:37 <seeg> well, it turns out it's not that difficult :) 16:17:39 <seeg> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158661/ 16:17:54 <seeg> the Ci tells me that 716 tests pass already, with 130 failing 16:18:29 <seeg> I'm keeping backwards compatibility with our API 16:18:42 <salmon_> awsome :) 16:18:46 <seeg> overall it's not extremely difficult to do 16:18:54 <seeg> just fix tests one by one 16:19:12 <kozhukalov> seeg: great, go ahead 16:19:30 <salmon_> seeg: why did you change version number? 16:19:34 <salmon_> api version 16:19:34 <kozhukalov> seeg: looking forward to see it implemented 16:19:39 <seeg> it was like that, i'll bring it back 16:19:47 <salmon_> ah, ok 16:19:52 <seeg> it doesn't matter with reverse 16:20:00 <seeg> in fact currently neither v1 nor v2 is added to the urls 16:20:11 <seeg> it's very easy, just add one mor controller and name it v1 16:20:27 <seeg> and I'm open to suggestions on improving the api :) 16:20:51 <kozhukalov> seeg: looks like reviewing this patch will be really painful 16:20:56 <seeg> :) 16:21:05 <kozhukalov> i mean + over 3000 lines 16:21:16 <seeg> I thought about creating some wrapper class that would take current handlers and return pecan's controller class 16:21:20 <seeg> most code is just copy-paste anyways 16:21:48 <seeg> something like make_pecan_controller(NodeCollectionHandler) 16:22:01 <seeg> I think it might be done but haven't tried it, and probably there still will be corner cases 16:22:12 <seeg> but for simpler handlers this could be possible, which would reduce amount of code 16:22:41 <seeg> I'm basing on our tests, if all pass I assume API is healthy :) 16:22:49 <kozhukalov> anyway, it is great to see it is going on because webpy is really outdated these days 16:24:05 <kozhukalov> any other q? 16:24:19 <kozhukalov> moving on then 16:24:34 <kozhukalov> #topic Open discussion 16:25:23 <kozhukalov> does anybody have anything? 16:26:09 <xarses> I was hoping to get some updates about the possible package / mirror / caching solution 16:26:24 <xarses> I asked in the ML last week and still haven't had any updates 16:26:48 <barthalion> there is nothing to be said yet, actually 16:27:03 <barthalion> the best solution about caching would be distributed cache 16:27:13 <xarses> so we have no solution, and FF is next week? 16:27:47 <barthalion> but all p2p solutions for apt are either dead or CPU hungry 16:27:53 <xarses> what are we doing to ensure that the packages we need are at least available from the remote repos? 16:28:55 <kozhukalov> xarses: there is bp 16:29:02 <kozhukalov> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/consume-external-ubuntu 16:29:35 <kozhukalov> it is supposed that user will be able to set a bunch of repos via UI 16:29:48 <kozhukalov> this set of repos is per cluster 16:30:09 <kozhukalov> it is almost ready 16:30:16 <angdraug> that bp spec doesn't specify a script to mirror repos 16:30:38 <kozhukalov> angdraug: yep 16:30:38 <xarses> yes, but its noted as "OPTIONAL: Check that provided repos contain all required packages." 16:31:34 <kozhukalov> we make an assumption that at least of these repos is upstream ubuntu mirror 16:31:39 <xarses> we will have big quality risk if we dont have a) local mirror AND/OR b) check we have all packages 16:31:45 <kozhukalov> with installer image and udeb packages 16:31:49 <barthalion> as kozhukalov says 16:32:50 <barthalion> checking packages availability is overengineering 16:33:08 <barthalion> we want to consume external repo to keep things simple 16:33:19 <kozhukalov> xarses: i think it is more up to a customer 16:33:55 <xarses> barthalion: so you want to start the deployment, and not know if all of the packages can be found, only to find that they are missing when the deployment fails 2 hours later? 16:34:07 <kozhukalov> i mean let's think she understands that broken mirror will likely break deployment 16:34:11 <xarses> kozhukalov: yes, it should, both options should be avail to the customer 16:34:45 <barthalion> 2 hours earlier? it will fail just after ibp 16:35:03 <xarses> ibp packs all of the deps for Ceph? 16:35:09 <xarses> Openstack? 16:36:08 <xarses> my understanding it would be the bare OS like in anaconda or debian-installer 16:36:58 <kozhukalov> when you install ubuntu from upstream you usually get all necessary packages, but if you install from your own broken mirror, then something gonna go wrong, and you'll know about that after a while (it is common situation) 16:38:09 <kozhukalov> xarses: ibp does not install extra packages, just base OS 16:38:36 <kozhukalov> then puppet installs everything else 16:38:57 <xarses> kozhukalov: yes, it will break, and often. but we literally switched to providing everything on the fuel node specifically to avoid problems with fetching packages from remote repos. We must do somthing to ensure we dont regress here 16:39:23 <kozhukalov> we certainly don't have engineering resources to implement repos validation by 6.1 16:41:07 <kozhukalov> are there any other q? 16:41:10 <xarses> We need options then to help limit the impact. I think worse case we could move the make repo code from the iso into the master and allow the user to build and point to their own mirror 16:43:18 <maximov> why we cannot download packages through apt-proxy and failover to official repos in case of failure? sorry for newcomer question 16:43:30 <kozhukalov> as far as I know we are going to deliver kind of script which allows user to make its own mirror from upstream 16:43:59 <barthalion> maximov: we discussed similiar option using squid 16:44:09 <xarses> so next topic, When would we consider applying granular deployment patterns to the rest of the nailgun tasks (specificly provisioning) 16:44:15 <barthalion> maximov: it doesn't solve everything, but is surely way to go 16:44:45 <xarses> by the way, the granular deployments stuff is AWESOME, way to go guys! 16:46:07 <kozhukalov> xarses: can not answer 16:47:12 <xarses> it would be useful to compose custom tasks that could provsion (few)-> deploy(few) -> provsion (remaining) -> deploy (remaining) 16:47:58 <xarses> for cases like if you want to deploy a KVM host, and make VM's for the controllers from it 16:48:14 <kozhukalov> yes, that certainly would be great to use this pattern 16:48:24 <xarses> OK, food for thought 16:48:33 <xarses> thanks 16:48:58 <kozhukalov> thank you guys for attending 16:49:13 <kozhukalov> if there is no other q, then ending 16:49:31 <kozhukalov> #endmeeting