14:00:52 <jokke_> #startmeeting glance 14:00:52 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 12 14:00:52 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jokke_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:58 <jokke_> #topic roll-call 14:01:01 <jokke_> o/ 14:01:06 <rosmaita> o/ 14:01:07 <abhishekk> o/ 14:01:09 <smcginnis> \o 14:01:35 <McClymontS> GM all o/ 14:01:39 <McClymontS> or afternoon/evening 14:01:46 <jokke_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:01:52 <jokke_> there's the agenda link 14:02:22 <jokke_> we might need to timebox today so lets get started as it seems like we have pretty much everyone around 14:02:33 <jokke_> #topic updates 14:02:55 <jokke_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-glance-brainstorming 14:03:21 <jokke_> Last minit to throw your ideas to the Vancouver Summit Forum 14:03:35 <jokke_> last minute even 14:04:09 <jokke_> Who has participation confirmed by now? 14:04:19 <McClymontS> I am booked and will be there 14:04:22 <rosmaita> me too 14:04:27 <jokke_> cool 14:04:33 <jokke_> same here 14:04:36 <abhishekk> I will miss this time 14:04:55 <jokke_> abhishekk: ok :( 14:05:01 <rosmaita> oh yeah, i got an email yesterday about glance onboarding, apparently i am booked for that session -- i will reuse our sydney stuff 14:05:02 <jokke_> I assume smcginnis will be there? 14:05:04 <smcginnis> I will be there. 14:05:13 <smcginnis> But the usual running around. :/ 14:05:19 <jokke_> sure 14:05:51 <jokke_> lets try to meet up at some point, if nothing else for some food and pints 14:05:59 <smcginnis> Definitely! 14:06:04 <jokke_> there's good beer and good coffee in Vancouver ;) 14:06:33 <smcginnis> Last time was great. I'm looking forward to exploring Vancouver some more. 14:07:14 <jokke_> then another update which I let rosmaita go more into details is that now when we finally have the glanceclient stable release out, we need to start focusing on 2 things. 14:07:28 <jokke_> removal of the v1 api 14:07:50 <jokke_> if not complete ocde removal, but getting rid of the tests and killing the endpoints 14:08:07 <jokke_> and figuring out how badly intelocked the code is 14:08:44 <jokke_> and the second part is that we have few specs sitting in the review queue that needs attention. 14:08:53 <McClymontS> huge +1 on removal of v1 14:09:02 <smcginnis> For the API, do we have a config option to enable/disable that API? 14:09:12 <jokke_> So lets try to get the feedback into the spec patches and merge the ones we want to have in 14:09:25 <jokke_> smcginnis: yes, those needs to go as well 14:09:46 <smcginnis> jokke_: Checking now, but do we have it defaulted to disabled right now? 14:09:57 <jokke_> smcginnis: and that config option has been false by default of quite a few releases already 14:10:12 <jokke_> for quite 14:10:13 <smcginnis> OK, perfect. Shouldn't be any surprises then. 14:10:30 <rosmaita> yeah, and devstack default is no v1 14:10:34 <McClymontS> Yeah confirmed there its defaulted out 14:10:38 <rosmaita> for a few cycles 14:10:38 <McClymontS> I checked yesterday actually 14:10:49 <smcginnis> rm -fr api/v1 then. :) 14:11:09 <jokke_> smcginnis: I have that patch up already, zuul did not like it ;) 14:11:34 <rosmaita> yeah, my 2 cents from doing the glare-ectomy is that this will take longer than we expect 14:11:46 <McClymontS> It is entrenched in a few places 14:11:57 <McClymontS> Multihash presented those issues as well 14:12:36 <jokke_> rosmaita: thus I'm saying we need to ensure that we get rid of the endpoints and possibilities to enable it in this cycle. Obviously as much of the cleanup as possible 14:12:47 <rosmaita> ++ 14:12:59 <smcginnis> Sounds like a good plan to me. 14:13:11 <McClymontS> When does this release cycle end 14:13:17 <jokke_> but we should not - vote those patches just because the patch did not remove all of it 14:13:28 <jokke_> lets just get the work rolling ;) 14:13:50 <smcginnis> McClymontS: Release candidate deadline (code freeze) is the week of Aug 6 - https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/schedule.html 14:13:51 <jokke_> the release is in August IIRC 14:14:28 <rosmaita> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/glance-specs/priorities/rocky-priorities.html 14:14:30 <McClymontS> Awesome thanks smcginnis 14:14:45 <McClymontS> Provides a good amount of time to tackle that 14:14:47 <smcginnis> Would be great to get the v1 endpoint removed earlier in the cycle though, just in case there are any surprises. 