14:00:54 <SridarK_> #startmeeting fwaas 14:00:55 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 28 14:00:54 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SridarK_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:56 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' 14:01:09 <SridarK_> #chair xgerman yushiro 14:01:10 <openstack> Current chairs: SridarK_ xgerman yushiro 14:01:48 <SridarK_> Not sure if more folks have joined 14:01:49 <bogdando> o/ 14:01:51 <reedip> o/ 14:01:54 <chandanc_> Hello All 14:01:57 <yushiro> hi 14:02:00 <SridarK_> ah there :-) 14:02:12 <SridarK_> lets get started 14:02:51 <SridarK_> I did not have any significant annnouncements 14:03:16 <reedip> v2 Horizon Patch is up for first review SridarK_ : 14:03:27 <reedip> thats an announcement :D 14:03:27 <SridarK_> Yes lets pick that up 14:03:35 <SridarK_> :-) 14:03:43 <SridarK_> #topic FWaaS v2 14:04:09 <SridarK_> Lets dive into L2 Support 14:04:14 <SridarK_> chandanc_: pls go ahead 14:04:29 <chandanc_> I could run some test on the OVS driver 14:05:03 <chandanc_> I am able to populate the OVS tables with flow rules by converting the FWG rules 14:05:10 <SridarK_> oh nice 14:05:14 <xgerman> +1 14:05:18 <yushiro> +1 14:05:21 <SarathMekala> +1 14:05:24 <reedip> +1 14:05:39 <chandanc_> create fwg works though the delete fwg will need work on the def FWG part 14:06:00 <SridarK_> and what u have is a table allocated for fwaas ? 14:06:16 <chandanc_> this means we can get to a OVS driver in standalone mode 14:06:31 <chandanc_> the tables are in 40 and 50 series 14:06:38 <SridarK_> ok 14:07:11 <chandanc_> there was a suggestion from annp about keeping the tables same and trying out different flow priorities 14:07:18 <SridarK_> we can handle coexistence as a next step 14:07:23 <chandanc_> will look into that approach too 14:07:29 <chandanc_> yes SridarK_ 14:07:54 <annp> chandanc_: +1 for your considering. 14:07:56 <chandanc_> thats next step but have to fix somesmall issues 14:08:14 <SridarK_> ok yes that is an interesting thought too - i dont know too much on ovs but a pros vs cons for taking this approach will be good to evaluate 14:08:26 <vks1> hi 14:08:26 <chandanc_> thanks annp , i will suggest we can start collaborating 14:08:44 <chandanc_> sure 14:08:52 <yushiro> chandanc_, annp +1 good collaborating :) 14:08:53 <annp> chandanc_, sure. :) 14:08:54 <chandanc_> a little more update 14:09:01 <SridarK_> chandanc_: annp: u should run this by Jakub as well before we go too far down this path 14:09:14 <SridarK_> to ensure that we are aligned with neutron direction 14:09:18 <chandanc_> i found some changes were needed on the agent and plugin side 14:09:30 <SridarK_> chandanc_: ok pls go ahead 14:09:51 <chandanc_> i have updated the l2 ext patch for this 14:10:16 <chandanc_> unfortunatly the plugin changes also git into the l2 ext patch 14:10:23 <annp> Sridark: Ok, I will evaluate it. 14:10:36 <chandanc_> i will clean it up by tomorrow 14:10:59 <SridarK_> chandanc_: no issues - we can discuss on gerrit as well 14:11:09 <yushiro> chandanc_, wow, thanks. Could you put some comments to l2 ext patch? 14:11:22 <chandanc_> SridarK_, if you look at the l2 ext patch you will figure out the changes 14:11:28 <SridarK_> chandanc_: ok 14:11:47 <chandanc_> yushiro, my changes are mostly to fix the driver loading 14:12:09 <chandanc_> please review it and let me know if it needs rework 14:13:16 <chandanc_> SridarK_, i will add Jakub in the reviewer list 14:13:24 <SridarK_> chandanc_: +1 14:13:53 <chandanc_> that all from my side, please have a look at the patch and provide feedback 14:13:57 <chandanc_> :) 14:13:59 <SridarK_> chandanc_: anything else to add or discuss ? 