14:01:39 <yushiro> #startmeeting fwaas 14:01:39 <xgerman_> o/ 14:01:39 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 7 14:01:39 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yushiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' 14:01:43 <chandanc> hello 14:01:54 <yushiro> #chair xgerman_ yushiro 14:01:55 <openstack> Current chairs: xgerman_ yushiro 14:02:07 <yushiro> I think today is xgerman_ 's turn. Is it OK ?? 14:02:11 <xgerman_> sure 14:02:14 <yushiro> :) 14:02:17 <xgerman_> #topic Announcements 14:02:59 <xgerman_> So the Dublin room contigent is open for booking. They claim it’s limited and the hotel is quite away from the city center/sights 14:03:17 <xgerman_> If you gonna go now is a good time to book… 14:03:33 <SridarK> Hi All 14:03:35 <yushiro> Oh, that's an important news.. Thanks 14:03:42 <yushiro> Hi SridarK 14:03:43 <SridarK> sorry to be late 14:03:56 <yushiro> No problem at all :) 14:03:58 <xgerman_> no worries 14:04:33 <xgerman_> OpenStack foundation started a new project: https://katacontainers.io 14:04:53 <xgerman_> and they are out in force at KubeCon (which is tis week) 14:05:03 <SridarK> xgerman_: oh wow 14:05:58 <yushiro> in Austin! 14:06:51 <SridarK> Google Cloud is one of the companies behind it too 14:07:13 <xgerman_> yep, and sc68cal and pmichaeli are now Kubernauts 14:07:41 <SridarK> hmm 14:07:57 <SridarK> Paul i know he has been working on ipv6 14:08:31 <xgerman_> yeah, not sure what Sean is up to… 14:08:40 <SridarK> yes 14:08:42 <xgerman_> #topic Q-2 14:09:04 <xgerman_> Q-2 should be cut soon. Armando is in charge of that again. 14:09:14 <yushiro> OK 14:09:22 <xgerman_> We got the stand-alone L2 pieces merged!! 14:09:31 <xgerman_> So great progress!! 14:09:33 <SridarK> Yes great indeed 14:09:57 <xgerman_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fwaas-meeting has our thinking in “Plan to Q-2” 14:10:11 <yushiro> Yes 14:10:52 <yushiro> Many thanks for this work, I really appreciate :) 14:10:58 <xgerman_> +1 14:11:29 <chandanc> ya, it took some time :) 14:11:52 <SridarK> +1 14:11:58 <xgerman_> +1 14:12:00 <annp> +1 14:12:03 <SarathMekala> +1 14:12:13 <yushiro> chandanc, +1 14:12:28 <yushiro> Hahaha! we're on same page :) 14:12:33 <chandanc> Hope we can move on quickly on co-existance patch 14:12:43 <SridarK> yes agreed chandanc 14:12:49 <chandanc> annp thanks for your help 14:12:57 <SridarK> +1 14:12:59 <yushiro> chandanc, Indeed. This is also important thing. 14:13:05 <annp> chandanc: you're welcome 14:13:05 <xgerman_> yep, and some of the other stuff we punted to Q-3. Remember Q-3 is feature freeze 14:13:50 <xgerman_> #link https://releases.openstack.org/queens/schedule.html 14:14:02 <xgerman_> Q-3 is 1/22 14:14:20 <yushiro> Yes. 14:15:55 <xgerman_> In case you haven’t seen it 14:16:04 <xgerman_> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/queens/index.html 14:16:09 <SridarK> We have little time with the holiday season 14:16:10 <xgerman_> has the community goals 14:17:03 <xgerman_> there is some policy work - I think they want more RBAC roles + tempest is changing again 14:17:03 <doude> hi 14:17:17 <yushiro> doude, Hi! 14:17:22 <xgerman_> Hi 14:17:45 <xgerman_> don’t think we absolutely need to do that but keep that in the nack of your head if we have time ;-) 14:17:47 <SridarK> doude: hi 14:18:14 <yushiro> OK.. 14:18:23 <SridarK> xgerman_: yes and we should increase our tempest coverage 14:18:29 <doude> congrats guys for merged l2 stuff 14:18:29 <SridarK> esp with the L2 14:18:49 <xgerman_> yes - tempest would be real good 14:19:16 <annp> yeah, 14:19:19 <yushiro> doude, yup 14:19:30 <chandanc> thanks doude 14:19:47 <yushiro> Yes, we should increase. 14:19:48 <xgerman_> #topic Queens 14:20:06 <xgerman_> let’s talk about the patches in flight 14:20:18 <xgerman_> #link https://review.openstack.org/489980 14:20:26 <xgerman_> There is some commentary: 14:20:44 <xgerman_> * doesn’t work for ipv6 + needs additional patches? 14:20:59 <xgerman_> anyone has more insight? 14:21:35 <annp> xgerman_: i can help in ipv6 14:22:24 <annp> actually, when we bring netlink solution to security group 14:22:56 <xgerman_> ok, so we need to push #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/470912/ 14:22:56 <annp> netlink solution was missed ipv6, However we already fixed that in security group 14:23:50 <xgerman_> so our game plan is to merge the conntrack patch and then fast follow with ipv6? 14:24:08 <annp> xgerman_: yes. I think so. 14:24:19 <yushiro> OK, I'll check it again. 14:24:36 <annp> I will push patch for ipv6. 14:25:15 <xgerman_> thanks — that would be great!! 