14:01:34 <yushiro> #startmeeting fwaas 14:01:35 <annp_> hi SridarK 14:01:35 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 16 14:01:34 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yushiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:37 <njohnston> o/ 14:01:38 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' 14:01:40 <yushiro> Hi SridarK 14:01:48 <annp_> Hi Nate 14:02:00 <yushiro> #chair SridarK 14:02:01 <openstack> Current chairs: SridarK yushiro 14:02:03 <SridarK> yushiro: today my turn i think ? 14:02:13 <yushiro> SridarK, Yes, please :) 14:02:19 <SridarK> ok :-) 14:02:30 <SridarK> #topic Rocky 14:03:04 <SridarK> Thx to all for getting the FWaaS Logging patches in 14:03:23 <yushiro> SridarK, Thank you too. I really appreciate. 14:03:26 <annp_> thank you a lot, SridarK. 14:04:02 <SridarK> No issues at all - yushiro annp_ longkb hoangcx - u all did a great job 14:04:16 <njohnston> congrats - you did great work! 14:04:30 <yushiro> Thanks njohnston. :) 14:04:40 <reedip|afk> \o/ 14:04:41 <SridarK> Are there any other things that need attention 14:04:46 <annp_> SridarK, njohnston: you too. 14:05:22 <annp_> SridarK, I'd like to share with you some regression test between firewall and firewall logging 14:05:40 <SridarK> annp_: yes i was going to ask abt that :-) 14:05:45 <annp_> Here is our test result: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/firewall-logging 14:06:33 <yushiro> This is the same URL that I wrote down at the agenda. 14:06:50 <annp_> yushiro, thanks. 14:07:07 <annp_> let's me summary: 14:07:33 <SridarK> thx annp_ 14:07:35 <yushiro> OK. 14:07:42 <SridarK> so we have one issue 14:07:47 <annp_> 1. almost case for allow/drop with L3 port work fine. 14:08:19 <SridarK> sorry annp_ go ahead 14:08:23 <annp_> 2. almost case for allow/drop with L2 port if we didn't enable L2 logging extension work fine. 14:09:43 <annp_> 3. There one issue related to case when enable L2 logging extension as I declared at case 3 in the link. 14:10:06 <yushiro> annp_, You mean 'almost' is 'all', right? 14:10:29 <annp_> yushiro, yes. 14:10:44 <annp_> yushiro, in other word, so far so good. :) 14:10:58 <longkb> o/ 14:11:03 <longkb> Sorry, I am late 14:11:17 <yushiro> longkb, welcome home :) 14:11:30 <longkb> thanks yushiro :D 14:11:32 <yushiro> annp_, I see. Ok, that is same understanding. 14:11:37 <SridarK> so if we have sg logging and fwaas logging enabled we have an issue 14:11:49 <SridarK> although with fwaas logging we only support L3 14:11:51 <SridarK> ports 14:11:57 <annp_> SridarK, yes. 14:12:02 <longkb> +1 SridarK 14:12:25 <yushiro> SridarK, yes, you're right. 14:12:28 <annp_> SridarK, I and longkb already putted patches to fix that 14:12:33 <SridarK> and u have patches in flight (sorry i had some PTO so not completely on top) 14:12:39 <SridarK> annp_: +1 14:13:02 <annp_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591918/ 14:13:02 <annp_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591978/ 14:13:09 <SridarK> got it 14:13:42 <yushiro> In addition, 1 follow up patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590682/ 14:14:29 <annp_> SridarK, yushiro, We also need patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590682 to make logging work perfect. :) 14:14:33 <SridarK> ok thx yushiro 14:14:38 <yushiro> I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590682/ needs to be backported into stable/rocky if possible. 14:14:39 <SridarK> and annp_ 14:14:48 <yushiro> Sorry annp_ . 14:14:58 <yushiro> annp_, We've duplicated :p 14:15:04 <SridarK> :-) 14:15:07 <annp_> yushiro, ah. :) 14:16:01 <SridarK> ok sounds good we can track these 14:16:02 <annp_> yushiro, Do you want to say something regards to some crazy bug at logging topic or later for bug topic 14:16:30 <SridarK> lets go on to bugs then if we are done here 14:16:44 <annp_> SridarK, thanks. 