14:00:05 <abhishekk> #startmeeting glance
14:00:06 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 11 14:00:05 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is abhishekk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance'
14:00:14 <abhishekk> #topic roll call
14:00:19 <abhishekk> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda
14:00:22 <abhishekk> o/
14:00:27 <jokke> o/
14:00:34 <dansmith> o/
14:00:49 <abhishekk> lets wait for rosmaita for couple of minutes
14:00:56 <rosmaita> o/
14:01:02 <abhishekk> cool lets start
14:01:12 <abhishekk> #topic release/periodic jobs update
14:01:20 <abhishekk> Final release of non-client libraries - 2 weeks
14:01:26 <abhishekk> priority patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/774703
14:01:35 <abhishekk> This one patch is up for review in glance_store
14:02:10 <abhishekk> This is type of blocker for some deployment tools to configure multiple cinder backends in glance
14:02:29 <abhishekk> Please have a look at it
14:02:37 <abhishekk> Milestone 3 - 3 weeks
14:02:54 <abhishekk> We have series of open patches in glance along with secure RBAC
14:03:30 <abhishekk> So need to gear up and start reviewing
14:03:38 <abhishekk> Periodic jobs - green again
14:03:47 <abhishekk> Moving to next topic
14:03:55 <abhishekk> #topic Distributed image import
14:04:01 <abhishekk> Dan's spec -  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/763574 (2 +2 and 1 -2)
14:04:18 <abhishekk> We still need to come into agreement
14:04:59 <abhishekk> I am still hoping we can get this done in this cycle, I might also think of granting FFE if required
14:05:05 <rosmaita> abhishekk: is that the correct url for the review?
14:05:37 <rosmaita> mabye this: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/774097
14:05:51 <abhishekk> my bad
14:05:54 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/774097
14:06:11 <jokke> I think it's time to stop beating the dead horse and focus the little time we have left in the cycle on the stuff we have agreed on and inflight like the rbac
14:07:00 <abhishekk> jokke, will think over your advice, thank you
14:07:07 <rosmaita> except that there's already code for this proposal
14:07:21 <rosmaita> so it's not speculative as a spec, it's basically working
14:07:33 <dansmith> basically working? :)
14:07:35 <abhishekk> I also need to make sure that we have opted all the options to get this done
14:08:23 <rosmaita> ok, as far as i can tell, it's really working without causing regressions
14:08:28 <rosmaita> dansmith: how's that?
14:08:43 <dansmith> heh, better thanks :)
14:08:46 <abhishekk> So I am still little bit positive about this
14:08:49 <rosmaita> :D
14:09:07 <abhishekk> next one is
14:09:07 <dansmith> given I extended devstack to have two isolated glance workers,
14:09:33 <dansmith> we can fully validate this in an automated test to a high degree of confidence I think
14:09:44 <abhishekk> yes, this will be very useful
14:10:23 <abhishekk> #topic Task show API
14:10:31 <abhishekk> Spec - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/763740 (needs reviews, minor changes in specs)
14:10:44 <abhishekk> I have spec ready to merge
14:10:54 <abhishekk> also PoC is there if anyone wants to have a look
14:11:12 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/763739
14:11:26 <abhishekk> Working on tests and will be complete by Monday
14:11:29 <dansmith> rosmaita: I think you should be ready to go on this one too pretty much right?
14:11:41 <abhishekk> jokke, rosmaita, smcginnis kindly review the spec
14:11:44 <rosmaita> yeah, just need to look at the diff from PS7
14:11:49 <dansmith> yeah, cool
14:12:26 <abhishekk> Cool, moving ahead
14:12:44 <abhishekk> #topic Secure RBAC
14:12:57 <abhishekk> at the moment we are Waiting for new version of oslo.policy - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/774290
14:13:13 <abhishekk> lbragstad, have all the patches in place with working protection testing
14:13:18 <abhishekk> Patches for reviews - https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/glance+topic:secure-rbac
14:13:24 <abhishekk> Functional tests against devstack - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-tempest-plugin/+/773568
14:13:56 <abhishekk> These tests are working in local environment, as I said just waiting for new oslo.policy release
14:14:29 <abhishekk> If possible kindly review these patches as well
14:15:02 <abhishekk> any questions about secure RBAC stuff?
