14:00:18 <pranali> #startmeeting glance
14:00:18 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Mar  7 14:00:18 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is pranali. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:18 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:18 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'glance'
14:00:19 <pranali> #topic roll call
14:00:19 <pranali> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda
14:00:25 <pranali> o/
14:00:34 <croelandt> hey
14:00:38 <mrjoshi> o/
14:00:44 <abhishekk> o/
14:00:48 <tkajinam> o/
14:01:09 <abhishekk> @croelandt, before we start, can you use your script and propose specs directory for us?
14:02:09 <rosmaita> o/
14:03:03 <pranali> let's start i think everyone is here
14:03:04 <croelandt> abhishekk: oh, prepare-next-cycle?
14:03:12 <abhishekk> yeah
14:04:39 <pranali> croelandt, for 2024.2 , check if you can create it quickly otherwise I will do it after the meeting
14:04:51 <croelandt> doing it
14:04:56 <croelandt> right now
14:05:01 <pranali> croelandt, gr8 Thanks !
14:05:06 <pranali> let's start the meeting
14:05:09 <pranali> #topic 2024.2 PTG
14:05:11 <abhishekk> ++ croelandt
14:05:26 <pranali> As everyone knows 2024.2 virtual PTG is during second week of April,
14:05:46 <pranali> I have created the PTG planning etherpad and added some topics , please add the topics which you want to discuss during PTG
14:05:48 <pranali> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2024.2-ptg-glance-planning
14:05:53 <croelandt> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/911721
14:06:17 <pranali> croelandt, that was super quick :)
14:06:19 <pranali> thanks
14:06:47 <pranali> ok, moving to next topic
14:06:58 <pranali> #topic release/periodic jobs updates
14:07:09 <pranali> rc1 is in next week
14:07:21 <pranali> and  Periodic jobs are all green
14:07:49 <pranali> moving to next
14:07:57 <pranali> #topic castellan 4.4.0 and glance unit test change (rosmaita)
14:08:14 <rosmaita> i think there's nothing to do here now
14:08:33 <pranali> yeah
14:08:48 <tkajinam> just review and merge that unit test fix
14:08:53 <tkajinam> oh, was it merged ?
14:08:56 <rosmaita> it's merged!
14:09:06 <tkajinam> then all good
14:09:16 <tkajinam> one potential follow up is that we may want a fixture class from castellan
14:09:27 <tkajinam> one thing which surprised me was that glance imports things from castellan.tests directly
14:09:47 <tkajinam> I'll look into that when I get time
14:10:17 <rosmaita> probably because the team working on castellan did the glance work, too
14:10:23 <rosmaita> (for image signature verification)
14:10:35 <tkajinam> yeah
14:10:56 <tkajinam> I saw nova is trying to add a few more tests relying on castellan.tests so it may be a good chance to refactor it
14:11:04 <tkajinam> before we have tight dependency there
14:11:13 <tkajinam> anyway it's not urgent. thanks for reviewing the change :-)
14:11:59 <pranali> tkajinam, Thanks !
14:12:12 <pranali> moving to next topic
14:12:15 <pranali> #topic feature/metadata-caching branch has been deleted (rosmaita)
14:12:29 <pranali> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/632518
14:12:35 <rosmaita> yeah, just a point of information in case anyone notices it disappeared
14:12:47 <pranali> it was created long back ago for metadata caching work experiments
14:12:56 <rosmaita> make sure you do a 'git fetch --all --prune' and it will be gone from your local repo
14:12:56 <pranali> rosmaita, yeah
14:13:09 <pranali> ack
14:14:11 <pranali> moving ahead
14:14:15 <pranali> #topic Update about vmware store driver (tkajinam)
14:14:43 <tkajinam> this is probably a better topic for upcoming ptg but let me give early input
14:15:33 <tkajinam> as you may know, discussions about vmware support in nova had some progress and the current direction is that they keep the driver, because SAP committed to add 3rd party CI and help maintaining the implementation in upstream
14:15:47 <tkajinam> (although the situation is still monitored, it's actively being worked on
14:16:27 <tkajinam> As far as shared in ml, SAP uses only vmware drivers in nova and cinder, so they have no plan to add CI coverage of vmware store driver in glance_store
14:16:45 <abhishekk> Only concern is we will not be able to verify new functionality support to that driver unless someone volunteers to maintain it and available at crucial time
14:17:04 <tkajinam> yeah
14:17:14 <rosmaita> well, we could propose removing the vmware driver and say that you have to use the cinder store instead to use a vmware backend
14:17:43 <abhishekk> that is another workaround ++
14:17:52 <tkajinam> ah, that makes sense
14:18:53 <rosmaita> it seems reasonable, and then we can use the time not working on vmware store to implement functional tests for the cinder store driver
14:19:10 <abhishekk> Recently we got issue in s3 which we were unable to debug and provide assist for it,now we are going to discuss that in upcoming PTG
14:19:20 <tkajinam> yeah
14:19:30 <pranali> shall we add this topic in PTG etherpad?
