14:00:40 <abhishekk> #startmeeting glance 14:00:40 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Aug 5 14:00:40 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is abhishekk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:40 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:40 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:46 <abhishekk> #topic roll call 14:00:49 <redrobot> \o 14:00:52 <abhishekk> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:57 <abhishekk> o/ 14:01:20 <abhishekk> lets wait couple of minutes for others 14:02:03 <rosmaita> o/ 14:02:12 <croelandt> o/ 14:02:15 <dansmith> o./ 14:02:23 <abhishekk> cool, lets start 14:02:29 <jokke_> o/ 14:02:34 <abhishekk> #topic release/periodic jobs update 14:02:41 <abhishekk> M3 4 weeks from now 14:02:45 <abhishekk> glance_store xena release - 2 weeks from now 14:03:05 <abhishekk> We don't have much from store side now 14:03:37 <abhishekk> Periodic jobs 2 time outs this week, trying to figure out the problem but don't have much time atm 14:03:56 <abhishekk> #topic M3 targets 14:04:10 <abhishekk> Policy refactoring work 14:04:17 <abhishekk> Finally things are rolling 14:04:37 <abhishekk> thanks to croelandt and lbragstad for helping us to move ahead 14:04:54 <abhishekk> You will get total overview of refactoring work from below sheet 14:05:04 <abhishekk> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SWBq0CsHw8jofHxmOG8QeZEX6veDE4eU0QHItOu8uQs/edit?pli=1#gid=73773117 14:05:21 <abhishekk> Still long way to go.. 14:05:48 <abhishekk> Any questions related to policy work? 14:05:48 <dansmith> yep, but a lot of momentum already I think 14:05:59 <abhishekk> ++ 14:06:33 <abhishekk> I take that as know, moving ahead 14:06:37 <abhishekk> Cache API 14:06:46 <abhishekk> we have new revision up for glance side work 14:07:02 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/792022 14:07:20 <abhishekk> Need to have close look on this, will do it today after the meeting 14:07:31 <abhishekk> Pending is now client side work 14:08:02 <jokke_> I have a client patch up as well 14:08:22 <abhishekk> So all reviewers spend some time to review 14:08:41 <abhishekk> That is still PoC but you can refer it 14:08:55 <jokke_> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-glanceclient/+/800172 14:09:14 <abhishekk> ack 14:09:15 <jokke_> yes, please provide feedback and lets move those on 14:09:43 <abhishekk> Noted, will look asap 14:09:59 <abhishekk> Metadef project persona integration 14:10:09 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/798700/ 14:10:18 <abhishekk> I think these are also in good shape 14:10:45 <abhishekk> Moving to next topic 14:10:58 <abhishekk> #topic Wallaby backports discussion (croelandt) 14:10:59 <abhishekk> 14:11:07 <abhishekk> croelandt, stage is yours 14:11:42 <abhishekk> Ok, let me explain this on his behalf 14:11:47 <croelandt> yeah 14:11:48 <croelandt> sorry 14:12:01 <abhishekk> no problem, do you want me to continue ? 14:12:02 <croelandt> so we have those two patches we want to backport 14:12:16 <croelandt> the first one applies almost cleanly, the second one applies cleanly 14:12:17 * abhishekk go ahead 14:12:30 <croelandt> but only the second one is suitable for backport, since the first one is a new feature 14:12:45 <croelandt> *but* if we only apply the second one (a bugfix), then it conflicts like crazy 14:12:56 <croelandt> and to fix the conflicts I'm gonna have to basically rewrite the first one 14:13:05 <croelandt> so I'd be tempted to backport both or none of them 14:13:17 <croelandt> erf, Rajat isn't here, he knows more about the patches content than I do :/ 14:13:21 <jokke_> What are we talking about? Any references? 14:13:37 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/782200 14:13:43 <abhishekk> this is 1st one 14:13:53 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/796577 14:13:57 <abhishekk> this is actual bug fix 14:13:59 <croelandt> yep :) 14:14:24 <rosmaita> so why exactly is 782200 a new feature? 14:14:35 <abhishekk> I think if the bug is important then we can backport supporting patches as well 14:14:46 <dansmith> the first one changes our interaction with cinder quite a bit right? 14:15:11 <croelandt> rosmaita: it uses the new attachment support from Cinder 14:15:20 <croelandt> which is also a required backport in Cinder from what I understand 14:15:23 <rosmaita> "new" == since Pike or something 14:15:58 <abhishekk> dansmith, right 14:16:00 <dansmith> seems a bit risky to me, despite that 14:16:11 <rosmaita> we already merged that change to wallaby, and broke grenade 14:16:17 <dansmith> the microversion it requires is much newer than pike, if I recall 14:16:18 <rosmaita> (grenade is fixed now) 14:16:28 <rosmaita> astually, that was a different break, forget what i said 14:16:46 <jokke_> I do agree, it's really not something that aligns with our stable policy for backport 14:17:05 <croelandt> jokke_: I'm fine with not doing the backport :;) 14:17:13 <abhishekk> I think I lost the connection 14:17:14 <abhishekk> ? 