15:02:11 <amotoki> #startmeeting horizon 15:02:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 16 15:02:11 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amotoki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:02:21 <amotoki> #chair e0ne 15:02:22 <openstack> Current chairs: amotoki e0ne 15:02:35 <amotoki> hi horizon folks 15:02:45 <e0ne> hi 15:04:14 <amotoki> let's wait for a couple of mins 15:04:37 <e0ne> amotoki: congrats with a new role! 15:05:03 <amotoki> e0ne: thanks. I will do my best :) 15:05:12 <e0ne> :) 15:06:18 <amotoki> okay, let's start 15:06:24 <amotoki> #topic announcement 15:06:47 <amotoki> Train release is officially announced! http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-announce/2019-October/002024.html 15:07:01 <e0ne> that's great! 15:07:16 <amotoki> thanks all for your great work! 15:08:28 <amotoki> the next one is about PTG 15:08:48 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: amotoki :hi 15:09:07 <e0ne> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-u-ptg 15:09:08 <amotoki> our etherpad is https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-u-ptg and we have good topics already, but feel free to add topics you would like to discuss. 15:09:34 <amotoki> it is a good place to collect Ussuri topics 15:09:45 <e0ne> +1 15:11:24 <amotoki> although I don't have a pointer, I heard Shanghai PTG venue does not have enough power supply and you need to charge your mobile notes in your hotels... 15:11:41 <e0ne> but we can move tables! 15:11:52 <amotoki> hehe 15:12:01 <e0ne> amotoki: AFAIR, it was announced in some mail 15:12:23 <amotoki> perhaps I just missed that. will check it later. 15:12:33 <vishalmanchanda> no coffee and tea as well. 15:13:06 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: really bad news :p 15:13:33 <amotoki> another thing I would like to share is that I updated https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-release-priorities 15:14:07 <amotoki> you can see some new sections like "Bugs that need attensions", "Reviews that need attentions" and "Horizon plugin wide topics/reviews/bugs". 15:14:31 <amotoki> I am thinking to review this etherpad in our meetngs. 15:14:41 <e0ne> +1 on it 15:15:10 <amotoki> so it would be a kind of the agenda of the meeting. feel free to add what you want. 15:15:39 <vishalmanchanda> +1. 15:16:38 <amotoki> I would cover topics in the etherpad in this meeting as "#topic' 15:16:45 <amotoki> is there any other announcement to the team? 15:18:15 <e0ne> nothing from me 15:18:35 <amotoki> ah, I forgot one thing to mention. 15:19:05 <amotoki> I proposed https://review.opendev.org/#/c/688628/ (assume features from N-4 release) 15:19:18 <amotoki> e0ne and vishalmanchanda just approved it. 15:19:31 <amotoki> it is the policy change, so it is worth sharing here. 15:20:13 <amotoki> Considering Ubuntu Cloud archive lifecycle and live upgrade, we need to consider upgrades from N-4 to N release. 15:20:34 <amotoki> let's keep it in our mind when reviewing patches! 15:21:15 <amotoki> moving on 15:21:28 <amotoki> we will cover the etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-release-priorities 15:21:35 <amotoki> #topic Community Goals 15:21:58 <amotoki> thanks e0ne for updating the status of mox->mock migration 15:22:24 <e0ne> I put it as a top priotity for me to finish this task asap 15:22:38 <amotoki> e0ne: great 15:22:57 <e0ne> I'm sorry that I do this stuff too slow:( 15:23:00 <amotoki> AFAIK after dropping keystone v2 support, it would be much simpler 15:23:13 <e0ne> +1 15:24:06 <amotoki> e0ne: if you cannot have enough time, feel free to upload pending patch(es). I can help it. 15:24:32 <e0ne> ok, thanks for the help 15:25:00 <amotoki> the next one is "Drop python 2.7 support". 15:25:24 <amotoki> as you may know, the discussion happened in the TC meeting. 15:25:39 <amotoki> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/drop-python2-support captures the current plan 15:25:40 <e0ne> finally, let's remove it! 15:25:52 <vishalmanchanda> +1. 15:25:56 <amotoki> +1 15:27:02 <amotoki> according to the plan, individual teams including us can drop python 2.7 support in Ussuri-1 milestone 15:27:04 <e0ne> I'll update my patch to return pep8 job https://review.opendev.org/#/c/688865/ 15:27:54 <amotoki> yeah, but I think it needs a discussion around the whole openstack community 15:28:06 <amotoki> as the project template is used by all projects 15:28:36 <amotoki> I first would like to clarify which project template will cover 'pep8' job. 15:29:14 <amotoki> one idea is to keep openstack-python-jobs and drop other py27 stuffs 15:29:49 <e0ne> I'm going to update openstack-python-jobs-horizon to use py3 as a short-term solution for us 15:29:57 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: sounds good. 15:30:47 <amotoki> e0ne: it only affects horizon plugins. 15:30:53 <e0ne> yes 15:31:24 <amotoki> I think openstack-python-jobs-horizon should follow changes in openstack-python-jobs 15:31:50 <amotoki> so it sounds a bit tricky to use py3 only in openstack-python-jobs-horizon 15:32:07 <e0ne> fair enough 15:32:09 <amotoki> is it better to raise it to TC etherpad? 15:32:14 <amotoki> I can do it 15:32:27 <vishalmanchanda> great. 15:32:55 <e0ne> I added a topic about backports to the TC etherpad 15:33:27 <amotoki> e0ne: around L.58? 