14:00:32 <mrjoshi> #startmeeting glance
14:00:32 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Feb 20 14:00:32 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mrjoshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:32 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:32 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'glance'
14:00:56 <mrjoshi> #topic roll call
14:00:56 <mrjoshi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda
14:00:58 <croelandt> o/
14:00:58 <mrjoshi> o/
14:04:50 <mrjoshi> we have a short agenda for today
14:04:58 <mrjoshi> let's start
14:05:21 <mrjoshi> #topic release/periodic job updates
14:05:37 <mrjoshi> M3 next week
14:05:56 <mrjoshi> periodic jobs: all tips failing with "No package matching 'python3.13-dev' is available"
14:06:30 <abhishekk_> Is that issue across project or just for us?
14:08:30 <croelandt> yeah I'm confused about this
14:08:42 <croelandt> didn't we push an change because it failed with an **old** version of Python?
14:08:59 <abhishekk_> I think so
14:09:18 <abhishekk_> @pdeore has pushed that change i guess
14:09:26 <croelandt> 0addd1a99b1be32cc11301730e86234ddfb3c3c1
14:09:28 <mrjoshi> we did , for py3.11
14:09:28 <croelandt> yes ^
14:09:37 <croelandt> so now it should use py3.13
14:09:48 <croelandt> and it is indeed trying to install the right package
14:09:52 <croelandt> but why is it not available?
14:09:56 <croelandt> What version of Ubuntu is that?
14:10:24 <mrjoshi> currently it's using ubuntu-noble
14:10:31 <abhishekk_> Not sure but it should be nobel
14:11:25 <abhishekk_> May be we need to ask in infra channel for help if it’s confusing
14:11:58 <croelandt> oh
14:12:03 <croelandt> just trying ubuntu 24.04 in a container
14:12:09 <croelandt> and they got 3.12 by default apparently
14:12:39 <abhishekk_> So there should be another way to change the default?
14:13:04 <croelandt> python 3.13 does not seem to be in the default repositories :/
14:13:36 <abhishekk_> Ack, so need to shift tips job to run against 3.12?
14:13:49 <croelandt> but we merged the patch that moved the tips job from 3.11 to 3.13, how did the CI pass?
14:13:59 <croelandt> Does it not run on the same Ubuntu version as the periodic jobs?
14:14:55 <abhishekk_> Not sure, i think safe to change it to 3.12 for time being and then troubleshoot
14:15:11 <croelandt> yeah
14:15:14 <croelandt> oh but we still merge stuff
14:15:20 <croelandt> so current patches run on something different
14:15:54 <abhishekk_> I think that’s still 3.11
14:18:30 <croelandt> oh but we're not running tips
14:18:31 <croelandt> ok ok
14:18:37 <croelandt> that's why we see no failures in teh CI
14:18:42 <abhishekk_> Yes
14:18:48 <croelandt> so yeah we should have gone from 3.11 to 3.12, not 3.13
14:19:00 <abhishekk_> Right
14:19:24 <croelandt> ok, moving on then
14:19:31 <abhishekk_> Ack
14:19:48 <mrjoshi> moving ahead
14:19:56 <mrjoshi> #topic Reviews
14:20:16 <mrjoshi> Deprecate the glance-cache-{cleaner,prefetcher,pruner} commands - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/933755
14:20:17 <mrjoshi> Standardization of encrypted images - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/926295
14:20:17 <mrjoshi> Modified create_image - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/910218
14:20:17 <mrjoshi> Updating image upload - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/881939
14:20:17 <mrjoshi> Adding SDK support for glance md-tags - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/897276
14:20:19 <mrjoshi> Add SDK support for ``glance image-tasks`` - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/926231
14:20:47 <abhishekk_> 1st two
14:20:53 <abhishekk_> Lets move them
14:21:00 <abhishekk_> To next cycle
14:21:05 <mrjoshi> ack
14:21:44 <abhishekk_> Either of us need to pick encrypted image work as original authors are no more around to take care of this
14:22:10 <croelandt> we should focus on SDK
14:22:19 <croelandt> I feel we've done 99% of the work to move to OSC
14:22:24 <abhishekk_> So better discuss the work in PTG, assign it to volunteer and get it done in next cycle
14:22:32 <abhishekk_> ++
14:22:37 <croelandt> and we should be able to drop glanceclient (not as a library) soonish
14:22:46 <mrjoshi> yes
14:22:48 <abhishekk_> agree
14:22:50 <croelandt> I hate having to maintain both
14:23:22 <abhishekk_> I think you need to discuss with stephenfin to get a look at it
14:25:33 <mrjoshi> ack
14:25:47 <mrjoshi> that's all from me today
14:25:56 <mrjoshi> moving to Open Discussion
14:26:05 <mrjoshi> #topic Open Discussion
14:26:43 <dansmith> o/
14:26:44 <croelandt> Nothing from me
14:26:49 <dansmith> I have something
14:27:27 <croelandt> hooray \o/
14:27:46 <dansmith> I'm frustrated that this has not gotten the review it needs: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bp/glance-as-defender%22+status:open
14:27:59 <dansmith> and I'm not sure if we should just -W it for this cycle, given the timing
14:28:18 <dansmith> it needs critical review, and I think from someone with a reasonable understanding of cinder workflows
14:28:34 <dansmith> but I have gotten nothing from rosmaita and whoamirajat
14:28:42 <croelandt> Should we ignore the WIP patch?
