14:00:16 <SridarK_> #startmeeting fwaas 14:00:17 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 11 14:00:16 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SridarK_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:20 <hoangcx> Hi 14:00:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' 14:00:31 <SridarK_> #chair yushiro xgerman_ 14:00:32 <openstack> Current chairs: SridarK_ xgerman_ yushiro 14:00:41 <SridarK_> I think today my turn ? 14:00:47 <xgerman_> o/ 14:01:03 <doude> Hi 14:01:07 <SridarK_> ok lets get started 14:01:12 <yushiro> SridarK_, yes :) 14:01:18 <SarathMekala> hi all o/ 14:01:38 <SridarK_> #topic Pike 14:01:58 <SridarK_> lets start of with L2 support 14:02:26 <SridarK_> chandanc: welcome back - i know u had a sort of unplanned PTO 14:02:39 <SridarK_> chandanc: thx for keeping us informed 14:02:43 <chandanc> ya SridarK_ , i am back and catching up 14:02:43 <yushiro> welcome back chandanc :) 14:02:58 <chandanc> thanks yushiro 14:03:08 <SridarK_> chandanc: yes perhaps we can discuss next steps and a plan 14:03:16 <chandanc> I think we have to discuss and close on the race condition part 14:03:24 <chandanc> yes sure 14:03:25 <SridarK_> chandanc: yes 14:04:08 <chandanc> So i think the changes are need on the l2 extension to pass some info to the driver 14:04:14 <SridarK_> we also need to see where things are with neutron SG using ovs - i am not sure if that change has been effected ? 14:04:36 <SridarK_> chandanc: yes 14:05:04 <chandanc> So i was thinking of investigating the required changes 14:05:17 <SridarK_> lets do some discussion and then we can plan for a time to do some debugging and deeper dive offline 14:05:23 <xgerman_> SrisarK_ should we ping kevinb? 14:05:29 <chandanc> I will send it to yushiro for review and comments 14:05:29 <SridarK_> chandanc: pls go ahead 14:05:43 <yushiro> chandanc, OK 14:05:59 <SridarK_> xgerman_: yes i think that is good too - but irrespective - we can always do the support on ovs 14:06:11 <xgerman_> agreed 14:06:23 <SridarK_> so if someone needs to do SG and FWaaS L2 - then they shd do ovs 14:06:24 <reedip_> sorry , late ... 14:06:39 <chandanc> SridarK_: , xgerman_ is there any change in the design 14:06:42 <yushiro> reedip_, welcome 14:06:48 <chandanc> am i missing something ? 14:06:58 <SridarK_> and we will call out SG iptables and FWaaS L2 as an unsupported configuration 14:07:09 <SridarK_> chandanc: no sorry 14:07:16 <chandanc> ok 14:07:22 <SridarK_> no change - i was just wondering on neutron state 14:07:34 <SridarK_> i hope i clarified ^^^ 14:07:38 <chandanc> Sure SridarK_ 14:07:42 <SridarK_> chandanc: pls go ahead 14:08:34 <chandanc> i still need to come up with the exact patch, i will send it this week 14:08:53 <SridarK_> chandanc: ok 14:10:12 <SridarK_> chandanc: other things u want to discuss ? 14:10:30 <chandanc> Sorry, i dont have any other update 14:10:43 <chandanc> I am mostly catching up 14:10:56 <SridarK_> chandanc: ok thx - and lets plan to discuss more during the week 14:11:05 <chandanc> sure SridarK_ 14:11:22 <SridarK_> we can use the fwaas channel - this time will work for most of us 14:11:38 <SridarK_> yushiro: pls go ahead on l2 agent 14:11:53 <yushiro> SridarK_, yes 14:11:56 <chandanc> ok Sure 14:12:27 <yushiro> In this week, unfortunately I didn't have any update on this. 14:12:42 <yushiro> I and reedip_ still retrieving https://review.openstack.org/#/c/478719/ 14:13:06 <reedip_> and frankly , I am getting bored with this patch :( 14:13:23 <reedip_> we are not able to arrive at a proper conclusion :( 14:13:30 <SridarK_> yushiro: no worries - lets plan for some time this week - i am sure there is some plugin tweaks needed too 14:13:59 <SridarK_> reedip_: sigh yes 14:14:14 <yushiro> reedip_, I know your feelings.. I'll do it instead of you! please rest at sun-shade :) 14:14:16 <SridarK_> reedip_: i think these are mostly small nits - so hopefully we can converge 14:14:46 <reedip_> yushiro : I have a patch almost ready .... let me push it 14:14:47 <SridarK_> reedip_: i am quite open on this esp since v1 stuff will get out soon (or so we think) 14:15:06 <reedip_> the problem is neutron-lib migration is all tied up with this patch 14:15:15 <reedip_> and I am not comfortable because of that 14:15:25 <xgerman_> yeah, I think getting the migration has a huge priority 14:15:46 <reedip_> xgerman_ : Yep .... 