14:00:30 <jokke_> #startmeeting glance 14:00:31 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 4 14:00:30 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jokke_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:01:23 <jokke_> #topic roll-call 14:01:28 <jokke_> o/ 14:01:44 <abhishekk> o/ 14:02:22 <rosmaita> o/ (sorry i'm late) 14:02:35 <jokke_> no worries, Morning brian 14:02:42 <jokke_> #topic updates 14:02:51 <jokke_> lets start with the PTG planning 14:02:57 <jokke_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Glance-Train-PTG-planning 14:03:03 <jokke_> empty canvas for now 14:03:18 <jokke_> I get the template copied so we can start session planning 14:03:40 <smcginnis> .o. 14:03:53 <jokke_> hi Sean 14:04:09 <jokke_> ok moving on 14:04:11 <smcginnis> Sorry, I need to set my meeting reminder closer to the start so I don't get distracted. :) 14:04:16 <jokke_> #topic release updates 14:04:24 <abhishekk> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/train-ptg-glance-planning 14:04:38 <abhishekk> I have one ^^, if you think it's useful 14:05:30 <abhishekk> Regarding periodic jobs, I have submitted a patch to fix the 3.5 interpreter not found issue 14:05:42 <abhishekk> Please refer, https://review.openstack.org/648614 14:06:04 <smcginnis> I've added abhishekk's etherpad to https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTG/Train/Etherpads 14:06:07 <smcginnis> Feel free to update 14:06:40 <abhishekk> On release front we have delivered glance rc1 14:06:58 <jokke_> lets get back to the ptg plan on the open discussion 14:07:03 <abhishekk> I have reported one documentation related bug regarding cache management 14:07:37 <jokke_> indeed rc1 was tagged and we haven't seen any critical bugs out of it so far 14:07:38 <abhishekk> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/1823124 14:07:39 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1823124 in Glance "Update cache-manage documentation" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Abhishek Kekane (abhishek-kekane) 14:08:06 <jokke_> abhishekk: ++ thanks for making that 14:08:19 <abhishekk> I have patch up as well 14:08:28 <jokke_> cheers 14:08:29 <abhishekk> #link https://review.openstack.org/649908 14:08:36 <smcginnis> Seems minor enoigh to pick up in a first stable release, but if it merges today we could get another RC. 14:08:36 <abhishekk> :D 14:08:47 <abhishekk> +1 14:09:25 <rosmaita> i agree, looks like worth having in the stein odcs 14:09:29 <rosmaita> *docs 14:09:31 <abhishekk> But do we need another patches like config generation and release notes as well? 14:09:52 <jokke_> I'm fine not rolling another RC for doc patch. the docs will update as soon as we backport that anyways 14:09:59 <jokke_> abhishekk: nope, it's all in RC1 14:10:05 <abhishekk> cool 14:10:27 <abhishekk> that's it from me 14:10:50 <jokke_> RC1 is what the name stands for Release Candidate ... it should be good to go for a Tag unless something critical needed fixing :D 14:11:10 <rosmaita> might want to get this in to speed up changes in master: https://review.openstack.org/645870 14:11:28 <jokke_> abhishekk: how about our periodic jobs. Did that py36 merge and did it fix our issues? 14:11:49 <abhishekk> it's not merged yet 14:12:01 <smcginnis> rosmaita: Done! Good one to have. 14:12:12 <abhishekk> #link https://review.openstack.org/648614 14:12:13 <jokke_> darn ... k ... so I assume we're still seiing those same errors coming from there? 14:12:23 <abhishekk> yes 14:12:24 <jokke_> seeing 14:12:27 <jokke_> ok, thanks 14:12:55 <jokke_> #topic subunit parser issues 14:13:09 <jokke_> rosmaita: you seem to put topic for this into the agenda 14:13:40 <rosmaita> yeah, ttx noticed some problems and he and smcginnis put up some patches yesterday 14:13:41 <jokke_> this is the second issue we've been seeing from there iiuc 14:13:50 <abhishekk> I have gone through the chat, and saw couple of patches were merged to avoid deprecation warnings 14:14:12 <rosmaita> yeah, so at this point my agenda item may be moot 14:14:15 <smcginnis> Still working around the root issue, but reducing logging noise helps avoid hitting the failure. 