14:00:56 <xgerman_> #startmeeting fwaas 14:00:57 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 15 14:00:56 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is xgerman_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:58 <reedip_> so whose chairing? 14:00:58 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:59 <reedip_> k 14:01:00 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' 14:01:15 <xgerman_> #chair SridarK yushiro 14:01:16 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: yushiro 14:01:17 <openstack> Current chairs: SridarK xgerman_ yushiro 14:01:20 <SridarK> xgerman_: u are running today ? 14:01:28 <xgerman_> sure, I can run 14:01:42 <SridarK> sorry i have been out on PTO and just got back late last night - so bit out of context 14:01:52 <xgerman_> #topic Announcements 14:01:58 <SridarK> thx xgerman_ 14:02:03 <xgerman_> FWaaS has been released for Pike 14:02:20 <xgerman_> I saw the branch’s being created, etc. 14:02:40 <xgerman_> Thx to Armando 14:02:54 <reedip_> yeah ... :) 14:03:30 <SridarK> yes indeed 14:03:47 <xgerman_> PTG in DEnver 14:03:51 <xgerman_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-queens-ptg 14:03:57 <reedip_> not coming.... 14:04:00 <SridarK> so on this topic - do we need to do anything for release - i thought it just happens as part of neutron 14:04:16 <reedip_> plz share the etherpad link and the webcast if there would be a VTG :) 14:04:18 <xgerman_> no, everyhting happens automatic 14:04:20 <SridarK> just to be sure in case something is needed from us as a team 14:04:25 <SridarK> xgerman_: ok perfect 14:04:56 <SridarK> i will be able to make the PTG 14:04:56 <xgerman_> so for the PTG the etherpad has an FWaaS section which is currently empty - we ought to change that 14:05:09 <SridarK> reedip_: yes for sure we can figure out something 14:05:16 <xgerman_> +1 14:05:32 <reedip_> xgerman_ : which etherpad ? 14:05:43 <xgerman_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-queens-ptg 14:06:07 <SridarK> xgerman_: i think our first order of business is to get L2 support in 14:06:24 <xgerman_> yep 14:07:03 <reedip_> Lets put the items in the etherpad, so that we dont miss things... what do you think > 14:07:11 <xgerman_> +1 14:07:22 <xgerman_> That’s why I was bringing it up ;-) 14:07:49 <reedip_> :) 14:07:54 <SridarK> yes started that 14:08:09 <xgerman_> Awesome! 14:08:13 <reedip_> Yeah, me too adding :P 14:08:54 <SridarK> i think we should focus on putting the wraps on L2 support early in the cycle 14:09:04 <xgerman_> are we good on stadium compliance or is that amother thing we should talk about at the PTG? 14:09:09 <SridarK> so that gives us some time on testing 14:09:14 <xgerman_> +1 14:09:31 <reedip_> xgerman_ need to test the Project status 14:09:38 <xgerman_> ok 14:09:40 <SridarK> xgerman_: i think fullstack as reedip_ has added is one part of stadium complicance that is missing 14:10:10 <reedip_> xgerman_ : do we have the project report from Ocata ? Or the last time when we executed the report for stadium compliance? 14:10:51 <SridarK> reedip_: hmm i think this was tracked on Gerrit at some point in a review 14:11:00 <reedip_> doing that 14:11:06 <xgerman_> mmh, not sure — there also is a post moretem each release we need to fill out 14:11:21 <SridarK> but i do recall that we had covered most of the requirements 14:11:44 <reedip_> xgerman_ postmortem is filled by armando iirc 14:11:46 <SridarK> xgerman_: yes this was sort of a post mortem tracking 14:11:55 <SridarK> reedip_: yes exactly 14:12:01 <SridarK> we can track that down 14:12:10 <xgerman_> juts making sure we don’t skip process ;-) 14:12:18 <SridarK> fullstack i know defn was missing 14:13:08 <SridarK> Ok i think we have very few missing pieces in terms of code for L2 Support 14:13:18 <SridarK> possibly we are mostly done 14:13:18 <xgerman_> +1 14:13:21 <xgerman_> yes 14:13:24 <SridarK> we just need to do some testing 14:13:46 <SridarK> i think yushiro is on PTO this week 14:14:06 <SridarK> looks like chandanc is not online either 14:14:20 <SridarK> oh today is a local holiday 14:14:24 <xgerman_> yeah, it’s pretty