14:15:56 <yushiro> indeed. In addition, we cannot handle 'Depends-On' tag into neutron-lib. 14:16:11 <reedip_> yes, got that rom boden 14:16:22 <yushiro> In order to rebase, we should merge neutron-lib ASAP. 14:16:29 <SridarK_> +1 14:16:46 <yushiro> reedip_, again, thanks for your update. 14:17:32 <SridarK_> reedip_: we might as well cover other neutron-lib related stuff here 14:17:38 <SridarK_> other things u want to add ? 14:17:53 <yushiro> that's all from me 14:17:56 <reedip_> Nope , all things are stuck with this. I can push all other stuff if this goes out 14:18:11 <xgerman_> reedip_ how is that testing going 14:18:16 <reedip_> its like the Elephant's trunk is stuck .... if the trunk goes out then the elephant can move 14:18:29 <reedip_> xgerman_ I am checking the experimental for Fullstack 14:18:47 <reedip_> I am not able to debug why the folder is being picked up for Neutron and not neutron-fwaas 14:18:48 <xgerman_> ok, I know we need that for stadium compliance and it has been lingering 14:19:09 <xgerman_> oh, ok, thank you for looking into that 14:19:43 <xgerman_> seeing stuff from njohnston reminds me how long we have been working on something 14:19:55 <reedip_> yeah ... :( 14:19:59 <njohnston> :( 14:20:08 <reedip_> I miss him a lot on this 14:20:14 <reedip_> hey hi njohnston :) 14:20:22 <xgerman_> o/ 14:20:23 <njohnston> Hi all! 14:20:23 <SridarK_> hello there njohnston: yes defn miss u here 14:20:24 <yushiro> njohnston, long time no see :) 14:20:44 <njohnston> I miss you all very much. 14:20:46 <amotoki> note that the next week is the Final release for non-client libraries https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html#p-final-lib 14:21:57 <SridarK_> amotoki: so that is our target then to get all of this wrapped up 14:22:06 <yushiro> amotoki, thanks for your information.. 14:22:40 <SridarK_> reedip_: so lets see if we can get this next version in 14:22:47 <amotoki> sound good. you already keep it in mind. 14:23:21 <SridarK_> can we say that fullstack is a lower priority ? 14:23:23 <reedip_> so neutron-lib is one of them ? ( Just confirming ) 14:23:30 <amotoki> i can do the final clean up for the neutron-lib patch if you are okay 14:23:37 <amotoki> reedip_: yes, neutron-lib is non-client lib 14:24:41 <reedip_> amotoki : sure, my patch is almost ready. Let me push it and if you find anything worng, please help out 14:24:50 <SridarK_> reedip_: once the exception PS is in, do u feel comfortable abt undoing the revert of the api defn by this deadline ? 14:25:01 <SridarK_> if we can get that in that will be good 14:25:13 <xgerman_> +1 14:25:14 <reedip_> SridarK_ : I will try my best 14:25:26 <amotoki> reedip_: okay. but make sure to run simple check like pep8 and py27 to save time and for fast iteration 14:25:27 <SridarK_> reedip_: thx much for ur persistence and effort 14:25:32 <reedip_> SridarK_ : Cores would take care of the rest :) 14:25:43 <reedip_> amotoki: yes... I will 14:26:15 <xgerman_> yeah, ping me if we need to lobby Neutron people 14:26:27 <SridarK_> ok so we have our immediate priorities and focus set on helping with getting neutron-lib stuff in 14:26:43 <yushiro> sure 14:27:04 <SridarK_> reedip_: are u in sync with yamamoto as well so we are sure we are good with midonet 14:27:29 <reedip_> SridarK_ yamamoto pushed the Non Voting Midonet patch for FwaaS 14:27:33 <SridarK_> reedip_: i know he has been reviewing but just to be sure 14:27:37 <reedip_> so once that patch is merged, we can have our tests 14:27:44 <SridarK_> reedip_: ok perfect 14:27:44 <reedip_> and test midonet with fwaas 14:27:54 <yushiro> sounds good 14:28:38 <SridarK_> reedip_: ok i think we have covered all things 14:28:42 <SridarK_> shall we move on ? 