14:15:40 <jokke> I've been going through those patches few times now
14:15:53 <abhishekk> cool, any concerns so far
14:16:01 <jokke> there's couple of things that needs to be flagged, but I'm missing something as whole here
14:16:46 <abhishekk> It will be good to record these somewhere either on reviews or testing etherpad
14:17:01 <jokke> How do you turn this on/off? I mean using the policies from the policy file as they are defined at the moment vs. turning on the persona policies introduced by these patches
14:17:26 <lbragstad> fwiw - there are still some bit in the database that build queries based on the roles associated to the context - which results in different responses for project-admins versus project-members and project-readers
14:17:29 <jokke> abhishekk: yeah I will flag those in the relevant patches on the next pass
14:17:59 <abhishekk> jokke, ack
14:18:09 <lbragstad> i've added FIXMEs in the glance-tempest-plugin to highlight some of those cases
14:18:40 <abhishekk> AFAIK at the moment there is no provision for on/off with old vs new policies checkup
14:19:01 <abhishekk> lbragstad, am I right?
14:19:15 <jokke> but either I've missed the patch or the mechanism but like said I haven't figured out how do you choose between policies as they are implemnted in Victoria vs. these new persona based policies
14:20:02 <lbragstad> well - we have configuration options in oslo.policy that determine how to process the default rules with respect to the deprecated values
14:20:14 <lbragstad> which is invoked from https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-tempest-plugin/+/773568/14/.zuul.yaml#1
14:20:41 <lbragstad> and that calls this - https://opendev.org/openstack/glance/src/branch/master/devstack/plugin.sh
14:20:57 <abhishekk> enforce_scope ?
14:21:11 <lbragstad> https://opendev.org/openstack/glance/src/branch/master/devstack/plugin.sh#L15-L19
14:21:46 <lbragstad> well - there are two, enforce_scope and enforce_new_defaults (which ignores any deprecated rule values during processing)
14:22:02 <lbragstad> s/processing/enforcement/
14:22:08 <abhishekk> right
14:22:41 <lbragstad> the tests i'm writing are forcing glance to use the new personas
14:23:15 <abhishekk> ack
14:23:49 <abhishekk> I will go through your FIXME comments
14:24:16 <abhishekk> anything else you want to highlight here, lbragstad
14:24:37 <lbragstad> not really - once the FIXMEs are handled, we should be able to consolidate the tests
14:25:00 <abhishekk> ok, thank you
14:26:01 <abhishekk> @all please try to have look at rbac patches and tests
14:26:09 <abhishekk> moving ahead
14:26:15 <abhishekk> #topic Open discussion
14:26:40 <abhishekk> Last 3 weeks and we have lot to review and work
14:27:06 <abhishekk> So please be focused and get things done
14:27:24 <abhishekk> That's it from me today
14:27:44 <rosmaita> ummm ... what did we decide about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/774097 ?
14:27:48 <abhishekk> we still have 30 minutes to discuss anything else you have in your mind
14:29:22 <abhishekk> I am thinking on that, on a positive note we might get this in before next meeting or apply for FFE
14:31:40 <rosmaita> well, i don't know that anyone's attitude toward the proposal will change over the next week, and i'd kind of like to merge it sooner rather than later ... even though it's got great tests and tempest coverage, it *is* software, so the more it runs the better IMO
14:33:00 <abhishekk> rosmaita, noted
14:34:13 <abhishekk> anything else?
14:34:33 <abhishekk> going once
14:34:43 <abhishekk> Steap, you around?
14:35:22 <abhishekk> Please push new revision for your patch, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/763920
14:35:28 <abhishekk> it is good to go
14:35:34 <abhishekk> going twice
14:36:14 <abhishekk> thank you all
14:36:18 <abhishekk> see you next week
14:36:33 <abhishekk> till then keep reviewing and have a nice weekend
14:36:37 <Steap> will do :)
14:36:42 <abhishekk> Steap, thank you
14:36:55 <rosmaita> ok, bye all
14:37:02 <abhishekk> #endmeeting