21:01:04 <mattgriffin> #startmeeting HA-Guide-Update 21:01:05 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 5 21:01:04 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattgriffin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ha_guide_update' 21:01:20 <mattgriffin> hi nickchase 21:01:38 <mattgriffin> #topic last week's meeting 21:01:48 <nickchase> hi all 21:02:06 <mattgriffin> nickchase, can you give an update on last week's meeting? 21:02:15 <mattgriffin> megm, said she was going to be a bit late 21:02:18 <nickchase> sure, if you give me a minute 21:02:25 <nickchase> I can't remember that far back. :) 21:02:29 <mattgriffin> heh 21:02:41 <Sam-I-Am> hi nick 21:03:05 <megm> Hi all 21:03:17 <nickchase> hey, all 21:03:20 <mattgriffin> megm, hello 21:03:23 <nickchase> I sent the minutes to the list 21:03:27 <nickchase> but I'm trying to find them 21:03:34 <mattgriffin> here's what i thought we might cover today 21:03:36 <mattgriffin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/HA_Guide_Update#Next_Meeting 21:03:39 <mattgriffin> nickchase, cool 21:03:53 <nickchase> found them: 21:03:54 <nickchase> Short meeting today. TOC is still being reviewed, and Meg is adding links to existing material. We agreed on the following: 21:03:54 <nickchase> We need to add strategy information to the TOC. (nickchase, 21:17:11) 21:03:55 <nickchase> We don't want to duplicate existing docs (ie, for Galera) (nickchase, 21:18:57) 21:03:55 <nickchase> We'll take the discussion of RST vs Docbook to the mailing list. (nickchase, 21:26:02) 21:03:55 <nickchase> Action items: 21:03:55 <nickchase> nickchase 21:03:55 <nickchase> nickchase Add structure for HA strategy. 21:03:56 <nickchase> nickchase Create wiki pages for the install guide and ops guide notes and link them from the main HA guide page. 21:03:56 <nickchase> Sam-I-Am 21:03:57 <nickchase> Sam-I-Am Review the install guide for any references that are relevant to HA. 21:03:57 <nickchase> Shamail 21:03:58 <nickchase> Shamail Review the ops guide for any references that are relevant to HA. 21:03:58 <nickchase> Full minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ha_guide/2015/ha_guide.2015-02-26-21.11.html 21:04:03 <nickchase> whoa,s orry about that!!! 21:04:08 <Sam-I-Am> heh 21:04:14 <mattgriffin> :) 21:04:15 <Sam-I-Am> you need to irc better :) 21:04:41 <nickchase> hey, been out of IRC except for these meetings for about a decade and a half. 21:04:51 <nickchase> glad I remember how to /join :) 21:04:56 <Sam-I-Am> we'll eventually fix that 21:05:05 <mattgriffin> should we consider these action items for the next meeting as well. wondering about progess 21:05:44 <nickchase> I apologize I just realized I completely spaced on my action items. 21:05:46 <mattgriffin> question for Sam-I-Am, nickchase, and megm ^ 21:06:04 <mattgriffin> nickchase, np 21:06:05 <nickchase> I'm all for considering them for next meeting (for reasons just stated) 21:06:15 <megm> I'm still not quite done with the outline but most of it is there. 21:06:23 <mattgriffin> megm, what was that link again? 21:06:28 <megm> I think there is enough to start discussing content structure 21:06:47 <megm> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HAGuideImprovements/TOC 21:06:57 <Sam-I-Am> yeah, we're getting closer on structure 21:07:03 <Sam-I-Am> i also reviewed the install guide 21:07:49 <mattgriffin> excellent. this is great stuff 21:08:06 <megm> sam-i-am, are things in the right order in the outline? 21:08:15 <nickchase> So the internal Mirantis team is supposed to be letting us know which topics they're going to tackle first. 