14:00:52 <nikhil_k_> #startmeeting glance drivers 14:00:52 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 8 14:00:52 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is nikhil_k_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:55 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glance_drivers' 14:01:21 <jokke_> o/ 14:01:31 <nikhil_k_> So, we don't have a set agenda for this meeting as well. 14:01:47 <flaper87> I guess we're all heads down on bug hunting/fixing 14:01:55 <nikhil_k_> However, we had planned to discuss lite-specs so we can do that now if there's nothing more pressing. 14:01:57 <jokke_> was it this meeting we were supposed to set down the FFE status for the ova? 14:02:05 <flaper87> IMHO, other than the FFE we've scheduled, we can postpone this meeting until after RC1 14:02:13 <flaper87> unless there's something urgent to discuss 14:02:14 <nikhil_k_> jokke_: not necessarily, but sometime today for sure 14:02:38 <jokke_> well logged by the meeting bot, I'd like to express my concerns 14:03:17 <jokke_> Based on the Kent's latest comment on the code change and lack of activity in the spec, I'm not too confident that it can make in time 14:04:10 * nikhil_k_ fyi, rosmaita won't be able to make it to this meeting and is okay with our decision on the spec 14:05:16 <flaper87> Since they are based in the West Coast and yday was a holiday in the US, I think it'd be fair to give them today to provide feedback on the spec and some updates on the review 14:05:37 <flaper87> I do understand jokke_'s concerns, though. 14:06:02 <nikhil_k_> jokke_: can you send a note as a reply to the ML thread asking them for a update on the spec ? 14:06:19 <jokke_> flaper87: My concern is that only thing what we got back from their Friday workday was Kent stating that it will take hime quite some time 14:06:29 <jokke_> nikhil_k_: sure 14:06:30 <nikhil_k_> jokke_: that way we can be sure of their intent as the email from Malini on the thread said that they were committed 14:06:59 <flaper87> jokke_: yes, I totally see and understand that. 14:07:45 <nikhil_k_> I guess we are pretty much stuck on the reply 14:07:57 <sigmavirus24_awa> o/ 14:08:00 <nikhil_k_> flaper87: also, I am okay to discuss lite-spec later after rc1 14:08:16 <sigmavirus24_awa> I'm down to discuss them either time too 14:08:18 <sigmavirus24_awa> I think they hold value 14:08:47 <jokke_> afk -> 14:08:57 <flaper87> nikhil_k_: sigmavirus24_awa I'd love to see lite-spec happening for Mitaka 14:09:15 <nikhil_k_> here's the latest on the thread (hence, we are waiting until EOD today PDT) 14:09:18 <nikhil_k_> https://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org/msg62564.html 14:09:31 <sigmavirus24_awa> Oh I missed that there was a thread on this 14:09:39 <sigmavirus24_awa> I've been head's down in cinder problems with openstack-ansible 14:09:59 <nikhil_k_> flaper87: I would also like to see some specs pre-approved for Mitaka 14:10:32 <flaper87> nikhil_k_: yes, Ideally, we should start doing that asap. Some of them have been discussed enough 14:10:33 <nikhil_k_> I think we need to setup of pre-approved priority list, possibly at a virtual mini-summit (sync up) 14:10:49 <flaper87> but until rc1 is cut, I think our efforts would be better of spent focusing on liberty things 14:10:52 <nikhil_k_> that can establish which ones are preferred over other 14:11:12 <nikhil_k_> I am okay with the timeline as long as we do this planning 14:11:24 <nikhil_k_> one learning that came out of liberty was 14:11:36 <nikhil_k_> we needed to support a few things for nova to use glance v2 14:12:09 <nikhil_k_> it would have been nice to have specs approved for such things so that nova spec gets approved for mitaka in time and people have code ready and merged in the earlier phase 14:12:12 <flaper87> nikhil_k_: tbh, that should've been a learning from kilo since I stressed that to the point of being annoying 14:12:20 <flaper87> :) 14:12:39 <flaper87> but anyway, I do agree we should prepare in advance 14:12:52 <flaper87> so that we don't get to M-2 w/o specs approved like we did in Liberty 14:13:05 <nikhil_k_> so, the feedback I got from Nova PTL was that there wasn't enough loopback to get images stuff to a acceptable state 14:14:01 <flaper87> yup 14:14:19 <flaper87> lets figure out what those things are and start discussions early in the cycle and before the summit 14:14:21 <nikhil_k_> So, first thing is we need commitment from someone dedicating time on this in Mitaka so that it does not fallback on the PTL 14:14:43 <nikhil_k_> that person can be images liaison or we can have 2 of those this time around 14:14:53 <flaper87> I'm sure we can get someone at the summit 14:15:03 <flaper87> by that I mean, we can corner someone and force that person to do it 14:15:10 <flaper87> That person will get gummybears in return 14:15:12 <flaper87> :P 14:15:42 <nikhil_k_> heh 14:16:31 <flaper87> jokes apart, yes. 14:16:41 <flaper87> I believe one of the proposals is to discuss this in a workroom 14:17:16 <nikhil_k_> cool 14:17:20 <nikhil_k_> sigmavirus24: so, we were thinking of waiting on the ova spec until later today 14:17:47 <nikhil_k_> everyone else here is okay with that, did you have anything to add? ( sigmavirus24 ) 14:18:25 <sigmavirus24> I have nothing to add 14:18:45 <sigmavirus24> I think we need two images liasions with commitments from their companies to allow them to be those 14:19:15 <nikhil_k_> that sounds fair 14:20:18 <nikhil_k_> if nothing else, 14:20:21 <nikhil_k_> thanks all! 14:20:40 <flaper87> bye folks, short but productive 14:20:42 <flaper87> :P 14:20:46 <nikhil_k_> #endmeeting