14:00:18 <yushiro> #startmeeting fwaas 14:00:19 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 13 14:00:18 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yushiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' 14:00:41 <yushiro> #chair SridarK xgerman_ yushiro njohnston_ 14:00:41 <openstack> Current chairs: SridarK njohnston_ xgerman_ yushiro 14:00:45 <SridarK> hi all 14:00:57 <reedip_> \o/ 14:00:59 <xgerman_> o/ 14:01:01 <hoangcx_> o/ 14:01:06 <SarathMekala> hi all O/ 14:01:14 <yushiro> Hi. Let's get start. Today is my turn :) 14:01:18 <vks1> hi all 14:01:22 <yushiro> #topic Pike 14:01:50 <yushiro> 1st: L2 support 14:02:09 <yushiro> Pleaset let me announce about l2-agent patch. 14:02:30 <yushiro> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/323971/ 14:03:05 <yushiro> I just updated l2-agent patch. Now adding more UTs. 14:04:01 <reedip_> yushiro: put -1 on the workflow instead of the review.. confuses fellow reviewers :) 14:04:32 <yushiro> 1 remaining item is a comment from annp about handle_port calls twice.. 14:04:55 <yushiro> reedip_, OK. 14:05:29 <yushiro> That's all my side. 14:05:50 <yushiro> SarathMekala, is chandan off today? 14:06:20 <SarathMekala> yushiro, he is attending another office meeting 14:06:37 <SarathMekala> he wont be able to join today 14:06:51 <yushiro> SarathMekala, Oh, OK. I see :) 14:07:37 <yushiro> Regarding default FWG, now addig UT phase. I don't change any logic. 14:08:27 <yushiro> Regarding OVS l2 driver, avoiding race condition for handle_port() is now pending. 14:08:30 <reedip_> i think vks1 had also the point of whether we need the default FWG to configure it 14:08:49 <reedip_> sorry , I mean if there a way to turn it off 14:09:09 <xgerman_> yep, we were talking about that 14:09:20 <yushiro> ah, yes. I remember that. 14:09:44 <reedip_> yushiro : point is that if we upgrade fwaas , it is possible that we have a default fw for the user 14:10:11 <reedip_> if (a) we already have users for v2 or(b) we provide migration support from v1 to v2 14:10:16 <SridarK> yushiro: reg the race condition for handle_port() lets sync with chandanc this week 14:10:51 <yushiro> SridarK, Correct. let's do that. 14:11:48 <yushiro> reedip_, in Boston summit, we've got an opinion to provide migration script from v1 to v2. 14:12:27 <vks1> yushiro: that's worth doing it 14:12:30 <vks1> :) 14:12:48 <reedip_> yushiro : I know, there is a bug/rfe for the same in neutron with the fwaas tag 14:12:48 <SridarK> +1 14:13:15 <reedip_> yushiro : and if we do it , I think what vks1 suggested would be true ( User will have a default FWG which he didnt intend to have ) 14:13:21 <SridarK> we need to spin some cycles to investigate that - we will need to make some assumptions as this migration cannot be perfect 14:13:30 <xgerman_> +1 14:14:04 <reedip_> SridarK : exactly .... it wont be a small thing , and we need to make sure what versions are supported 14:14:10 <SridarK> on migration - since there was no L2 support in v1 - we could just do migration for L3 14:14:13 <yushiro> SridarK, xgerman_ +1. In order to provide migration script, we need to take more cycle. 14:14:19 <reedip_> I mean whether we target migration from Ocata/Newton/Mitaka etc 14:14:49 <xgerman_> yeah, only L3 needs to be migrated 14:15:09 <SridarK> so we could get away without any default fwg implications 14:15:17 <SridarK> since we dont really do this for L3 14:15:17 <xgerman_> but if somebody likes to switch on DFWG should we have some way of slabbing it on all hosts? 14:15:57 <xgerman_> as soon as we offer a switch we need to have code to add/remove? 14:16:43 <reedip_> xgerman_ , yushiro : how about keeping it as an extension to fwaas ? 14:16:55 <reedip_> I know its late , but just asking . 14:18:03 <SridarK> reedip_: hmm, ext attribute may not be a perfect fit 14:18:22 <yushiro> reedip_, Sorry. You mean l2 support should be changed as an extention ? Currently, l2 feature is one of extension. 