16:00:24 <schwicke> #startmeeting hierarchical_multitenancy 16:00:25 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Aug 15 16:00:24 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is schwicke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hierarchical_multitenancy' 16:00:38 <raildo> hi all 16:00:44 <sajeesh> hi raildo 16:01:07 <schwicke> Nirbhay can't make it today 16:01:12 <sajeesh> ok 16:01:20 <schwicke> Sajeesh: do you know if Vinod is going to join in? 16:01:33 <sajeesh> don't know 16:01:47 <schwicke> ok, no problem 16:01:56 <schwicke> #topic review of action items 16:02:34 <schwicke> in our last meeting we had a few action items. From the discussions with Vish later on IMO some of them got a bit obsolete 16:03:13 <schwicke> who managed to join in to the nova meeting ? 16:03:33 <sajeesh> I couldn't ..since connection was not there 16:03:34 <schwicke> for me the timing was that bad that at the end I did not make it :( 16:04:26 <schwicke> I think we should follow Vish's advice and try to get the keystone parts in and go for a topical branch for the nova bits. 16:04:32 <schwicke> does that make sense ? 16:04:35 <raildo> Sorry but I thought that after what vish said I thought it would not be necessary. 16:04:45 <schwicke> exactly. 16:04:59 <schwicke> raildo: that was my conclusion as well. 16:05:16 <schwicke> it did not make sense to bring this up there again. 16:05:41 <schwicke> Vinod: hi! 16:05:48 <sajeesh> hi...vinod 16:05:57 <VINOD_> schwicke, sajeesh: Hi 16:05:59 <raildo> Look on the bright side, you have the Community review on hierarchical projects to enter the code: D 16:06:16 <schwicke> :) 16:06:49 <schwicke> any objections to conclude on : follow Vish's advice and try to get the keystone parts in and go for a topical branch for the nova bits. ? 16:06:56 <sajeesh> +1 16:07:11 <schwicke> #agreed follow Vish's advice and try to get the keystone parts in and go for a topical branch for the nova bits. 16:07:23 <schwicke> The other action items were on adding reviewers to the code 16:07:31 <sajeesh> I have added 16:07:40 <schwicke> great ! so we can tick that off 16:07:59 <schwicke> #topic implementation status 16:08:18 <raildo> Vishy also revised the spec. 16:08:29 <raildo> Well regarding to keystone-spec. Yesterday henry nash gave me a +1 on spec, but still missed a point to be discussed, I think we should close it today. 16:08:31 <schwicke> Raildo: how is it going with the implementation of the API calls we agreed n ? 16:08:56 <schwicke> +1 16:09:03 <sajeesh> raildo +1 16:09:21 <raildo> Regarding the changes of API remain some points that my team is working on it now.Should be ready next week. 16:09:28 <sajeesh> ok 16:09:34 <schwicke> great! 16:10:04 <raildo> only changes in GET /projects and filters the /role_assignments 16:10:15 <raildo> but nothing big 16:10:16 <sajeesh> ok 16:11:05 <sajeesh> shwicke,regarding nova, quota allocation is about to finish..after that I will go to authentication part 16:11:22 <raildo> great 16:11:39 <schwicke> ok 16:12:24 <raildo> We will begin implementing the keystoneclient calls and are working on a POC for hierarachical projects on horizon 16:12:40 <raildo> But we can discuss this later. 16:12:44 <sajeesh> ok 16:13:41 <schwicke> once the quota stuff is done I think that we may have some free man power to help if you like 16:14:15 <raildo> great :D 16:15:10 <schwicke> #agreed when quota stuff is finished BARC can help to look into a POC for horizon 16:15:28 <raildo> We could discuss a design for hierarchical projects at Horizon. Also possible changes to other services, (or even in Nova) 16:15:48 <schwicke> indeed 16:16:24 <sajeesh> schwicke,what about nova v2 to v3 migration 16:16:51 <raildo> I think it's still too early for that, but you will go to the Summit? 16:17:08 <VINOD_> raildo: even discussion needed on notifications to other services from keystone when a change happens like creation or deletion of a project 16:17:19 <sajeesh> +1 16:17:20 <raildo> I intend to have a design session for hierarchical projects v 2.0 16:17:34 <raildo> VINOD_: +1 16:17:48 <schwicke> for the summit the timing is really bad for me. But I expect that we'll be well represented 16:17:58 <schwicke> raildo: +1 16:18:03 <VINOD_> raildo: what is verion 2.0 means is it meant for V2 API? 16:18:31 <schwicke> I think the idea is more for a next iteration 16:18:41 <schwicke> sorting out the stuff which we have skipped so far. 16:18:44 <raildo> I'm having some problems (money) to go, but I'm trying to appeal to the travel support program 16:19:24 <VINOD_> raildo: sajeesh, nirbhay, me will all in india...and so not possible to attend summit...it has to either schwicke or Nirupama (from BARC who will be there at CERN during that time) 16:19:46 <raildo> VINOD_: No, a hierarchical projects 2.0, new features and increasing functionality. 