14:00:08 <rosmaita> #startmeeting glance 14:00:09 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 10 14:00:08 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:32 <abhishekk_> o/ 14:00:39 <kairat> o/ 14:00:44 <rosmaita> hi everyone 14:00:57 <abhishekk_> Hi 14:01:04 <smcginnis> o/ 14:01:14 <rosmaita> as always, here's the agenda: 14:01:16 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:01:37 <abhishekk_> Today i might be late in reply as stuck in traffic on the way to home 14:01:47 <rosmaita> ok, thanks for the warning! 14:02:03 <rosmaita> not much on the agenda, but a lot to do today for RC-1 14:02:11 <rosmaita> which brings us to our first topic 14:02:22 <rosmaita> #topic updates - RC-1 situation 14:02:34 <rosmaita> ok, i put up an etherpad: 14:02:47 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-pike-RC-critical 14:03:33 <rosmaita> so, first thing is that since abhishek and i collaborated on the image-import bug, neither of us can +2 it 14:03:44 <rosmaita> which eliminates a lot of options! 14:04:05 <rosmaita> anyway, instead of rushing it through, i decided that we should just face up to having to do an RC-2 14:04:27 <rosmaita> which will also give me some more time to get the image-import docs up to speed 14:04:39 <rosmaita> and someone is going to ask, when is RC-2 14:04:45 <abhishekk_> When is the rc-2 14:04:51 <rosmaita> :) 14:04:52 <smcginnis> :) 14:04:57 <abhishekk_> :) 14:05:34 <abhishekk_> Hope jokke_ will be back till then 14:06:14 <rosmaita> not sure about jokke, but he did give me permission to ping him while on vacation if necessary 14:06:33 <abhishekk_> Ok 14:06:34 <rosmaita> ok, so i believe the situation is that there's no set number of RC's you have to do 14:06:42 <rosmaita> so the next one we do will be RC-2 14:06:56 <rosmaita> no matter when we do it, as long as it's before the release 14:07:08 <rosmaita> that being said, i would like to do it next week, hopefully wednesday 14:07:26 <rosmaita> since the point of an RC is to allow testing before the release 14:07:42 <abhishekk_> Sounds good 14:07:52 <rosmaita> cool, i will put that in the weekly email 14:08:19 <rosmaita> OK, i should say something about that etherpad i linked earlier 14:08:48 <rosmaita> ok, you can see some items on the priority list for this week are being dropped from pike 14:09:03 <rosmaita> those were patches that required revision 14:09:23 <rosmaita> the two marked APPROVED are making their way through the gate as we speak 14:09:40 <rosmaita> and we already talked about the image-import bug 14:09:44 <rosmaita> (for RC-2) 14:10:06 <rosmaita> and you can see my to-do list for today 14:10:23 <rosmaita> i'll regenerate the sample configs after the approved changes merge 14:10:35 <rosmaita> one of them at least will affect the config files 14:10:48 <rosmaita> i'm working on the release note for RC-1 right now 14:10:57 <rosmaita> should have it up shortly after the meeting 14:11:18 <rosmaita> i can ninja-approve the config files 14:11:36 <abhishekk_> Yes 14:11:50 <rosmaita> i do need abhishekk_ or mike to look at the release notes 14:12:06 <abhishekk_> I will take a look 14:12:08 <rosmaita> abhishekk_: will you have time when you get home? 14:12:27 <rosmaita> ty, i will post a message in glance channel as soon as i get it posted 14:12:34 <abhishekk_> It will take 2 hours for me to reach 14:12:43 <abhishekk_> I will be available 14:12:55 <rosmaita> ok, that's fine, because it will probably take 2 hours for the config files to get through the gate! 14:13:07 <abhishekk_> Ok 14:13:57 <rosmaita> abhishekk_: i will owe you a fancy dinner or something the next time i see you 14:14:11 <abhishekk_> :) 14:14:38 <rosmaita> #topic updates - RC-2 procedure 14:14:41 <rosmaita> just a reminder 14:14:51 <rosmaita> only release critical bugs will go into RC-2 14:14:58 <rosmaita> we'll track them on that etherpad 14:15:15 <rosmaita> the procedure is: fix in master, and then propose a cherry pick to stable/pike 14:15:26 <rosmaita> but hopefully we won't be doing a lot of that 14:15:37 <abhishekk_> Hopefully 14:15:46 <rosmaita> ok, now, let's talk about RC-2 in detail 14:15:54 <rosmaita> #topic RC-2 14:16:06 <rosmaita> ok, we're shooting to cut the release next wednesday 14:16:18 <rosmaita> august 16 14:16:51 <rosmaita> we've got the one patch up already for image-import bug that abhishekk_ found 14:17:10 <rosmaita> but, it would be great if people could do more image-import testing 14:17:35 <rosmaita> i have been travelling this week, but will be home by tomorrow and will get some stuff setup so i can test more thoroughly 14:17:45 <rosmaita> but, the more eyes the better 14:17:56 <abhishekk_> I will do one more round 14:18:12 <rosmaita> thanks abhishekk_ , you have been finding all the problems! 