14:18:23 <SridarK> since we are just talking abt an enable/disable on an existing ext 14:18:38 <xgerman_> yeah, I also like to encourage adoption… 14:19:05 <xgerman_> maybe we should be bold and offer migration of SG->FWG ;-) 14:19:21 <reedip_> SridarK , xgerman_ : ok, extension is out of the picture.But can we configure it in fwaas.conf ? 14:19:28 <SridarK> xgerman_: :-) 14:19:35 <yushiro> Current impl, we chan choose to use l2 feature + default fwg by adding 'extentions = fwaas_v2' into /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 14:19:37 <reedip_> I mean set it to true by default and make it false in User wants it ? 14:19:58 <yushiro> If we don't specify it, fwaas v2 can work only L3. 14:20:16 <SridarK> reedip_: that is certainly an option, L2 as such is as pointed to by yushiro above 14:20:28 <reedip_> yushiro : you mean L2 is coupled with Default FWG ? 14:20:42 <reedip_> yushiro : do we need such coupling ? 14:21:00 <xgerman_> probably not 14:21:30 <yushiro> reedip_, Currently yes. A set of L2 feature. We cannot switch on/off for only default fwg feature. 14:21:32 <reedip_> xgerman_ : as per yushiro , its not :) 14:21:59 <reedip_> yushiro : should we not keep them completely separate ? 14:23:10 <yushiro> I agree with to have an option to on/off default fwg feature. However, currently we need to 'WHEN' it will be implemented. 14:23:29 <yushiro> reedip_, and vks1 want to have 'this cycle', right? 14:23:52 <reedip_> yushiro : I would like this to be in the plans right now , even a ToDo would work . 14:23:53 <xgerman_> that’s what I am sensing but I am ok with having that later 14:24:17 <reedip_> I would prefer that the code be least modified when we put a switch on it 14:24:34 <SridarK> yes we can have it in the plans, right now IMHO we should get the basic stuff working first 14:24:41 <xgerman_> +1 14:24:54 <yushiro> +1 14:25:19 <SridarK> and in some sense we need to look like SG 14:26:07 <reedip_> +11 14:27:14 <yushiro> OK, I'll research to handle on/off feature for default fwg. 14:28:07 <xgerman_> thanks 14:28:10 <reedip_> yushiro : let me know , I can also help out if possible :) 14:28:32 <yushiro> reedip_, of course :) I trust you. 14:28:36 <reedip_> :) 14:28:43 <vks1> yushiro: not me ??? ;) 14:28:48 <reedip_> hahahahaha 14:28:52 <xgerman_> lol 14:28:54 <reedip_> I trust you vks1 14:28:56 <yushiro> vks1, hahaha! of course you :) 14:29:06 <reedip_> so by extension yushiro does too :D 14:29:21 <yushiro> vks1, please give your opinion on gerrit or IRC or e-mail. 14:29:22 <SridarK> relationship counseling ;-) 14:29:30 <vks1> hahaha 14:29:35 <reedip_> I dont need it right now :D 14:29:38 <vks1> reedip sure 14:29:45 <SridarK> :-) 14:29:48 <yushiro> Ok, is there anything about L2-support/default fwg? 14:30:21 <yushiro> OK, next. 14:30:27 <yushiro> Neutron-lib adoption: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421472/ / https://review.openstack.org/456511 14:30:35 <reedip_> Thats a big one yushiro :( 14:30:57 <reedip_> Well the problem is that midonet crashed 14:31:14 <reedip_> because of certain changes in neutron-lib adoption 14:31:32 <xgerman_> mmh, the other vendor drivers still work? 14:31:43 <reedip_> Right now there are 2 options , one suggested by Yamamoto to revert the changes of fwaas 14:32:23 <yushiro> reedip_ and I were researching today about networking-midonet broken... 14:32:24 <reedip_> and the second option from my end is to modify some of the changes in fwaas while also modify midonet to accept the changes in fwaas 14:32:55 <reedip_> xgerman_ : didnt find any notification about other vendor drivers. 14:33:40 <xgerman_> I hate to break a specific vendor but we also need to move on… SridarK_? 