14:29:00 <yushiro> OK 14:29:32 <SridarK_> #topic Horizon 14:29:44 <SridarK_> SarathMekala: amotoki: pls go ahead 14:29:59 <SridarK_> amotoki: thx for all ur help here 14:30:06 <SarathMekala> hi all.. I am working on amotoki's review comments 14:30:34 <amotoki> as the final clean up of the fwaas v1 dashboard, I proposed a patch to import policy.json for the dashboard. 14:31:01 <SarathMekala> I will put in a patch by tomorrow 14:31:08 <amotoki> in related to this, rob found insert_rule/remove_rule still live in the neutron. 14:31:37 <amotoki> fwaas-dashobard https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481867/ 14:31:57 <amotoki> and the policy one is bug 1703347 14:31:58 <openstack> bug 1703347 in neutron "insert_rule/remove_rule in policy.json should be moved to neutron-fwaas" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1703347 - Assigned to Akihiro Motoki (amotoki) 14:32:54 <amotoki> I would like to release fwaas-dashboard for v1 next week. until then, I would like to merge patches from Adit. 14:33:37 <SridarK_> sounds good 14:33:57 <amotoki> if one of fwaas-core give +2, I will merge dashboard patches as my hat of horizon-core. only self-approve is not a good idea :( 14:34:12 <xgerman_> link? 14:34:15 <yushiro> amotoki, ping me !!! 14:34:27 <amotoki> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard+branch:master 14:34:30 <amotoki> not so special. 14:35:15 <SridarK_> amotoki: ok 14:35:15 <amotoki> SarathMekala: is there anything i can help you? 14:36:01 <SarathMekala> amotoki can you do one round of testing with the UI 14:36:37 <SarathMekala> integration with devstack is one more area you can pitch in 14:36:38 <amotoki> SarathMekala: do you mean unit test or testing with devstack (with fwaas v2) ? 14:36:47 <SarathMekala> testing with devstack 14:36:56 <amotoki> SarathMekala: okay, i can post devstack plugin support first 14:37:09 <SarathMekala> cool.. that will help the team as well 14:37:16 <hoangcx> In addition, I verified v1 work well with devstack along with amotoki :-) 14:38:12 <yushiro> hoangcx, thanks for your help. 14:39:35 <amotoki> that's all from me. 14:39:43 <SridarK_> any other things to discuss SarathMekala ? 14:40:00 <SarathMekala> nothing more from my side 14:40:17 <SarathMekala> sorry my progress is a bit slow.. i got pulled into a new project and am ramping up 14:40:35 <xgerman_> happens to the best of us 14:40:52 <SridarK_> sigh that is life for most of us .. 14:41:04 <amotoki> :p 14:41:13 <SarathMekala> :) 14:41:25 <SridarK_> but the next few weeks are critical 14:41:34 <SridarK_> ok lets move on 14:42:08 <SridarK_> doude: do u want to discuss ur patch on the pluggable backend ? 14:42:30 <doude> yes 14:42:44 <SridarK_> #topic pluggable backend 14:42:57 <SridarK_> #link https://review.openstack.org/480265 14:43:04 <SridarK_> doude: pls go ahead 14:43:20 <doude> I proposed a first draft that rework the code organisation to enable pugable service driver backend 14:43:32 <doude> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/480265/ 14:44:02 <doude> I did not rework the unit tests as I prefer to have you first impression before 14:44:18 <SridarK_> doude: i have been looking at this - this was long overdue 14:45:12 <doude> I propose a driver API interface where which drivers have to inherites 14:45:21 <SridarK_> i am not sure on the timing of things if we can make Pike - but my opinion is that we can continue with reviews 14:45:33 <doude> ok 14:45:36 <yushiro> +1 14:45:52 <yushiro> doude, please add me as a reviewer :) 14:46:03 <SridarK_> doude: i think there will be some interest from ODL folks too 14:46:22 <doude> should I hang it until Pike release or will you be able to make some reviews? 14:46:51 <SridarK_> doude: if u have the bandwidth - lets keep this moving 14:47:12 <doude> yushiro: I'll 14:47:13 <SridarK_> for Pike i think we need to settle some of the other high priority pieces 14:47:51 <doude> ok, but rebasing is painful work with that type of patch 14:48:03 <SridarK_> doude: yes understood 14:48:21 <SridarK_> we will have some neutron-lib related churn too 14:48:39 <SridarK_> i think once we absorb that - it will not be too bad 14:48:53 <doude> about deprecating the v1, do you mean the code will be removed? 