14:14:56 <rosmaita> ++ 14:15:13 <jokke_> smcginnis: YES! That's why it was prioritized to the very beginning of the cycle 14:15:39 <jokke_> ok, next one 14:15:47 <jokke_> #topic release updates 14:15:52 <jokke_> rosmaita: stage is yours 14:15:52 <rosmaita> i'll make it fast 14:16:09 <rosmaita> we have 2 client releases, one on stable/queens for packagers and one from master 14:16:18 <rosmaita> 2.10.0 and 2.11.0 respectively 14:16:24 <rosmaita> basically the same content in both 14:16:43 <rosmaita> we should be releasing a new stable/queens today 14:17:05 <rosmaita> and we have rocky-1 milestone next week 14:17:06 <jokke_> that's from openstack/glance not client, right 14:17:16 <rosmaita> right, sorry, today will be glance 14:17:31 <rosmaita> rocky-1 milestone aiming for wednesday release 14:17:52 <rosmaita> and our first bug smash is next friday 20 April, so put it on your calendars 14:18:04 <rosmaita> and bug squad meeting monday at some ungodly hour 14:18:10 <rosmaita> this monday 14:18:14 <McClymontS> time edt? 14:18:15 <jokke_> :D 14:18:22 <rosmaita> 6 am 14:18:29 <McClymontS> YEah 14:18:31 <rosmaita> that's all 14:18:33 <McClymontS> lol 14:18:58 <jokke_> #topic uncapping eventlet 14:19:04 <rosmaita> just for info 14:19:05 <jokke_> this should be fast as that's done 14:19:20 <rosmaita> yeah, have we merged those patches? 14:19:41 <jokke_> I think I saw at least the glance merge message in irc 14:19:48 <jokke_> not sure if store was merged yet 14:20:00 <rosmaita> ok, then if glance is ok, should not be a problem 14:20:08 <jokke_> nope, I have my +2 there as of now 14:20:11 <rosmaita> i was worried over nothing, forget about it 14:20:21 <rosmaita> that's all 14:20:54 <jokke_> #topic what to do about store_capabilities_update_min_interval ? 14:21:04 <jokke_> keep the mic 14:21:11 <rosmaita> ok, this came up in glance channel earlier this week, at least i thought it did 14:21:21 <rosmaita> problem with nfs mount for filesystem store 14:21:35 <rosmaita> anyway, it made me realize that we never decided what to do about this option 14:21:45 <rosmaita> that no store actually implements 14:22:04 <rosmaita> so, i was wondering is a spec-lite ok? 14:22:18 <rosmaita> and i think we can deprecate it AND remove the code at the same time 14:22:19 <jokke_> I'm still standing behind the proposal that we should deprecate the config option and remove it next cycle 14:22:24 <rosmaita> since the option does nothing 14:22:30 <rosmaita> and the code is just a stub 14:22:50 <rosmaita> so the deprecation will just be an announcement that you shouldn't expect this to work and it never has 14:22:57 <rosmaita> comments? 14:23:34 <rosmaita> to be clear, spec will be to remove the stub and deprecate the option now, remove the option in S 14:23:48 <jokke_> there is no reason not to follow the standard and leave the removal for next cycle ... just in the case that someone has actually implemented driver or that feature to some of the drivers downstream 14:24:14 <rosmaita> well, its just that you get that really misleading log message that freaks people out 14:24:42 <jokke_> which one? 14:25:05 <rosmaita> i don't remember, it's in the meeting logs from the previous discussion 14:25:17 <rosmaita> it makes it sound like you don't have your store configured properly 14:25:37 <rosmaita> but enough of that ... i will propose a spec lite to deprecate the option 14:25:42 <jokke_> but that's only if you actally configure that 14:25:45 <rosmaita> that's all 14:25:45 <jokke_> ? 14:25:54 <rosmaita> no, you get it no matter what, i think 14:26:04 <rosmaita> anyway, not worth discussing now 14:26:20 <jokke_> oh crap ... ok lets put spec lite up for it and we can nail the details down there 14:26:24 <rosmaita> will do 14:26:28 <McClymontS> yeah spec-lite sounds good 14:26:46 <jokke_> #topic Deleting image data after signature verification failure 14:27:05 <jokke_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529083/ 14:27:13 <rosmaita> that's green, but pretty sure it wasn't me 14:27:19 <jokke_> spoiler alert, I -2'd that approach 14:28:05 <rosmaita> i don't know if it's possible to move the verifier.verify into the store? so we can not store the data when it fails? 