14:33:50 <reedip_> xgerman_ pulling up codesearch.openstack.org to check the projects which are affected by fwaas 14:34:17 <reedip_> xgerman: yushiro and I agree pointed out that the changes which we made are actually required for the neutron stadium 14:35:53 <SridarK> xgerman_: agreed - we may need some changes from their side too 14:36:00 <yushiro> xgerman_, SridarK Currently, networking-midonet has a logging feature for fwaas v1 and directly refers fwaas extension(alias). In addition, networking-midonet doesn't have CI for tracking fwaas patches. That's why it is not easy to notice. 14:36:59 <reedip_> xgerman_ SridarK , the Logging feature is in neutron-lib 14:37:03 <SridarK> yushiro: i think it would be best to work with yamamoto for a mutually least impact solution 14:37:06 <reedip_> so it causes addition issues 14:37:32 <yushiro> SridarK, +++++++1 Yes, it is the best way to overcome this situation. 14:37:53 <yushiro> reedip_, Have you already discussed with yamamoto about that today? 14:37:56 <SridarK> so if midonet also adopts neutron-lib changes shouldnt tht work ? 14:38:11 <reedip_> SridarK , from neutron perspective, I like boden's approach where in the consumers change their code as per the modification of the source project 14:38:36 <SridarK> reedip_: which is what most of us have been doing 14:38:38 <reedip_> yushiro , xgerman_ : I discussed with yamamoto san 14:39:17 <reedip_> SridarK, yushiro, xgerman_ : The problem is , if I execute a bulk of the test cases, probably 10/30 fail 14:39:34 <reedip_> but when I executed each of the failedd 10 test cases individually , they passed 14:39:58 <xgerman_> that looks like a bug… 14:40:20 <reedip_> so I think there is some other issue, probably that as the test cases are run in parallel during tox, certain test cases pass, but leave out some env attributes, which cause the other test cases to fail 14:40:24 <hoangcx_> reedip_: Have you check the test with serial option? 14:40:48 <reedip_> hoangcx_ : no , and I dont think the gate tests are run in serial, are they ????? 14:41:34 <hoangcx_> reedip_: Indeed. But that is the way to make sure the problem as you pointed out rather than running each individual case by hand 14:42:30 <SridarK> reedip_: sigh, could be some kind of race - these are painful 14:43:05 <yushiro> race condition regarding multi process/thread or .... 14:43:09 <reedip_> hoangcx_ let me know how to run them serially in tox ... SridarK , I am working on it with yushiro san. Hopefully we will get a response soon 14:43:30 <hoangcx_> reedip_: OK, I will guide you later 14:43:31 <yushiro> hoangcx_, you know how to run with single process, right? :) 14:43:48 <yushiro> OK, perfect 14:43:49 <hoangcx_> yushiro: yeah ;-) 14:44:27 <yushiro> reedip_, let me sync up about discussion with yamamoto later. 14:44:39 <hoangcx_> reedip_: If that is the case, "sigh" with SridarK too 14:45:02 <reedip_> yushiro : lets discuss it on #openstack-fwaas so that if someone is offline, they can catch up from the logs :) 14:45:31 <yushiro> reedip_, yup 14:45:33 <yushiro> OK, next. today, chandan is off and we'll skip ovs firewall driver section. 14:45:48 <yushiro> #Horizon support 14:46:10 <sarathmekala_> I need some help with the formalities 14:46:10 <yushiro> sarathmekala_, Please go ahead :) 14:46:33 <sarathmekala_> I have the code ready and am waiting for amotoki to create a branch so that both of us can check into it 14:46:47 <sarathmekala_> he sent across a mail to the mailerlist, but i dont see any progress 14:47:22 <sarathmekala_> I need some pointers on how to proceed further 14:47:23 <xgerman_> mmh, you need a new repo? 14:47:28 <sarathmekala_> xgerman_, yes 14:47:40 <xgerman_> you just make a patch to infra 14:47:56 <yushiro> sarathmekala_, OK, I'll ping him tomorrow about that during Japan time zone. 14:48:07 <sarathmekala_> yushiro, thanks 14:48:17 <sarathmekala_> xgerman_, do you have any pointers on how to go about that 14:48:19 <sarathmekala_> any links 14:48:22 <xgerman_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/446082/ 14:48:46 <sarathmekala_> cool.. thanks 14:48:54 <yushiro> sarathmekala_, xgerman_ correct. openstack-infra manages any repos. 