14:14:03 <yushiro> chandanc_, aha, I see. thank you. 14:14:08 <SridarK_> chandanc_: ok 14:14:15 <chandanc_> thats mostly it 14:14:55 <SridarK_> chandanc_: i think we can skip the FWaaS L2 driver as such due to some dependency on the ovs changes unless u have something to discuss 14:15:28 <chandanc_> I think we can skip it 14:15:43 <SridarK_> ok 14:16:10 <SridarK_> On the L2 agent #link https://review.openstack.org/323971 14:16:27 <SridarK_> chandanc_: u already mentioned that u had some updates 14:16:41 <SridarK_> yushiro: other things u would like to discuss 14:17:33 <yushiro> SridarK_, yeah, now I try to test l2 ext + default fwg. 14:18:05 <SridarK_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/425769/ - default fwg 14:18:25 <yushiro> aha, thanks. This is link ^^^ 14:18:40 <SridarK_> yushiro: i think u had a few minor things to take care off other wise the default fwg is mostly ready 14:19:11 <SridarK_> ofcourse pending the dependency on L2 driver + ovs related changes 14:19:25 <yushiro> SridarK_, yeah. Last week meeting, we discussed a little about configuration file for default fwg. 14:19:50 <yushiro> yes, L2 driver + ovs is also pending. 14:20:06 <SridarK_> yushiro: yes - unfortunately - i have been swamped the last week with other issues at work so did not get a chance to think more 14:20:20 <SridarK_> on reedip's proposal 14:20:38 <reedip> oh yeah ... I forgot :D 14:20:43 <yushiro> SridarK_, me too. I had to work another job ... 14:20:56 <SridarK_> such is life :-) 14:21:10 <yushiro> reedip, wow!! hahaha 14:21:31 <reedip> yushiro : Another JOB ??? !!! 14:21:33 <SridarK_> reedip: could u start a discussion with the fwaas team on email 14:21:33 <reedip> wow ! 14:22:03 <reedip> SridarK_ sure, can you add it as an action to me ? ( I dont think # action will work for me) 14:22:26 <SridarK_> reedip: or i can possibly do it too i might have an email chain with the entire team 14:22:31 <yushiro> reedip, I'd like to decide 2 things. 1: configurable default fwg with neutron.conf or not. 2: Can we modify default firewall group rule or not 14:22:34 <SridarK_> u can then add the discussion 14:23:27 <yushiro> reedip, another job is from my manager... TBH, I'd like to work community more!!! :) 14:23:56 <reedip> SridarK_ either way works for me. 14:24:17 <SridarK_> yushiro: i think reedip was wondering if u found a way to get 2 paychecks ;-) 14:24:32 <xgerman> lol 14:24:39 <reedip> yushiro : lets discuss it on the email, because I SridarK_ was swammped and I was JUST caught offgaurd ( I forgot my thoughts :P ) 14:24:58 <SridarK_> reedip: i will send out an email 14:25:05 <xgerman> I put my thoughts on the review ;-) 14:25:08 <SridarK_> and u can add more discussion 14:25:13 <SridarK_> :-) 14:25:20 <reedip> yushiro : dont worry , I am also in the same spot ... doing 2 jobs at the same time... thats why I dont have ny updates for today's meeting for Fullstack / neutron-lib ( jfyi ) 14:25:50 <reedip> SridarK_, all , actually I have been assigned with Deployment at a customer .... 14:25:54 <yushiro> SridarK_, ahaha! OK, I understood. sorry for confusing ;-) 14:25:56 <reedip> so m here 14:25:59 <SridarK_> i think most of us are in that situation 14:26:12 <reedip> making openstack WORK ! 14:26:13 <reedip> :D 14:26:19 <SridarK_> reedip: :-) 14:26:27 <SridarK_> ok lets move on 14:26:53 <yushiro> reedip, SridarK_ Sure. I agree with your suggestion( discussing on ML) 14:27:33 <SridarK_> yushiro: did u have a chance to look at the public vs shared #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/424534/ 14:28:17 <SridarK_> from Akihiro's suggestion - seems like we are more shared than public 14:28:27 <reedip> As per amotoki we should have it as public :) 14:29:12 <yushiro> SridarK_, Sorry. I couldn't check it but we should convert from 'public' to 'shared'. 