15:33:35 <e0ne> yes 15:33:48 <amotoki> good question 15:35:02 <amotoki> it is not easy to keep py27 compatible after dropping py27 tests, so some guideline would be really nice. 15:35:30 <amotoki> let's continue the discussion 15:35:30 <e0ne> that's why I've added this topic 15:36:05 <amotoki> I plan to join the next TC office hour at Oct 24 15:36:47 <amotoki> can we move on? 15:37:24 <amotoki> #topic Django 2.2 in horizon plugins 15:37:56 <amotoki> thanks vishalmanchanda for volunteering this topic 15:37:59 <e0ne> vishalmanchanda: do you need any help on this? 15:38:19 <amotoki> any updates or topics to be raised here? 15:39:00 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: yeah it's failing in 3 projects i.e. heat-dashboard, monasca-ui and sahara-dashboard. 15:39:20 <e0ne> vishalmanchanda: ok, will take a look on them tomorrow morning 15:39:21 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: any help would be really appreciated. 15:39:29 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: thanks. 15:39:35 <e0ne> np 15:40:45 <amotoki> looking at the failure mode in heat-dashbaord, it just looks like a minor change in HTML rendering. 15:41:36 <amotoki> we can look into the detail on what happens 15:41:57 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: ok. thanks for the help. 15:43:28 <amotoki> on monasca-ui one, I am not sure what happens right now. 15:43:51 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: me too. 15:44:17 <amotoki> I captures the dependences around django 2.2/1.11 and python 2.7 stuffs in the PTG etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-u-ptg 15:44:40 <amotoki> I think we can drop python 2.7 separately from Django 1.11 drop 15:45:10 <e0ne> agree 15:45:21 <amotoki> on the other hand, Django 2.2 support must be done before dropping django 1.11 support. 15:45:39 <e0ne> we need to finish django 2.2 related tasks before we can drop 1.11 15:45:57 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: I am going to ask monasca team for the help. 15:46:58 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: it is good to ask them and we can dig into the detail too. perhaps we are more familiar with this. 15:47:25 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: yeah. 15:47:53 <vishalmanchanda> Karbor-dashboard cores are not active. 15:48:15 <amotoki> group-based-policy-ui too I think 15:48:15 <vishalmanchanda> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687607/ 15:49:01 <amotoki> we can judge activeness of each plugins by looking at review history 15:49:17 <amotoki> no quick response is not a good criteria. 15:49:56 <vishalmanchanda> hmm. 15:50:12 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: why do you think karbor-dashboard is not active? 15:50:48 <amotoki> one or two weeks with no reviews is not surprising in minor projects 15:51:03 <vishalmanchanda> last patch merge in karor-dashboard is on 12th september. 15:51:19 <vishalmanchanda> if i am not wrong. 15:52:08 <e0ne> it's not so bad 15:52:21 <e0ne> we can ask core team in their IRC channel 15:52:44 <amotoki> but yours is the first one in the master branch since Sep 12th, so we need to communicate with them 15:53:42 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: +1. ok will ping cores after the meeting. 15:53:53 <amotoki> that's the difficult point when we work on horizon plugins 15:54:03 <vishalmanchanda> :( 15:54:12 <amotoki> and e0ne added a nice topic on this to the PTG etherpad 15:54:22 <e0ne> amotoki: thanks 15:55:04 <amotoki> to clarify it, what I mean is "Horizon plugins maintainance" in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-u-ptg 15:55:04 <e0ne> I think, it'll help us in such efforts like new django or some critical and breaking horizon changes 15:55:33 <e0ne> actually. we've got +2 on some plugins already (e.g. manila-ui) 15:55:36 <amotoki> e0ne: I totally agree with your poit 15:55:46 <e0ne> I'll add a full list onto the etherpad 15:55:57 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: +1. 15:56:17 <amotoki> I have another short topic today. let's move on 15:56:28 <e0ne> amotoki: if you as PTL ok with it, I'll send some e-mail before the PTG to raise this topic 15:56:28 <amotoki> #topic Bugs that need attensions 15:56:43 <amotoki> #undo 15:56:44 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic Bugs that need attensions 15:56:53 <amotoki> e0ne: thanks. please go ahead 15:57:15 <amotoki> e0ne: it is based on your PTL experience, so it would be nice if you can send it. 15:57:23 <e0ne> ok, will do it 15:57:44 <amotoki> e0ne: thanks 15:57:55 <amotoki> #topic Bugs that need attensions 15:58:10 <amotoki> one last thing is https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1847959 15:58:10 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1847959 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "nova list-extensions is abandoned" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Akihiro Motoki (amotoki) 15:58:31 <amotoki> novaclient will drop list-extensions in the next release 15:58:48 <amotoki> it is not surprising and I will take care of it. 15:59:21 <amotoki> one point which hits me is when we should bump the minimum version 15:59:35 <amotoki> it would be a good PTG topic and I added to the topics. 15:59:42 <amotoki> *added it to* 15:59:52 <amotoki> it is just a reminder. 16:00:16 <e0ne> btw, I'll bump the minimum cinderclient version for horizon soon 16:00:39 <amotoki> we have similar needs :) 16:00:46 <e0ne> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675894/ - this requires new (already released) python-cinderclient 16:00:47 <amotoki> okay, we are out of time. 16:01:15 <amotoki> we had a really good discussion today. 16:01:21 <amotoki> thanks for joining :) 16:01:25 <amotoki> #endmeeting