15:00:11 <vishalmanchanda> #startmeeting horizon
15:00:11 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Oct  6 15:00:11 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:11 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:11 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon'
15:00:15 <rdopiera> o/
15:00:21 <tmazur> o/
15:00:27 <vishalmanchanda> hello everyone.
15:01:01 <vishalmanchanda> Let's wait for few minutes if more people join us.
15:02:04 <amotoki> o/
15:02:18 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: around?
15:02:24 <e0ne> hi
15:02:39 <vishalmanchanda> Let's start the meeting.
15:02:46 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Notices
15:03:02 <vishalmanchanda> Openstack Xena was officially released today.
15:03:12 <vishalmanchanda> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-October/025214.html
15:03:50 <vishalmanchanda> Thanks to everyone for contributing in Xena release and now the Yoga release is open for development.
15:04:27 <vishalmanchanda> Also Please start adding your topic which you want to discuss during the PTG.
15:04:29 <e0ne> vishalmanchanda: thanks for wearing a PTL hat this release!
15:04:43 <amotoki> +1
15:04:48 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: 🙂
15:05:12 <vishalmanchanda> etherpad link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-yoga-ptg
15:06:10 <vishalmanchanda> I can see we have only a few topics for discussion as of now.
15:06:37 <vishalmanchanda> I will also add if I got any topic to discuss and assign time slots for each topic by Friday.
15:07:12 <vishalmanchanda> Feel free to reach me in case if you like to attend some topics discussion but the assigned time slot doesn't work for you.
15:07:48 <vishalmanchanda> Also looks like we have to cancel Monday, October 18 time slot for ptg because I have to attend TC+PTL interaction session at the same time.
15:08:42 <vishalmanchanda> Anyway I will share the same info. on open-discuss ML about the PTG time slots.
15:09:06 <vishalmanchanda> that's all announcement from my side for this week.
15:09:19 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: I think it is better to add it to the schedule to join TC/PTL interaction :)
15:09:25 <amotoki> and as a friendly reminder let's register the PTG if you join https://www.openstack.org/ptg/
15:09:56 <e0ne> amotoki: +1
15:09:57 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: +1.
15:10:49 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next topic.
15:10:58 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Stable-branches
15:11:49 <vishalmanchanda> Please take a  look at the patch which fixes the stable branches gate, actually it just drops lower-constraints job from stable branches.
15:11:57 <vishalmanchanda> https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%2522drop-l-c%2522+status:open+project:openstack/horizon
15:12:26 <vishalmanchanda> Also, amotoki raise a concern that when we should drop lower-constraints job from stable branches.
15:12:27 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: sure. rdopiera already reviewed them, thanks
15:13:05 <vishalmanchanda> When a stable branch is created or when a lower constraint job starts failing for that branch and we should document this point.
15:13:34 <vishalmanchanda> I am fine with both option but I would like to hear from the team.
15:14:36 <amotoki> IMHO I tend to prefer to dropping it when it starts to fail as it sometimes raises a good point to us.
15:14:56 <amotoki> (and if a fix is trivial it is worth fixing it)
15:15:27 <rdopiera> either is reasonable in my opinion
15:15:41 <rdopiera> keeping it if it works seems like a win
15:15:54 <amotoki> this is just my preference. I am okay with either too.
15:17:13 <vishalmanchanda> ok I will abandon my patch from stable/xena branch as lower-constraints job is not failing there.
15:18:02 <amotoki> Although I did not follow all discussions, there is a discussion on pinning base python dependencies like setuptools/pip in stable branches. It might help us.
15:18:52 <vishalmanchanda> that's all topic from my side for this week.
15:19:05 <vishalmanchanda> #topic open-discussion
15:19:58 <amotoki> does anyone have bugs to be raised here?
15:20:16 <vishalmanchanda> I would like to see more feedback on rdopiera patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/810224
15:20:43 <vishalmanchanda> I already mention one of my concern there.
15:21:37 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: what is your concern?
15:22:16 <amotoki> does it change the current behavior with the default policy rules?
15:22:21 <rdopiera> I admit it's a very rare case they ran into.
15:22:26 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: yes.
15:22:40 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: it also hides 'port security' checkbox even with the current default policy.
