20:05:39 <david-lyle> #startmeeting Horizon 20:05:39 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 1 20:05:39 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is david-lyle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:05:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:05:40 <ducttape_> is there a horizon thing today, or just talk of drinks? 20:05:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 20:05:46 <david-lyle> got distracted 20:06:00 <TravT> its okay, we determined several important things. 20:06:00 <david-lyle> hello everyone 20:06:03 <TravT> tqtran is now a bot 20:06:09 <TravT> and we need a bar at the summit 20:06:10 <mwhagedorn> hello 20:06:20 <mrunge> good summary TravT 20:07:46 <david-lyle> #topic liberty priorities 20:07:58 <david-lyle> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-horizon-liberty-priorities 20:09:33 <david-lyle> reOrg: I think there are very few bits left that haven't moved at least a few millimeters 20:10:04 <david-lyle> app structure also seems well on its way 20:10:19 <krotscheck> o/ 20:10:55 <david-lyle> babel work still inflight 20:11:10 <david-lyle> patches are up, this is a high priority review 20:11:15 <tqtran2> its almost there, i think another day 20:11:21 <david-lyle> to unblock more work 20:11:24 <david-lyle> tqtran2: ok 20:11:57 <TravT> all but one of the launch instance NG testing patches have landed. 20:12:07 <david-lyle> cool 20:12:16 <david-lyle> great progress 20:12:41 <david-lyle> for the plugins work, I have a patch up to move sahara content to openstack_dashboard/contrib 20:13:06 <david-lyle> making that move helped determine some holes in testing pluggable content 20:13:19 <tqtran2> hehe yes 20:13:33 <tqtran2> the tests for plugins is quite bare 20:13:36 <david-lyle> so a couple fixes are included in that patch, a couple more were noted and will be addressed separately 20:14:06 <vgridnev> Horizon guys, hello. I am sahara contributor. I have small question about replacing sahara-horizon-plugin to contrib. Do we have some chance of merging several of current sahara changes before moving sahara-horizon-plugin to contrib? I would allow to avoid rebasing in all current sahara patches 20:14:56 <mrunge> make sense to me 20:15:06 <ducttape_> vgridnev - I had to do exactly that for designate, it wasn't that bad if you mess around with git patches 20:15:08 <david-lyle> mrunge: you didn't do the move 20:15:14 <david-lyle> :P 20:15:19 <david-lyle> either way 20:15:20 <mrunge> dansmith, right, I did not 20:15:32 <mrunge> sorry. I meant david-lyle 20:15:55 <david-lyle> mostly path changes 20:16:10 <david-lyle> so either way will not be much work 20:16:19 <ducttape_> you can hand edit a git patch to correct the path changes, and then git apply your patch 20:16:53 <mrunge> it's more the question, if one patch needs to be changed, or several 20:17:12 <ducttape_> yep. if it is going to move, the sooner the better I think 20:17:24 <mrunge> but: looking at speed of merging sahara patches, that'd delay contrib etc. 20:17:32 <david-lyle> if I wait for all sahara patches to land, I will get this patch merged in M I think 20:17:49 <mrunge> later ;-) 20:18:31 <TravT> we need to get a pattern established for contrib, so i wouldn't want to see it get to held up 20:18:46 <david-lyle> I don't mind rebasing sahara patches either 20:18:53 <mrunge> yupp 20:19:11 <david-lyle> any way, moving on session cleanup 20:19:51 <mrunge> linked patch is to last_activity session flag 20:19:53 <ducttape_> that is a minor patch on the etherpad, lhcheng was thinking of bigger changes 20:20:07 <david-lyle> there is one clean up patch, I posted a patch to devstack to require memcache, that was rebuked 20:20:13 <ducttape_> but that patch, is related 20:20:24 <david-lyle> mandatory memcache requires more work 20:20:31 <mrunge> prerequisite already landed 20:20:39 <ducttape_> memcached has really been horid in my dev setup with the login issue 20:21:18 <david-lyle> so I can either deliver all the platform patches for memcache or change to LocMemCache 20:21:28 <mrunge> yes, I have seen interesting effects with memcache, but not with a database session store 20:21:31 <david-lyle> neither is a great choice for production 20:22:01 <tsufiev> mrunge, interesting in good sense of this word? 20:22:04 <ducttape_> is there tunning for LocMemCache, and does it suffer the same django + reload = login again problem as memcached? 