14:29:35 <reedip> yushiro : wait 14:29:42 <SridarK_> yushiro: no worries - we can pick it up next week or when u get some bandwidth 14:29:53 <SridarK_> i think we have some clarity on that 14:30:19 <SridarK_> lets move on 14:30:28 <SridarK_> #topic Horizon 14:30:28 <yushiro> SridarK_, sure. 14:30:41 <reedip> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fwaas/2017/fwaas.2017-03-21-14.00.log.html#l-151 14:30:45 <amotoki> honestly I could not remember where I mentioned it, though I remember I said so. 14:30:55 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, I have checked in my first patch today 14:30:56 <reedip> amotoki : Link above :D 14:31:08 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: pls go ahead - thx for getting this started 14:31:10 <SarathMekala> Horizon UI https://review.openstack.org/#/c/450567/ 14:31:32 <SarathMekala> as of now Rule add and get functionality are working 14:31:37 <SarathMekala> working on update and delete 14:31:41 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: great 14:31:53 <chandanc_> +1 14:31:58 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: i think we need to address Rob's comments 14:32:03 <SarathMekala> I got a review comment by Rob Creswell saying we should follow LBAAS plugin model for Horizon 14:32:05 <yushiro> SarathMekala, good start. 14:32:19 <yushiro> +1 14:32:23 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, yeah.. I was looking into it 14:32:31 <SarathMekala> https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard 14:32:37 <SarathMekala> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-lbaas-v2-ui 14:32:51 <SarathMekala> there is a cookie cutter to create a horizon UI plugin project 14:32:57 <SarathMekala> Cookie cutter https://github.com/openstack/ui-cookiecutter 14:32:58 <xgerman> yep, I figured they liked the plugin and extra repo stuff ;-0 14:33:02 <reedip> I suggest adding amotoki in the reviewer as well 14:33:10 <reedip> for Horizon 14:33:16 <SridarK_> Also amotoki mentioned to us in the PTG as well in terms of repo strategy - we may need to think in terms of a separate repo 14:33:42 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, yes.. in the plugin approach we will have a separate repo 14:34:00 <xgerman> yeah, LBaaS has separate repos for horizon, openstack client, and potentially tempest 14:34:05 <SarathMekala> and we will have to introduce devstack installation procedures e.t.c 14:34:14 <reedip> xgerman : LBaaS is Everywhere :) 14:34:25 <SarathMekala> xgerman, yes 14:34:28 <xgerman> and it’s being renamed to octavia ;-) 14:34:31 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: but it is good to start getting the code in place - u can cut over to another repo following existing precedents 14:34:51 <reedip> xgerman : yeah I know it too well :D 14:35:05 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: but great and thx for getting this started 14:35:15 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, should i continue in the current mode and cut out to the plugin mode later? 14:35:29 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: i think it is best to make the switch now 14:35:39 <reedip> SarathMekala : IMHO , could you change to plugin early on ? 14:35:50 <reedip> than to change a whole lot of stuff later on? 14:36:10 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, reedip .. I can switch over to plugin mode.. but will have some learning curve for it 14:36:38 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: no issues - look for some examples as in the lbaas case 14:36:56 <reedip> SarathMekala : We can demo the current patch in Boston while the plugin is in progress 14:36:59 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, sure.. I am looking at lbaas implementation 14:37:03 <reedip> how does it sound? 