14:01:14 <markwash> #startmeeting glance 14:01:15 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 26 14:01:14 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is markwash. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:01:20 <markwash> there we go 14:01:23 <zhiyan> \o 14:02:24 <markwash> First I wanna talk about cutting RC1 and then briefly take a look at proposed summit sessions 14:02:31 <markwash> #topic cutting rc1 14:03:08 <flwang> markwash: I'd like to add this bug in rc1 https://code.launchpad.net/bugs/1231255 14:04:23 <markwash> let's take a look at that in a bit 14:05:01 <markwash> So, the way cutting an RC works, is we basically do so when we are comfortable that the RC1 bug list is empty/low enough in importance 14:05:21 <markwash> #link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/havana-rc1 14:05:28 <markwash> this process is more flexible than I thought 14:05:45 <markwash> I had previously thought we were going to be forced to cut rc1 today come hell or high water 14:05:47 <iccha> is there an rc2 markwash ? 14:06:04 <markwash> iccha: only if strictly necessary 14:06:11 <iccha> ok gotcha 14:06:13 <rosmaita> we had high water in our dev space this morning 14:06:15 <markwash> meaning, only if we happen to find a release-critical bug after cutting rc1 14:06:33 <flwang> markwash: so any due date/deadline for rc1? 14:06:45 <markwash> well, I think the best thing for us to do is to cut it this week 14:06:48 <markwash> and I think that is possible 14:07:01 <flwang> markwash: got 14:07:06 <markwash> that gives us about 1-2 days to deal with remaining bugs on the list 14:07:20 <iccha> yeah the bug list looks pretty good 14:07:26 <markwash> in my opinion we can quickly handle the several "medium" or higher bugs on the list 14:07:54 <iccha> wish the bugs had in review status 14:07:59 <markwash> heh me too 14:08:17 <markwash> anyone know the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1211315 ? 14:08:32 <markwash> "optimize queries for image-list" 14:08:32 <iccha> markwash: its in review 14:08:39 <iccha> I had taken a look at it and looked good to me 14:08:58 <flwang> +1 from me for that 14:09:03 <iccha> wait one second 14:09:14 <zhiyan> markwash: yes, i kown that 1211315 14:09:25 <markwash> it appears to be abandoned? 14:09:31 <iccha> so the bug shows two reviews 14:09:36 <iccha> we should look at first one 14:09:42 <iccha> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/41404/ 14:09:54 <zhiyan> actually i don't think it's a bug, i think it's a improvement...not sure should belong to rc1 as a bug... 14:10:16 <iccha> its more like a wishlist item. but does imporve speed of queries for glance 14:10:22 <venkatesh> "optimize queries for image-list": https://review.openstack.org/#/c/41404/ 14:10:28 <iccha> will be a good performance improvement imo 14:10:43 <venkatesh> sorry will update the launchpad with the review link 14:11:38 <markwash> Okay. . as nice as it is, it looks like a ton of fresh code so I'm a little more worried about regressions and new bugs than otherwise 14:11:39 <zhiyan> iccha: yes, but it has regress risk 14:11:48 <markwash> so I think it makes a lot of sense to wait 14:12:36 <iccha> i would want all reviwers to play around with patch and feel comfortable before we approve it 14:13:27 <iccha> but its been around for a long time, even if we dont have it in rc1, it will be good for reviewers to check it out 14:13:37 <zhiyan> iccha: TBH, +1 to markwash, wait to I is more safe.. 14:14:17 <iccha> yeah I am ok with it not being in rc1. But just want to make sure we dont push it to back burner :) 14:14:22 <markwash> anyone have issues with the rc1 schedule I proposed? if we don't fix something in our list by COB tomorrow eastern, it doesnt' make it and I cut the release anyway? 14:14:29 <zhiyan> iccha: actually i think the change can get my +1, but just a little worried on regress.. :) 14:14:59 <iccha> zhiyan: maybe after meeting u can express any concerns u have and we can talk to venkatesh ? 14:15:05 <zhiyan> markwash: i'm ok. but one question, do you think flwang's change #48401 should be included? 14:15:55 <zhiyan> iccha: sorry, i have a meeting later, but i like do it later? if you ok.. 14:16:13 <iccha> yeah sure zhiyan 14:16:20 <zhiyan> iccha: cool. 14:17:09 <markwash> zhiyan: I'm interested in a fix but wonder how drastic is a workaround? 14:17:41 <markwash> yeah I wanna add that to rc1 I guess 14:17:59 <zhiyan> iccha: actually i'm ok on the code change, but the change have no any test case ... 14:18:08 <flwang> markwash: it's a fix not a workaround :) 14:18:10 <markwash> I've got a few questions from quickly scanning the review, so I'll note those down soon 14:18:22 <markwash> flwang: right, the code change is. . but I'm wondering about workarounds in case the fix is not in place 14:18:40 <zhiyan> markwash: yes, it's a fix. but flwang actually it also has some minor issue, i will put my comments asap later.. 