20:22:18 <mrunge> david-lyle, if you'd be delivering production setup, we would set up more security features 20:22:35 <david-lyle> ducttape_: not sure, I experienced the relogin with LocMemCache 20:22:49 <doug-fish> ducttape_: I wonder if you are doing something wrong in your dev setup. It memcache works well for me - no need to log in @ every server restart. 20:22:59 <mrunge> tsufiev, well, you'll see all kinds of issues, and you don't have a clue what's going on 20:23:10 <lhcheng> not sure if LocMemCache would work if django runs on apache, thought it was only for running development server (django command line) 20:23:24 <david-lyle> lhcheng: hmm, I could test 20:23:27 <david-lyle> not sure 20:23:29 <ducttape_> that would be even better 20:23:41 <ducttape_> if you are running in apache, then setup a real db too 20:23:57 <lhcheng> apache will run horizon in multiple threads, and LocMemcache would only cache per thread. 20:24:00 <david-lyle> other option is sqlite again 20:24:01 <mrunge> doug-fish, tsufiev when session cookie becomes too big, it becomes truncated. login issues, etc included then 20:24:16 <tsufiev> mrunge, hmm, weird... in mirantis openstack horizon works well with Memcached 20:24:21 <mrunge> I have seen that only with memcache 20:24:25 <doug-fish> right - but are you getting too big for memcached? 20:24:34 <doug-fish> that's a big cookie. 20:24:37 <david-lyle> mrunge: memcache should be able to handle larger session size 20:24:38 <lhcheng> I still think we should move the service catalog out of session data into the django cache :) 20:24:55 <david-lyle> lhcheng: but was still need a cache 20:24:56 <mrunge> let's move that to #openstack-horizon 20:25:01 <ducttape_> I thought memcached was like 4G or something with decent size. I know the session stuff works fine with memcached 20:25:27 <lhcheng> service catalog doesn't change, it doesn't have to be read/write every page refresh 20:25:28 <tsufiev> mrunge, perhaps it was just some misconfiguration issue? 20:25:41 <david-lyle> lhcheng: but you have to store it somehow 20:25:48 <mrunge> tsufiev, maybe? 20:25:54 <mrunge> probably? 20:26:04 <david-lyle> I can revisit the devstack patch 20:26:15 <doug-fish> lhcheng: I would like to know more about the benefit - I feel like I don't understand the reason for moving it 20:26:19 <lhcheng> david-lyle: yeah, in the django cache. either db, memcache, or not at all (cache it per request) 20:26:49 <tsufiev> mrunge, sorry, no exact idea, just guessing 20:27:04 <mrunge> tsufiev, sure 20:27:11 <david-lyle> right fallback is per request API call to keystone 20:27:22 <david-lyle> let's move on 20:27:32 <david-lyle> and discuss in #horizon later 20:27:38 <lhcheng> sure 20:27:47 <david-lyle> jscs/eslint changes are well underway 20:28:03 <david-lyle> moving the remaining bits not previously moved 20:28:26 <david-lyle> but the tool has switched to eslint to provide a common tool for openstack 20:28:36 <david-lyle> and jshint and jscs are gone 20:29:00 <david-lyle> auto-collecting is underway as well 20:29:17 <david-lyle> patches up and ready for review I believe 20:29:28 <TravT> yes, several are landed 20:30:11 <TravT> the sooner we get through these lint changes and re-orgs that better. 20:30:19 <TravT> s/that/the 20:30:34 <david-lyle> same is generally true for all the patches :) 20:30:50 <david-lyle> every one has their sacred cow 20:30:52 <TravT> well, these all are causing a number of rebases and creating a moving target 20:31:00 <TravT> harder to build on. 20:31:38 * ducttape_ can hear dave saying same is generally true for all the patches 20:32:03 <TravT> IMO this is a bit worse. 20:32:08 <krotscheck> WIth that in mind, I'm quite capable of going through and hitting some of the low-hanging fruit on the linting, I just have zero insight on which files have been claimed yet. 20:32:11 <david-lyle> your sacred cow 20:32:14 <david-lyle> :P 20:32:21 <david-lyle> moving on 20:32:24 <ducttape_> thats perspective TravT ;) 20:33:08 <TravT> it is. it is hard to tell people what to build on for angular at the moment. 20:33:09 <david-lyle> agenda for today is found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Horizon 20:33:21 <david-lyle> TravT: try plugins 20:33:24 <david-lyle> :D 20:33:32 <david-lyle> just saying there's lots of work 20:33:38 <david-lyle> most of it's important 20:33:48 <TravT> anyway, there's a reason all the things in top priority are listed in top priority 20:34:19 <TravT> so, i guess we're not really disagreeing on anything. 