20:00:28 <david-lyle> #startmeeting Horizon
20:00:30 <TravT> o/
20:00:31 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May  6 20:00:28 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is david-lyle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:33 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
20:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon'
20:00:50 <lhcheng> o/
20:01:13 <absubram> o/
20:01:30 <tqtran> o/
20:02:01 <rhagarty_> hello
20:02:53 <david-lyle> letting people trickle in
20:03:06 <david-lyle> I think they're trickled
20:03:52 <david-lyle> I don't have any general announcements today
20:04:01 <david-lyle> I'm going to jump into the agenda
20:04:40 <david-lyle> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Horizon
20:04:55 <david-lyle> #topic Drop Django14 support and gate (lhcheng)
20:05:08 <lhcheng> hey
20:05:11 <david-lyle> hey
20:05:18 <david-lyle> got somethin' to say
20:05:20 <david-lyle> ?
20:05:37 <lhcheng> so rob found out that django14 support is going to be dropped oct 2015
20:05:45 <bpokorny> Hi
20:06:13 <lhcheng> with that, we should probably  drop django14 support for L
20:06:39 <lhcheng> should we publicize it first in operators before doing it?
20:07:02 <david-lyle> we need to support the next LTS 1.8 before we drop 1.4
20:07:08 <david-lyle> but both should happen in L
20:07:57 <david-lyle> probably should publicize
20:08:16 <lhcheng> curious, why do we have to wait for LTS1.8?  do we need to support last four releases?
20:08:51 <david-lyle> lhcheng: I think 1.5-1.6 aren't actually supported any more
20:09:01 <david-lyle> 1.7 is for now
20:09:27 <david-lyle> 1.8 is out, we just have to make sure it works with horizon
20:09:44 <david-lyle> (it doesn't)
20:09:49 <david-lyle> *spoiler alert
20:09:57 <lhcheng> david-lyle: lol
20:10:05 * david-lyle may have done that in the wrong order
20:10:10 <mrunge> in general, it works
20:10:11 <lhcheng> and the gate gate-horizon-python27-django14 moves to django17 then?
20:10:29 <david-lyle> lhcheng: yeah
20:10:48 <david-lyle> once we have 1.8 we could look at dropping 1.5 and 1.6 as well
20:10:58 <david-lyle> mrunge: just a few more issues to work out in d-o-a
20:11:09 <mrunge> david-lyle, yes-
20:11:20 <mrunge> we may rework our permissions system
20:11:30 <david-lyle> hmm
20:11:31 <mrunge> s/may/may need/
20:11:50 <david-lyle> I meant to do that anyway
20:12:04 <david-lyle> with policy and has_perm in the same place now
20:12:18 <david-lyle> we can take that offline
20:12:26 <mrunge> yes
20:12:35 <david-lyle> any opinions on how many release we should stop supporting?
20:12:41 <mrunge> but this is something, I'm committed to
20:12:42 <TravT> mrunge: i'm interested in that as well.
20:12:53 <mrunge> cool!
20:12:58 <david-lyle> 1.7 introduces a lot of new features
20:13:02 <mrunge> sounds good
20:13:23 <david-lyle> spanning so many releases makes us do strange things
20:14:12 <mrunge> since we're gating on them, it's not that bad
20:14:19 <david-lyle> we'll start with fixing up 1.8, drop 1.4 and see where we end up on 1.5 and 1.6
20:14:45 <mrunge> sounds like a plan
20:15:07 <david-lyle> lhcheng: is there a bp to drop 1.4?
20:15:11 <lhcheng> david-lyle: sounds good, that question could also go with the django14 drop announcement
20:15:16 <lhcheng> david-lyle: don't think so
20:15:24 <david-lyle> sure
20:15:30 <david-lyle> let's add one
20:15:31 <doug-fish> does dropping 1.4 for Liberty affect anything for Juno/Kilo?
20:15:53 <mrunge> doug-fish, I wouldn't think so
20:15:56 <david-lyle> shouldn't, except certain backports will become trickier
20:16:10 <doug-fish> gate jobs?
20:16:12 <david-lyle> but since we're not adding features in backports
20:16:23 <david-lyle> the risk of conflict should be minor
20:16:28 <mrunge> david-lyle, it doesn't hurt us, if we're still gating on 1.4, right?