14:29:02 <dansmith> I really would like to land at least the framework of that for E, but it's getting down to the wire
14:29:13 <dansmith> croelandt: the WIP is just glance-manage tooling at the end
14:29:15 <croelandt> I mean, is it truly work in progress or do you need more eyes on it?
14:29:35 <croelandt> ok, so you'd need rosmaita to look at it basically?
14:30:05 <dansmith> that's what I want, and he has promised almost weekly since last year when I bug him, but I'm tired of it
14:30:25 <dansmith> also asked rajat but got no response
14:30:36 <dansmith> and I know asking someone else close to FF is unlikely given everyone is busy
14:31:11 <dansmith> I think that at the very least, the safety check and format match patches should be glance-only
14:31:19 <dansmith> and those are pretty important, IMHO
14:31:33 <dansmith> the GPT stuff is more involved with the other projects
14:31:54 <croelandt> ok so first two patches are the "easiest" to review
14:32:05 <dansmith> croelandt: if you could at least look at the bottom two that would be helpful, but also happy if you want to test and review the upper ones for sure
14:32:27 <croelandt> yeah my thought was that maybe I review at least those
14:32:43 <croelandt> and once they're merged there might be more of an incentive for Cinder people to help review the "hard" ones
14:32:49 <dansmith> that would be appreciated
14:33:00 <croelandt> as in "only N patches to review" instead of "N+2 patches to review"
14:33:19 <dansmith> perhaps :)
14:33:23 <croelandt> one can dream
14:33:46 <dansmith> croelandt: thanks
14:33:58 <dansmith> abhishekk_: if you have any other ideas for reviewers, that would be great too :)
14:35:05 <abhishekk_> Lately I am also not able to put time in reviews:/
14:35:28 <abhishekk_> Will try to take out some time for it
14:35:46 <abhishekk_> Unfortunately it is only cyril and me as of now
14:36:01 <dansmith> abhishekk_: you've reviewed the bottom ones already
14:36:24 <dansmith> but yeah, okay
14:36:25 <abhishekk_> whoami-rajat: is lot busy in escalation, so not much optimistic about his inputs
14:36:33 <dansmith> ack
14:37:16 <whoami-rajat> sorry, i started looking at the spec and got caught up in some other issue
14:37:20 <whoami-rajat> when do we have the deadline?
14:37:36 <abhishekk_> So we have rc1 as well so we can definitely target this till then
14:38:42 <abhishekk_> whoami-rajat: we are approaching m3 so we are almost near the deadline:)
14:40:15 <dansmith> yeah, this is why I'm bringing this up.. seems very close to review that and land the bits necessary, which is unfortunate given it's been sitting since last year
14:40:31 <dansmith> but, at least the bottom couple/few would help set the stage
14:41:00 <abhishekk_> Ack
14:44:34 <mrjoshi> thanks dansmith, for highlighting this
14:44:43 <dansmith> mrjoshi: thanks for letting me complain :)
14:45:20 <mrjoshi> :D
14:45:28 <mrjoshi> anyone has anything else to highlight , or shall we wrap up?
14:45:49 <abhishekk_> Nothing from me
14:46:14 <abhishekk_> Just to inform, croelandt will be our new deputy
14:46:37 <abhishekk_> All the best cyril and thank you Pranali
14:47:54 <mrjoshi> All the best Cyril; Thank you Pranali
14:48:11 <mrjoshi> let's wrap up then!
14:48:34 <mrjoshi> Thanks everyone for joining, Have a great weekend!
14:48:43 <mrjoshi> #endmeeting