14:00:36 #startmeeting glance 14:00:36 Meeting started Thu Jun 9 14:00:36 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is abhishekk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:36 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:37 #topic roll call 14:00:43 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:45 o/ 14:00:57 rosmaita and dansmith will not be around 14:01:01 so does pdeore 14:01:15 o/ 14:01:17 o/ 14:01:17 o/ 14:01:22 o/ 14:01:33 ok we do have enough people,lets start 14:01:34 o/ 14:01:45 #topic Updates 14:01:58 This is Summit week and we don't have glance specific updates 14:02:22 unfortunately no one from glance is at summit for project update this time 14:02:36 hopefully someone will be there next time 14:02:53 #topic release/periodic jobs update 14:02:58 Milestone 2 is 1 month away from now, which is also a spec freeze for us 14:03:18 Once M2 is over we will not accept any spec 14:03:33 At this moment 3 specs are open out of 1 is on hold 14:03:42 we will visit those specs in next topic 14:03:50 Periodic Jobs, all green except the 'translation update' jobs failure due to some python version dependency conflicts 14:04:00 everything else is green 14:04:13 moving to next topic 14:04:25 #topic Specs for review 14:04:37 Update proposal for duplicate image download 14:04:45 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/734683 14:04:56 mrjoshi, please ping Brian for his review 14:05:08 location APIs spec 14:05:23 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/840882 14:05:42 I think this is in good shape and once jokke_ gives green signal we can move forward on this 14:06:01 croelandt, please have a look at above two specs when you get some time 14:06:18 Spec for SRBAC system admin persona support in glance 14:06:26 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/844289 14:06:34 ok 14:06:34 This is on hold until the summit discussion and operator feedback on Scope concepts 14:06:51 Like said in my previous comment, I'm starting to like the direction this is going implementing just the parts we know we need for the usecases and not trying to replicate the already failed API just with different endpoints 14:06:53 afaik, we don't need to worry about system-scope this cycel 14:08:06 yep, I am following the discussions on the spec and with the direction it is going I think soon we will be get green signal on this 14:08:31 I think the Location API thingie could be useful. Now RBAC in place it might change the story yet again, which is quite worrysome atm 14:08:33 New version is up as well for the same 14:08:59 ok, I'll see what's in the latest rev after the meeting 14:09:17 RBAC is on hold as it has some blockers atm 14:09:19 ack 14:09:28 lets move forward 14:09:38 #topic Removed dead code of auth and policy layers 14:09:57 pdeore has pushed a patch to remove dead code, I have been reviewing it and looks in good shape 14:10:11 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/845114 14:10:24 This patch is removing 3400 odd lines of code 14:10:35 abhishekk: yes and if you read the ML post about RBAC recently, I think for Images API v2 ever being usable, the scrapping of System/Project scope boundary would be very necessary 14:10:57 Way to go Pranali!!!! 14:11:05 \\o \o/ o// o/7 14:11:22 jokke_, yes, I am following the current discussion 14:11:41 new goal: remove 100% of the code and start over in Rust 14:11:50 lol 14:12:03 croelandt for lifetime PTL, never allowed to anything else! 14:12:12 *to do* 14:12:25 damn, now I have to learn Rust 14:12:28 I have given one comment on the last test file,I guess she has removed two tests by mistake there 14:13:17 moving ahead; 14:13:26 #topic Open discussion 14:13:35 abhishekk: I'd be shocked and very positively surprised if there wasn't any small mistakes to catch from that size of an patch ;) 14:13:53 s/an// 14:14:04 :D 14:14:34 Regarding https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/840318 we are fixing unit test right now, but we don't know really how tempest are working for functionnal test, do you have idea about that ? 14:14:47 glance-download Work 14:14:56 tempest is totally different 14:15:20 functionnal test are not based on tempest ? 14:15:37 to write functional test I think you need to run one more server which will be very critical or time consuming 14:15:49 alistarle, no glance functional tests are different from tempest 14:15:54 alistarle: there is unit, functional & integration tests in the glance repo, tempest tests are their totally own beast in a different repo and will need separate patch all together once the feature is ready to go 14:16:27 I think dansmith will help us here once he is free from summit workload 14:16:39 alistarle: under glance/tests/[unit, functional, integration] 14:16:50 oh ok fine, so we can take care of unit, but will probably need help for functionnal & integration 14:17:17 yeah, I'll help with the tempest thing 14:17:20 alistarle, once you finished fixing existing unit tests, I will help you in writing new one and will try to write functional tests as well 14:17:25 alistarle: the integration tests in repo are very thin and I don't think there's anything in that scope you would need to be worried about 14:17:39 ++ 14:17:46 dansmith, thank you 14:18:17 most probably I will try to put some time for it in next week 14:18:39 ok nice 14:18:44 just check the import tests under the glance/tests/functional and you should have pretty decent idea how to adapt. You might need quite a bit of mocking to get any of that done 'though 14:20:37 for unit yes, mocking is required but for functional i think it should not use mocking 14:20:59 but abhishekk and dansmith should be great resources and have some opinions what tests to include there 14:22:07 abhishekk: in that case there probably won't be any functional tests. We have no mechanics to spin up multiple glances with keystones etc. to make any of that process doable 14:22:26 you don't need multiple glances I don't think 14:22:34 you should be able to import from yourself 14:22:50 might need to rely tempest on the functional side 14:23:06 :D, once you finished with unit tests I will look at functional tests 14:23:40 what dansmith said is also correct, but in tempest we can have glance and remote glance as well 14:24:21 ok, alistarle, pslestang ping me if you face any diffuclties in unit tests 14:24:34 that's all from me for today 14:24:40 abhishekk: ok thank you 14:24:46 np :) 14:24:52 nothing from me, thanks 14:25:48 cool, lets wrap up then 14:25:53 thank you all! 14:26:01 have a nice day and weekend 14:26:10 same to you 14:26:12 bye 14:26:18 #endmeeting