14:00:24 #startmeeting glance 14:00:24 Meeting started Thu Jun 16 14:00:24 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pdeore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:24 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:24 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:24 #topic roll call 14:00:24 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:29 o/ 14:00:31 o/ 14:00:38 o/ 14:00:41 o/ 14:01:14 o/ 14:02:07 seems Cyril & rosmaita are not around, 14:02:12 I think cyril and rosmaita are not around but we can start 14:02:21 yeah let's start 14:02:28 #topic release/periodic jobs 14:02:37 Milestone 2 is 4 weeks away from now, which is also a spec freeze for us 14:03:03 we have 2 specs on hold and waiting for reviewers response 14:03:08 we have 3 specs up, which we will discuss in next section 14:03:30 yeah 14:03:53 Periodic Jobs, all green except the 'translation update' jobs failure due to some python version dependency conflicts 14:04:04 #topic Spec for review 14:04:27 The location APIs spec #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/840882 14:04:45 jokke_, your concerns are addressed ^ 14:04:45 Update proposal for duplicate image download #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/734683 14:04:57 I will review it later today 14:05:12 abhishekk: yeah, I'm pretty sure I responded the same on the review 14:05:35 may be I missed it then 14:05:35 [APIImpact] Add DELETE api for metadef resource types #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/818192 14:06:19 I've updated this and addressed the comments, kindly plz have a look 14:06:29 this will be lower priority but I think good to have 14:07:29 yeah in last cycle also we missed this one, so good to have in this cycle 14:07:47 yep 14:07:49 Spec for SRBAC system admin persona support in glance #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/844289 14:07:59 No clear updates on this yet, I will sync with gmann later about the same 14:08:24 ok! 14:08:46 moving ahead 14:08:49 #topic Removed dead code of auth and policy layers 14:08:56 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/845114 14:09:13 This looks good to me now, I have voted +2 14:09:26 I have updated the new patch set, and re added the tests which I removed accidently :P 14:09:59 kindly please have a look 14:10:16 pdeore: great job on that one 14:10:35 Thanks ! :D 14:11:04 moving to next topic 14:11:12 #topic Graceful shutdown of g-api 14:11:17 that is me 14:11:18 abhishekk, ^ 14:11:39 I have noticed day before that graceful shutdown is not working anymore 14:12:21 we do relaod config successfully but the existing workers which were performing tasks are interrupting immediately with some eventlet related error 14:12:28 abhishekk: saw the discussion on #os-g any idea yet what broke it? 14:12:38 https://paste.opendev.org/show/bFqCD4U4P0Q8MyIrsO4J/ 14:12:44 this is how you can reproduce it 14:12:59 kk, so potentially something broke in eventlet again? 14:13:05 and this is a stack trace, https://paste.opendev.org/show/bTjORjtLtbhUe93xQFDu/ 14:13:07 instead of us breaking it 14:13:18 Most likely that is the case 14:13:29 I imagine that stack trace comes from us closing a socket that eventlet is monitoring 14:13:39 so I dunno that it's really a problem in eventlet 14:13:43 thanks, will try to have a look as well. Not the first time chasing those :D 14:14:49 that's it, just wanted to highlight the issue 14:15:01 Should I report a bug in launchpad? 14:15:01 cheers, good catch! 14:15:05 yes! 14:15:15 let track this properly 14:15:17 ack, will report it later today 14:16:00 so, that's it i think.. let's move to open discussions 14:16:02 #topic Open Discussions 14:16:16 glance-download patch is up and in good shape 14:16:34 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/840318 14:16:38 abhishekk: I hope you don't mind I ninja-approved Cyril's bindep patch after he added the bug tag 14:16:46 nah 14:16:59 I assumed your +2 on it 14:17:12 yep, saw your comment :D 14:17:28 ++ 14:17:40 Good thing I removed the buggy Debian fix 14:17:51 not sure how our tests passed with libpython3-dev 14:18:02 related to glance-download patch we have unit tests added for the same, I can see if I can add functional test for the same 14:18:26 but you guys can have a look at implementation and give comments if any 14:19:05 croelandt, ++ 14:20:38 anyone has anything else to discuss? or we should wrap up early ? :) 14:20:49 nothing from me, thanks 14:20:59 do we have 14:21:06 some doc on how to make a stable release/tag? 14:21:19 I'm going to need to tag stable/wallaby for a downstream release 14:21:30 croelandt: same way we make other releses, through releases repo 14:21:50 ok 14:21:59 so can we make releases whenever we like? 14:22:29 so that's on abhishekk ... and yes, stable releases does not have any specific schedules 14:23:00 ok, thanks! 14:23:10 croelandt, yes, we can propose a release anytime 14:23:45 let me know if you need help in proposing release patch 14:24:29 croelandt: just make sure that you don't release any changes from stable/wallaby that haven' 14:24:39 t been released in xena or yoga 14:24:56 otherwise, just release from all 3 stable branches 14:25:21 wait so 14:25:44 to make a new wallaby release, I must ensure all patches are xena and yoga as well? 14:25:52 you need to backport change to yoga then xena and the wallaby 14:26:03 croelandt: to backport to wallaby you needed to do it already 14:26:03 well, that should have already happened by our backport policy 14:26:10 jokke_: oh yeah sorry 14:26:16 my brain worked backwards 14:26:21 :) 14:26:21 it's 40° here 14:26:24 cannot think any more 14:26:28 ouch 14:26:32 and then we need to tag each release till wallaby 14:26:41 ok 14:26:50 all good for me :) 14:27:07 nothing from me as well 14:27:22 if you guys get time please have a look at glance-download patch 14:27:46 those people are working on it fro the beginning 14:30:48 abhishekk, are we expecting functional tests in the same patch? 14:31:08 no 14:31:18 ok 14:31:20 we can add it as a followup 14:31:58 ack, 14:32:36 So, that's it for today, let's wrap up ! 14:32:44 Thanks everyone for joining !! 14:33:13 Thank you! 14:33:46 #endmeeting