20:16:52 <doug-fish> I was wondering more if it mattered with the "drop 1.4" part of the plan
20:16:54 <david-lyle> mrunge: not in d-o-a IIRC
20:17:21 <mrunge> david-lyle, I mean, for juno
20:17:32 <david-lyle> shouldn't effect juno
20:17:37 <david-lyle> 1.4 job will still run
20:17:44 <lhcheng> mrunge: yeah, we should keep those job
20:18:09 <david-lyle> #topic Session data cleanup (lhcheng)
20:18:34 <mrunge> lhcheng++ on this!
20:18:44 <ducttape_> can we remove the "allowed" cache thing from the session?
20:18:47 <lhcheng> for the session data, we keep on hitting the cookie limit
20:18:57 <david-lyle> allowed?
20:19:05 <david-lyle> oh, for nav?
20:19:09 <mrunge> ugh! that hurts
20:19:09 <ducttape_> the cached permission thing, yep
20:19:12 <lhcheng> david-lyle: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120790/
20:19:30 <lhcheng> so I've been playing around to reduce the session size
20:19:53 <lhcheng> the "allowed" cache thing, takes 34% of the session size
20:20:11 <david-lyle> that's rediculous
20:20:11 <ducttape_> that's less betta'
20:20:13 <lhcheng> I suggest to move the caching from session to the django cache instead
20:20:19 <lhcheng> or maybe just drop it?
20:20:47 <mrunge> you know how often that's called per page view?
20:21:00 <david-lyle> should be once per page view
20:21:12 <david-lyle> but the number required should be dropping
20:21:14 <mrunge> without caching 10-20 times
20:21:31 <mrunge> I tried earlier today
20:21:51 <david-lyle> mrunge: you mean building the cache?
20:22:01 <david-lyle> or how many times the cache is read?
20:22:09 <mrunge> david-lyle, I mean, times read
20:22:11 <ducttape_> all the nav items in the layout stuff, are hiting that a bunch of times
20:22:34 <mrunge> yes, we should keep the cache
20:22:35 <david-lyle> we want to move to a model where we don't rebuild the nav on ever panel load
20:22:47 <david-lyle> only on rescope
20:22:57 <mrunge> sounds better
20:23:13 <ducttape_> what is the perf difference with that disabled mrunge?  is it noticeable?
20:23:29 <mrunge> ducttape_, I can't really tell
20:23:33 <david-lyle> ducttape_: I really think it was for testing
20:23:39 <mrunge> I didn't measure that
20:23:45 <ducttape_> ok, thanks
20:23:52 <lhcheng> david-lyle: if the user rescope, this cache does not get reset. you just found a bug. :P
20:23:55 <r1chardj0n3s> in the interim, could a localstorage be used instead of django cache? just thinking of future nav work here ;)
20:24:29 <TravT> lhcheng: i just saw your comment and was starting reply on it in the patch.
20:24:35 <ducttape_> r1chardj0n3s:  no, it needs to reside on server for current template to use
20:24:41 <TravT> on the angular side there is also caching
20:24:44 <TravT> once per page load
20:24:53 <r1chardj0n3s> ok
20:24:57 <david-lyle> r1chardj0n3s: I would believe that the nav component of the page will no longer need to reload
20:25:06 <david-lyle> thus the purpose of the cache would be gone
20:25:11 <r1chardj0n3s> david-lyle: that's the intention, yes
20:25:19 <TravT> but one of the things I tore my hair out over was how would I be notifiied when token rescope.
20:25:22 <ducttape_> lhcheng - you said you had another place to store that cache?
20:25:26 <tqtran> well, we can still use localStorage to store things like "last visited page"
20:25:28 <david-lyle> only the panel part of the page is loading
20:25:29 <ducttape_> someplace besides the session?
20:25:54 <lhcheng> ducttape_: yeah, just store it in django's built-in cache framework
20:26:13 <lhcheng> could be by process, file cache, memche
20:26:14 <ducttape_> and that would have a unique spot for each user / token then?