quiet this week 14:14:46 <reedip_> Its also a holiday in India :) 14:15:04 <xgerman_> :-) 14:15:32 <xgerman_> Lastly, we all specs should be submitted for Queens from now on 14:15:48 <xgerman_> new specs I mean - old ones are carried forward 14:15:57 <reedip_> we have the one from bbzhao 14:16:11 <xgerman_> yep, I think he needs to move that to Queens 14:16:15 <SridarK> reedip_: u had some thoughts on integration with TaaS and SFC - we should pursue those 14:16:22 <xgerman_> +1 14:16:22 <reedip_> I added you guys in the reviewer .. If he is not able to update it, I will update it so that we can get a move on it 14:16:30 <SridarK> reedip_: +1 14:17:02 <reedip_> SridarK: For Common Classifier Framework, we need to go through the latest updates of the neutron-classifier repo 14:17:26 <SridarK> reedip_: ok perfect - we can see if we can connect with folks at the PTG as well 14:17:32 <xgerman_> +1 14:17:37 <reedip_> and identify the various Protocols we would support ( though I think the ones we do support are from the iptables protocols mentioned in the neutron-lib) 14:17:55 <reedip_> xgerman_ , SridarK : Already added to the etherpad for you guys :) 14:18:02 <xgerman_> ;-) 14:19:10 <SridarK> great 14:19:38 <xgerman_> I also think we are close with Horizon 14:19:54 <SridarK> we shoud discuss that 14:20:04 <xgerman_> #topic Horizon 14:21:29 <xgerman_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475840/ 14:21:58 <xgerman_> Looking through the patches It seems our gate is broken? 14:22:11 <SridarK> thx to amotoki for the reviews 14:22:13 <amotoki> as my horizon core hat, I am really afraid it is still not mature.... 14:22:24 <SridarK> i think SarathMekala is out today 14:22:41 <SridarK> amotoki: i will message him about ur concerns 14:22:43 <amotoki> I hope fwaas team tests it in your local env 14:22:52 <SridarK> amotoki: yes for sure 14:22:58 <xgerman_> yes 14:23:08 <amotoki> I only do static reviews... for testing v1 support 14:23:17 <SridarK> i just got back from PTO and i will do the testing as well 14:24:40 <amotoki> final release for intermediary release is the week of Aug 21 https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html 14:25:11 <SridarK> we essentially will have to close things in the next few days 14:25:43 <amotoki> one thing 14:25:46 <amotoki> until then we need to test it against stable/pike horizon, so I proposed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493444/ 14:26:44 <amotoki> I believe it can be merged as-is 14:26:51 <xgerman_> yes 14:27:21 <amotoki> I will check the review later this week again 14:27:41 <SridarK> amotoki: thx done 14:27:52 <amotoki> thanks 14:28:21 <SridarK> ok i will reach out to SarathMekala 14:29:16 <reedip_> jfyi xgerman_ For postmortem could just find this : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/425990/ . 14:29:26 <xgerman_> thx 14:30:02 <amotoki> reedip_: is it related to the current topic? 14:30:15 <xgerman_> last topic 14:30:49 <amotoki> let's move on 14:31:04 <xgerman_> #topic Gate errors 14:31:37 <xgerman_> I see more -1 than usual and recheck doesn’t fix it 14:31:53 <xgerman_> so I am wondering if anybody ahs an idea or we need to investigate 14:32:16 <xgerman_> e.g. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493666/ 14:33:23 <SridarK> xgerman_: sorry i am just catching up on things 14:33:30 <amotoki> have you checked http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/neutron-fwaas-failure-rates ? 14:34:05 <xgerman_> I +2/+A some obvious stuff and it all failed 14:34:58 <xgerman_> amotoki - thanks, that’s a great resource 14:35:22 * xgerman_ bookmarked 14:35:28 <amotoki> it is one of items in the stadium assessment :) 14:35:45 <amotoki> but I see an error message for functional failure rate :( 14:36:16 <amotoki> some might need to be updated 14:36:35 <xgerman_> yes, that’s my assessment as well 14:36:50 <xgerman_> volunteers? 