15:00:13 <vishalmanchanda> #startmeeting horizon 15:00:13 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Apr 20 15:00:13 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:13 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:13 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:54 <vishalmanchanda> o/ 15:00:56 <rdopiera> o/ 15:01:09 <tmazur> o/ 15:02:11 <vishalmanchanda> amotoki: e0ne_ :ping for horizon weekly meeting. 15:02:40 <e0ne_> hi 15:02:44 <vishalmanchanda> ok let's start the meeting. 15:02:53 <vishalmanchanda> hello everyone 15:03:09 <vishalmanchanda> agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities (at L.37) 15:03:24 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Notices 15:03:45 <vishalmanchanda> two announcements from my side for this week. 15:04:16 <vishalmanchanda> For Zed cycle Schedule, please refer https://releases.openstack.org/zed/schedule.html 15:04:44 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next announcment. 15:04:57 <vishalmanchanda> announcement* 15:06:13 <vishalmanchanda> Now stable/victoria branch of horizon enter into Extended maintenance phase. 15:06:23 <vishalmanchanda> For more info please see https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/837988 15:08:00 <vishalmanchanda> We can still accept the bugfixes backport to stable/victoria branch but there will no longer be official releases for stable/victoria branch from now onwards. 15:08:21 <vishalmanchanda> that's all announcement from my side for this week. 15:08:38 <vishalmanchanda> If anyone wants to make any announcement, please go ahead. 15:09:26 <vishalmanchanda> looks like nothing more to announce, moving to next topic. 15:09:38 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Release priorities 15:10:57 <vishalmanchanda> If you look at Line 39 of release priority etherpad, I have added the tasks which are priority for us in the Zed cycle. 15:11:11 <vishalmanchanda> So we can track them weekly. 15:12:09 <vishalmanchanda> We can simply add a line if we have any update for that tasks in that week or simply add no update this week for that task. 15:13:33 <vishalmanchanda> I hope it's works for everyone or If anyone have any other suggestions on how should we track all these tasks, please let me know. 15:14:14 <vishalmanchanda> Also, let me know if I forgot to add any task/feature which we are targeting for Zed cycle. 15:14:28 <vishalmanchanda> I will add that task here. 15:15:31 <vishalmanchanda> ok Let me start with the 1st task added in the list at Line 40. 15:15:46 <vishalmanchanda> Deprecate Django based implementation for Images, Keypair and Roles panels 15:16:05 <vishalmanchanda> I have pushed a patch for this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/838333 15:17:02 <vishalmanchanda> Please take a look, so we can deprecate it as early as possible in the cycle. 15:17:47 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next task 15:17:55 <vishalmanchanda> Migrate horizon & plugins to nodejs16 15:18:23 <vishalmanchanda> I have pushed a patch for this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/831929 15:19:13 <vishalmanchanda> above patch works fine but I am not sure I have done in the way amotoki suggesting. 15:20:02 <vishalmanchanda> anyway I'll check with him but please take a look if any other things needs to improve in the patch. 15:20:25 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next task 15:20:30 <e0ne> vishalmanchanda: we've got a lot of reviews now :) 15:20:55 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: +1. 15:21:05 <vishalmanchanda> Fix CI for openstack/ui-cokiecutter 15:21:27 <vishalmanchanda> patch is up and fix the CI https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ui-cookiecutter/+/836997 15:21:36 <vishalmanchanda> Please take a look. 15:22:10 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: ^^ 15:23:17 <vishalmanchanda> Is there any update on Switching to SCSS library? 15:23:26 <e0ne> vishalmanchanda: approved 15:23:32 <vishalmanchanda> e0ne: thanks. 15:23:33 <e0ne> no from my side:( 15:23:59 <vishalmanchanda> ok np. 15:24:26 <rdopiera> I'm ressurecting my old patch 15:24:37 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: thanks. 15:24:45 <rdopiera> I will probably rewrite it though 15:24:56 <rdopiera> it was pretty much a poc 15:26:36 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: Also, anything new on System Scope Support? 