15:00:06 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:07 Meeting started Wed May 15 15:00:06 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is e0ne. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:10 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:49 is anybody here for horizon meeting? 15:01:01 me 15:01:08 my name is Hanxiang Gao, from 99cloud Inc 15:02:29 at the openstack summit, my colleague introduced an auto-refresh feature to the horizon project 15:03:11 I was responsible for the implementation of specific features 15:03:33 Hanxiang: hi. sorry, I was on PTO and didn't have a time to reply to your email :( 15:04:35 : ) Not so bad, isn't it? 15:04:48 I have the auto refresh blueprint. link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-refresh 15:05:11 I hope that there is a horizon core to code review the feature. 15:05:58 Hanxiang: sure, we'll review your patches 15:06:07 I need your advice, wait for the functional planning design to finish and start the code, or just do it now. 15:08:03 what actually do you need? 15:09:13 Nova will need me to complete the blueprint before coding 15:09:21 Is the same for horizon? 15:09:27 no 15:09:32 we don't require this 15:09:56 Ok, then I will act now 15:10:52 I have no other questions. commit will come later. 15:11:39 I will take 1-2 weeks to complete the coding. 15:12:02 Hanxiang: great! we'll wait for the patch(es) to review 15:12:13 Hanxiang: +1 15:14:01 vishalmanchanda: hi. we missed you on ptg :( 15:14:17 e0ne: me too:( 15:14:20 vishalmanchanda: I'll share our sessions recording to you 15:14:37 e0ne: i have already seen it. 15:14:45 vishalmanchanda: ok, great 15:14:53 e0ne: i wish could be there:) 15:14:57 +1 15:15:58 if there are no questions, let's wrap up the meeting 15:16:30 Hanxiang: you can ping me anytime in #openstack-horizon if any help is needed 15:16:44 e0ne: yeah i have to discuss some bp on which i am going to work for train-cycle. 15:17:17 e0ne: but no problem we can discuss it later when we have more core members in meeting 15:17:32 vishalmanchanda: it's up to you 15:17:41 e0ne: ok. 15:17:53 ok 15:18:58 e0ne: FYI, i am going on below bps for train-cycle 15:19:09 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/multi-attach-volume 15:19:09 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/cinder-user-facing-messages 15:19:09 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/ng-domains 15:19:47 vishalmanchanda: awesome! 15:21:18 e0ne: any suggestion on these patchs https://review.opendev.org/#/c/658859/ , https://review.opendev.org/#/c/658891/ 15:21:30 as they are blocking the gate. 15:22:15 vishalmanchanda:c +2'ed on bandit fix 15:22:56 e0ne: thanks. 15:23:59 vishalmanchanda: will review the next one a bit later tonight 15:24:18 e0ne: ok no problem 15:27:51 thanks for joining me! I hope to see you next week! 15:28:40 #endmeeting