#openstack-meeting: gluon

Meeting started by bh526r at 18:00:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call and Introduction (bh526r, 18:00:34)
    1. Bin Hu (bh526r, 18:00:52)
    2. Kamil Renczewski (krenczewski, 18:00:54)
    3. Georg Kunz (georgk, 18:00:59)
    4. Jin Li (jinli, 18:01:08)
    5. Tom Hambleton (tomhambleton, 18:02:16)

  2. Admin Update (bh526r, 18:02:27)
    1. Robert Tao (Rob__, 18:02:38)
    2. Still waiting for room availability from Thierry (bh526r, 18:03:12)
    3. Kamal Hussain (kamal___, 18:06:00)

  3. Tracking Progress of Gluon Development (bh526r, 18:07:23)
    1. Tom pushed a patch to address global-requirement dependency (bh526r, 18:13:41)
    2. This patch should address the Jenkins issue (bh526r, 18:13:55)
    3. Tom will either reverify or push another patch to pass Jenkins gate/get Verified +1 (bh526r, 18:14:26)
    4. Niko's database migration proposal is still pending on Ian's comments (bh526r, 18:18:28)
    5. ACTION: Bin ping Ian again to find out how soon Ian's comments can be posted (bh526r, 18:18:47)
    6. Jin will submit the patch of test proposal for review (bh526r, 18:25:37)
    7. Jin will work with Georg and Niko for using fixtures to test DB functions (bh526r, 18:26:20)

  4. AOB (bh526r, 18:30:43)
    1. Bin, Tom and Niko's proposal of Gluon implementation talk was accepted for #vBrownBag tech talk (bh526r, 18:31:31)
    2. It will be 4:15pm on Wednesday (bh526r, 18:32:09)
    3. Once we get Neutron Plugin etc working, we can prepare the slides (bh526r, 18:32:57)
    4. Meeting adjourned (bh526r, 18:47:49)

Meeting ended at 18:48:38 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Bin ping Ian again to find out how soon Ian's comments can be posted

People present (lines said)

  1. bh526r (68)
  2. georgk (17)
  3. tomhambleton (12)
  4. Rob__ (11)
  5. jinli (7)
  6. krenczewski (4)
  7. openstack (3)
  8. kamal___ (1)

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