16:19:46 <sajeesh> +1 16:20:08 <schwicke> +1 16:20:12 <VINOD_> ok 16:20:32 <VINOD_> I have a free coupon for summit on my name...but i have no idea whether it can be transferrable 16:21:10 <schwicke> according to Tim it is transerable. And one idea was indeed to send Nirupama. To be discussed. 16:21:21 <VINOD_> I have just forwarded it again to Ulrich and Raildo 16:21:27 <VINOD_> i mean to the mail 16:21:44 <raildo> I have one and I signed up. The problem is that travel from Brazil to France is very expensive. =/ 16:21:52 <schwicke> #action check if we can send Nirupama to the summit 16:21:53 <VINOD_> raildo: ok 16:22:30 <VINOD_> schwicke: But i guess it will be good if you also be there.. 16:22:37 <raildo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Travel_Support_Program 16:24:00 <schwicke> dead line for applications is 18th 16:24:06 <schwicke> that's Monday 16:24:19 <VINOD_> dead line for using the coupon is August 27th 16:25:09 <raildo> schwicke: yes, I will send my submission today. 16:26:34 <VINOD_> schwicke, nirbhay: one point i would like to make on the flow chart that Nirbhay sent about the "Authentication" for quota update. I think, the checking of "Is User role Project Admin?" should be moved ahead of "Is P immediate child of PP?". This is just to avoid one call to Keystone if the user does not have a project-admin role. 16:31:06 <schwicke> makes sense. 16:31:27 <schwicke> I think the latest version was not yet send to everybody 16:31:37 <VINOD_> schwicke: ok 16:32:03 <sajeesh> ok 16:32:47 <schwicke> please answer directly to the mail so that it can be corrected and then we send it to everbody 16:33:22 <schwicke> #topic authentication flow chart for quota settings 16:33:38 <VINOD_> ok 16:33:43 <schwicke> #action correct the flow chart and resend to everybody 16:33:53 <schwicke> #topic summit 16:34:19 <sajeesh> vinod,you are right 16:34:27 <schwicke> coming back to the summit for the the timing is really really bad as our second child is due at exactly that time 16:34:58 <sajeesh> ok 16:35:05 <VINOD_> schwicke: i can understand 16:35:35 <schwicke> I have contacted Tim and Helge about possibilities for Nirupama 16:35:45 <sajeesh> ok 16:35:50 <schwicke> Vinod: can you please check with Nirupama if he'd like to go ? 16:36:06 <VINOD_> schwicke: I will let you know by monday 16:36:35 <schwicke> Tim is in the committee I se.. 16:36:42 <schwicke> s/e/ee/ 16:36:44 <VINOD_> schwicke: But just a remainder, i think the coupon includes only the registration cost...and also it is valid only upto 27th August 16:37:01 <sajeesh> raildo,for identifying the root project,we are checking whether the parent id is null or not..any suggestion ? 16:37:26 <schwicke> if I understand correcty he has to register by then 16:37:33 <raildo> This is the only way 16:37:38 <sajeesh> ok 16:38:50 <schwicke> anything else to be discussed today ? 16:38:57 <schwicke> #topic AOB 16:39:06 <VINOD_> schwicke: nothing more from my side 16:39:12 <sajeesh> nothing from my side 16:39:32 <raildo> not from my side too 16:39:33 <sajeesh> if anything comes up,we can discuss offline 16:39:41 <schwicke> I will be away for 2 weeks. Can't promise I can run the meeting 16:40:06 <schwicke> raildo: could you run the meeting next Friday and the week after maybe ? 16:40:16 <sajeesh> +1 16:40:19 <raildo> yes, no problem 16:40:42 <schwicke> #agreed Raido will chair the meeting in absense of schwicke (next 2 events) 16:40:49 <schwicke> raildo:thanks a lot! 16:40:50 <sajeesh> I am also on leave for 2 weeks,but I will try to connect 16:41:34 <schwicke> vinod: if possible, it would be great if Nirupama could join in as well 16:41:41 <raildo> schwicke: you're welcome :) 16:42:29 <VINOD_> schwicke: I will tell her... 16:42:53 <schwicke> ok, great! 16:43:00 <VINOD_> schwicke: Wish you a great holiday....Enjoy 16:43:09 <schwicke> thanks! 16:43:29 <schwicke> #endmeeting