14:00:04 <mrjoshi> #startmeeting glance
14:00:04 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Mar  6 14:00:04 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mrjoshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:04 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:04 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'glance'
14:00:07 <mrjoshi> #topic roll call
14:00:07 <mrjoshi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda
14:00:10 <mrjoshi> o/
14:00:45 <abhishekk_> o/
14:02:15 <croelandt> o/
14:03:47 <mrjoshi> let's start
14:04:03 <mrjoshi> #topic release/periodic job updates
14:04:28 <mrjoshi> periodic jobs: all tips failing with "No package matching 'python3.13-dev' is available"
14:04:28 <mrjoshi> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/942761 - patch to disable py13 tips job
14:04:50 <abhishekk_> Need approval
14:05:05 <croelandt> yeah there was an unrelated failure on the patch
14:05:34 <abhishekk_> Please add recheck
14:06:19 <croelandt> done
14:06:40 <mrjoshi> ack
14:07:14 <mrjoshi> moving ahead
14:07:42 <mrjoshi> #topic Reviews
14:07:48 <mrjoshi> Modified create_image - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/910218
14:07:48 <mrjoshi> Updating image upload - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/881939
14:08:19 <mrjoshi> please have a look at these patches
14:08:20 <croelandt> we need to get sdk cores to look at this
14:08:51 <abhishekk> ++
14:09:29 <croelandt> mrjoshi: do you know who to ping about this?
14:09:50 <mrjoshi> I have asked stephen
14:10:24 <croelandt> ok
14:11:49 <mrjoshi> moving ahead
14:12:27 <mrjoshi> #topic Learning how to be a good PTL
14:12:36 <croelandt> hehe
14:12:44 <croelandt> I think mrjoshi is tired of chairing this meeting
14:12:52 <croelandt> Should I start doing it starting next week?
14:13:13 <abhishekk> I think we should have mrjoshi to chair it
14:13:21 <mrjoshi> no, it's nothing like that :D
14:13:52 <abhishekk> When are we going to release final rc for this cycle?
14:15:29 <croelandt> should be march 28
14:15:35 <croelandt> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html
14:15:47 <mrjoshi> yes
14:16:45 <rajiv> Hi, whats the best way to move images between backends ? i would like to move images from swift to ceph, is there a plugin ?
14:16:56 <abhishekk> No it should be next week
14:17:02 <abhishekk> RC1 will be final rc for us
14:17:12 <croelandt> rajiv: please use #openstack-glance
14:17:25 <rajiv> ah ok, thanks
14:17:29 <abhishekk> also we need to push cycle highlights by tomorrow
14:17:43 <croelandt> as releasenotes?
14:17:58 <abhishekk> no, there is different way
14:18:17 <croelandt> ok can you expand on this?
14:18:47 <abhishekk> like thi
14:18:49 <abhishekk> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/830828
14:20:02 <croelandt> ok and the deadline is tomorrow?
14:20:16 <croelandt> do we need one patch for glance_store as well?
14:21:11 <abhishekk> no all in one
14:21:51 <croelandt> ok
14:22:29 <abhishekk> If we don't have anything concrete merged then I think you can mention fix about performance glitch using store weight for ceph
14:22:40 <croelandt> yes
14:22:46 <croelandt> I'll git log and see what we can find :)
14:22:59 <abhishekk> cool
14:23:27 <abhishekk> I think we can mention about format inspector somehow
14:24:47 <croelandt> yes
14:27:07 <abhishekk> we can move ahead
14:27:17 <mrjoshi> ack
14:27:36 <mrjoshi> That was all for today, moving to open discussion
14:27:57 <mrjoshi> #topic Open Discussion
14:28:11 <croelandt> Do we want the same rooms for PTG as last time?
14:28:16 <croelandt> Tuesday to Friday, similar times?
14:28:32 <croelandt> (and do we care what "room" it is?)
14:29:27 <abhishekk> yes
14:29:40 <abhishekk> no we don't care about the room, you can book anything
14:30:08 <croelandt> ok
14:30:16 <croelandt> I honestly never use the bot as an attendee :D
14:30:31 <croelandt> Never really understood the whole thing, I just get the link to the videoconferencing tool and voilĂ 
14:30:38 <croelandt> that's all from me
14:30:48 <abhishekk> you can check with either mrjoshi or pranali
14:30:58 <abhishekk> Me also recently not used those bots :P
14:31:30 <mrjoshi> I can maintain the bot during the PTGs
14:31:44 <mrjoshi> if that helps :D
14:31:55 <croelandt> Let's co-bot this PTG
14:32:21 <mrjoshi> sure!
14:34:01 <croelandt> nothing else from me
14:34:06 <mrjoshi> anyone has anything else to highlight?
14:35:04 <abhishekk> no
14:35:09 <mrjoshi> let's wrap up then!
14:35:21 <mrjoshi> Thanks everyone for joining!!
14:35:27 <mrjoshi> #endmeeting