15:26:46 <vishalmanchanda> I mean any update from your side. 15:27:42 <rdopiera> I haven't done anything with it, and don't know about any further roadmap for it 15:28:00 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: ok. 15:28:09 <rdopiera> I suppose we need to move the app creds panel 15:28:36 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: yeah thanks for reminding. 15:29:03 <rdopiera> generally we need to talk with other teams now to figure out what needs fiing 15:29:10 <rdopiera> fixing 15:30:11 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: yeah, maybe we need to check with policy pop-up team, what to do next in hrozion 15:30:30 <vishalmanchanda> For System Scope Support. 15:31:04 <rdopiera> we will have our hands full with the libraries, so I'm not too eager to look for more work 15:31:55 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: yeah... 15:32:20 <vishalmanchanda> moving app cred panel I can do. 15:33:19 <vishalmanchanda> ok moving to next topic 15:33:34 <rdopiera> did we have anythig about the xstatic issue? 15:33:34 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Bug deputy report 15:34:48 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: no update from my side on xstatic libraries for this week. 15:35:12 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: are you asking about what we need to do? 15:35:26 <e0ne> tmazur: btw, do you know if angularjs uses jquery? 15:36:11 <tmazur> e0ne, I am not sure 15:36:16 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: iirc they promised to send an e-mail to discuss it further, I just wonder if I missed it 15:36:50 <e0ne> tmazur: it's only in devDependencies https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/package.json#L63 but it't not a good source of truth 15:37:41 <rdopiera> e0ne: I think some plugins we use might be using it 15:37:42 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: no fungi supposed to send a mail about our discussion on XStatic libraries 15:38:06 <vishalmanchanda> but he didn't send it yet. 15:38:20 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: should we add it to topics to track? 15:38:54 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: I have already added it 15:38:54 <tmazur> I was going to take a look into updating angularjs to 1.8.2 15:39:08 <vishalmanchanda> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L50 15:39:26 <tmazur> vishalmanchanda, if you don't mind 15:39:37 <vishalmanchanda> tmazur: please go ahead. 15:39:40 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: but that's a separate thing 15:39:57 <rdopiera> one is about updating the libraries to supported versionsw 15:39:59 <vishalmanchanda> sorry I am confused 15:40:16 <fungi> vishalmanchanda: yep, it's in the works 15:40:17 <rdopiera> the other is about replacing xstatic with npm or something similar 15:40:43 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: ohk. 15:40:46 <vishalmanchanda> fungi: thanks. 15:42:03 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: Could you add that as a task in etherpad? 15:42:16 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/ui-cookiecutter master: Fix tox-checkbuild CI job https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ui-cookiecutter/+/836997 15:43:12 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: sure 15:43:19 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: thanks. 15:44:47 <vishalmanchanda> coming back to bugs for this week 15:46:09 <vishalmanchanda> We have 3 new bugs reported from last 2 weeks. 15:47:45 <vishalmanchanda> For 1st one, I will check, if I am able to reproduce it or not? 15:49:23 <vishalmanchanda> Same for https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1968272 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1969347 15:49:29 <vishalmanchanda> Need to verify. 15:50:30 <vishalmanchanda> I will take a look in tomorrow morning. 15:51:06 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next topic 15:51:17 <rdopiera> 1968272 looks like somethiug we had before 15:52:40 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: hmm we need to check in which horizon version user hits this issue. 15:53:23 <vishalmanchanda> maybe it is already fixed in master branch or need a backport to stable branch. 15:54:31 <vishalmanchanda> #topic open-discussion 15:55:33 <vishalmanchanda> If anyone wants to discuss any topic, please go ahead. 15:57:29 <vishalmanchanda> If nothing more to discuss, Let's end this meeting. 15:57:38 <vishalmanchanda> Thanks everyone for joining! 15:57:41 <e0ne> see you next week 15:57:49 <vishalmanchanda> See you next week. 15:58:03 <vishalmanchanda> #endmeeting