14:17:18 <croelandt> but keep in mind that if we want ot backport https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/796577 14:17:27 <jokke_> abhishekk: nope, at least tx happens still ;) 14:17:30 <croelandt> we basically are going to reimplement half of #782200 14:18:07 <dansmith> well, that patch also seems like you could argue it's too chunky for a backport 14:18:24 <dansmith> if it's something that didn't work before, it's a feature despite having a bug number attached :) 14:18:32 <croelandt> hehe 14:18:38 <abhishekk> :D 14:18:50 <abhishekk> croelandt, I think its better not to backport it upstream 14:18:52 <croelandt> we'll tell the distro maintainers to do their own backports then 14:18:57 <dansmith> ++ 14:19:00 <croelandt> which is fine since I'm the distro maintainer *cough* 14:19:06 <abhishekk> :P 14:19:24 <abhishekk> anything else you have to add here ? 14:19:28 <dansmith> for us downstream, it's fine to take that risk and do the testing to ensure it.. we know what cinder people have, what order they will apply the updates, what their general config can be 14:19:38 <dansmith> but upstream it seems too risky, IMHO 14:19:45 <jokke_> dansmith: I tend to agree, also if we just want to block writing qcow into cinder nfs, I don't see how that is related with the new attachment API. 14:19:55 <dansmith> jokke_: agree 14:19:57 <croelandt> yeah, I'm fine with not backporting upstream 14:20:06 <jokke_> Maybe if this is important enought to backport it needs independent fix rather than backport 14:20:18 <dansmith> or some mitigation thing 14:20:26 <croelandt> jokke_: yeah, we need to figure out whether we want it fixed in W 14:20:57 <abhishekk> ack, that we can discuss on ML we already have 14:21:05 <abhishekk> moving ahead 14:21:08 <abhishekk> #topic FIPS CI Jobs (alee/dmendiza) 14:21:13 <redrobot> \o 14:21:18 * redrobot is aka dmendiza 14:21:21 <jokke_> it's kind of one of these things like "It's not gonna work and we can tell the user so early or they can find it out down the line" :P 14:21:43 <abhishekk> redrobot, go ahead 14:22:02 <redrobot> Yeah, so Ade and I are working on an effort to test all of OpenStack on FIPS-enabled systems 14:22:31 <redrobot> to that end we've been adding CI jobs to every project to run existing test suites in nodes which have had FIPS turned on 14:22:38 <redrobot> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/790536 14:22:42 <redrobot> ^^ is the one for glance 14:22:58 <abhishekk> Can we do it early in next cycle? 14:23:29 <redrobot> Up to you :) Obviously we'd rather do it sooner rather than later. 14:23:31 <abhishekk> Frankly speaking we are just 4 weeks away from 3rd and final milestone and I am not eager to increase gate timeline 14:23:58 <abhishekk> We can start step by step rather adding bunch of jobs at a time 14:23:59 <rosmaita> maybe make it a periodic job 14:24:11 <jokke_> I think there was patch proposed by Ade already that was green, so it's not like we're gonna need tons of work in Glance side to make it work. I think Brian had some concerns about it 'though 14:24:39 <redrobot> It's the same patch I linked 14:24:39 <abhishekk> jokke_, in latest patch I think Ade has added 4 to 5 jobs 14:25:05 <redrobot> Yeah, I think the initial revisions were not running enough of the test suite to find failures. 14:25:11 <abhishekk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/790536 14:25:16 <rosmaita> my concern was that it added code so you could run mysql/postgres in fips mode, but since we weren't actually using either of those, was hard to see that it worked 14:25:33 <jokke_> But looking the job list we have in the gate, I'd tend to lean towards periodic job too rather than gating job. At least we keep eye on them weekly so it wouldn't be something that gets ignored for years there 14:25:58 <redrobot> yeah, we had to patch mysql/postgres because there's a test script in your repo that installs it and sets up tables and what not. 14:26:10 <rosmaita> yeah, it would unblock ade and redrobot from finishing, and hten we could make it a regular job later 14:26:24 <abhishekk> to start with periodic job sounds better idea 14:26:40 * redrobot needs to freshen up on periodic jobs 14:26:47 <redrobot> Yeah, that sounds like a good start for us 14:26:47 <jokke_> I'm kind of leaning towards Does it ever need to be regular gating job 14:26:50 <jokke_> ? 