08:00:04 <ramishra> #startmeeting heat 08:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 25 08:00:04 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ramishra. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'heat' 08:00:15 <ramishra> #topic roll call 08:01:38 <therve> Hi 08:01:48 <skraynev> o/ 08:01:59 <ricolin> hi! 08:02:38 <cwolferh> o/ 08:02:42 <ramishra> #topic adding items to agenda 08:02:52 <ramishra> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/HeatAgenda#Agenda_.282017-01-25_0800_UTC.29 08:03:48 <ramishra> #topic ocata-3 status 08:04:07 <ramishra> #link https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/ocata-3 08:04:52 <ramishra> I think we should land https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363415/25 before doing the release 08:05:26 <therve> Yeah 08:05:34 <therve> It's just awful to review 08:05:41 <ramishra> zaneb has reviewed it. I've looked at it too. cwolferh is still around to answer if there are any questions. 08:05:45 <cwolferh> dominoes 08:07:11 <ramishra> I think all other bugs I would either move to rc1 or pike-1, if they don't get reviewed in a few hours. 08:07:16 <ramishra> Are we ok with it? 08:07:35 <ricolin> I think so :) 08:08:31 <ramishra> https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1570576 patch should land soon. 08:08:31 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1570576 in heat "After updating a stack stuck IN_PROGRESS, resources will be permanently stuck IN_PROGRESS" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Tanvir Talukder (tanvirt16) 08:09:48 <ramishra> may be we should finish the meeting soon and then spend some time reviewing:) 08:10:26 <prazumovsky> hi! sorry for late 08:10:58 <ricolin> hi! 08:11:03 <ramishra> If anyone wants to land something in o-3 please speak up and ask for reviews, though reviewers may not oblige;) 08:12:38 <ricolin> I'm find with land on next release:) 08:12:39 <prazumovsky> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301017/ from me, i push fix since last comments:) 08:13:05 <prazumovsky> *pushed 08:13:14 <ramishra> prazumovsky: I'll check that 08:13:18 <prazumovsky> thanks! 08:13:37 <ramishra> #topic open discussion 08:13:48 <elynn> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/423992/ I would like this in. 08:14:06 <elynn> Please help review :) 08:14:09 <prazumovsky> Does anyone have troubles with local pep8? 08:14:32 <prazumovsky> I have two errors with _ in zaqar.py module 08:14:58 <ramishra> elynn: it does link to a bug or a spect-lite and not targeted to o-3. Therefore no one looked at it. 08:15:02 <elynn> didn't met pep8 error. 08:15:05 <ricolin> prazumovsky: will rebuild your requirement works? 08:15:24 <prazumovsky> yes, full rebuild 08:15:44 <elynn> ramishra it's a spec-lite, i didn't fire a bug for it. 08:15:48 <prazumovsky> all requirements/test-req.., clean compiled and so one 08:15:58 <prazumovsky> oh... "on", i mean 08:16:01 <elynn> Add a new attribute to senlin cluster resource. 08:16:17 <therve> elynn, spec-lite means bug 08:16:45 <therve> Not that it's necessary here 08:16:51 <therve> Just harder to track 08:16:52 <prazumovsky> I pushed commit https://review.openstack.org/#/c/423218/ but want to know about another contributors and local pep8, because gate successfully passed 08:17:59 <ricolin> trying:) 08:19:07 <ricolin> and yes 08:19:20 <ricolin> new pep8 break... 08:19:23 <ramishra> therve: Will do the 1.0.0 release for heat-agents. 08:19:38 <therve> ramishra, 1.0.0b3 no? 08:19:43 <therve> I wonder what the scheme should be 08:20:05 <ramishra> I thought we would treat it as a library? 08:20:26 <therve> Hum... 08:20:28 <therve> I don't know 08:20:43 <ramishra> who can answer that:) 08:20:50 <ramishra> ? 08:21:23 <elynn> therve, ramishra I fire a spec-lite https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1659204 please help to set the target :) 08:21:23 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1659204 in heat "Add 'collect' attribute to senlin cluster resource" [Undecided,New] 08:22:59 <ramishra> elynn: targeted to o-3 for now. 08:23:45 <elynn> Thanks 08:24:13 <ramishra> anything else? Would be good if more can review the resource_properties_data patch, if possible 08:25:28 <cwolferh> a note about ^^ there is probably room for performance improvements in the above, but want to get solid base functionality by the freeze. 08:26:12 <ramishra> ok, let's move back to #heat and spend rest of the time reviewing;) 08:26:17 <ramishra> thank you all 08:26:21 <ricolin> thx 08:26:26 <ramishra> #endmeeting