14:00:19 <jokke_> #startmeeting glance 14:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 21 14:00:19 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jokke_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:27 <jokke_> #topic roll-call 14:00:29 <abhishekk> o/ 14:00:33 <jokke_> o/ 14:01:27 <jokke_> Brian is stuck in with flu so I think it might be just two of us 14:01:35 <abhishekk> ohh 14:01:45 <jokke_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:02:49 <jokke_> ok lets get on with this and we can free up some time 14:02:55 <jokke_> #topic release updates 14:03:18 <jokke_> I saw you had item here that we still have problems with those periodic tests timing out 14:03:34 <abhishekk> yes, still no luck to get rid of that 14:03:48 <jokke_> :| 14:03:59 <abhishekk> after matt's patch got merged the frequency of failure is low but it's still there 14:04:10 <jokke_> ok, so it's getting better 14:04:15 <jokke_> that's at least good news 14:04:37 <abhishekk> yeah, I am looking for other options to trim the logs (deprecation warnings in the tests) 14:05:05 <LiangFang> I may take a look too 14:05:08 <abhishekk> Next week March 1 will be last day for releasing glance_store library 14:05:09 <jokke_> yeah, sounds like we just need to trim the fat and keep an eye on what we log 14:05:12 <abhishekk> LiangFang, great 14:05:12 <jokke_> hi LiangFang 14:05:27 <LiangFang> get back from holiday:) 14:05:39 <jokke_> LiangFang: I hope you had great time 14:05:45 <LiangFang> thanks 14:05:49 <abhishekk> and we have two weeks for milestone 3 release 14:05:56 <jokke_> yes 14:06:08 <abhishekk> lots of reviews are pending (cache-manage, rethinking file systems) 14:06:31 <jokke_> I will take this afternoon and tomorrow for testing and reviewing patches 14:06:35 <abhishekk> So all cores, reviewers kindly focus on reviewing the patches 14:06:41 <jokke_> and will focus on just that 14:06:42 <abhishekk> jokke_, great 14:07:07 <abhishekk> that's it from release/periodic topic 14:07:40 <jokke_> ok 14:07:44 <jokke_> moving on 14:07:49 <jokke_> #topic release updates 14:07:55 <jokke_> #undo 14:07:55 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic release updates 14:08:06 <jokke_> #topic rethinking filesystem access 14:08:25 <abhishekk> rosmaita has suggested to have new config option for these reserved stores, but as we have glance_store scheduled to release next week I guess it's not a good idea to do changes in glance store at this moment 14:08:56 <abhishekk> I have replied to him on the specs, but lets see what we agree on 14:09:06 <jokke_> I think I was saying that we should do that already last cycle ;) 14:09:11 <jokke_> yeah 14:09:52 <abhishekk> so is it ok to add new config option? 14:10:37 <abhishekk> please add your views on the lite-specs 14:10:40 <jokke_> TBH I don't want them to be configurable and have yet another pointless config option there. They should be reserved 'though 14:10:44 <jokke_> yeah will do 14:10:59 <abhishekk> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/605584/5/ 14:11:18 <abhishekk> I will make changes accordingly and upload new PS asap once you are done 14:11:32 <jokke_> ok, will take it on top of my list 14:11:44 <abhishekk> jokke_, thank you :D 14:12:18 <jokke_> Have you by any chanse had a look if we have lurking bugs for glance_store? 14:12:35 <abhishekk> jokke_, no new bugs as of now 14:12:36 <jokke_> just want to make sure we have no surprises when we tag it next week 14:12:46 <jokke_> cool, then that should be fine 14:13:11 <abhishekk> unless that swift driver py35 compatibility issue 14:13:59 <abhishekk> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance-store/+bug/1805332 14:14:01 <jokke_> I need to have another look on that now wen I have my testing environment back up and running. 14:14:02 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1805332 in glance_store "[Swift backend] Upload image hit error: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to wangxiyuan (wangxiyuan) 14:14:04 <jokke_> yeah 14:14:21 <smcginnis> .o. 14:14:27 <jokke_> hi Sean 14:14:34 <smcginnis> Hey jokke_ ! 14:14:42 <LiangFang> hi sean 14:14:44 <abhishekk> smcginnis, o/ 14:14:59 <jokke_> #topic open discussion 14:15:09 <jokke_> ok, anyting else in your minds? 14:15:51 <jokke_> My talk proposal was pushed as lightning talk, which ain't gonna happen so likely won't be talking about the edge cases 14:16:02 <LiangFang> FYI: starlingx project has decided to switch to community version of openstack 14:16:04 <abhishekk> nope, as we are approaching towards closing reviews should be top priority 14:16:05 <smcginnis> That's unfortunate 14:16:14 <smcginnis> LiangFang: \o/ 14:16:18 <abhishekk> :( 14:16:36 <smcginnis> Sorry if it was mentioned earlier, but lib freeze is next week. 14:16:46 <jokke_> LiangFang: sounds great! So you guys found ways to meet your current needs with vanilla glance for now? 14:16:49 <smcginnis> So if there's any glance_store changes we need to get in, better get some attention there quick. 14:16:51 <abhishekk> LiangFang, will you be there at PTG? 14:16:59 <abhishekk> smcginnis, ack 14:17:10 <LiangFang> abhishekk: I will not be in PTG 14:17:21 <abhishekk> ohh 14:17:21 <jokke_> smcginnis: yeah we were discussing about that ... that's on top of our priority list for this afternoon/tomorrow 14:17:47 <LiangFang> jokke_: yes 14:18:09 <smcginnis> +1 14:19:03 <jokke_> LiangFang: great! That makes me really really happy. I hope we will find ways to make your life better by not needing to carry internal patches and that we could address them use cases moving forward 14:19:20 <abhishekk> jokke_, ++ 14:19:31 <LiangFang> jokke_: thanks:) 14:20:02 <jokke_> I know what a nightmare forwardporting downstream patches are 14:20:32 <abhishekk> agree 14:20:46 <LiangFang> yes 14:21:45 <LiangFang> starlingx TSC decided to switch to community version, and then look what will happen, then fix 14:22:01 <jokke_> LiangFang: Are you going to continue working with us to move glance forward or do you have next fire already waiting for fighting? 14:23:04 <LiangFang> I mainly focus on glance and cinder, but I'm working for starlingx 14:23:05 <LiangFang> :) 14:23:25 <jokke_> ok, that's cool 14:23:59 <jokke_> Anything else? 14:24:02 <LiangFang> My manager support me to do work for community 14:24:59 <abhishekk> cool 14:25:19 <jokke_> Well lets wrap this up then. 14:25:33 <abhishekk> nothing from me, all reviewers please focus on reviews of glance_store and glance, no measure changes/bugs in client 14:25:38 <jokke_> Thanks all! 14:25:45 <abhishekk> thank you all 14:25:45 <smcginnis> Thanks! 14:25:49 <jokke_> #endmeeting