20:26:45 <lhcheng> yeah, just need to use a unique key for that user/token
20:27:30 <david-lyle> ok, I think we're all for reducing session size, we can discuss the particulars in a couple of weeks
20:27:32 <ducttape_> +1 lhcheng, our session stuff is a constant hassle.  ship it
20:28:15 <mrunge> yes, session size issues are hard to debug
20:28:17 <lhcheng> so got the size drop by 75% on my local
20:28:25 <mrunge> cool
20:28:49 <lhcheng> david-lyle: sure, we can discuss the details later
20:28:55 <david-lyle> #topic Summit Scheduling (david-lyle)
20:29:03 <david-lyle> I wanted to make sure we have enough time for this
20:29:20 <david-lyle> session size/storage happens to be one of the proposed topics too
20:29:33 <david-lyle> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-liberty-summit
20:29:39 <ducttape_> can we also talk about session size then?
20:29:46 <david-lyle> ducttape_: no
20:29:49 <david-lyle> :P
20:30:19 <david-lyle> let's talk session allocation
20:31:04 <david-lyle> someone did a nice job sorting through these, I assume either doug-fish or robcresswell
20:31:06 <david-lyle> not sure
20:31:18 <doug-fish> I took a shot at it
20:31:22 <david-lyle> thanks doug-fish
20:31:26 <doug-fish> sure np
20:31:45 <david-lyle> So doug-fish split out topics starting about line 37
20:32:04 <TravT> the topics you put at top are down to a single word, so now sure what is meant by some of them
20:32:18 <david-lyle> I need to publish a schedule so I started trying to figure out what are fishbowl and what are working sessions
20:32:35 <david-lyle> TravT: they reference the topics starting on 37
20:32:59 <david-lyle> my lazin^H^H^H^H^Hshorthand
20:33:26 <david-lyle> line 63, I don't think websockets applies
20:33:34 <david-lyle> to that topic
20:33:47 <david-lyle> I think it would go more with messaging
20:33:48 <mrunge> yeah
20:33:53 <david-lyle> if anything
20:34:09 <mrunge> it's just a q, if we want to go that route
20:34:20 <mrunge> there were so many issues to be solved with that
20:34:26 <TravT> there is a small aspect of websockets aspect to what I'd like to show / talk about with elastic search.
20:34:47 <TravT> but is not the main point, so separating them is fine with me.
20:35:40 <david-lyle> do people agree with the fishbowl topics?
20:35:44 <mrunge> I wouldn't think, *any* messaging infrastructure should take a whole session
20:36:09 <absubram> Hi all, I put down my request all the way at the bottom L-194 a couple days back.. not sure if anyone got a chance to look at it.. this is to request a better solution to some of the vendor specific code we have in the dashboard section..
20:36:12 <TravT> so plugins is really broad.
20:36:14 <david-lyle> mrunge: I think better error messages and websockets could share a working session ?
20:36:22 <mrunge> do we want UX in a bigger plenum?
20:36:27 <mrunge> david-lyle, yes!
20:36:42 <absubram> Rob C will probably end up doing the work.. but we don’t have a solution just yet.. and we would like to talk about it.. don’t think it warrants an entire session to itself though..
20:37:10 <TravT> david-lyle it seems like there could be a plugins from the context of which projects are core or not and that would probably take a whole fishbowl
20:37:11 <absubram> some time in the contributor meetup is fine too.. unless others have a different opinion? mrunge? :)
20:37:27 <david-lyle> TravT: absubram so for plugins
20:37:44 <david-lyle> I think it's a fishbowl and a worksession
20:37:51 <TravT> but does that cover tech discussion?
20:37:54 <TravT> ah, ok
20:38:13 <mrunge> absubram, that would be fishbowl number one
20:38:37 <absubram> ok.. that’s fine!
20:38:52 <david-lyle> I want to describe the proposed split and structure
20:38:52 <mrunge> david-lyle, do we have the possibility to have working sessions after fish bowls?
20:39:10 <david-lyle> in the fishbowl and then use a working session to plan on implementation
20:39:27 <david-lyle> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VsFdRYGbX5eCde81XDV7TrPBfEC7cgtOFikruYmqbPY/edit#gid=569963128
20:39:29 <TravT> david-lyle, which one does dependencies refer to?
20:39:41 <TravT> is that packaging?
20:40:22 <david-lyle> mrunge: looks like yes
20:40:27 <david-lyle> TravT: yes
20:41:09 <david-lyle> we'll have to see how the cross-project session goes, I suppose
20:41:58 <TravT> So angular 101 is really broad.