21:08:15 <Sam-I-Am> megm: not 100% 21:08:26 <nickchase> I'll bug Evgeniy to see where that is 21:08:28 <Sam-I-Am> sort of need to weed things out first, imho 21:08:40 <megm> we also need to identify when one does what is in the install guide and then does the ha steps, versus replacing the install guide steps 21:08:52 <Sam-I-Am> then it sort of makes sense to start with the most system-wide things, like databases... then keystone, etc. 21:09:04 <mattgriffin> nickchase, cool. i can start to see what database parts Percona can take too 21:09:26 <Sam-I-Am> nothing in the install guide does HA, except one part of swift, but thats only because its required minimum config 21:09:41 <mattgriffin> ack 21:10:01 <Sam-I-Am> it wasnt supposed to handle redundancy because its often "too much" for first-timers 21:10:11 <nickchase> right 21:10:14 <Sam-I-Am> redundancy is the second step though 21:10:17 <megm> Agreed about install guide not covering ha. 21:10:18 <Sam-I-Am> and secueity 21:10:24 <Sam-I-Am> security 21:10:45 <megm> But, for instance, do I do the Keystone install/config that is in the Install Guide, then do the "special" stuff that is in HA Guide. 21:11:05 <mattgriffin> so for next meeting, review this TOC page and ensure it's on the mark? 21:11:10 <megm> Or do we just use the Keystone concepts from the install guide, and handle all config in HA guide 21:11:27 <Sam-I-Am> megm: where possible, we should reference the install guide's basic config. 21:11:43 <Sam-I-Am> there may be some services that require complete reconfiguration to do HA 21:11:57 <megm> I agree -- where do we get the definition of "where possible"? 21:12:18 <megm> Do I go through and modify keystone.conf for install guide, then throw that away when I do HA? 21:12:25 <nickchase> Basically if you can do the install steps and then do special for HA, then we reuse it. 21:12:36 <nickchase> If you do something different from start, then it's not possible. 21:12:37 <megm> It needs definition, probably for each component/topic 21:12:45 <nickchase> agreed. 21:12:52 <Sam-I-Am> in some cases its "roughly duplicate this config, with minor changes for X Y Z" 21:13:12 <megm> I think we agreed on the strategy/component a few weeks ago -- the specifics are what concerns me 21:13:13 <Sam-I-Am> most of the APIs are that way 21:13:39 <megm> Sam, did you do the "Configure networking on each node" piece? Very nice! 21:13:42 <Sam-I-Am> for databases, question is do we want to take a one-node sql database to redundancy, or start from scratch with redundancy? 21:13:48 <megm> Nick, do the networking guide people agree? 21:14:08 <nickchase> agree about thwat? 21:14:12 <nickchase> sorry, not following. 21:14:13 <Sam-I-Am> megm: which "configure networking on each node" ? (which doc) 21:14:36 <mattgriffin> Sam-I-Am, i think start with redundancy - i.e., galera-based 21:14:44 <Sam-I-Am> the question is, do we think most people will start out with the install guide architecture and then add onto it? or will they want to deploy from scratch with redundancy. 21:14:57 <megm> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HAGuideImprovements/TOC -- first header after "Prerequisites" 21:15:23 <mattgriffin> Sam-I-Am, hmm... maybe for the DB we could include a general upgrade procedure from single node to galera 21:15:33 <Sam-I-Am> megm: oh yeah that was me 21:15:58 <Sam-I-Am> megm: that makes sense 21:16:00 <Sam-I-Am> errr mattgriffin 21:16:04 <mattgriffin> :) 21:16:23 <Sam-I-Am> the thing about the install guide is we have a known-good architecture to base off 21:16:34 <megm> sam-i-am, that is an excellent question. 21:16:34 <Sam-I-Am> the install guide was written to make it easy to add more nodes of things 21:16:53 <mattgriffin> Sam-I-Am, i think just add that to the Prerequisites section - general DB upgrade step 21:16:53 <nickchase> I think that ... 