17:31:35 <mfedosin> #startmeeting glare 17:31:35 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 11 17:31:35 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mfedosin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:31:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:31:38 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'glare' 17:35:11 <mfedosin> Anybody here? :) 17:35:50 <nikhil> hi 17:35:53 <nikhil> sorry a bit late 17:36:00 <mfedosin> ah, np 17:36:14 <nikhil> guess just two of us 17:36:17 <nikhil> :) 17:36:27 <mfedosin> yup 17:36:34 <nikhil> not sure if we want to let some info notes here for people to look back at logs ? 17:36:36 <mfedosin> we can skip it for today 17:36:43 <nikhil> yeah 17:37:16 <mfedosin> I belive next week there will be a big Glare Demo 17:37:31 <mfedosin> I just can tell about updates 17:37:35 <nikhil> #info mfedosin will be talking about artifact tomorrow during the glance pre summit sync 17:38:06 <mfedosin> 15-15 UTC 17:38:15 <mfedosin> #topic Updates 17:38:36 <mfedosin> we spent last days trying to optimize our code 17:38:57 <mfedosin> many changes were made in this case 17:39:34 <mfedosin> then kairat added lots of docstrings and comment for public methods 17:39:53 <nikhil> that's excellent stuff, we need documentation! 17:39:57 <mfedosin> several bugs were fixed as well 17:40:10 <mfedosin> also we implemented several features 17:40:19 <mfedosin> (very important features) 17:40:33 <mfedosin> first of all - setting custom locations for blobs 17:40:43 <mfedosin> like it's done in Glance 17:41:05 <mfedosin> then we implemented Glare db api, that allows to store custom data structures 17:41:28 <mfedosin> so now we can implement custom artifact types 17:41:59 <mfedosin> Darja implemented Glare filters for Image lists 17:42:28 <mfedosin> plans for this week: test the whole stuff desperately 17:43:18 <mfedosin> add tooz support - it's a library for preventing race conditions 17:43:29 <mfedosin> #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tooz/ 17:43:52 <mfedosin> develop versioning 17:44:07 <mfedosin> and update the spec 17:44:17 <mfedosin> that's all :) 17:44:32 <mfedosin> #endmeeting