20:34:32 <ducttape_> because someone spent time on the etherpad? ;) 20:34:50 <david-lyle> #topic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/context-sensitive-help (ddomingo) 20:35:01 <TravT> because that's what was discussed in the room at the summit as the blockers to moving ahead. :) 20:35:05 <david-lyle> ddomingo doesn't appeat to be on 20:35:08 <ducttape_> this would be awesome, to have the help thing. tell me more 20:35:08 <mrunge> ah, it was me to add that 20:35:25 <mrunge> ddomingo couldn't attend this meeting, he just asked for comments 20:35:40 <mrunge> he said, he will show up in next meeting 20:35:47 <ducttape_> I think it would help, kinda surprised its not already in horizon 20:36:08 <mrunge> david-lyle, and this is a hint/request to do a blueprint review 20:36:26 <david-lyle> yeah we saw something similar in Atlanta and no drive to push it 20:36:35 <david-lyle> I have no issues with the concept 20:36:45 <david-lyle> but we should review the details 20:36:53 <david-lyle> and comment on the blueprint 20:37:00 <ducttape_> plugin help would be a consideration too, but other seems like nothing but acceptance 20:37:06 <mrunge> don said, he would be willing to implement it 20:37:40 <david-lyle> mrunge: excellent 20:37:42 <mrunge> but he surely could use some ideas from us 20:39:28 <ducttape_> I think it would be good to have some extensions on panels etc with an added url attribute for help stuff. if it's there, display help link. right? 20:39:58 <ducttape_> maybe some base level horizon class used by forms / table views etc 20:39:59 <mrunge> ducttape_, makes sense to me 20:41:05 <david-lyle> make sense 20:41:20 * ducttape_ thinks no one wants to talk about help content. even fewer want to implement it. 20:41:43 <mrunge> there was help content added to new launch instance, too 20:41:46 <TravT> ^ducttape_ i disagree. we put in some really nice help in the new launchy instance 20:42:13 <tqtran2> yes, i was thinking how this would fit into what we have for help panels already 20:42:20 <mrunge> TravT, ducttape_ one can discuss, where this should be stored 20:42:23 <ducttape_> cool, I didn't see anyone chiming in. is there docs etc on how to add that for new work? 20:42:30 <tqtran2> and if it would make sense to help that effort rather than adding more to panels we are going to deprecate 20:43:03 <mrunge> I would love to reuse help content for generating docs 20:43:08 <david-lyle> tqtran2: a general mechanism to source would reusable 20:43:26 <david-lyle> and the existing code is long from dead 20:43:28 <ducttape_> yep, help content should not be terribly sensitive to how the page is rendered 20:43:43 <tqtran2> i have to read the bp more 20:44:05 <david-lyle> #topic MidCycle meetup logistics 20:44:10 <david-lyle> TravT: 20:44:30 <TravT> yeah, I sent out a message to ML that we will host at HP in Fort Collins, CO 20:44:38 <TravT> see: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-liberty-midcycle 20:44:59 <TravT> one question I do need to get answered is if we are going to want on site lunch catering or will be going out. 20:45:39 <TravT> and we'll need final numbers for who all will be attending. 20:46:07 <doug-fish> How long does it take to go out? (I don't know Fort Collins) 20:46:24 <TravT> there are lots of restaurants just across the street. 20:46:31 <ducttape_> there is some limited nearby stuff, but it's fairly chain-oriented stuff 20:46:37 <TravT> there is an on site cafeteria that i do not recommend 20:46:43 <doug-fish> :-) 20:46:45 <ducttape_> lol 20:47:14 <doug-fish> my suggestion is that we go out to break up the day a bit 20:47:27 <TravT> it does make for a nice break to do that. 20:47:35 <ducttape_> I think I could get my company to pay for a $1.50 costco hotdog meal for everyone, about 1 mile away 20:47:42 <TravT> we can still have morning and afternoon snacks, I think. 20:48:31 <TravT> #startvote (cater or go out for lunch)? cater, out 20:48:32 <openstack> Only the meeting chair may start a vote. 20:48:41 <TravT> david-lyle, can you start vote? 20:48:47 <hurgleburgler> denied! 20:48:56 * TravT crawls back into cave 20:49:00 <hurgleburgler> ಠ◡ಠ 20:49:02 <TravT> :) 20:49:10 <david-lyle> #startvote cater or go out for lunch ? cater out 20:49:11 <openstack> Begin voting on: cater or go out for lunch ? Valid vote options are cater, out. 20:49:12 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 20:49:15 <tqtran2> ducttape_: costco hotdog, yummy 20:49:22 * tqtran2 licking fingers. 