14:48:57 <SridarK_> doude: but ur choice if u want to hang on for a bit - 14:49:19 <doude> I'll try to maintain it 14:49:25 <doude> and starting to rework UT 14:49:44 <SridarK_> we have been talking abt removing v1 code for some time now - possibly by the R release 14:50:29 <doude> ok so I have to maintain it in that patch 14:50:35 <doude> I mean take care of it 14:50:52 <SridarK_> doude: ok - we can continue to discuss this and possibly try to get this in early for R 14:51:04 <SridarK_> doude: is v1 support very critical for u ? 14:51:31 <doude> you mean for me as a user? 14:51:48 <SridarK_> doude: yes 14:51:59 <doude> no no, I don't use it 14:52:07 <SridarK_> doude: ok cool 14:52:20 <doude> I asked because it's easier to develop that patch without maintain it 14:52:30 <SridarK_> doude: ok makes sense 14:53:08 <SridarK_> ok i added yushiro also to the PS - we will look at it and discuss more 14:53:14 <SridarK_> doude: thx 14:53:30 <SridarK_> if nothing else lets move on 14:53:48 <doude> ok 14:53:51 <yushiro> doude, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/460732/ here is a patch which describes about support term for v1 14:54:04 <SridarK_> #topic Open Discussion 14:54:05 <doude> thanks yushiro 14:54:16 <reedip_> Sydney summit CFP 14:54:23 <reedip_> last date 14th July 14:54:44 <xgerman_> that submission system is buggy so start early… 14:54:49 <SridarK_> reedip_: yes indeed - my take is that we dont have much more to show from Boston 14:54:51 <reedip_> :D 14:55:09 <xgerman_> we were thinking about some lab but I couldn;t find a lab option 14:55:17 <xgerman_> (and then there is the issue with funding) 14:55:18 <yushiro> 3 days left for deadline .... 14:55:23 <SridarK_> i am all for it if we can do a lab 14:55:27 <SridarK_> that would be useful 14:55:32 <xgerman_> +1 14:55:41 <SridarK_> in terms of a talk i am a bit skeptical 14:56:18 <xgerman_> I am skeptical they will have enough speakers and hence have a low bar 14:56:31 <SridarK_> but lets shoot some topics around 14:56:38 <reedip_> I have added a paper with Yushiro for IoT with TaaS and FWaaS 14:56:42 <SridarK_> on IRC or email 14:56:44 <reedip_> from security point of view 14:56:47 <SridarK_> reedip_: +1 14:56:55 <xgerman_> +1 14:57:06 <reedip_> I am trying to create a PoC, if it works, then we can have some buy in 14:57:15 <reedip_> if it is accepted :D 14:57:18 <yushiro> :) 14:57:38 <SridarK_> if i can use that to monitor my sprinkler system securely - i will be very happy :-) 14:57:51 <SridarK_> PTG ? 14:57:53 <reedip_> SridarK_ thats the dream, right ??? 14:57:58 <SridarK_> :-) 14:58:10 <reedip_> I didnt get a rejection for Travel Support, so lets see 14:58:12 <SridarK_> I will be able to make it to the PTG 14:58:21 <reedip_> if it is approved, then I might be able to come to PTG 14:58:33 <SridarK_> ok grt 14:58:53 <yushiro> I don't get TSP from foundation. So, now I'm negotiating with my manager for PTG. 14:59:04 <reedip_> all the best yushiro 14:59:09 <SridarK_> +1 14:59:16 <yushiro> final deadline is 10th August I think :) 14:59:21 <amotoki> i think neutron folks haven't got response for TSP 14:59:21 <SridarK_> worst case - we can do a virtual PTG 14:59:28 <amotoki> me either 14:59:37 <yushiro> amotoki, wow, are you??? 14:59:48 <SridarK_> budgets are really tight now 15:00:07 <SridarK_> oops we are at time 15:00:12 <yushiro> I'd like to buy warp system :) 15:00:16 <reedip_> see the time budget also ran out :P 15:00:17 <amotoki> some reminder: doc-migration patches https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron-fwaas+branch:master+topic:doc-migration 15:00:17 <SridarK_> thx all for joining and have a grt week 15:00:28 <SridarK_> amotoki: +1 sorry forgot abt that 15:00:34 <SridarK_> thx for the reminder 15:00:36 <amotoki> SridarK_: np 15:00:40 * EmilienM notices that fwaas are chatty 15:00:43 <SridarK_> #endmeeting