14:25:50 <xgerman_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/515368 14:26:09 <xgerman_> my understanding is we are close but need some ore testing 14:26:14 <xgerman_> more 14:26:41 <chandanc> yes agree 14:26:56 <annp> +1 14:27:29 <chandanc> the simulator can be helpfull, but real tests are also needed 14:27:35 <SridarK> ok this will be our priority for the coming week ? 14:27:37 <yushiro> Yes. So, in order to test with more efficiency, should we write functional test code ? 14:28:11 <chandanc> https://bitbucket.org/xchandan/fwaas-test-sim 14:28:36 <SridarK> yushiro: lets use our etherpad and identfy the use cases and corner cases 14:28:50 <xgerman_> chandanc wonder if we can have this as a gate? 14:28:53 <yushiro> SridarK, Sure +1 14:28:59 <SridarK> then after some manual tests - we can convert to tempest 14:29:11 <chandanc> xgerman_: sure, how do i proceed with this ? 14:29:14 <yushiro> Agreed. OK, let's move step by step. 14:29:39 <chandanc> xgerman_: may be send me some pointer over mail 14:30:00 <xgerman_> #link https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/zuulv3.html 14:30:19 <SridarK> and we can use chandanc 's simulator to validate the rules 14:30:52 <yushiro> Yes, awesome sim, chandanc :) 14:30:55 <xgerman_> yeah, I haven’t done zuulv3 work so will be new for all of us ;-) 14:31:12 <chandanc> :) thanks for the pointer on zuul 14:31:17 <chandanc> thanks yushiro 14:31:23 <SridarK> +1 14:31:28 <annp> chandanc: +1 14:31:30 <yushiro> we don't have in-tree conf for zuul v3, right? 14:31:51 <xgerman_> we should have due to the auto-convert — but not sure 14:32:14 <chandanc> this is all new to me 14:32:17 <chandanc> :) 14:32:52 <xgerman_> yes, it’s maybe 3 months old 14:33:13 <xgerman_> anyhow, Zuul v3 is probably another Queen goal we should look into ;-) 14:33:21 <yushiro> xgerman_, +1 14:33:31 <chandanc> ok 14:34:21 <xgerman_> #link https://review.openstack.org/521207 14:35:08 <xgerman_> so I think I convinced the world that we can change the API without an extension — 14:35:22 <SridarK> xgerman_: wow :-) 14:35:39 <chandanc> awesome 14:35:54 <SridarK> also it will be an optional attribute 14:35:55 <xgerman_> but we should probably lock that down at the end of Queens 14:35:56 <annp> great 14:36:11 <SridarK> so it should not impact current usage 14:36:37 <SridarK> xgerman_: so basically we will add an additional optional attribute to the resource 14:36:46 <yushiro> Yes, just expanding is not so big effect I think. 14:37:17 <xgerman_> well, the extension sort of tells you that the API supports that new attribute 14:37:24 <SridarK> it would be tricky if we were changing an existing attribute or adding something mandatory 14:37:58 <xgerman_> ok, I think we should agree that after Queens we do everyhting with extensions 14:38:20 <xgerman_> (it’s a gray area and some think that committing to master locks you into an API) 14:40:18 <xgerman_> ok, I might do the same for address_groups to get them in before the API locks 14:40:41 <xgerman_> #link https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-specs/specs/mitaka/fwaas-api-2.0.html#firewall-address-groups 14:43:09 <xgerman_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475183 14:43:32 <xgerman_> yushiro? 14:55:02 <yushiro> So, you have a priviledge to check whether existing bug-report is 'bug' or 'not a bug'. 14:55:12 <SarathMekala> oh.. ok.. got it 14:55:34 <SarathMekala> i think you meant supervisor :) 14:56:00 <yushiro> SarathMekala, Aha!! Yeah, that was my typo :) 14:56:12 <yushiro> xgerman_, welcome :) 14:56:53 <yushiro> Was freenode unstable? not sure about that :p 14:57:22 <SarathMekala> looks to be.. i see people in another room also got dropped 14:57:37 <yushiro> ah, I got an e-mail from xgerman_ and Sridar 14:58:06 <yushiro> OK, let's continue weekly meeting. 14:58:11 <yushiro> but 2 minutes left. 14:58:17 <annp> ok 14:58:20 <annp> :) 14:58:20 <yushiro> SarathMekala, do you have some update for dashboard ? 14:58:25 <xgerman_> yep, I am back :-) 14:58:34 <yushiro> xgerman_, +1 14:58:41 <annp> welcome xgerman 14:58:44 <annp> :) 14:58:55 <SarathMekala> yushiro, I dont have any now.. was working on enhancement spec.. will complete it by next week meeting 14:59:14 <yushiro> SarathMekala, OK, that's great :) 14:59:42 <xgerman_> +1 14:59:50 <yushiro> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475183/ 14:59:59 <yushiro> auto-configuration patch, I'll update for comment from annp. 15:00:18 <annp> yushiro: +1 15:00:33 <yushiro> I'll use event registry feature in server-side in order to handle VM port creation. 15:01:05 <yushiro> OK, this is our time. 15:01:10 <yushiro> #endmeeting