20:01:03 <robcresswell> #startmeeting horizon 20:01:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 24 20:01:03 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is robcresswell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 20:01:11 <robcresswell> o/ 20:01:20 <gugl> o/ 20:01:24 <ying_zuo> o/ 20:01:27 <vladiskuz> o/ 20:01:32 <gary-smith> o/ 20:01:40 <lucasxu> o/ 20:01:43 <ducttape_> o/ 20:01:47 <jgravel> o/ 20:02:04 <robcresswell> Hey everyone! 20:02:12 <robcresswell> #topic Notices 20:02:18 <robcresswell> Couple of quick announcements 20:02:30 <robcresswell> I've put up patches to tag a stable release for both Newton and Ocata 20:02:41 <robcresswell> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467658/ 20:02:56 <robcresswell> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467662/ 20:03:31 <robcresswell> When those merge, the new versions of Horizon will be tagged and published. So please let your packagers/product teams know :) 20:04:40 <robcresswell> The next announcement is just a reminder about the Pike-2 milestone, which is on the 8th of June 20:05:21 <robcresswell> ~2 weeks. If you have big feature work you'd like merged in Pike, it really needs to be making good progress, with the first patches ideally merged before the second milestone. 20:05:54 <robcresswell> We feature freeze a week early to let the plugins align, and FFE's are unlikely to be granted. 20:06:16 <robcresswell> That's all from me for notices; any others before I move on to the agenda? 20:07:17 <robcresswell> #topic Overview Panel Improvements 20:08:00 <robcresswell> So, I've been working on an overview rewrite for a little bit; firstly to address performance issues by loading data async, but also to fill out the data gathered in those views a little. 20:08:44 <robcresswell> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/450629/ 20:08:52 * robcresswell finds blueprint 20:09:04 <robcresswell> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angular-overview 20:09:29 <robcresswell> It's still pretty rough right now, but if anyone has any ideas for information to show/APIs to use in the overviews, I'd really appreciate the input 20:09:56 <robcresswell> It would be great to get some deployer/operator input on the type of information that would be useful/expected in an overview page. 20:10:21 <robcresswell> Otherwise it'll very much be me making a best guess :) 20:11:02 <robcresswell> Feel free to pull the patch down if you're interested in seeing the general direction I'm taking with it. It's a little buggy though. 20:11:26 <robcresswell> Any thoughts/questions? 20:11:47 <gugl> intend to rewrite all the overview page? 20:12:15 <robcresswell> Yup 20:12:21 <robcresswell> Project & Admin 20:13:27 <robcresswell> #topic Open Discussion 20:13:46 <robcresswell> If anyone has any general questions, bugs, blueprints, feel free to raise them :) 20:14:20 <jeremy_moffitt> for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/367629/ can we get a ruling on whether this is an appropriate change or not? (not right this second, but in general), there was some concern in one of the reviews that its too significant a change for the bug in question 20:14:22 <ducttape_> is the quota rework dying? seems like that plus the overview rework would be helpful 20:14:50 <e0ne> robcresswell: hi. not a real question, but I would like to restore some abandoned patches which I'm going to finigh 20:15:49 <robcresswell> jeremy_moffitt: I think the original issue was around backporting it 20:15:53 <e0ne> if cores are ok to get these patches merged https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/please-restore-abandoned-patches-to-horizon, please restore them. I'll rebase and update them 20:16:18 <robcresswell> jeremy_moffitt: I'd like it fixed anyway, and backporting it can be solved separately. Maybe we won't end up backporting it. 20:16:27 <jeremy_moffitt> not sure I understand that... do we need to be able to backport the change? 20:16:40 <robcresswell> ducttape_: Well, everyone who volunteered to do quota work immediately left :) 20:16:48 <robcresswell> ducttape_: I think amotoki has been doing some work 20:16:48 <e0ne> :) 20:16:59 <jeremy_moffitt> ah ok, sounds like maybe we're close to on the same page :) , think its stalled in the interim though since that concern was raised 20:17:17 * ducttape_ has a sad for quotas 20:17:56 <robcresswell> jeremy_moffitt: Yeah, I'd still like for it to get merged 20:18:00 <robcresswell> Just needs someone to babysit it 20:18:25 <e0ne> looks like quotas are painful in every project:( 20:18:25 <robcresswell> e0ne: I'm not sure about a couple of those patches; I'll restore them, but I can't promise that I won't just -1 them in the future 20:18:39 <jeremy_moffitt> separate issue, could use a review when time permits on either https://review.openstack.org/#/c/337936/ or https://review.openstack.org/#/c/303625/22 ... we'll rebase whichever one isnt the first merged off of the one that is first merged (butchered the heck out of that sentence but think it makes sense) 20:18:50 <e0ne> robcresswell: sure. feel free -1/-2 on them 20:19:15 <robcresswell> e0ne: It looks like one of them has been re-uploaded by Vladislav Kuzmin ? 