14:19:14 <zhiyan> markwash: end user can do necessary policy.json change to make workaround IMO. 14:19:34 <iccha> zhiyan: ah thats coz there is no change in functionaility. wish we could have performance tests. the current tests passing means it didnt break anything. but then again how much can we rely upon glance tests :) 14:20:11 <zhiyan> markwash: i mean to enable get_image_location always 14:20:43 <flwang> zhiyan: why? 14:21:02 <markwash> since I know its late in china I went ahead and added my notes on that review now 14:21:07 <markwash> but I am going to add that bug to rc1 also 14:21:16 <flwang> zhiyan: did you mean enable get_image_location for all user? 14:21:41 <zhiyan> flwang: for necessary user 14:22:01 <zhiyan> according to admin, maybe all user. 14:22:08 <zhiyan> markwash: cool. thanks. 14:22:22 <zhiyan> iccha: yes, i mean unit test :) 14:22:27 <iccha> i think it should be in rc1 too 14:22:36 <iccha> flwang: 's patch ^ 14:22:56 <zhiyan> iccha: flwang +1 for rc1 bug 14:23:00 <markwash> I think that about covers the rc1 topic from my perspective. . anyone else have questions or items related to rc1? 14:23:14 <iccha> markwash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1229042 14:23:36 <rosmaita> markwash: in writing up the docs for image sharing, i found a few bugs 14:23:38 <zhiyan> iccha: aha, aready in 14:23:44 <flwang> markwash: how about this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46986/ ? just a minor typo fix for glance api 14:23:46 <rosmaita> do you think we can get them in rc2? 14:23:51 <flwang> harmless 14:24:23 <markwash> rosmaita: if they're critical enough for rc2, we should delay releasing rc1 to address them 14:24:40 <markwash> rosmaita: otherwise, they can certainly be ported to stable/havana later 14:24:44 <zhiyan> markwash: humm TBH we'd better keep control on the list... 14:25:11 <markwash> rosmaita: at this point, critical is not the word I meant to use. . just trying to say if the importance of the bug would justify a "high" priority 14:25:15 <rosmaita> i think they can wait 14:25:20 <rosmaita> there are workarounds 14:25:49 <zhiyan> markwash: do not include more bug which not really need... to low the regress risk.. 14:26:00 <rosmaita> although, i do have a patch up for one, it's an incorrect http response code, would be good to fix so people don't code against the response and then we change it 14:26:25 <rosmaita> https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1229366 14:26:27 <markwash> rosmaita: can you post links to the bugs. it would only take a few minutes to double check the priority 14:26:30 <rosmaita> but i don't insist on it 14:26:50 <rosmaita> give me a sec to write up the other bugs, just confirmed them 14:27:51 <markwash> +2 on that one. . I don't see a big risk and its a wart that's nice to remove 14:28:37 <flwang> markwash: how about this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46986/ 14:29:02 <flwang> but I don't insist on that :) 14:29:55 <markwash> flwang: seems low risk 14:30:08 <flwang> markwash: yep 14:30:10 <markwash> okay. . anyone okay with moving on to the next topic? 14:30:17 <iccha> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46767/ 14:30:18 <markwash> s/okay/not okay/ ? 14:30:47 <markwash> ah, that's a good point iccha 14:30:54 <markwash> there was some additional work with property protections 14:31:01 <markwash> that sort of popped up 14:31:17 <markwash> iccha: is there more than just that review you'd like to see come in under the FFE header? 14:31:19 <iccha> markwash: since the additional work is not gonna be in rc1. i think changes to documentation not needed for now 14:31:31 <markwash> ah okay 14:31:45 <iccha> markwash: i was thinking will think patch also go in rc1? 14:32:24 <iccha> in other words my question is there are some protected porperties patches like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46283/5 14:32:28 <iccha> and the documentation one 14:32:37 <iccha> do they come under rc1? 14:32:43 <iccha> just prioritizing my reviews 14:32:46 <iccha> so the question 14:33:28 <iccha> i would like to see the documentation go in if not the other patches 14:33:45 <markwash> gotcha 14:33:51 <zhiyan> iccha: i think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46767 doc change should wait, since the '@' role change is not landing yet. 14:34:32 <markwash> I think the docs could, but it looks like that dependency is real 14:34:36 <iccha> if we can get hold of thomas i feel that we can remove the dependency and see if we can get the documentation patch ? 