21:17:04 <megm> My guess is that people will do a "play" set-up with the Install Guide but, when they are ready to deploy their production system, they will start over 21:17:07 <nickchase> we have an assumption that if someone is doing HA, they are NOT a beginner. I think that... 21:18:01 <nickchase> ti's perfactly acceptable to say, "INstall keystone. (see install guide if you need details)". Now do this." 21:18:01 <nickchase> (darn, my text disappeared :() 21:18:01 <megm> +1 nick... And we can include links to Install Guide (like for Keystone concepts) to help those who aren't experts at some piece or other 21:18:11 <nickchase> (there it is (facepalm)) 21:18:30 <Sam-I-Am> yeah. 21:18:34 <Sam-I-Am> agreed. 21:18:34 <mattgriffin> +1 21:18:37 <nickchase> great. 21:18:47 <Sam-I-Am> on the topic of audience, we're not going to handhold basic system things in the HA guide 21:18:51 <Sam-I-Am> like "here's how you edit a file" 21:18:55 <megm> For Keystone example, maybe it should be what you say, but "but modify keystone.conf like this rather than what is in Install GUide" 21:19:20 <nickchase> agreed. 21:19:41 <Sam-I-Am> megm: probably a blanket statement that says "we start with the basic config in the install guide... and then add this stuff. your base keystone config might contain more stuff" 21:19:50 <Sam-I-Am> thats how the network guide is doing it 21:19:53 <nickchase> +1 21:19:56 <mattgriffin> i like it 21:20:03 <Sam-I-Am> "we assume you know about all this other crap you have to configure, here's how to make DVR work" 21:20:23 <megm> Sounds good. I just don't want the HA guide to routinely tell people to undo something they did in Install Guide... 21:20:58 <nickchase> right 21:21:14 <nickchase> we said from the beginning that the first thing we were going to do... 21:21:16 <Sam-I-Am> if there's a case of that, we'll figure it out 21:21:28 <megm> Is the outline in the correct order? How do we determine that? 21:21:39 <nickchase> was tell people, "Look, here's the basic install procedure, and here are the steps that will be different for HA. Now let's get into the details." 21:21:46 <nickchase> megm: we do it. 21:21:53 <Sam-I-Am> megm: let me look over it again here 21:22:28 <nickchase> we'll have an overview to start. and if there isn't one in the TOC, please add one while you're looking, Sam-I-Am 21:22:32 <Sam-I-Am> megm: ntp probably comes right around host networking, but its pretty simple (in fact, people should probably know how to do this) 21:23:00 <megm> sam-i-am, you can always email me directly at meg.mcroberts@yahoo.com 21:23:06 <Sam-I-Am> other than that, it mostly makes sense. start with host stuff, then system services, then openstack services. 21:23:20 <Sam-I-Am> the openstack services should probably go in the order of most-common to least-common 21:23:30 <Sam-I-Am> and also based on dependencies 21:23:44 <Sam-I-Am> like... if you HA keystone, you're going to have to change all these other services. 21:23:50 <megm> +1 sam 21:24:40 <Sam-I-Am> keystone -> glance -> nova -> neutron -> cinder -> swift -> trove -> ??? -> ceilometer 21:24:57 <Sam-I-Am> and i think we do ceilometer last because it requires installing more agents for a bunch of other services 21:25:13 <Sam-I-Am> in other words, ceilometer redundancy itself isnt the hard part 21:25:24 <Sam-I-Am> its as you add more nodes and make other services redundant, you have to deploy more agents 21:25:50 <Sam-I-Am> or for each service that has special ceilometer steps, we could say "do these steps if you run ceilometer" 21:26:43 <megm> The "Prerequisites" list needs to be looked at critically -- should NTP be there? 21:27:13 <mattgriffin> megm, i think it should be there from the install guide 21:28:21 <megm> Yes, NTP is from Install Guide but at what point? It may be required earlier for HA, right? 