14:00:14 #startmeeting glance 14:00:14 Meeting started Thu Mar 3 14:00:14 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is abhishekk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:14 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:14 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:19 #topic roll call 14:00:23 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:27 o/ 14:00:38 o/ 14:00:50 jokke_, is on 1/2 day leave today 14:01:08 lets wait couple of minutes for others 14:01:19 o/ 14:01:26 o/ 14:01:32 we have a very short agenda today, may be 5-10 minutes are enough 14:01:41 cool, lets start 14:01:47 #topic Updates 14:02:03 Zed PTG planning etherpad is up 14:02:13 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/zed-ptg-glance-planning 14:02:27 Kindly add your name in the list of attendees at the top 14:02:50 I am planning to keep same schedule i.e. 1400 UTC to 1700 UTC for all week 14:03:10 Will sync with cinder PTL for cross project sessions 14:03:33 If you have any topic in mind which needs discussion, kindly add it to the etherpad 14:03:46 moving ahead 14:03:51 #topic release/periodic jobs update 14:04:01 This is rc1 release week 14:05:01 We are all in this cycle so don't need any FFE and once rc1 patch is merged we are done for this cycle 14:05:13 \o/ 14:05:35 I would like to thank all of you for your support/efforts during this cycle 14:05:37 anyone want to do cinder reviews in all the spare time you will have? 14:05:47 :D 14:05:57 We would not want to rob you of the pleasure of reviewing those 14:06:07 :P 14:06:09 haha 14:06:37 i must say, though, good job abhishekk getting yoga so well organized for glance 14:07:00 thank you, its all team work :D 14:07:47 And we have periodic jobs in green zone as well (1 retry but that is due to lack of resources) 14:08:26 that is all from me 14:08:34 moving to open discussion 14:08:39 #topic Open discussion 14:08:58 We have glanceclient functional job back on track 14:09:13 rosmaita, thank you for putting efforts there 14:09:28 and thanks for dansmith for figuring out the real problem 14:09:37 ++ 14:09:44 i had forgotten about the .stestr.conf file 14:09:57 same here 14:10:12 I will try to add some more coverage there in coming week 14:10:27 so it looked like that functional job ran when i merged it ... for like 3 months 4 years ago 14:10:48 good thing croelandt noticed that it wasn't actually running the correct tests 14:10:57 credit goes to croelandt for asking the question at right time 14:11:06 I did what now? 14:11:08 well, only 3 years too late 14:11:31 croelandt, you asked why don't we have functional tests for glanceclient 14:11:33 croelandt: you noticed that the cinderclient functional zuul job was actually running unit tests only 14:11:41 that was me 14:11:53 oh yeah I remember wondering about functional tests for downstream glanceclient 14:12:03 oh, then i take it back, all the credit goes to abhishekk 14:12:06 :D 14:12:11 haha 14:12:25 * abhishekk 3 years late though :P 14:12:58 i can't complain, i believe i +2'd that patch that put a hard-coded path in .stestr.conf 14:13:35 anything else guys or we can wrap this up and go back to our daily routine 14:13:45 nothing from me 14:14:19 cool, thank you all 14:14:23 see you next week 14:14:39 bye! 14:14:46 have a nice weekend 14:14:57 #endmeeting