14:28:16 <abhishekk> lost the network :( 14:28:20 <jokke_> no point 14:28:58 <jokke_> we would need to cache the data locally and that opens yet another can of worms 14:29:13 <McClymontS> No cahcing 14:29:15 <McClymontS> caching* 14:29:33 <rosmaita> not sure i follow, isn't that how the checksum failure is handled? 14:30:08 <jokke_> rosmaita: the crypto function is fed from the stream when we push the data to the backend 14:30:38 <jokke_> and once that finishes we know if the sig matches or not 14:31:32 <rosmaita> right, but don't we have a feature where you can specify the checksum on image creation, and if the data doesn't match, image is killed? 14:31:50 <jokke_> what actually is the problem here is that we have except statement for that crypto to fail, but we do not handle the data cleanup in the backend before we raise it further 14:31:58 <McClymontS> yes that is true rosmaita I believe 14:32:08 <McClymontS> So jokke_ you think just handle it right there? 14:32:10 <McClymontS> in that exception 14:33:21 <jokke_> McClymontS: yes, when we get the crypto failure, we catch that, remove the data from the backend and after that we raise it back to the api that takes care of killing the image record 14:34:18 <rosmaita> i'm just saying that the store has the verifier, it is passed in, so maybe call verify on it in the store and just delete the data there 14:34:59 <rosmaita> whatever we do, we should try to use the same pattern as the checksum code 14:35:18 <McClymontS> I'm conflicted I agree with both tbh.. 14:35:34 <jokke_> rosmaita: that's too late already, the verifier object is passed to the store from the location.py 14:35:58 <jokke_> also IIRC we do not support setting the checksum in v2 14:36:33 <jokke_> which means that from Rocky we also never kill image for checksum failure, only for signature failure if it's signed image 14:38:10 <rosmaita> what behavior do we want here? do we want it to go 'killed' or 'queued' ? 14:38:44 <jokke_> Well it's in released API that it goes killed. I really don't see backwards compatible way to change that 14:39:03 <rosmaita> yeah, but we can say that's v1 only 14:39:25 <jokke_> no image signinghas never been a thing in v1 14:39:36 <rosmaita> i mean the image going killed 14:39:56 <jokke_> but it's not because image signing has been doing that since mitaka or so 14:40:05 <jokke_> that's my point, we fucked it up 14:40:14 <jokke_> and I don't see way out of it 14:40:19 <rosmaita> ok 14:41:05 <rosmaita> well, 'killed' shows up in the image schema, which was kind of a suprise to me this week 14:41:08 <jokke_> it just looks like our datapath is reliable enough that the signature failures does not happen and the fact that there is data left behind is noticed only now ;) 14:44:00 <jokke_> So what I'm saying is, it's a nasty bug and we need to fix it. Lets do it in a right place and not overengineer it to the point where someone in 2-3 years time when we all might be doing something totally different is cursing us to the deepest hell "What were these guys thinking of!" ;) 14:44:32 <rosmaita> hard to disagree with that 14:44:38 <McClymontS> yeah lol 14:45:00 <jokke_> ok next topic 14:45:00 <McClymontS> Leave a comment saying '#my bad' 14:45:11 <jokke_> #topic Images API v1 removal 14:45:20 <jokke_> we did touch this pretty well already 14:45:46 <jokke_> #agreed we need to remove the endpoints in Rocky cycle and do as much code cleanup as possible 14:46:16 <jokke_> I have patch up that removes the v1 tests and last time it ran it's passing the gate 14:46:23 <abhishekk> I can have a look as well 14:46:35 <McClymontS> This will also help from a security perspective 14:46:37 <jokke_> that's a good place to start with to avoid unnecessary failures 14:47:22 <jokke_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/549732 14:47:26 <McClymontS> Specifically this would resolve OSSN-0078 14:47:31 <McClymontS> AFAIK 14:48:14 <rosmaita> McClymontS you are correct 14:48:38 <McClymontS> Along with lessening 76 technically 14:48:41 <jokke_> And please feel free to path up any other tests you might find that still pokes the v1 api 14:49:03 <jokke_> we unfortunately have quite a few of those 14:49:27 <jokke_> That's kind of all from me about this topic. Anyone else? 14:50:06 <jokke_> going once 