14:37:05 <SarathMekala> got some fair idea 14:37:30 <SarathMekala> reedip, sure.. I am targetting to get the UI up by boston summit 14:37:35 <yushiro> That's a great idea. 14:37:36 <reedip> gr8 :) 14:37:36 <SridarK_> xgerman: could u maybe link up SarathMekala to an lbaas contact 14:37:52 <reedip> rm_work would be the best :) 14:38:03 <xgerman> all the people who worked on our dashbaord quit/moved on to other non-OpenStack projects 14:38:10 <SridarK_> :-( 14:38:15 <xgerman> IBM… 14:38:31 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: i will ping RobC as well to get some info 14:38:58 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, thanks.. any contact person for general queries will be great as well 14:39:11 <xgerman> I think Rob is a good guy 14:39:18 <xgerman> for that 14:39:35 <SridarK_> And keep amotoki on the reviews - he has given the best feedback on all things UI 14:39:44 <SarathMekala> xgerman, thanks 14:39:46 <yushiro> +1 14:40:03 <amotoki> is the topic still horizon? 14:40:06 <SarathMekala> SridarK_, reedip .. I will add amotoki as well for the UI review 14:40:10 <SridarK_> amotoki: yes 14:40:17 <amotoki> i would like to ask you one question 14:40:33 <amotoki> do you prefer neutron-fwaas-dashboard vs neutron-dashboard (for various stadium projects) 14:40:35 <amotoki> ? 14:41:02 <amotoki> I think we had this topic before but after that no dashboard is coming actually from neutron stadium 14:41:05 <xgerman> mmh, what does Neutron prefer? 14:41:37 <SridarK_> amotoki: good point - we will need to be embed fwaas on neutron ports - so u think being a part of neutron dashboard makes more sense ? 14:41:38 <amotoki> neutron-dashboard means dashboard for all neutron stadium projects (except neutron) like fwaas, taas, sfc .... 14:42:14 <yushiro> amotoki, IMHO, neutron-dashboard is much more community concept 14:42:16 <amotoki> SridarK_: what does 'embed' mean? 14:42:23 <SridarK_> amotoki: that seems to make more sense 14:42:40 <SridarK_> amotoki: just saying that fwaas rules are installed on neutron ports 14:42:45 <amotoki> I am thinking to start a ML thread. you can respond it 14:42:57 <robcresswell> This is my irc nick btw, if you need to discuss Horizon 14:43:05 <hoangcx> amotoki, Today i tried to push a Horizon patch for VPNaaS. Also got the same comment from Rob to provide a plugin... 14:43:07 <robcresswell> Just travelling, will be home in 15 mins 14:43:18 <SarathMekala> robcresswell, thanks.. I will get in touch with you 14:43:22 <SridarK_> robcresswell: thx will ping u as well 14:43:32 <reedip> Sorry, got disconnected 14:43:33 <yushiro> wow. Nice to meet you robcresswell and thanks for your review for SarathMekala's patch. 14:43:46 <xgerman> +1 14:44:05 <SridarK_> amotoki: it seems with the neutron-dashboard - possibly with SFC and some integration with these projects will be a good idea 14:44:52 <robcresswell> Sure, ping me any time. I'm always on IRC. Timezone is UTC, but I'm always online so I'll respond ASAP. 14:44:56 <reedip> neutron-dashboard will be better to keep all projects in sync , I think 14:45:00 <robcresswell> As long as I am not asleep. 14:45:11 <amotoki> :) 14:45:14 <xgerman> irc-to-brain interface 14:45:23 <SridarK_> :-) 14:46:10 <SridarK_> ok good i think we have a plan 14:46:12 <SarathMekala> :) thanks.. I will go through the lbaas plugin model and get back to you 14:46:12 <SridarK_> lets move on 14:46:33 <SridarK_> #topic Stadium Compliance 14:46:44 <hoangcx> I think separate is better as we are currently control stadium repos by dedicade team. But it needs more discussion 14:46:50 <SridarK_> reedip: shal we skip as u said u were swamped 14:47:09 <reedip> SridarK_ : Please skip for now. I will send an update on the ML 14:47:15 <SridarK_> hoangcx: noted lets discuss more 14:47:30 <reedip> SridarK_ however, the neutron-lib patches need reviews 14:47:36 <SridarK_> reedip: cool we will nag u next week 14:47:45 <SridarK_> reedip: ok got it 14:47:50 <reedip> wait I havent finished nagging you guys 14:48:08 <SridarK_> reedip: :-) 14:48:20 <SridarK_> shall we move on ? 