14:34:52 <iccha> so it does not have the info related to the patch it is dependent on 14:34:57 <zhiyan> iccha: if so that's ok to me. 14:34:59 <markwash> if we can remove that dependency (removing @ ! from the docs themselves too) thenI'm cool 14:35:12 <iccha> i ll try and see if i can contact thomas in time 14:35:31 <iccha> becoz logically speaking it ll be good to have the documentation with the feature when packaage is cut 14:35:52 <zhiyan> iccha: make sense to me. 14:36:22 <iccha> anyone know his irc nick? 14:36:35 <markwash> not I 14:36:36 <zhiyan> :-[ seems we can landing a lot of things in rc1 14:36:46 <zhiyan> iccha: sorry 14:36:53 <iccha> ya I understand 14:37:01 <iccha> we re being too last minute about it too :( 14:37:07 <iccha> I should have brought it up earlier 14:38:02 <markwash> zhiyan: :-( indeed. . it feels to me like these are generally either really important or really low risk 14:38:13 <markwash> but please do make the case if you disagree about the risk or importance 14:38:30 <markwash> I don't want us to regress because groupthink miscalculated the risk 14:38:54 <markwash> indeed, everyone should be looking at these changes with a very skeptical eye 14:39:25 <zhiyan> :P my eyes is nice 14:39:43 <flwang> markwash: yep, we need heavily review for those in progressing rc1 patches 14:39:50 <iccha> also we need to think of it as a package . in terms of what can this release do with and without 14:39:51 <zhiyan> markwash: yes, i totally agree that 14:39:54 <iccha> flwang: +1 14:40:09 <iccha> all reviewers on board for next 2 days 14:40:27 * markwash is 14:41:00 <iccha> sorry mark took up too much time on rc1 14:41:13 <zhiyan> markwash: iccha next topic? 14:41:17 <markwash> okay. . bring up any other issues with rc-important bugs after meeting, and be very skeptical during reviews to play things safe 14:41:19 <zhiyan> ... if we have 14:41:21 <markwash> no worries! 14:41:28 <markwash> #topic summit topics 14:41:32 <zhiyan> cool 14:41:37 <markwash> just wanted to check in with those really fast 14:41:39 <markwash> we have two so far 14:41:50 <markwash> I think folks can start submitting them now 14:41:56 <markwash> (some time ago evidently) 14:41:58 <iccha> link http://summit.openstack.org/ 14:42:00 <zhiyan> summit.openstack.org 14:42:01 <zhiyan> yes 14:42:22 <iccha> also markwash u said few topics in mind 14:42:42 <markwash> yes, I've just been too lazy to add them to the list 14:43:03 <iccha> does one of them have to do with testing :p 14:43:06 <markwash> #1 I wanna talk about the future of v1. . when do we deprecate? can we make it use the domain and delete all its custom stuff 14:43:19 <markwash> iccha: hmm I hadn't thought to, but we could 14:43:23 <flwang> markwash: iccha: do you think https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/image-error-state-management can be re-discuss since it's a real problem for end user 14:44:21 <flwang> there are many bugs attached to it 14:44:42 <markwash> flwang: I'd really like for us to tackle that issue, but I want to rephrase the blueprint to (being frank) make the outcome I want to see more likely 14:45:26 <markwash> what I'd really like to see is nova tracking the progress of uploads 14:45:30 <flwang> markwash: yep, that's what I will do next 14:45:39 <markwash> we might even want to submit that as a nova talk honestly 14:46:01 <flwang> markwash: I think we may need a notification from Nova to tell Glance what happened 14:46:14 <markwash> I think having the conversation with both glance and nova folks will allow us to actually make progress 14:46:26 <markwash> instead of the neglect/stonewall stalemate we've had for many cycles now 14:46:30 <iccha> +1 14:46:32 <flwang> markwash: sure 14:46:43 <markwash> okay cool 14:47:14 <flwang> markwash: so do you think it a good topic for summit? 14:47:15 <markwash> so just a few items there, then. . I'm only looking to add the one I mentioned, anyone feel free to add what they want to that list and bug me to take a look at it 14:47:19 <markwash> flwang: yes 14:48:07 <flwang> markwash: cool 14:48:22 <markwash> all right. . feels like open discussion time to me :-) 14:48:31 <zhiyan> just thinking maybe bresnah probably need a proxy.. to talk about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/framework-for-contributed-storage-systems 14:49:15 <zhiyan> and i have one location-property. markwash ^ 14:49:58 <markwash> yeah, go ahead and submit it or both 14:50:13 <markwash> its okay if our submissions overlap or have to be adjusted 14:50:40 <markwash> really its a good sign if we have a few of those problems 14:50:45 <markwash> #topic open discussion 14:50:48 <zhiyan> cool, roger 14:51:03 <iccha> i pinged thomas leaman for the documentation patch 14:51:36 <iccha> and he ll have another one today 14:51:57 <zhiyan> markwash: do we have a release plan on the glanceclient part? 14:52:06 <flwang> iccha: cool 14:52:14 * markwash frantically eats cereal before the bus arrives 14:52:32 <iccha> zhiyan: good question 14:52:51 * markwash wonders if he netsplit 14:53:00 <markwash> #endmeeting