#openstack-meeting: gluon

Meeting started by bh526r at 18:00:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call and Introduction (bh526r, 18:00:59)
    1. Bin Hu (bh526r, 18:01:18)
    2. JinLi (jinli_, 18:01:18)
    3. Paul Carver (pcarver, 18:01:28)

  2. Admin Update (bh526r, 18:02:04)
    1. Georg Kunz (georgk1, 18:02:25)
    2. Tom Hambleton (tomhambleton, 18:02:33)
    3. Gluon Work Session in Barcelona: Friday, October 28, 9:50am-10:30am (up to 11:00am). Room 122 (bh526r, 18:02:39)
    4. Gluon topic will also be discussed in joint Nova-Neutron at 5:30pm-6:10pm on Thursday (bh526r, 18:04:10)
    5. https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/events/16937 (bh526r, 18:04:16)
    6. Room 122/123 (bh526r, 18:04:30)
    7. Our BrownBag talk will be 4:15pm-4:30pm on Wednesday (bh526r, 18:05:07)
    8. Panel session (Toby, Vince, Ian, Jeff and Marco) will be 4:40pm-5:20pm Thursday (bh526r, 18:05:41)

  3. Round Table (bh526r, 18:12:33)
    1. on ONOS+Gluon: coding is completed. In progress of test with the first version of Gluon code (bh526r, 18:13:27)
    2. Kamal Hussain (kamal___, 18:13:58)
    3. Team is working on coding and other preparation for summit next week (bh526r, 18:15:48)
    4. Tom installed the proton-server on the Pharos lab controller (bh526r, 18:19:10)
    5. etcd is also installed (bh526r, 18:19:21)
    6. Kamal also installed VSD, VSC and Compute on the Pharos Lab (bh526r, 18:20:14)
    7. Niko and Ian are also working on BPs for summit (bh526r, 18:22:15)
    8. Jin has pushed his initial draft of test plan for review (bh526r, 18:22:33)
    9. Meeting adjourned (bh526r, 18:24:37)

Meeting ended at 18:25:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. bh526r (37)
  2. tomhambleton (9)
  3. Jeffreyc42 (7)
  4. kamal___ (3)
  5. georgk1 (3)
  6. openstack (3)
  7. pcarver (2)
  8. jinli_ (2)
  9. roberttao (2)
  10. rob (1)

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