14:00:21 #startmeeting glance 14:00:21 Meeting started Thu Jun 23 14:00:21 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pdeore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:21 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:21 #topic roll call 14:00:21 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:25 o/ 14:00:33 o/ 14:00:54 abhishekk, rosmaita, and mrjoshi will not be around 14:01:35 o/ 14:02:28 ok we have enough people, lets start :) 14:02:44 we have short agenda for today 14:02:47 #topic release/periodic jobs 14:02:57 Milestone 2 is 3 weeks away from now, which is also a spec freeze for us 14:03:14 we have released glance-store stable/xena with some important bug fixes 14:03:30 Periodic Jobs, all green except fips jobs failing with RETRY_LIMIT 14:03:42 moving to next 14:03:44 #topic Spec for review 14:03:54 Update proposal for duplicate image download #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/734683 14:04:26 I think this one has some minor cmnts, are we expecting a updated patch or it's good to go ? 14:05:27 seems like the comments are pretty much addressed 14:05:41 yeah 14:06:05 gr8 14:06:19 happy to ee that moving 14:06:44 next is [APIImpact] Add DELETE api for metadef resource types #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/818192 14:07:28 this is low priority, but I think it's good to have 14:08:48 moving ahead 14:08:50 #topic SRBAC system admin persona support in glance 14:09:03 There are some updates on scope thing from the policy pop up meeting happend this week, 14:09:11 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/rbac-zed-ptg#L186 14:09:34 The system scope has been postpone for now and atm it will be removed from current goal and would be a separate goal in future if operators have any use case 14:09:50 The Zed goal is to move to new defaults with, 14:10:18 project admin as legacy admin only not the project admin in project, 14:10:19 project member - role member with project_id 14:10:33 project reader - role reader and project_id 14:10:56 We have not implemented project admin persona in glance, so 14:11:12 I think won't need any changes except removing the scope check 14:11:22 our scope check is in the scope_types thing, 14:11:47 which is not critical to remove, but it's very easy to do so, because it's not intertwined with the rest of the rule 14:12:03 yeah right 14:13:30 let's move ahead 14:13:31 #topic functional-fips-py38 failing with RETRY_LIMIT 14:13:48 this is abhishekk I think 14:14:00 I think that's resolved now by the nslookup thing that is merged 14:14:01 seems the patch is merged 14:14:03 yeah 14:14:05 yeah 14:14:07 :) 14:14:31 moving to next 14:14:32 #topic Removed dead code of auth and policy layers 14:14:40 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/845114 14:14:57 kindly please review this one, it's up for the review since last week :) 14:15:27 I dunno why my +2 is not on that 14:15:28 I'll fix 14:15:39 Thanks !! :) 14:16:23 so that's it for today from me .. 14:16:39 moving to open discussions 14:16:44 #topic Open Discussions 14:17:48 dansmith, jokke_ croeland1, do you guys have anything ? or we should wrap up early ? 14:17:52 just a quick note ... we have bunch of patches in the stable branches. not sure if croeland1 proposed the release patch already or not but stable releases in the pipeline 14:17:56 nothing from me 14:18:15 That's all from me, thanks 14:18:28 yeah I did 14:18:41 gr8 thnx 14:18:53 I proposed 2.5.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/847225 14:19:59 the hash is correct for this, I have given my vote :) 14:21:51 If we are done for today then let's wrap up ... 14:22:13 yass 14:22:23 Thanks everyone for joining !! 14:23:17 #endmeeting