14:27:13 <dansmith> periodic seems fine to me for this 14:27:17 <redrobot> jokke_ we would prefer that, yes. It would be better to prevent regressions on every patch once we get it working 14:27:34 <redrobot> to be clear, we would prefer a gating job rather than a periodic 14:27:50 <redrobot> but we're OK with starting with a periodic job until it is passing consistenly 14:27:57 <jokke_> redrobot: I do undertand the concern, the reality just is, our gate job list is hot mess already consuming incredible amounts of resources 14:28:33 <abhishekk> right and at this moment I don't want to increase that time line 14:28:33 <redrobot> understood. I'll discuss with Ade, but we'll plan for periodic jobs for now for sure 14:28:35 <dansmith> could we make one of our regular jobs fipsified once we get it all fixed? 14:28:46 <dansmith> meaning, is there any harm to other stuff we need to do? 14:29:02 <jokke_> Obviously if it looks like we're breaking it in weekly basis it would make sense to be gating job, but if it keeps going green month after month in periodic jobs, do we really need that resource hog there 14:29:04 <dansmith> if not, once we get it ready, we can just convert one of our special jobs like the cinder multistore one or something to use fips 14:29:06 <jokke_> ? 14:29:20 <rosmaita> dansmith: that sounds like a good idea, kill 2 birds with one stone 14:29:39 <abhishekk> I think we can, but early in next cycle ? 14:29:48 <redrobot> dansmith yeah, interesting idea. In theory once we iron out any FIPS issues we find it should be pretty much the same tests. 14:29:51 <rosmaita> abhishekk: ++ 14:29:55 <dansmith> for sure, after it's stable and after we're through any deadlines 14:30:07 <dansmith> redrobot: cool, then let's aim for periodic now, and integrated later 14:30:09 <jokke_> dansmith: that would make much more sense 14:30:09 <abhishekk> works for me 14:30:23 <redrobot> sounds good, y'all, thanks 14:30:29 <abhishekk> cool 14:30:42 <abhishekk> redrobot, let me know if you need any help in periodic jobs 14:30:57 <redrobot> abhishekk will do, thanks! 14:31:15 <abhishekk> moving to Open discussion 14:31:18 <rosmaita> redrobot: you may want to make it also experimental so you can run it on demand 14:31:30 <rosmaita> at least while you are developing it 14:31:34 <abhishekk> ++ 14:31:52 <abhishekk> #topic Open discussion 14:32:11 <jokke_> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/802868 14:32:15 <abhishekk> Should we have additional weekly sync up for policy refactoring ??? 14:32:33 <jokke_> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/802867 14:32:57 <jokke_> low potential for merge conflicts and quick reviews, thanks! ^^ 14:33:29 <abhishekk> I think we are getting close to 3rd milestone and we should sync to discuss blocker, progress once in a week > 14:33:55 <abhishekk> I will try to get lbragstad's time for the same 14:34:05 <jokke_> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/800227 quick bugfix for glance_store too before we hit final release deadline 14:34:25 <dansmith> abhishekk: I guess it feels like we have good momentum right now, and not many blockers 14:34:40 <dansmith> so I don't feel like we _need_ the sync up, but if you do, then I'm happy to participate 14:34:53 <abhishekk> dansmith, may be we should revisit this next week 14:35:03 <abhishekk> ack, thank you 14:35:13 <dansmith> sounds good 14:35:23 <jokke_> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/800101 rosmaita smcginnis stable could do with some love too 14:36:01 <abhishekk> cool, that's it from me today 14:36:32 <jokke_> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/800100 abhishekk rosmaita smcginnis another backport 14:36:39 <abhishekk> jokke_, ack 14:36:40 <rosmaita> :) 14:37:30 <abhishekk> If nothing else then we can wrap up and utilize remaining time in reviews :D 14:37:33 <pdeore> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/775968 pending for reviews since quite a long time :) 14:38:27 <abhishekk> ack 14:38:34 <jokke_> Also as the glance_store release deadline is the first one we're going to hit, would be great to make sure we get everything in soon what we want in there 14:38:34 <abhishekk> I take that as no 14:39:03 <jokke_> just my 2 cents in your local currency 14:39:16 <abhishekk> jokke_, ack, thank you 14:39:29 <abhishekk> Thank you all, have a nice weekend 14:39:34 <rosmaita> ty 14:39:39 <jokke_> TY 14:39:50 <abhishekk> Ty 14:39:53 <pdeore> Thanks!! 14:40:01 <abhishekk> #endmeeting