14:00:15 #startmeeting glance 14:00:15 Meeting started Thu Feb 10 14:00:15 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is abhishekk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:15 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:15 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:22 #topic roll call 14:00:33 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:39 o/ 14:00:41 o/ 14:00:49 waiting for others to join 14:00:58 how r you feeling now jokke_ ? 14:01:39 o/ 14:01:45 croelandt, is here as well 14:01:47 lets start 14:01:57 #topic Updates 14:02:06 PTL nominations are open 14:02:39 abhishekk: I'm good thanks 14:02:45 went over quick like expected 14:02:58 jokke_, glad to hear 14:03:20 So, I haven't got a chance to talk with Pranali as she was on leave entire week 14:03:41 and probably she might need some more time to take this responsibility 14:04:06 So I have decided to run for one more cycle if neither of you have any objection 14:04:18 no objection!!! 14:04:28 +2 +1 14:04:47 During this time, I will be working closely with her like jokke_ did with me 14:04:57 sounds like a good plan 14:05:12 great, 14:05:21 Sorry/Glad to hear ... no objections and I think it's a good plan forward as long as you're up for it 14:05:52 cool, as long as you guys are here to support we are good 14:06:02 moving ahead 14:06:17 #topic release/periodic jobs update 14:06:29 Non client library release is next week 14:06:49 we are good on glance-store front, so I will tag the release on Monday 14:07:02 have you checked the requirements? 14:07:16 i mean, the minimum specified in requirements 14:07:34 os-brick breaks on py3.9 right now, i am trying to figure out wtf 14:07:48 I will have a look after the meeting 14:08:07 thanks for pointing out 14:08:07 we're supposed to support 3.6, 3.8, 3.9 but only have to test 3.6 and 3.9 14:08:10 np 14:08:26 ack 14:08:38 will circle back to you if have any doubts 14:08:41 rosmaita: no 3.7? 14:08:51 no, nobody likes 3.7 14:08:53 Isn't it just 3.6-3.9? 14:08:56 ah 14:09:20 i think we stopped supporting 3.7 after victoria (or during) 14:09:27 i didn't follow the discussion about why 14:09:28 Well nobody likes py3 but still we gotta do something bout it 14:09:38 I think during 14:09:52 yeah I missed that memo 14:10:04 Ok, Milestone-3 2 weeks from now 14:10:08 I thought we just tested lowest and highest and supported everything between 14:10:32 means in 2 weeks we have at least 3 features to review 14:10:41 Cache API, it has one +2 14:10:49 Stores info detail api 14:11:00 and Tags overwriting work 14:11:02 yes, sorry i know I promised to look through that ... Today it will happen 14:11:24 no problem, I know you were not well 14:12:18 Periodic jobs all green, but we are witnessing certain failures in our gate for glance-cinder-multistore job (not related to glance) 14:12:49 I will have a look at those later 14:12:54 rosmaita: what did you do? ^^ ;D 14:12:55 #topic Review priorities this week 14:13:09 We have 3 topics to review this week 14:13:12 :D 14:13:21 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:bp%252Fcache-api 14:13:43 this is for Cache work, including API,Client and tempest changes 14:13:53 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:bp%252Fexpose-store-specific-info 14:14:05 This is stores detail API including client side changes 14:14:15 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/827919 14:14:35 This is 'db migration constant check' patch of rosmaita's 14:15:13 I think all are important and good to go,if we manage to get these reviewed this week then it will offload us in next week 14:15:28 So kindly have a look as and when you get some time 14:15:41 someone +W the migration check now 14:15:45 it's a no-brainer 14:16:19 ++ 14:16:29 #topic Fips backports 14:16:56 We are now testing fips in our gate, but I am seeing some backports to xena and wallaby are up 14:17:03 Xena 14:17:03 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/828179 14:17:08 Wallaby 14:17:09 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/828139 14:17:29 what is your opinion about the same 14:17:41 Since it is just related to test, should we allow it? 14:17:44 let me see 14:18:12 migration constant or fips backports? 14:19:16 the fips backport 14:19:45 ack, there are couple of fixes as well but all are in tests, and they are reported as bug 14:20:01 I'm bit worried that the job had already 50% failure rate on check. Is that job really stable enough that we don't need to be chasing it blocking stable gate for us? 14:20:36 Wallaby 14:20:36 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/828139 14:20:40 sorry 14:21:05 yeah, that is because it requires some dependent patches to backported 14:21:06 https://review.opendev.org/q/owner:afariasa%2540redhat.com+project:openstack/glance+status:open 14:21:22 this is all the list of open backports 14:22:00 Kindly comment on the patches, if you have any suggestions/questions 14:22:29 rosmaita: abhishekk: ref the constant check 14:22:57 shoot 14:23:39 listening 14:23:44 Should we add explanation of the need to address the SemVer with "api-break" to that doc. I think it's clear for all three of us that it's SemVer's idea of releasing Major version but we do that every cycle 14:24:23 Other than that the patch looks good and I like the added doc reminder, just thought that it might not be clear for all why it needs to be "api-break" 14:24:51 ok, i can rewrite that real quick 14:25:05 if you do, I happily give my +2 for it 14:25:09 cool, I think any additional information is good for everyone 14:25:22 jokke_, you can +w as well if I am not around 14:25:29 abhishekk: grand 14:25:32 will do 14:25:36 cool 14:25:45 that's all for today 14:25:51 thanks rosmaita 14:25:51 #topic Open discussion 14:26:02 Any suggestions guys 14:26:42 Kindly put your reviewers hat on for 15-20 minutes to review important patches 14:26:43 I don't have anything to add for now ... lets keep busy :D 14:27:03 Cool 14:27:10 rosmaita, croelandt ? 14:27:17 I'm good 14:27:29 working on my update ... should post in 5 min 14:27:37 great, lets end this then 14:27:41 thank you all 14:27:45 have a nice week ahead 14:28:02 cheers! o/~ 14:28:27 o/~ 14:28:32 #endmeeting