14:00:14 #startmeeting glance 14:00:14 Meeting started Thu Mar 20 14:00:14 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mrjoshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:14 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:14 The meeting name has been set to 'glance' 14:00:26 #topic roll call 14:00:26 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-team-meeting-agenda 14:00:32 o/ 14:02:44 o/ 14:04:43 Hi 14:04:57 let's start 14:05:14 #topic Release/periodic job updates 14:05:37 periodic jobs: all tips failing with "No package matching 'python3.13-dev' is available" 14:05:37 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/942761 - patch to disable py13 tips job 14:06:02 so rosmaita had another usggestion 14:06:14 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/944279 14:06:19 using pyenv like we do for other jobs 14:06:42 Sounds good 14:07:37 well you can +2 the patch :D 14:07:44 Me in another meeting but can some one check why it is failing? 14:09:24 let me look 14:09:32 oh yeah 14:09:36 test_import_copy_bust_lock 14:09:42 this has been incredibly unstable for the past week 14:10:00 I cannot reproduce it locally, though 14:11:43 Yeah, that is intermittent failure 14:12:53 yeah but it has been happening *a lot* 14:13:34 Yes , we can think of it during ptg 14:14:38 ++ 14:15:10 shall we move ahead ? 14:15:23 yes 14:15:28 ack 14:15:29 in teh meantime, we'll recheck :D 14:16:03 ++ 14:16:16 #topic PTG Etherpad 14:16:27 Etherpad availabe at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2025.2-ptg-glance-planning 14:17:33 cool, thank you cyril 14:17:45 we also need specs directory for 2025.2 14:18:07 oh yeah that's what I forgot to do 14:18:12 I'll do it before EOD 14:18:42 ack, we need you to be approver of specs repo as well 14:19:03 I think pranali should add you and then remove herself from there 14:20:29 wait, I will be able to do it as well 14:20:55 I think during last cycle pranali has added me there because she was not around 14:21:04 https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/3a2d24a98c24482a0371a4762ba0c1b3ade078b8,members 14:21:20 So now I will add you there and then next week you can remove use from there 14:21:48 ok 14:22:09 could you confirm you have +w on any of the specs? 14:23:05 yeah I got +2 and W+1 \o/ 14:23:32 cool, congratulations, now nexyt week remove us fron there 14:24:06 Coming back to PTG topics 14:24:43 Please go through past couple of etherpads and add topics which were discussed but not completed in this etherpad 14:27:51 shall we move to next topic? 14:28:09 yes 14:28:12 ack 14:28:18 #topic Easy reviews (need another +2) 14:28:34 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/939030 | Drop environments for Python 3.8 (939030) · Gerrit Code Review 14:28:34 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/942882 | Add cross project Ironic non voting job (942882) · Gerrit Code Review 14:28:34 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/941820 | Use common environment name for ostestr testpath (941820) · Gerrit Code Review 14:28:34 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/941691 | Core reviewer guidelines: add a note about translations (941691) · Gerrit Code Review 14:28:53 Yeah I think most of these have a +2 already and they are simple patches :) 14:28:58 on it 14:29:04 one of them is yours :-( 14:29:31 you can approve that directly 14:29:46 it is related to ci job 14:30:37 oh right 14:33:00 moving ahead 14:33:04 we can move ahead 14:33:10 #topic Openstack SDK/CLI (Reviews) 14:33:25 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22glance-gaps%22+status:open 14:33:47 these are the SDK patches which are already up and needs review 14:34:18 will give another look tomorrow 14:34:19 I had a discussion on openstacksdk channel and they have requested the glance team to add +2s first before they review 14:35:37 ack 14:35:49 that's all from me today 14:36:05 moving to open discussion 14:36:11 #topic Open Discussion 14:36:33 I got nothing 14:37:32 shall we wrap up then? 14:37:35 We need some discussion around distribution of work and reviews, may be we can discuss during retrospective talks 14:37:48 yeah 14:38:13 that's it from me!! 14:38:49 cool, let's wrap up then! 14:39:01 Thanks everyone for joining!! 14:39:05 #endmeeting