14:16:45 <yushiro> SridarK, annp_ +1 OK. 14:16:49 <SridarK> ok 14:16:59 <yushiro> annp_, I'll explain about this bug :) 14:17:00 <longkb> got it :D 14:17:02 <SridarK> #topic bugs 14:17:07 <longkb> oh 14:17:14 <SridarK> yushiro: pls go ahead 14:17:57 <yushiro> Regarding annp_ , longkb and tuanvc's great testing, we've clarified known bug 14:18:17 <yushiro> The bug was 'state transition of firewall group'. 14:18:37 <longkb> I found another crazy bug on FW Dashboard too: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z_3h2Fqffz8Zjr6PHrMxBrx210jM7TtPDAFvSJtUXzg/edit#gid=1429860855 14:18:56 <yushiro> longkb, Yes, thank you. 14:19:31 <yushiro> SridarK, This is draft version of testcases for state transition: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z_3h2Fqffz8Zjr6PHrMxBrx210jM7TtPDAFvSJtUXzg/edit#gid=0 14:20:08 <yushiro> I'd like to clarify again about 'state definition of firewall group'. 14:20:35 <SridarK> ok hmm interesting we dont land up at correct status 14:20:42 <SridarK> for some updates 14:21:54 <yushiro> SridarK, Yeah. 14:22:19 <yushiro> The most important point is 'what is "ACTIVE" state for firewall group?' 14:22:36 <annp_> yushiro, +1 14:22:42 <yushiro> In my understanding, ACTIVE: has ingress or egress_firewall_policy and has at least 1 port and admin_state_up is 'UP' 14:22:56 <SridarK> yushiro: yes 14:23:16 <yushiro> DOWN: admin_state_up is 'DOWN' 14:23:24 <annp_> yushiro, SridarK, Is there any document related to fwg state? 14:23:45 <SridarK> yushiro: yes 14:23:54 <SridarK> annp_: not sure if we have something 14:24:05 <yushiro> annp_, In my memory, we've discussed on IRC meeting only since previous cycle. 14:24:31 <annp_> SridarK, yushiro, ok. So let's make the document about that 14:24:56 <SridarK> but basically, INACTIVE means that we dont have a port or policy or both - to distinguish from DOWN 14:25:08 <SridarK> annp_: +1 14:25:13 <yushiro> annp_, +1 14:25:52 <yushiro> SridarK, Yes, I agree with you. INACTIVE: has ingress or egress_firewall_policy and no port or no ingress or egress_firewall_policy and at least 1 port and admin_state_up is 'UP' 14:26:12 <yushiro> ooops, difficult fot document.. 14:26:45 <amotoki> do we need to reflect admin_state(_up) to status? 14:26:47 <SridarK> yes some cleanup is needed 14:27:31 <amotoki> in neutron port, admin_state UP and status ACTIVE means a port itself can work but it is disabled 14:27:46 <yushiro> amotoki, DOWN ? 14:28:42 <amotoki> there is a case where port status is DOWN and admin state is UP 14:28:59 <amotoki> I might be wrong.... 14:29:02 <SridarK> I think this needs some cleanup - i just added an item to our list 14:29:02 <yushiro> current impl, firewall group depended on 'admin_state_up' with own 'status'. If admin_state_up is 'DOWN', then the status of firewall group changed into 'DOWN' 14:29:16 <yushiro> SridarK, Thanks. 14:29:33 <annp_> SridarK, ++ 14:29:42 <SridarK> amotoki: i think as yushiro says 14:29:50 <amotoki> SridarK: yeah 14:30:07 <SridarK> i think we need to look at this more and align better with neutron as well 14:30:17 <amotoki> there is no clear guideline on what we should change 'status' attr when admin_state is changed.. 14:30:27 <amotoki> IIRC network and port have different behaviors 14:30:50 <SridarK> annp_: let me take an action and document current behavior and we start a thread on clean up 14:31:19 <annp_> SridarK, yeah.that's sound great! 14:31:25 <SridarK> we are a bit unique also in what we need to do if a fwg is associated with multiple ports and one of them is down or admin down 14:31:37 <SridarK> so that area needs some thought too 14:31:52 <annp_> SridarK, thanks. 14:32:20 <yushiro> OK. 14:33:17 <yushiro> I thought that firewall group was referring router's state transition but it was different.. There is no relation b/w admin_state_up and status for router. 14:34:58 <SridarK> yushiro: sorry multitasking in another mtg 14:35:26 <yushiro> In case of router, if 'admin_state_up' is down, the namespace has been removed. If we refer router's behavior, all firewall rules should be removed if we changed admin_state_up into 'DOWN'. That is one example.. 