14:02:23 <jokke> #startmeeting glance 14:02:24 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 14 14:02:23 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jokke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:25 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:02:31 <jokke> #topic roll-call 14:02:39 <jokke> o/ 14:02:57 <jokke> We have very stubby agenda for today 14:03:08 <jokke> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:03:32 <Steap> haha 14:04:04 <jokke> rajivmucheli: if you wait couple of minutes and we'll get to your question in the open discussion 14:04:13 <rajivmucheli> sure 14:04:38 <jokke> #topic release updates 14:04:57 <jokke> Just a reminder milestone 2 is next week 14:05:58 <jokke> Next week is also deadline for specs, so anything still under discussion should be ready by Wed EOB latest with core acks so Abhishek can merge them when he comes back 14:06:38 <jokke> #topic open discussion 14:06:47 <jokke> rajivmucheli: stage is yours 14:07:56 <rajivmucheli> i am planning to upgrade my production from train to victoria release. but i see : 14:07:56 <rajivmucheli> root@glance-78fc69d7d-t4szd:/# glance-api --version 14:07:57 <rajivmucheli> 19.0.0 14:08:13 <rajivmucheli> is this as expected or should it be 21 ? 14:09:05 <jokke> pretty sure it should 14:09:47 <jokke> so Train is 19 Victoria is 21 14:10:11 <rajivmucheli> yes, when i tried upgrading to ussuri, i get 19 instead of 20. 14:10:21 <rajivmucheli> i never experienced this issue till now. 14:10:50 <rajivmucheli> but the site-packages show 21. i wonder why ? 14:11:15 <jokke> hmm-m, what are you using as source? Are you just pulling the sources and installing yourself or are you using some packaged version? 14:11:42 <rajivmucheli> i use loci, enhanced version of kolla. 14:11:57 <rajivmucheli> https://github.com/sapcc/loci 14:13:16 <Steap> python -c "import glance; print(glance.__file__)" <- does this show a weird path or what you'd actually expect? 14:14:16 <rajivmucheli> root@glance-78fc69d7d-t4szd:/var/lib/openstack/bin# python -c "import glance; print(glance.__file__)" 14:14:31 <rajivmucheli> root@glance-78fc69d7d-t4szd:/var/lib/openstack/bin# python -c "import glance; print(glance.__file__)" 14:15:02 <rajivmucheli> idk if the above output is seen, the output for the python cmd is /var/lib/openstack/lib/python3.8/site-packages/glance/__init__.py 14:16:09 <jokke> So either we have something broken in pbr or loci does not update the "bin/" entry or what ever you're using as your path to start it and you actually get still the old version 14:17:27 <rajivmucheli> i have been using loci since 3years and never had this error. 14:18:12 <Steap> do you see the same issue with other OpenStack components? 14:18:33 <rajivmucheli> No, i upgraded barbican service. It works well. 14:19:50 <jokke> rajivmucheli: if you can start the API, even listening to another port and check what API minor version it reports 14:20:41 <rajivmucheli> how can i check the minor API version ? the API service is working. 14:20:49 <jokke> if it reports 2.11 as Images API version to the version query, then you're running Victoria and the error is what we're actually reporting as version and no-ne else has noticed it 14:22:38 <rajivmucheli> how do i check it reports 2.11 ? api debug logs doesnt show much 14:22:39 <jokke> if I recall correctly the version negotiation responds to both / and /version endpoints if you send get request to either 14:27:11 <jokke> Anything else? We can continue this outside of the meeting in #openstack-glance channel 14:27:15 <rajivmucheli> the next question is, is it possible for glance to retry an image_upload operation ? 14:28:14 <rajivmucheli> or do i need to enable swift_buffer_on_upload, swift_upload_buffer_dir 14:28:24 <jokke> that depends how it fails. If it's detected we should revert the image back to "Queued" at which point you can redo upload 14:29:36 <jokke> there is no way to resume so if the image state goes back to queued you need to restart the whole upload 14:29:59 <rajivmucheli> i get this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance-store/+bug/1673280 14:30:01 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1673280 in glance_store "BackendException: Failed to add object to Swift. - While trying to upload image size of around 400 MB" [Undecided,Incomplete] 14:31:56 <jokke> ohh 14:32:10 <jokke> so that's still a thing 14:32:25 <rajivmucheli> yes. 14:32:54 <jokke> could you put the details into that bug so we can keep tracking it. Last time by the looks of it the original reporter just disappeared 14:33:11 <jokke> so it might be some setting related, but it would be good to get to the bottom of it 14:34:11 <rajivmucheli> sure, can i ping you directly ? 14:34:20 <jokke> sure 14:34:30 <rajivmucheli> thats it from my end. Thanks 14:35:32 <jokke> ok, and like said feel free to join us on #openstack-glance channel for any further digging into the version stuff etc. 14:35:43 <jokke> Steap: you have anything? 14:37:39 <jokke> I take that as no 14:37:45 <jokke> Thanks everyone! 14:37:53 <jokke> #endmeeting