20:42:10 <david-lyle> TravT: yes indeed
20:42:21 <david-lyle> we need more than 1 angular session
20:42:50 <david-lyle> that one was the 101 to get people up to speed that haven't been neck deep in it
20:43:15 <TravT> yeah, it'll be tough to cover in 40 minutes that topic.
20:43:55 <TravT> Maybe the other topic could be an overview of our ideas for moving forward with angular in liberty
20:44:05 <r1chardj0n3s> good idea
20:44:17 <david-lyle> TravT: it's not a tutorial or class, just a pointer to where we are and how to get started
20:44:34 <david-lyle> OR we could move the angular chatter to Friday
20:44:41 <david-lyle> we have all day Friday
20:44:45 <r1chardj0n3s> david-lyle: should cover the styles, rules and layout we've developed for horizon
20:45:40 <david-lyle> maybe Friday morning is a better angular time?
20:45:57 <r1chardj0n3s> yeah, when we're all fresh ;)
20:46:04 <david-lyle> haha
20:46:45 <david-lyle> do we want a prioritization work session?
20:47:08 <mrunge> makes sense
20:47:10 <TravT> That was a good discussion in the contributors meetup in Paris
20:47:42 <TravT> As FYI, a number of HP'ers working on angular have to depart shortly after noon on Friday. :(
20:48:05 <david-lyle> friday afternoon then
20:48:07 <david-lyle> :P
20:48:11 <r1chardj0n3s> TravT: is that leave-the-venue depart or fly-out depart?
20:48:13 <TravT> :)
20:48:24 <TravT> leave the venue
20:48:33 <TravT> I have to leave the venue at about 2.
20:48:42 <r1chardj0n3s> ok, so we get a solid morning to hassle^H^H^H^H^H^Hwork with you
20:48:54 <david-lyle> Keystone could be meetup topic too
20:49:32 <david-lyle> giving merlin a session would be good
20:51:13 <TravT> mrunge put a topic up that would be good at some point.  Moving forward with functions / deprecating old
20:51:41 <mrunge> TravT, yes!
20:52:03 <mrunge> TravT, more interesting: how to fix older releases then
20:52:19 <mrunge> since it's expected to fix in master branch first
20:52:23 <TravT> straight patch i guess.  no cherry picking
20:52:29 <mrunge> we already discussed that
20:52:57 <mrunge> TravT, still that bears the risk of patching an issue in master-1 which is still existent in master
20:54:14 <mrunge> I wonder, if we really need a whole session for this
20:54:44 <david-lyle> I've been editing away
20:54:58 <david-lyle> numbering is not priority btw
20:55:16 <david-lyle> feel free to comment inline or pull something up
20:55:42 <tqtran> do we need a session for discussing karma and jasmine tests?
20:55:49 <tqtran> or just jasmine 101?
20:56:09 <david-lyle> i think that may be part of angular 101
20:56:39 <r1chardj0n3s> so that 40 minutes is filling up quite nicely then ;)
20:56:45 <TravT> tqtran: matt-borland also can help give a great overview of that and demo stuff related to karma
20:57:15 <david-lyle> r1chardj0n3s: moved it to Friday morning
20:57:19 <david-lyle> for continuity
20:57:25 <david-lyle> sake
20:57:48 <david-lyle> plus I have a feeling more people will show up than just the 28 or so the working session supports
20:58:07 <TravT> 28 people... that's small
20:58:13 <r1chardj0n3s> mmm
20:58:21 <mrunge> we should have a backup plan
20:58:22 <TravT> i guess we all better get in line and camp out overnight
20:58:22 <david-lyle> hence working session
20:58:29 <mrunge> a second topic
20:58:50 <mrunge> and just capture a different room
20:59:09 <david-lyle> times up
20:59:25 <david-lyle> I have yet to decide how descriptive the topics for the working sessions will be
20:59:33 <david-lyle> don't want too many people
20:59:40 <david-lyle> observing
20:59:49 <TravT> i think we had about 40 in the contributor's meetup
21:00:08 <david-lyle> I'll let the etherpad sit for another day or so then publish a schedule
21:00:24 <david-lyle> continue to comment on the proposed allocation of spots.
21:00:29 <david-lyle> Thanks everyone!
21:00:32 <david-lyle> #endmeeting