14:35:31 <yushiro> SridarK, never mind :) 14:35:36 <annp_> yushiro, SridarK, I think we can discuss via email 14:35:57 <yushiro> annp_, +1 14:36:37 <SridarK> yushiro: i agree 14:37:04 <SridarK> here there are bugs and also handling multiple ports case 14:37:27 <yushiro> Yeah, at first, let's summarize current behavior and sync up with fwaas members. 14:38:00 <annp_> yushiro, ++ 14:38:14 <SridarK> yushiro: +1 14:39:27 <yushiro> SridarK, OK, that's all from me :) 14:39:47 <SridarK> ok sounds good 14:39:54 <annp_> longkb, your turn :) 14:40:53 <longkb> +1 annp 14:41:26 <longkb> I make a statistic related to FW rules updating from FW Dashboard. Please look at this doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z_3h2Fqffz8Zjr6PHrMxBrx210jM7TtPDAFvSJtUXzg/edit#gid=1429860855 14:42:32 <longkb> The value will return to default value if we do not choose again during FW rule updating 14:43:43 <amotoki> it seems the first step is to check what body is passed as a request to neutron server and what is returned as a response from the neutron API. 14:44:40 <yushiro> amotoki, +1 longkb I think checking request body is necessary as well. 14:44:52 <longkb> +1 amotoki, yushiro :D 14:45:27 <amotoki> longkb: could you file a bug to neutron-fwaas-dashboard so that all can track it? 14:45:59 <longkb> amotoki: sure. I will report this bug tomorow :D 14:46:05 <SridarK> +1 14:46:13 <annp_> +1 14:46:33 <yushiro> SridarK, Can I put bug-report regarding state transition as well? 14:46:35 <SridarK> longkb: good catch - possibly some regression 14:47:09 <longkb> thanks SridarK 14:49:20 <SridarK> yushiro: we shd sync up on the issue with HA/DVR Ports 14:50:12 <yushiro> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1759773 14:50:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1759773 in neutron "FWaaS: Invalid port error on associating L3 ports (Router in HA) to firewall group" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Sridar Kandaswamy (skandasw) 14:50:18 <SridarK> as we last discussed we need to get some clarification from the L3HA team 14:51:47 <yushiro> SridarK, Yes. However, I haven't discussed with them yet.. 14:51:56 <SridarK> yushiro: in ur last round of tests - it seemed like the rules were not applied appropriately 14:52:11 <SridarK> yushiro: ok no issues - lets discuss more offline 14:52:32 <SridarK> I think thats all we had on this topic 14:52:38 <SridarK> lets move on 14:52:40 <yushiro> SridarK, yes. Even if we could associate FWG with HA port, the firewall rule has applired into 'standby' router. 14:52:47 <SridarK> yushiro: +1 14:53:08 <SridarK> it seemed like this is something we need to handle 14:53:21 <SridarK> #topic Open Discussion 14:53:55 <yushiro> SridarK, Yes, whether we should handle or abstruct from L3-HA layer. 14:54:11 <SridarK> yushiro: yes exactly 14:54:35 <yushiro> Tomorrow, I'll send e-mail to ML about this issue. 14:54:47 <yushiro> #action yushiro will send ML about L3-HA issue 14:55:02 <SridarK> yushiro: sounds good - or we can attend the L3 mtg and discuss there 14:55:26 <SridarK> i think that may be more useful - so we can debug it quickly with the L3 team 14:55:45 <yushiro> SridarK, yes. Maybe after this meeting ? will check it :) 14:56:04 <SridarK> yushiro: ok 14:56:14 <amotoki> IIRC there is no L3 meeting this week 14:56:23 <SridarK> oh yes it was cancelled 14:56:30 <SridarK> yushiro: then next week 14:56:34 <yushiro> Tuesday at 1500 UTC in #openstack-meeting 14:56:39 <amotoki> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/133129.html 14:56:42 <yushiro> SridarK, OK, thanks. 14:57:01 <SridarK> yushiro: i will ping u during ur day time and lets discuss b4 we attend the L3 mtg 14:57:09 <yushiro> amotoki, Thanks akihiro 14:57:22 <yushiro> SridarK, OK, thanks. 14:57:29 <SridarK> i think it shd be quick IMO - we just need a specific clarification 14:57:48 <SridarK> ok if nothing else we can close out ? 14:58:16 <SridarK> Thx all for joining 14:58:22 <SridarK> have a great week 14:58:37 <yushiro> SridarK, Yes, we'are asking from Chris and Hyunsun 14:58:41 <yushiro> Thanks all. 14:58:49 <annp_> SridarK, you too 14:58:51 <SridarK> #endmeeting