14:48:37 <reedip> Ok, just one patch probably for neutron-lib : https://review.openstack.org/445728 14:48:43 <reedip> rest, please move on :) 14:49:48 <SridarK_> ok 14:50:11 <SridarK_> #topic Performance improvement (Netlink) 14:50:29 <SridarK_> tuhv: annp: pls go ahead 14:50:44 <cuongnv> hi, I'll continue works of tuhv 14:51:04 <cuongnv> Cedric has left some comments since last weekends, I'm updating based on his reviews 14:51:32 <yushiro> cuongnv, good 14:51:34 <SridarK_> cuongnv: ok great 14:51:44 <cuongnv> your reviews are welcome, of course 14:52:25 <yushiro> cuongnv, tuhv, annp , hoangcx sorry for slow reviewing ;-( 14:52:46 <cuongnv> yushiro, np 14:52:54 <SridarK_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/433598/ 14:53:09 <SridarK_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/437311/ 14:53:23 <SridarK_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/438445/ 14:53:38 <xgerman> I have been distracted as well… 14:53:42 <SridarK_> cuongnv: these are the reviews correct ? 14:53:56 <reedip> We All Need A Break ! 14:54:11 <cuongnv> SridarK_, yep 14:54:23 <SridarK_> reedip: it is more a context switch rather than a break :-) 14:54:26 <cuongnv> SridarK_, https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1664294+status:open this works as well 14:54:45 <SridarK_> cuongnv: got it 14:55:22 <SridarK_> ok lets move on 14:55:36 <SridarK_> #topic Open Discussion 14:55:57 <xgerman> reedip asked about our deprecation plan 14:56:04 <reedip> aah.. yeah ! 14:56:09 <SridarK_> xgerman: yes 14:56:12 <reedip> today morning in the fwaas channel 14:56:31 <SridarK_> How abt we align that with the summit 14:56:32 <reedip> thanx xgerman , I seem to forget things toay 14:56:45 <xgerman> happy to help ;-) 14:56:48 <SridarK_> hopefully we will be in good shape with L2 14:56:49 <reedip> oh , so we would go ... SURPRISE, V1 is being deprecated ! ?? 14:57:02 <xgerman> it’s been deprecated for two years 14:57:08 <reedip> hehehehe 14:57:25 <reedip> then SURPRISE .. v1 is deprecated for 2 years but now we are moving On ! ? 14:57:28 <SridarK_> with that we can announce the actual, yes really, this time for sure deprecation 14:57:42 <xgerman> yep 14:57:56 <reedip> though I think Pike 1 is a better option 14:57:59 <SridarK_> over next 2 weeks lets put together a plan for the summit presentation 14:58:05 <xgerman> so we also made sure that in theory you could run V1 and V2 side-by-side 14:58:21 <xgerman> so people could keep V1 and ease into V2 14:58:21 <yushiro> but still maintaining / fixing bug for v1,,, right? 14:58:47 <xgerman> well, we need to set an end-of-life date 14:58:55 <reedip> No new features for V1. 14:59:07 <reedip> only bug fixes yushiro 14:59:09 <SridarK_> possibly Q release ? 14:59:14 <xgerman> usually after deprecation you hAve two cycles… but with use being deprecated for two years we should set a date 14:59:16 <reedip> till End Of Life as mentioned by xgerman 14:59:18 <reedip> 2 minutes left ... 14:59:27 <reedip> SridarK_ Lets have a vote on ML 14:59:36 <reedip> 1: Pike-1 with deprecation in R-1 14:59:47 <SridarK_> ok lets add this as a topic for next mtg 14:59:47 <reedip> 2: Boston Summit with Deprecation in VanCouver Summit 15:00:03 <xgerman> k 15:00:04 <SridarK_> ok we are close to time 15:00:04 <reedip> sorry EOL in R1 /Vancouver 15:00:16 <SridarK_> reedip: lets add this to our discussion in mail 15:00:22 <SridarK_> #endmeeting