14:18:30 <rosmaita> the other thing that would be good is someone to take a look at the trusts 14:19:09 <rosmaita> #link https://review.openstack.org/#q,I233883dc6a37f282eb8e024c059c6a12ebb7e9f1,n,z 14:19:11 <abhishekk_> I have checked two apis need to check 3rd one, stage i guess 14:19:33 <rosmaita> that's the patch that's going into RC-1 14:19:47 <rosmaita> it looks good, but it would be nice if someone could give it a workout 14:20:20 <rosmaita> all our current tests pass, but tbh i'm not sure what kind of test coverage we have for that 14:20:29 <rosmaita> since it's an optional feature, etc. 14:20:36 * smcginnis has to drop off to go to event, but ping if help needed for anything 14:20:47 <rosmaita> ok, see you smcginnis 14:21:41 <rosmaita> i'll put that request on the priority email, maybe someone with an interest in trusts will take a look 14:21:50 <rosmaita> ok, there was an update i forgot 14:22:05 <rosmaita> #topic updates - Images v2.6 API 14:22:51 <rosmaita> I talked to some api-wg people and decided that the api changes in pike, which are only the image-import stuff, should be EXPERIMENTAL 14:23:12 <rosmaita> primarily because the /info/import call is lacking most of its content atm 14:23:27 <rosmaita> so, in Pike we'll still have 2.5 as CURRENT 14:23:33 <abhishekk_> Ok 14:24:05 <rosmaita> the plan is that in Queens, we'll finish image-import (the api part anyway) and make 2.6 CURRENT and then move 2.5 to SUPPORTED 14:24:30 <rosmaita> it protects us from users and other people freaking out when the response changes 14:24:40 <rosmaita> also, i think the schema calls aren't implemented yet 14:25:10 <rosmaita> anyway, that's just a point of information, i don't think it really impacts any of our development work 14:25:47 <rosmaita> ok, i think that is everything i wanted to discuss today 14:25:54 <rosmaita> #topic open discussion 14:26:11 <abhishekk_> Nothing at the moment from me 14:26:41 <rosmaita> oh yeah, i should mention that i'll be travelling this afternoon, will probably stop every 2 hours or so to get online at a coffee shop and keep the release moving along 14:27:04 <abhishekk_> Ohh 14:27:21 <rosmaita> which is probably the correct pace as things merge 14:28:00 <rosmaita> ok, so i will finish up the release notes and get that patch up in the next half hour 14:28:14 <abhishekk_> I will be available for next 6 hours if required 14:28:32 <rosmaita> i'll keep an eye on those two patches that are in the gate, and regenerate the config files, and ninja-approve that change 14:28:50 <rosmaita> abhishekk_: i think the key thing will be your eyes on the release notes 14:28:51 <abhishekk_> Ok 14:29:25 <abhishekk_> Yes, i will have a look 14:29:29 <rosmaita> and if you have time, a quick look at the release proposal to make sure i didn't include the wrong hash 14:29:43 <abhishekk_> Ok 14:29:51 <rosmaita> but that patch won't go up until pretty late today, so don't worry about that 14:30:08 <rosmaita> i'm pretty sure there won't be a problem with it 14:30:22 <abhishekk_> :) 14:30:30 <rosmaita> it's just a proposal to tag RC-1 and then cut stable/pike 14:30:44 <rosmaita> we don't have +2 powers on that, anyway, it's up to the release team 14:30:59 <abhishekk_> Yeah 14:31:40 <rosmaita> ok, i guess that's all for today ... i'll wait 2 min to see if anyone has an open discussion topic, and then will end the meeting 14:31:56 <abhishekk_> Thank you 14:32:04 <kairat> bye 14:34:17 <rosmaita> ok, that's all ... have a good week, everyone! 14:34:21 <rosmaita> #endmeeting