14:49:05 <xgerman_> that;s the patch I was looking for: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/444057/ 14:49:10 <sarathmekala_> I will wait for a day for yushiro to sync up with amotoki.. 14:49:24 <xgerman_> look how ovtavia-dashboard was done 14:49:32 <yushiro> sarathmekala_, Yes, it's better because he've already posted some patches into openstack-infra. 14:49:35 <amotoki> sarathmekala_: sorry for late... 14:49:41 <sarathmekala_> by thursday I will check in the code an initiate a review 14:49:49 <yushiro> amotoki, wow, you're here :) 14:49:58 <sarathmekala_> hi amotoki 14:50:42 <sarathmekala_> will you go ahead and create the branch? 14:50:49 <amotoki> some updates from me: i created a launchpad project neutron-fwaas-dashboard and sets up bugs and related thing. 14:51:04 <amotoki> sarathmekala_: what do you mean by "create the branch"? 14:51:21 <reedip_> amotoki : I think the repo should be enough 14:51:22 <xgerman_> he was lookign for a repo 14:51:34 <amotoki> sarathmekala_: i think we are talking about creating a new repo, spilit fwaas v1 from horizon adn then add fwaasv2 panel to it. 14:51:37 <reedip_> sarathmekala : I think you can just commit the code in that repo and start :) 14:51:38 <sarathmekala_> sorry.. i meant repo 14:51:56 <amotoki> sure. thanks for clarifying. 14:52:04 <xgerman_> not sure if we need an extra LP for dashboard — SridarK_ something else we need to groom for bugs? 14:52:12 <amotoki> perhaps i can push project-config change tomorrow. 14:52:39 <yushiro> amotoki, great. 14:52:48 <sarathmekala_> +1, thanks 14:53:07 <amotoki> xgerman_: in the thread in the dev list, I got several responses +1 for separate launchpad project. 14:53:26 <yushiro> OK, anything else about Horizon, sarathmekala_ ? 14:53:29 <amotoki> i think it is because filing dashboard bugs to neutron is a bit tricky 14:53:38 <sarathmekala_> nothing more.. 14:53:48 <sarathmekala_> I will check in the code and open it for review 14:53:51 <amotoki> go ahead 14:53:59 <yushiro> sarathmekala_, amotoki OK. thanks. 14:54:26 <reedip_> sarathmekala_ do add us in the review :P 14:54:34 <yushiro> 5 minutes left.. 14:54:35 <yushiro> #topic Stadium Compliance 14:54:43 <sarathmekala_> sure reedip_ :) 14:55:09 <xgerman_> amotoki I filter by [FWaaS] so missed that post 14:55:27 <amotoki> xgerman_: I see 14:55:43 <yushiro> reedip_, It is now stopping due to neutron-lib migration with you great punch list 14:56:12 <reedip_> yushiro : I know :( 14:56:22 <reedip_> I am checking midonet tests right now 14:56:29 <reedip_> I will push it by this weekend 14:56:36 <yushiro> reedip_, cool. Thanks. 14:56:40 <yushiro> #topic Open Discussion 14:57:08 <yushiro> Just an announce. As you know, CFP for sydney summit is now opened. 14:57:28 <reedip_> yushiro : yes ... are we planning to provide any paper for FWaaS ? 14:58:22 <yushiro> reedip_, I just want to ask for them :) So, it is better to provide some papers. 14:58:39 <SridarK> i think a lot depends on where we are with L2 14:58:56 <SridarK> also we need to show something different from what was done at Boston 14:59:05 <yushiro> SridarK, +1 14:59:05 <SridarK> meaning more additions 14:59:12 <xgerman_> yep 14:59:19 <reedip_> yushiro , hoangcx_ , SridarK , xgerman_ : Good News ( ?? ) Midonet test pass when executed serially but ( badnews ) fail while running parallely 14:59:27 <xgerman_> but if someone has travel $$$ we should propose something 14:59:52 <yushiro> xgerman_, yeeeees.. That's a big problem for budget fee.. 14:59:58 <SridarK> yes indeed 15:00:03 <SridarK> 1 min warning 15:00:06 <yushiro> oh, we're time 15:00:16 <yushiro> #endmeeting