14:00:09 #startmeeting glance 14:00:09 Meeting started Thu Nov 3 14:00:09 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pranali. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:09 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:09 #topic roll call 14:00:09 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:18 o/ 14:00:36 o/ 14:00:38 here, but double booked 14:00:40 o/ 14:01:02 dansmith, ack 14:01:36 lets wait few more minutes for others to join 14:01:55 o/ 14:02:13 * abhishekk same for me 14:02:39 ok, let's start :) 14:02:47 #topic Updates 14:03:03 I have sent the Antelope PTG summary on openstack-discuss ML, 14:03:05 #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/031002.html 14:03:28 Summary includes all the links of the session recordings with recap of what we discussed during PTG 14:03:30 thanks, that is a nice summary 14:03:56 rosmaita, Thanks ! 14:04:00 pranali, I volunteered to update the priorities in our specs repo but couldn't do it 14:04:13 will it be possible for you to do the same? 14:04:32 yeah sure, I will do that 14:04:43 cool, thanks 14:05:05 np :) 14:05:10 moving to next 14:05:13 #topic release/periodic job updates 14:05:34 Milestone 1 is just 2 weeks from now, and as we decided during PTG, next week is review party week :) 14:05:59 So as usual, next week we will have video meeting instead of irc meeting on thursday at same time 14:06:00 * croelandt will put up a list of patches together 14:06:22 * abhishekk croelandt cheers!! 14:06:48 Thanks ! 14:07:27 As we discussed during PTG, some important specs are up for review which we have targeted for M1 14:07:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/863110 14:08:10 this is about support for erasure-coded pools in RBD 14:08:45 Rajat has reproposed the spec for new location apis 14:08:47 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/863209 14:09:28 Speedup upload images for Swift backend spec is also updated as per the discussion happend during ptg 14:09:29 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/787179 14:09:50 Kindly please have a look.. 14:10:01 ack 14:10:15 Periodic job all green except TIME_OUT for fips jobs 14:10:38 And as we already discussed in PTG, we need some volunteer from glance team to help ade_lee for this time out issue 14:11:52 unfortunately I will be busy in some other work so will not volunteer for this 14:12:26 abhishekk, ohh ok 14:13:51 jokke_, is it possible for you to help ade_lee for this? 14:14:28 I am not sure he is around today 14:14:37 I think you must be having more insight on this ... 14:14:49 abhishekk, yeah seems so 14:14:53 possibly, I'd rather see dansmith or abhishekk looking into that 'though as they are much more familiar with the test jobs than I am 14:15:36 he is here :D 14:15:37 In other words, I can surely put some time into it, but not sure how much I'll be of help ;) 14:16:10 jokke_: yeah, it'd be great if you could take a look 14:16:20 pranali: which job are you talking about, becasuse this one looks mostly ok: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=openstack-tox-functional-py38-fips&project=openstack/glance 14:17:03 rosmaita, periodic job 14:17:17 afaik, we're also looking to see those get rebased on the ubuntu job instead of CS9, which will change things to be closer to what we normally expect 14:17:23 https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/a3d1200776ae4abbafcf8d4ab96b93a6 14:17:36 and also, IIRC, there was a known timeout issue given that those require a reboot to enable fips, which takes a while 14:17:41 so it may be as simple as increasing the timeout 14:17:42 rosmaita: IIRC it's the periodic fips tempest job that is not holding together 14:17:43 abhishekk: ty 14:17:50 #link https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=glance-multistore-cinder-import-fips&project=openstack/glance 14:18:02 np! 14:18:08 yes, this is correct link 14:18:19 yeah, that doesn't look so good 14:22:52 sry, my laptop was hanged for a while :/ 14:24:25 yeah so what would you suggest ? 14:24:37 so the glance-multistore-cinder-import is passing OK, but it runs on ubuntu 14:24:37 i think we either need to add a n-v centos 9 version of that, or wait for the fips job to be converted to ubuntu 14:24:37 because otherwise we can't easily tell whether it's a fips problem or a centos problem or what 14:25:40 ahh ok 14:25:43 yep, the latter is the better plan, imho 14:25:49 rosmaita, from logs I can see tests are executed but something goes wrong afterwords as there is one warning log line getting logged for more than 5k times 14:25:58 openstack antelope only supports centos-9 on best effort 14:26:13 so i don't think we should spend much time on it 14:26:31 pranali, could you convey this to lee? 14:26:40 yes I will 14:26:48 cool, lets move ahead 14:26:51 Thanks 14:27:05 moving to next 14:27:07 #topic code_constant_check job failure on stable/xena branch 14:27:25 * rosmaita hides 14:27:29 I have one backport to stable/xena and on that this job is failing 14:27:29 So, this might be because that job have run with the default nodeset which changed to ubuntu-jammy last week 14:28:09 why there is no nodeset specified for this particular job ? 14:28:14 #link https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/master/.zuul.yaml#L2 14:28:19 i'm trying to remember what that job does ... i don't think we need to run it on stable branches 14:28:27 ++ 14:29:46 pranali, are you sure this affected stable branches also? 14:31:14 well, I discussed this with infra team and i got to know that this is affecting stable branches 14:31:51 rosmaita: abhishekk: is that job tsting anything else than the release naming thingie in the db migrations? 14:32:00 nothing 14:33:07 yeah, that test probably needs to be dropped 14:33:12 then I tend to agree that it's pointlessish for stable branches, would be nice to know what broke it 'though 14:33:39 ++ 14:34:08 who will submit the patch to drop this job from stable/branch ? 14:34:18 i can do that 14:34:35 thank you, you are the savior :D 14:34:36 rosmaita, Thanks ! 14:35:00 i am assuming that for master, someone is working on our database migrations to remove the alphabetic dependency? 14:35:15 which would make that test no longer necessary 14:35:35 I will push a patch early next week to modify the test as per new logic 14:36:54 abhishekk, cool 14:37:50 I think that's it, shall we move to open discussions ? 14:38:05 nothing from me 14:38:30 #topic Open Discussion 14:38:50 nothing from me 14:39:01 anyone has anything else to discuss? 14:39:10 or we can wrap up ? 14:40:29 all right, we are good for today i think ! 14:40:41 Thanks everyone for joining ! 14:41:02 thanks, pranali 14:41:11 thanks all 14:41:23 #endmeeting