20:19:27 <ducttape_> e0ne: quotas are extra painful in horizon. horizon is where all the rainbow unicorn quotas get together and show off how inconsistent quotas are 20:19:29 <e0ne> robcresswell: he'll abandon a new one 20:19:54 <e0ne> robcresswell: both me and my coleages want to get some fixes landed 20:20:14 <robcresswell> e0ne: All restored 20:20:24 <e0ne> robcresswell: we're ok with restoring current patches end refactor/re-wirte them if needed 20:20:33 <e0ne> robcresswell: thanks a lot, Rob! 20:20:48 <vladiskuz> robcresswell: yes, I'll close my re-uploaded patch 20:20:54 <vladiskuz> Thanks Rob! 20:20:57 <e0ne> ducttape_: it's a painful part of cinder too:( 20:21:00 <robcresswell> I'll take a look again once they are moving. I don't like the sound of that horizon-memcached patch though; I'm reluctant to start mucking about with cache implementations. It tends to have weird side effects. 20:21:30 <e0ne> robcresswell: +1 on caching issue 20:21:50 <robcresswell> Quotas between nova/cinder are not so bad, but neutron only supports limits 20:21:54 <robcresswell> Which is annoying. 20:22:23 * e0ne is not familiar with quotas in neutron 20:22:51 <robcresswell> e0ne: Basically, they exist, but the API only exposes limits (how many you can use) not how many you have currently used. 20:23:11 <robcresswell> so to calculate that, you have to each individual resource, request all the pages of items for that resource, and then count it. 20:23:16 <robcresswell> i.e. its stupid. 20:23:26 <e0ne> :( 20:24:41 <robcresswell> To do that properly you're talking at least 8 API calls I think, and that assumes that all your resources fit on a single page :/ 20:24:51 <robcresswell> ah well :) 20:25:00 <e0ne> oh s... 20:25:26 <e0ne> robcresswell: btw, feel free to ping me if you need something from Cinder's API 20:25:40 <robcresswell> e0ne: That's good to know, thanks 20:26:21 <ducttape_> robcresswell - if you are spliting that stuff into their own tabs, maybe you could just graph what the apis are returning.... ui consistency be damned 20:26:53 <robcresswell> ducttape_: In the current patch, I actually display the pie charts for nova and cinder and just a Limits table for Neutron 20:27:12 <robcresswell> Because thats all the API gives. I think that may annoy ops though. 20:27:23 <robcresswell> Working around it is hacky and very slow. 20:27:31 <ducttape_> works for me. then people can go complain to neutron to fix their api 20:27:37 <robcresswell> \o/ 20:27:51 <e0ne> ducttape_: it's a good plan, imo 20:28:00 <ducttape_> the ui need not cover the mistakes of the underlying services 20:28:19 <robcresswell> That's generally how I feel :) 20:28:25 <e0ne> but users could not be happy if we drop neutron things from the overview page 20:28:49 <robcresswell> e0ne: lol yup, welcome to Horizon 20:28:53 <e0ne> :) 20:29:14 <e0ne> robcresswell, ducttape_: sound like some misscommunication between API developers and consumers :( 20:30:47 <robcresswell> I'll send out an email about it, I've been intending to 20:31:06 <robcresswell> I've tried asking in the Neutron channel, but the only person who ever responds is amotoki, and he already works on Horizon :p 20:31:31 <e0ne> in any case, horizon should be for users, not for developers, IMO. that's why we have to fix our APIs for better UX if needed 20:32:38 <robcresswell> I think I'll roll with just the limits, and see what people say 20:32:47 <robcresswell> Its a toggle either way, so people can use the old view if they choose. 20:33:41 <robcresswell> Any other questions or discussion points? Anything is fair game :) 20:34:34 <jeremy_moffitt> just the see above about some more theme changes that could use a look :) if you saw that nothing else here 20:35:30 <robcresswell> jeremy_moffitt: Oh yeah, I missed those. Seen them now. They're on my list. 20:36:01 <jeremy_moffitt> thanks! I probably should've waited till the quota discussion was over 20:37:21 <robcresswell> Right, I think we can call it there. Thanks for attending! 20:37:27 <robcresswell> #endmeeting