14:14:40 <smcginnis> But if we have any other easy to clean up things like deprecation warnings or noisy logging, it helps to clean that up. 14:14:54 <rosmaita> i wonder whether after these changes, abhishekk's other patches will help? 14:15:12 <jokke_> I still think the root issue is us moving too quickly to premature tooling that wasn't able to scale, but that's nothing new in the community 14:15:15 <jokke_> :D 14:15:19 <rosmaita> when we ran the experiment a month or so ago, they were same failure rate as un-patched glance 14:15:19 <abhishekk> rosmaita, not sure, I have abandoned them 14:15:23 <ttx> There are weird deprecation warnings coming from tasks tests 14:16:05 <abhishekk> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634628/ 14:16:15 <ttx> like "/home/zuul/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/glance/.tox/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/testtools/testcase.py:1049: DeprecationWarning: Using function/method 'TasksController.get()' is deprecated: The task API is being deprecated and it will be superseded by the new image import API. Please refer to this link for more information about the aforementioned process: 14:16:17 <ttx> https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/glance-specs/specs/mitaka/approved/image-import/image-import-refactor.html" 14:16:33 <ttx> Feels like this should be deprecated by now? 14:16:36 <abhishekk> In above patch I was trying to avoid adding extra glance-api logs to the tests 14:16:58 <smcginnis> abhishekk: That should help. 14:17:00 <ttx> (or if not deprecated, looks like the warning should no longer be there ?) 14:17:04 <rosmaita> or maybe we should just remove the deprecation warning 14:17:10 <rosmaita> (what ttx just said) 14:17:18 <smcginnis> Is it deprecated and going away? Or did plans change there? 14:17:24 <jokke_> ttx: thanks, that needs to be looked into. It's one of those things we inherit from the lovely Onion design and the deprecation message is just triggered from worng place 14:18:32 <jokke_> smcginnis: the tasks api deprecation is real, the engine running it is not going anywhere and the deprecation gets triggered on the tasks engine, not on the tasks API 14:18:42 <rosmaita> we need to put tasks on the PTG agenda 14:18:49 <jokke_> rosmaita: indeed 14:19:06 <rosmaita> because i don't know that we need to support the non-taskflow tasks any longer 14:19:48 <smcginnis> jokke_: Ah 14:19:48 <rosmaita> we kind of addresssed the deprecation issue when the task_api policy was added 14:20:32 <jokke_> rosmaita: yeah, that was before the discussion of actually removing deprecated API functions became a thing :) 14:20:45 <jokke_> thus there is that never ending deprecation loop :D 14:21:05 <rosmaita> it's an onion of deprecations 14:21:15 <abhishekk> :D 14:21:52 <smcginnis> :) 14:22:27 <jokke_> ok anything else about the subunit parser issue we're seeing? 14:22:41 <rosmaita> just that it's pissing people off 14:23:06 <jokke_> yup 14:23:08 <rosmaita> and thanks to ttx for doing something about it 14:23:18 <jokke_> indeed thanks Thierry 14:24:20 <jokke_> ok lets open it up 14:24:26 <jokke_> #topic open discussion 14:26:26 <jokke_> I'll change the templating a bit, I think our scaling on the session planning is very unrealistic and it really haven't worked that great 14:26:40 <jokke_> ^^ ref the PTg planning 14:27:02 <rosmaita> everything is always XL! 14:27:16 <jokke_> rosmaita: indeed, regardless how we estimated it 14:27:46 <jokke_> The reality is that an hour is very short time having any discussion in that environment 14:28:42 <rosmaita> I put 2 sessions on the cinder and glance etherpads, maybe you can coordinate with jungleboyj about timing 14:28:50 <rosmaita> jokke_: ^^ 14:28:58 <abhishekk> cool 14:29:55 <jokke_> rosmaita: yeap, that's the other part what our planning is lacking, the collaboration coordination part. So Keep an eye on the link I posted I try to work through the changes I wanted to have on that over today/toorrow and move the topics over 14:30:13 <jokke_> I just did not want to copy the boilerplating directly 14:30:29 <abhishekk> we also need one cross session with nova for snapshot/backup uploading to glance specific backend 14:30:33 <rosmaita> i put abhishekk's cinder-use-glance-multistore as a quick discussion, but think it should be longer -- i spoke with eharney and he thinks there is a different way to do this in cinder, namely to hide the glance store in a 'volume type' 14:30:36 <jokke_> before I have touched a little bit with you guys about the feeling how well that has worked 14:32:10 <jokke_> but what I'm hearing is that I'm not the only one thinking this did not work so well, so I get some details down and I'll ping ye guys to give it a pass before we start moving topics over 14:32:27 * jokke_ is trying to avoid tons of duplicate work 14:33:33 <jokke_> that's all from me, anything else? 14:33:36 <rosmaita> jokke_: can you post that link again? 14:33:50 <abhishekk> ^^ 14:34:20 <jokke_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Glance-Train-PTG-planning 14:35:11 <abhishekk> Nothing from me at the moment 14:36:02 <jokke_> rosmaita: smcginnis anything on your minds? 14:36:08 <rosmaita> not me 14:36:37 <smcginnis> Nope 14:36:49 <jokke_> ok, I know rosmaita is busy with cinder upgrade checks etc. so lets free the 20+min for being productive and close this early 14:37:02 <jokke_> Thanks all and have a good one! 14:37:10 <rosmaita> :) 14:37:17 <abhishekk> thank you all 14:37:23 <jokke_> #endmeeting