20:49:29 <doug-fish> #vote out 20:49:53 <tqtran2> #vote out 20:50:11 <hurgleburgler> #vote out 20:50:12 <ducttape_> #vote out 20:50:15 * david-lyle should have added a don't care option 20:50:27 <tqtran2> clu's not here, tsk tsk 20:50:37 <esp> #vote out 20:50:40 <TravT> #vote out 20:50:49 <david-lyle> #vote out 20:50:56 * david-lyle but doesn't really care 20:51:01 <david-lyle> any more 20:51:02 <david-lyle> ? 20:51:10 <david-lyle> #endvote 20:51:11 <openstack> Voted on "cater or go out for lunch ?" Results are 20:51:12 <openstack> out (7): esp, ducttape_, doug-fish, TravT, david-lyle, hurgleburgler, tqtran2 20:51:24 <david-lyle> so catered lunch then 20:51:24 <TravT> ok. We'll do that, but still look to have some morning / afternoon snacks delivered. 20:51:28 <esp> +1 democracy 20:51:28 <david-lyle> :P 20:51:33 <hurgleburgler> and a bar 20:51:40 <david-lyle> oh yeah catered bar 20:52:06 <ducttape_> whats the hp policy on bringing your own keg ? 20:52:15 <doug-fish> one concern on this document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w0eI6SPCA2IrOyHiEYC2uDO3fbYGzahZRUQSva0UD3Y/edit#gid=1788841692 .... 20:52:16 <ducttape_> just asking, thanks 20:52:18 <david-lyle> TravT: do you want the attendance confirmations on the etherpad or google doc? 20:52:45 <doug-fish> I was planning to be there July 21-23 which is Tues - Thurs, but I see and agenda for Wed - Fri 20:52:51 <david-lyle> we just need to direct people somewhere 20:53:07 <TravT> yeah, let's just do the spreadsheet. 20:53:09 <david-lyle> 21-23 20:53:14 <TravT> because a number of people already filled that in. 20:53:24 <david-lyle> agenda dates are wrong 20:53:25 <tqtran2> right, 21-23 is what i was looking at as well 20:53:36 <david-lyle> s/dates/days/ 20:53:54 <david-lyle> anything else midcycle related? 20:54:12 <TravT> i think that is the main thing for today. just needed to get that info to the people with money 20:54:22 <tqtran2> lol 20:54:24 <david-lyle> #topic Open Discussion 20:54:29 <ducttape_> I have a blueprint I added this week, have the code pretty much done. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/lbaas-vip-fip-associate 20:54:30 <david-lyle> thanks to the people with money 20:55:08 <david-lyle> ducttape_: started looking at, glad amotoki is reviewing as well 20:55:10 <tsufiev> would like to remind you guys about the curvature blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/curvature-network-topology 20:55:18 <ducttape_> not sure how frequently bps get reviewed.... thought I'd spam everyone 20:55:28 <hurgleburgler> Also, I've made much progress on the css reorg work … but its gonna be dependent on landing: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188162/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/195371/ 20:55:53 <tsufiev> sorry for totally ignoring the priorities, but seems I found way to angularize topology graph to make it reusable 20:56:13 <ducttape_> tsufiev - that sounds awesome 20:56:51 <david-lyle> tsufiev: that sounds great 20:56:52 <ducttape_> and the priorities are not the same throughout the entire group, don't worry about that 20:56:52 <tsufiev> ducttape_, planning to upload first version of commit the end of this week or the beginning of next week 20:56:55 <david-lyle> will take another look 20:57:11 <tsufiev> david-lyle, do I need a separate blueprint for this activity? 20:57:12 <david-lyle> hurgleburgler: been meaning to look at your patches as well 20:57:21 <hurgleburgler> Thanks 20:57:55 <david-lyle> tsufiev: I don't think so unless curvature lands before your work for some reason 20:58:31 <hurgleburgler> One of them is having jenkins issues, I should have that sorted out today 20:58:38 <tsufiev> david-lyle, okay. Well, anyways I'm basing upon curvature commit, so it needs to be at least in mergeable state 20:58:41 <TravT> what is the status on curvature in general? 20:59:23 <tsufiev> TravT, it works well as is, although the code is a bit weird (most likely due to traslation from coffescript) 20:59:43 <TravT> this reminds me, didn't we need a d3 library upgrade? 20:59:45 <TravT> did that get done? 20:59:49 <ducttape_> what is heat using? seems similar, like they could converge 21:00:32 <tsufiev> ducttape_, I think they could, once I roll out topology graph angular widget, someone may try use it for heat stacks 21:00:41 <david-lyle> TravT: d3 is all 21:00:50 <david-lyle> I mean ducttape_ 21:01:26 <david-lyle> looks like we're out of time 21:01:49 <david-lyle> thanks everyone. please fill in your midcycle attendance + of - 21:01:54 <david-lyle> #endmeeting