14:19:40 <tkajinam> so I was wondering if we can discuss a bit about CI coverage policy
14:19:52 <rosmaita> tkajinam: ++
14:20:01 <tkajinam> the mailing list discussion is moving toward the direction "someone needs it but do not commit to maintain it"
14:20:18 <abhishekk> that's the problem is
14:20:21 <tkajinam> but since glance currently has no strict policy so there is no clear "rule" to reject is
14:20:23 <tkajinam> to reject it
14:20:45 <rosmaita> i propose that we say we are definitely planning to remove vmware driver in Dalmatian, and that we focus on a CI policy & implementation at the PTG
14:20:53 <abhishekk> I agree that we don't have coverage for s3 but for cinder we have tempest coverage
14:21:05 <tkajinam> ok
14:21:11 <tkajinam> so I'll update the thread with two things
14:21:23 <tkajinam> - probably cinder store driver can be an alternative solution
14:21:57 <tkajinam> - if anyone wants to keep vmware driver then join PTG discussion. however people should note that the current preference in the team is to require 3rd party CI to have actual test coverage.
14:22:13 <tkajinam> then we can discuss further in PTG.
14:22:16 <abhishekk> ++
14:22:32 <rosmaita> did we merge the deprecation patch?
14:22:35 <abhishekk> Please include PTG reference etherpad in mail reply as well
14:22:41 <tkajinam> yeah, deprecation was merged
14:22:53 <rosmaita> ok, good
14:23:07 <rosmaita> email proposal sounds good to me
14:23:40 <pranali> ++
14:23:40 <abhishekk> * glance PTG planning etherpad
14:23:58 <tkajinam> acked for etherpad reference
14:24:14 <rosmaita> right, i mean email sounds good with the etherpad link included
14:25:32 <tkajinam> I'll try to join the glance ptg... I may bring a small topic (migration script cleanup) as well, but need to arrange my availability as I may have some topics for nova for next cycle.
14:25:51 <tkajinam> that's all I wanted to discuss now. thanks. please feel free to chime in to the thread
14:25:54 <abhishekk> cool, thank you tkajinam san for your contribution in glance
14:26:05 <tkajinam> I mean the mailing thread, if you want
14:26:26 <pranali> tkajinam, we can schedule those topics according to your availability
14:27:01 <rosmaita> tkajinam: what is your time zone?
14:27:04 <tkajinam> yeah. though I myself doesn't have strong preference about vmware driver. we have to make sure Michal, who require the driver, is available for discussion
14:27:09 <tkajinam> jst, utc +9
14:28:04 <rosmaita> this will take some creative scheduling ... i am utc-5 and dansmith is utc-8!
14:28:26 <tkajinam> usual ptg/meeting slots(14-16 utc) works
14:28:41 <tkajinam> I'm fine with staying up late. that's much better than waking up early :-P
14:28:47 <rosmaita> :D
14:29:53 <abhishekk> I am missing those days when we were used to discuss these things in person :/
14:30:20 <abhishekk> Everyone at that time staying up late and waking up late :p
14:30:44 <rosmaita> yes, it would be nice to all be in the same TZ and then having beverages together at the end of the day
14:31:40 <abhishekk> ++
14:31:42 <tkajinam> I can't agree more
14:32:43 <pranali> let's move to open discussions :)
14:32:51 <pranali> #topic Open Discussion
14:33:14 <pranali> anyone has anything else to highlight ?
14:33:16 <abhishekk> rosmaita, as a TC member you can propose that we want this way of PTG :P
14:33:28 <rosmaita> only a tc member for like 2 more weeks!
14:33:43 <abhishekk> So do it quickly :P
14:33:58 <abhishekk> get it approved
14:34:51 <pranali> abhishekk, then I would be able to attend only half of the sessions everyday :P
14:35:04 <croelandt> rosmaita: Can't move tons of people without taking into account the environmental impact
14:35:47 <abhishekk> we will come to paris croelandt
14:36:52 <croelandt> so a round-trip US <-> France is basically half your carbon quota for the year, in the most optimistic scenario
14:37:02 <croelandt> eg, bullshit scenario
14:37:18 <croelandt> The reality is that there is no future with air travel for the masses
14:38:44 <pranali> anything else guys ? or we are good to wrap up ?
14:40:05 <pranali> ok, assuming there's nothing, let's wrap it up :)
14:40:10 <pranali> Thanks everyone for joining !
14:40:16 <pranali> #endmeeting