14:50:20 <jokke_> going twice 14:50:27 <rosmaita> wait 14:50:40 <rosmaita> we need to get this in also: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/553641/ 14:50:52 <rosmaita> or the glanceclient gates will start failing when v2 goes 14:51:11 <rosmaita> some core who is not me or abhishekk needs to +A it 14:51:23 <jokke_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/553641/ 14:51:29 <rosmaita> (and i meant v1) 14:52:07 <jokke_> good, thanks for the pointer ... like said that was not on the priority list for client to get the 2.10.0 and 2.11.0 out, now it becomes to that ;) 14:52:23 <rosmaita> ok 14:52:54 <jokke_> I assume that needs to be backported as well? 14:52:59 <rosmaita> nope 14:53:26 <jokke_> or is the stable/queens hitting only stable/queens and no grenada nastyness there? 14:53:29 <rosmaita> stable/queens client tests run in stable/queens devstack 14:53:36 <rosmaita> so should be no problem 14:53:42 <jokke_> ok cool 14:53:48 <jokke_> happy to hear 14:53:50 * rosmaita hopes he is right 14:53:57 <jokke_> next topic! 14:54:19 <jokke_> #topic Restore v1 api-ref? 14:54:26 <rosmaita> Sam Betts filed this bug: 14:54:32 <rosmaita> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1762387 14:54:32 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1762387 in Glance "v1 Image Service APIs in Image Service API Reference" [High,Triaged] 14:54:34 <jokke_> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1762387 14:54:39 <rosmaita> :) 14:54:39 <jokke_> ahh 14:54:42 <jokke_> #undo 14:54:42 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1762387 14:55:06 <rosmaita> so the problem is that we got rid of the v1 api-ref to show we are serious about removing v1 14:55:07 <smcginnis> FWIW, we kept Cinder v1 api-ref around for a bit, then decided we didn't want to have that old information out there in the current documentation. 14:55:24 <jokke_> that's kind of my view 14:55:31 <rosmaita> but sam points out that there's no published non-master api-ref 14:55:45 <rosmaita> so i think we need to revert the removal 14:55:49 <smcginnis> How long as v1 been deprecated now? 14:55:56 <jokke_> the info is available in tree for those who wants to refer to the old deprecated/removed stuff 14:55:59 <jokke_> years 14:56:09 <rosmaita> yes, but it has not actually been removed yet 14:56:40 <smcginnis> I could go either way. We could revert it, then remove again once everything is actually removed. 14:56:42 <McClymontS> if v1 still exists I think the docs should 14:56:43 <rosmaita> well, we could just put a note on the api-ref telling you to build it yourself 14:56:47 <McClymontS> I agree with smcginnis there 14:56:48 <jokke_> true, but it has also been disabled by default for years already (at least over year if not 2 year mark yet) 14:56:54 <rosmaita> but it would be better to have the ref there 14:57:09 <rosmaita> we could put up a scary page saying it only applies to really old openstacks 14:57:20 <rosmaita> which are the majority of clouds, tbh 14:57:31 <smcginnis> As long as it's very clearly marked deprecated in the api-ref, not much harm still publishing it for a release or two I suppose. 14:57:44 <jokke_> this is again one of these things I really hate about how we do things ;) 14:58:18 <rosmaita> poor PTL leadership pre-rocky 14:58:23 <McClymontS> lol 14:58:24 <jokke_> "We do not provide certain information from stable branches but we assume it will be always accurate and available from master" 14:58:43 <rosmaita> yeah, openstack is a bit inconsistent about that 14:58:46 <jokke_> rosmaita: this is more OpenStack issue than Glance issue tbh 14:58:55 <rosmaita> i was just being a wise-ass 14:59:27 <rosmaita> so, should i put up a restore patch with scary front page? 14:59:30 <jokke_> so if it's really important to have the API ref for v1 published, go and publish it from the branch it's released from ;) 14:59:41 <jokke_> rosmaita: nah, I do not want that back 14:59:57 <rosmaita> ok, then a note about generating it yourself? 15:00:06 <jokke_> that we can do 15:00:17 <rosmaita> ok, i'll slap something together 15:00:29 <jokke_> and sorry, Open Discussion is today in #openstack-glance as we're out of time! 15:00:30 <smcginnis> Timecheck 15:00:35 <jokke_> Thanks everyone 15:00:39 <rosmaita> bye! 15:00:39 <smcginnis> Thanks! 15:00:40 <jokke_> #endmeeting