21:28:31 <mattgriffin> megm, http://docs.openstack.org/havana/install-guide/install/yum/content/basics-ntp.html 21:28:33 <Sam-I-Am> so, with NTP... the only real suggestion would be running servers on each controller node, then configuring each other hosts to use all of the controllers for sync. we can doc it, but its not complex. 21:28:36 <mattgriffin> hmm... maybe 21:28:50 <Sam-I-Am> mattgriffin: aaaaaa dont look at the guide that old :/ 21:28:53 <Sam-I-Am> it hurtses me 21:28:57 <mattgriffin> haha... oops 21:29:08 <megm> Instructions are not complex, but order might be wrong in current outline. 21:29:11 <Sam-I-Am> its a system level thing that is good practice for any server 21:29:21 <Sam-I-Am> megm: yes 21:29:21 <mattgriffin> google likes havana 21:29:28 <Sam-I-Am> it'll be easy to doc i think 21:29:31 <Sam-I-Am> mattgriffin: tell me about it 21:29:34 <megm> outline has link to current ntp instructions 21:29:59 <megm> This is just a question of order -- I'm thinking that they should install O/S on all nodes then configure NTP before going further 21:30:05 <Sam-I-Am> yeah, in the most basic case, ntp needs to at least run on every node. 21:30:17 <Sam-I-Am> megm: i'd say yes 21:30:19 <Sam-I-Am> ntp comes early 21:30:28 <Sam-I-Am> bad time screws up all sorts of things 21:30:39 <mattgriffin> ok. 0 min left. document action items for next week? 21:30:56 <megm> Okay, I'll move it. But that's one example of a bad ordering in current outline 21:31:10 <megm> Meg and Sam finish outline? 21:31:21 <megm> Nick get Mirantis owners for some pieces 21:31:23 <Sam-I-Am> yeah, i can poke at it. i'll be at mid-cycle ops next week though. 21:31:29 <mattgriffin> #action Meg and Sam finish outline 21:31:41 <Sam-I-Am> so hopefully i can get to it tomorrow, or in any spare time before next thursday's meeting 21:31:42 <mattgriffin> #action Nick get Mirantis owners for some pieces 21:31:53 <nickchase> and also my action items from last week 21:31:59 <mattgriffin> nickchase, :) 21:32:02 <Sam-I-Am> i'm also going to ask ops about their HA at the ops meetup 21:32:10 <Sam-I-Am> that was something someone asked me to do 21:32:14 <Sam-I-Am> and i'll be there 21:32:18 <mattgriffin> #action matt check with percona on where we can help more 21:32:30 <Sam-I-Am> so chances are there will be some TOC updates post-ops 21:32:34 <mattgriffin> Sam-I-Am, good idea 21:32:44 <Sam-I-Am> no reason to document things no one uses 21:32:57 <megm> Are we targeting Kilo or Juno? Blueprint says Kilo 21:33:20 <nickchase> I would think Kilo. 21:33:28 <Sam-I-Am> kilo, although thats kind of soon at this point 21:33:37 <Sam-I-Am> i'm pretty tied up with the install guide and network guide 21:34:00 <mattgriffin> should we write something up for the rest of the Docs community with our plans. make sure they're +1. i can start a pad and share it with you guys. 21:34:13 <megm> Sounds good 21:34:36 <mattgriffin> #action matt start an HA Guide update for the Docs list 21:34:48 <mattgriffin> anything else? 21:34:49 <Sam-I-Am> if we get enough writers, this might go quicker 21:34:53 <mattgriffin> aye 21:34:57 <Sam-I-Am> but right now its... not many. 21:35:05 <Sam-I-Am> the networking guide was a juno thing :) 21:35:09 <Sam-I-Am> and now kilo 21:35:10 <Sam-I-Am> and... 21:35:19 <mattgriffin> :) 21:35:29 <Sam-I-Am> turns out, this stuff is a lot of work and requires some specialized people 21:35:42 <mattgriffin> shocking 21:35:52 <Sam-I-Am> (and those people need time to write) 21:36:04 <mattgriffin> ok. i'm going to end the meeting then. thanks all!!! have a great rest of your week 21:36:13 <Sam-I-Am> thanks 21:36:15 <mattgriffin> #endmeeting