15:22:59 <amotoki> vishalmanchanda: okay. I will check it this week
15:23:06 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: thanks.
15:23:30 <vishalmanchanda> Does anyone have any other topic to discuss?
15:23:30 <amotoki> rdopiera: I don't think so. customizing policy rules is not rare
15:23:42 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: does it? it should only hide it if you don't have the rights to change it
15:24:11 <rdopiera> I would like to talk briefly about the system scope tokens
15:24:46 <rdopiera> I looked briefly into what we will need, and I created bugs in keystoneclient and keystoneauth to add the APIs we will need
15:24:56 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: yes, I tried a couple of cases, I will add my comments in patch review.
15:25:09 <rdopiera> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-keystoneclient/+bug/1945649
15:25:15 <rdopiera> https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystoneauth/+bug/1945657
15:25:42 <rdopiera> I also made a patch for keystoneclient for this, but I will need help making the patch for keystoneauth
15:26:25 <rdopiera> the patch is failing CI right now for unrelated reasons -- seems their gate is broken
15:26:57 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: thanks, if it does, it's a bug in my patch
15:27:49 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera patch link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-keystoneclient/+/811966
15:28:38 <amotoki> I would like to say sorry in this area in xena (as I felt a burnout a bit....)
15:28:49 <amotoki> rdopiera: is it documented in the keystone API reference?
15:29:05 <rdopiera> amotoki: yes, the bugs have links to api docs
15:29:18 <rdopiera> well, ok, one of them has a link
15:29:24 <rdopiera> I need to add the link to the other
15:29:43 <rdopiera> good point, thanks
15:29:43 <amotoki> ah... I just opened the first one :-(
15:30:10 <rdopiera> it seems we will need an addiitonal parameter for Token creation
15:30:17 <rdopiera> to make it system-scoped
15:31:07 <amotoki> from unscoped token to system-scoped?
15:31:12 <rdopiera> yeah
15:31:33 <rdopiera> that's the keystoneauth bug basically
15:31:44 <rdopiera> I will add details
15:31:54 <amotoki> ah, I just tried keystone API directly...
15:32:43 <rdopiera> we should probably be using the library, ultimately
15:32:59 <amotoki> yeah, agree
15:33:09 <rdopiera> we can of course continue developent with direct calls while this is not merged
15:33:16 <rdopiera> development*
15:33:48 <rdopiera> amotoki: I've been pretty much psychologically blocked with this myself too.
15:34:32 <rdopiera> amotoki: It's difficult. No worries.
15:35:03 <amotoki> rdopiera: hehe. I will be involved in the effort in Yoga too :-)
15:35:28 <rdopiera> we do want to try to get this working until our downstream freeze on Nov 25th
15:35:29 <vishalmanchanda> We can check with keystone team if we can have priority for this patch.
15:35:41 <rdopiera> but obviously it's a bit of wishful thinking at this point
15:36:09 <amotoki> rdopiera: if you work on it publicly, i will try to help it
15:36:26 <rdopiera> amotoki: thanks a lot! I really appreciate it!
15:37:26 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: I need to go to them and ask for help implementing it anyways.
15:37:54 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: +1.
15:38:14 <amotoki> perhaps we can call the keystone API directly first (if the libs do not work as expected)
15:38:25 <amotoki> anyway feedback to keystone would be useful
15:38:39 <rdopiera> amotoki: sounds good
15:39:00 <rdopiera> amotoki: do you have any code already, or was it all lost in that crash?
15:39:35 <amotoki> rdopiera: I did not try it after that.... but I can investigate it again
15:39:55 <rdopiera> amotoki: I will try to put up a WIP patch this week
15:40:09 <rdopiera> and we can discuss it on there then
15:40:15 <amotoki> rdopiera: great. i will follow it up
15:40:33 <vishalmanchanda> awesome.
15:41:27 <vishalmanchanda> Does anyone have any other topic to discuss?
15:41:50 <amotoki> none from me
15:43:06 <rdopiera> nothing
15:43:17 <vishalmanchanda> ok Let's end this meeting.
15:43:28 <vishalmanchanda> Thanks everyone for joining!
15:43:50 <vishalmanchanda> #endmeeting