13:00:45 <ricolin> #startmeeting heat
13:00:45 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 15 13:00:45 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ricolin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:00:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
13:00:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'heat'
13:00:53 <ricolin> #topic roll call
13:01:05 <kiennt26> hi o/
13:01:18 <ricolin> o/
13:01:55 <kazsh> o/
13:02:01 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/heat master: Modify the docstring of method 'check_is_admin'  https://review.openstack.org/511697
13:02:12 <ricolin> #topic adding items to agenda
13:02:29 <ricolin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/HeatAgenda#Agenda_.282017-11-15_1300_UTC.29
13:03:46 <ricolin> Any topic to discuss this week?
13:03:58 <zaneb> o/
13:04:21 <ricolin> zaneb, o/
13:04:49 <kiennt26> ricolin: I have one, but i'm unable to add item due to the network problem
13:05:40 <ricolin> you can just tell me:)
13:05:47 <kiennt26> ricolin: I want to discuss about adding change transport-url to grenade-multinode gate to do heat upgrade's strategy
13:07:03 <ricolin> #topic transport-url
13:07:33 <kiennt26> i already had a patch for this. Could you query the patch in git review?
13:08:06 <ricolin> can you give us the link
13:08:53 <kiennt26> i'm unable to access review.openstack also... It returns Server Unavailable. Vietnam's network these days is really bad :(
13:10:11 <kiennt26> #link https://review.openstack.org/510400
13:10:33 <kiennt26> finally, so sorry about that
13:12:01 <ricolin> test all green?
13:13:05 <kiennt26> ricolin: yeah, i turn grenade-multinode to non-voting also.
13:14:23 <kiennt26> I see that you abandonded Voting for multinode job two days ago. Do you have a plan to restore it?
13:14:37 <ricolin> you can restore it
13:15:15 <ricolin> I was just testing for the zuulv3 patch
13:15:51 <ricolin> also zaneb can you help to review zuul v3 patch on pike and ocata?:)
13:16:23 <zaneb> yes
13:16:48 <ricolin> kiennt26, so you will restore that test patch right?:)
13:17:56 <kiennt26> ricolin: Sure, will do. Do you think we should bring grenade-multinode to voting now? Or after rework gate to Zuulv3 native?
13:19:27 <ricolin> after all pike and ocata to zuulv3
13:19:36 <ricolin> one issue at a time:)
13:20:40 <kiennt26> ricolin: ack. Regarding the change transport-url patch, WDYT?
13:21:41 <zaneb> ricolin: done
13:21:46 <ricolin> zaneb, cool
13:22:26 <ricolin> kiennt26, I have nothing against that
13:23:15 <kiennt26> ricolin: Cool :) Thank you, that's all from me.
13:25:33 <ricolin> #topic Open discussion
13:26:22 <ricolin> Also we need policy in code in place:(
13:26:51 <zaneb> ricolin: I did some reviews of it! :)
13:26:53 <zaneb> finally
13:27:20 <ricolin> zaneb, yeah thank you for that:)
13:27:34 <zaneb> sorry it took so long
13:28:04 <zaneb> ricolin: will you email the list (+ the users list) about hiding/deactivating HARestarter?
13:29:08 <ricolin> yeah, I think your idea sounds great
13:29:17 <ricolin> I will direct send mail out for that
13:30:15 <kazsh> ricolin: I have one thing, heat-dashboard would like to join queens-2 which is officially scheduled in 4th Dec week.
13:30:53 <kazsh> Is there any to-do what we have to do to join it ?
13:31:22 <kazsh> your help really appreciated
13:31:47 <ricolin> kazsh, so what's current gate for dashboard
13:32:36 <kazsh> almost fine, ricolin  now we are facing the last corner toward the release.
13:33:11 <kazsh> also we are going to have the review from Horizon core next week possibly
13:33:14 <ricolin> kazsh, what you mean?
13:33:23 <ricolin> last corner
13:33:40 <kazsh> ricolin: I mean just our work for dashboard is getting closer to the goal
13:34:06 <ricolin> kazsh, yeah, we need horizon team to approve
13:34:29 <kazsh> yep, I had a chat with Rob & Ying in Sydney
13:35:07 <kazsh> requested them to have review our dashboard repo, & next week we will talk with them again, Rob is off in this week
13:35:51 <ricolin> kazsh, yeah, for current status, horizon team's comment are very important:)
13:36:14 <ramishra> oh! meeting over, no DST end here
13:36:24 <ricolin> ramishra, NP
13:36:27 <ricolin> :)
13:36:34 <kazsh> I see, for sure to get their approval ricolin
13:37:09 <kazsh> & just wondering  how the dashboard will be landed in queens-2 after getting the approval :\
13:37:16 <ricolin> kazsh, thx for you help:)
13:41:10 <ricolin> ramishra, can you help to review policy in code patches:)
13:41:33 <ramishra> ricolin: sure will check
13:41:48 <ricolin> ramishra, thx
13:42:32 <ricolin> Any topic to discuss?:)
13:45:36 <ricolin> I guess we can end this week's meeting than:)
13:46:18 <kazsh> ricolin: sorry to bother you again, is there any thing to do by ourself for dashboard's queens-2 entry other than getting approval from Horizon team ?
13:46:54 <ricolin> if gate's green now
13:47:04 <ricolin> seems to be what we need for now
13:47:42 <kazsh> I see, thank you very much :) ricolin
13:47:53 <ricolin> kazsh, cheers:)
13:48:20 <ricolin> cool!
13:48:42 <ricolin> Thanks all for join meeting this week
13:48:54 <ricolin> #endmeeting