14:37:30 <amotoki> I can update grafana definitions if nobody wants to do it 14:37:41 <xgerman_> thanks 14:37:53 <reedip_> I can help if required 14:38:08 <xgerman_> @action amotoki, reedip_ Update grafana definitions 14:38:30 <xgerman_> #action amotoki, reedip_ Update grafana definitions 14:38:41 <xgerman_> sorry, too much Slack 14:38:45 <reedip_> :P 14:38:53 <amotoki> FYI: grafana defs are here http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/grafana 14:38:59 <xgerman_> ok, we also should fix our tests 14:39:24 <amotoki> does anybody see error patterns? 14:39:49 <xgerman_> I think we need to dig 14:40:35 <xgerman_> I will see what I can do today… will report in channel so it can be picked up if I can’t get it working today 14:41:02 <reedip_> amotoki : I would check it out tomorrow morning . If you do find anything, let me know :). I would do the same once I start investigating 14:41:22 <amotoki> reedip_: on grafana or job failure? 14:41:45 <reedip_> grafana, I guess ? 14:42:09 <xgerman_> ok, I will look at the job failures 14:42:20 <amotoki> another info: http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/g/project/openstack~2Fneutron-fwaas 14:42:32 <amotoki> periodic-neutron-fwaas-py35-with-neutron-lib-master always fails 14:43:33 <xgerman_> mmh, my main goal is to get things in a shape we can merge again 14:43:44 <xgerman_> but we also need to look into this job failure 14:44:09 <amotoki> note that the last link is about periodic job, so we usually do not check it 14:44:27 <xgerman_> yes, periodic is one of those out-of-mind 14:44:49 <xgerman_> but we should either fix it or remove the job 14:46:45 <amotoki> perhaps py35 and/or master neutron-lib triggers the failure ... 14:46:56 <xgerman_> yeah 14:47:18 <xgerman_> we need to look into it — hard to tell from the outset 14:47:25 <xgerman_> moving on 14:47:36 <xgerman_> @Open Discussion 14:47:46 <amotoki> #topic? 14:47:48 <xgerman_> #topic Open Discussion 14:47:55 <xgerman_> yes 14:47:56 <TuanVu> Hi guys, thank you for checking 14:47:56 <TuanVu> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/443385 14:47:56 <TuanVu> Hopefully this patch set could be merged soon 14:47:56 <reedip_> too much slack :P 14:48:04 <xgerman_> + 14:48:05 <xgerman_> 1 14:48:57 <xgerman_> TuanVu thanks for the patch 14:49:15 <reedip_> let us know the schedule for FWaaS discussion in PTG, so that people who can virutally join in, can do so :) 14:49:16 <TuanVu> Thank you, xgerman_ :) 14:49:16 <amotoki> TuanVu: is it worth having a release note? 14:49:37 <xgerman_> it fixes a bug so I am on the fence with that 14:49:47 <amotoki> if it is a big problem it is worth having it. if minor, not 14:50:21 <TuanVu> Hi amotoki, hmm ... let me think ... 14:50:23 <xgerman_> in any case we should get better with release notes 14:50:43 <xgerman_> #action cores make sure we have proper renos 14:50:53 <SridarK> +1 14:51:08 <TuanVu> Ok, then I'll add release note 14:51:16 <xgerman_> thx 14:51:22 <TuanVu> :) 14:51:30 <amotoki> fyi, i recently updated neutron relnote how https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/neutron/ 14:51:42 <hoangcx_> amotoki: I think it is a big problem but not sure it needs release note or not. 14:51:59 <hoangcx_> amotoki: Because it does not affect to API or user visibility 14:51:59 <TuanVu> Thank you, amotoki 14:52:26 <SridarK> reedip_: yes will do that - we can try to figure out a decent time. As it is the PTG is a bit informal - so audio quality can be a challenge 14:52:40 <reedip_> No issues 14:53:12 <SridarK> we can also follow up with virtual session post PTG (and possibly one pre PTG - so we can nail down the priorities) 14:53:16 <amotoki> TuanVu: hoangcx_: if the current behavior is surprising enough and it does not match user expectation, I believe it is worth having a relnote :) 14:53:20 <reedip_> That also works 14:53:26 <xgerman_> SrfidarK +1 14:53:40 <amotoki> nice idea 14:54:04 <SridarK> ok lets plan for that once yushiro is back from PTO 14:54:37 <xgerman_> +1 14:55:02 <hoangcx_> amotoki: Got it. I usually see release note when a change affects to user experience 14:55:45 <TuanVu> Ok, I got it 14:56:07 <TuanVu> Thank you, hoangcx_ and amotoki 14:57:03 <xgerman_> T-3 14:57:19 <xgerman_> anything else? 14:57:29 <reedip_> none from my side 14:57:38 <SridarK> same here 14:57:48 <xgerman_> #endmeeting