14:00:06 #startmeeting glance 14:00:06 Meeting started Thu Aug 25 14:00:06 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pdeore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:06 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:06 #topic roll call 14:00:06 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:11 o/ 14:00:29 o/ 14:00:45 o/ 14:01:03 o/ 14:01:06 lets wait few minutes for others to join 14:01:15 o/ 14:01:19 Update - Cyril is on PTO 14:01:24 o/ 14:01:48 o/ 14:01:55 who bring the champagne for the glance-download merge ? 14:02:19 you can :P 14:02:37 still needs to merge docs and tests... :) 14:02:50 true ;) 14:02:54 yeah, tempest is more important 14:02:58 + client side change 14:03:15 oh right, need a client patch 14:03:24 is it too late for zed or not ? 14:03:30 pdeore, is working on that and it will be up by tomorrow 14:03:32 I have started working on client side part, will most probably submit the patch today late night or tmrw morning 14:03:41 oh nice, thanks 14:03:48 sweet 14:03:54 next week is official client release 14:03:56 np :) 14:04:02 so we need to review it on priority 14:04:50 ok, so as everyone is here, shall we start ? :) 14:05:10 yep 14:05:16 #topic release/periodic jobs updates 14:05:31 Next week is M3 release week and we need to get some pending patches in before that 14:05:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/854501 14:05:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/854495 14:05:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/853928 14:05:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/853928 14:05:57 kindly please review it on priority .. 14:06:08 two related to glance-download and two related to config refresh and release notes 14:06:48 then we are good for this cycle 14:07:37 Thanks everyone for all of your efforts during this cycle ! 14:08:05 glance_store 4.1.0 has been released yesterday 14:08:20 and periodic jobs all green except time out for fips related jobs 14:08:40 cool 14:08:46 moving to next topic 14:09:01 #topic Glance PTG planning etherpad 14:09:10 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/antelope-ptg-glance-planning 14:09:27 I have tried identifying some topics for Antelope discussion 14:09:48 ++ 14:09:51 Kindly please have a look and let me know if I have missed anything since it's my first time :P 14:10:20 and if you have any suggestions/topics please add it to the etherpad 14:10:30 we need to contact fips guys and see whether they will be able to share progress/plan during this PTG 14:11:05 please make a note of this ^ 14:11:10 ack, I will do that 14:11:19 thanks 14:11:49 np, let's move to next topic 14:11:56 #topic Glance download - glanceclient support 14:12:31 as I said, I have started working on this, will most probably submit the patch today late night or tmrw morning 14:13:05 That's it from me for today, 14:13:39 moving to Open Discussions 14:13:45 #topic Open Discussion 14:14:03 I officially announced non-candidacy for PTL 14:14:24 would like to thank you everyone for their support and having my back during this period 14:14:35 *sadface* 14:15:16 :D 14:15:24 but, thanks very much for your service during some tough spots.. I sure hope you'll be around just as much :) 14:15:39 I think pdeore is ready to take take charge 14:16:15 * pdeore is stil feeling nervous :/ 14:16:15 yeah, I am not going anywhere and will continue working for glance at least 3-4 cycles more :D 14:16:48 it happens during initial period 14:17:17 then you feel familiar with nervousness :P 14:17:18 Yeah, with all of your support and guidance hopefully I would be able to handle this duty successfully :) 14:17:37 ++ 14:17:42 abhishekk: thanks for alll your efforts 14:17:55 pdeore: we got your back, you'll do great! 14:18:04 jokke_, thank you! 14:18:58 jokke_, Thanks !! I really need such motivational words :) 14:19:24 alistarl1, do you have anything specific to share ? 14:20:02 pdeore, i almost forgot, kindly add topic image export in this PTG as well, it needs some more discussion 14:20:19 abhishekk, sure I will add it 14:20:42 you can refer last PTG etherpad 14:20:51 ack 14:21:21 that's all from me! 14:22:04 anyone has anything else to discuss? or we can wrap up early ? 14:22:32 nothing from me 14:23:29 cool, Thanks everyone for joining !! 14:23:31 #endmeeting